Big Hit - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago
Jungwon + Niki + Sunoo
Jungwon + Niki + Sunoo
Jungwon + Niki + Sunoo
Jungwon + Niki + Sunoo
Jungwon + Niki + Sunoo
Jungwon + Niki + Sunoo
Jungwon + Niki + Sunoo
Jungwon + Niki + Sunoo
Jungwon + Niki + Sunoo

⠀⠀⠀jungwon + niki + sunoo

⠀⠀⠀⠀░᪶᤺ꕤꯨ matching icons — enhypen maknae line

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9 years ago

If anyone has the translation to Big Hit’s most recent long Tweet, can they please link it to me or tag me? I really want to read it so bad and I can't find it anywhere! Dx

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9 months ago

no wdym jin hugged 1000 fans and one army kissed him on his neckkk that should be meeeeee😭😭🐺🐺🥀

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7 years ago

What is BTS to you?


BTS aka Bangtang Boys is a K-POP boy band that features music genres ranging from hip-hop to ballad. The band consists of seven wonderful angel-like boys, being, Rap Monster - the leader- Jin, V, J-Hope, Suga, Jimin, and Jungkook.

BTS, I can say, is the reason why I continued dancing. Honestly, without the influence of the Korean pop culture, I wouldn't be where I am right now. It all started with me paying a huge amount of attention to K-POP. I was and still am a multi-fandom fan. I would be the 10% of the fandom population that always have a hard time voting during an award ceremony.

I was 11 when I started covering k-pop choreography and that was when I found out who BTS really were. I remember falling in love with one of their biggest hits, Boys In Luv; learned it and uploaded a video of me dancing to that particular song on Instagram. Life went on until "I NEED U" era. This is when I fell deeply into the pit and never came out of it.

A few months after, "WINGS" was released; played the album on replay on Spotify. The entire album is like a gift from God - I have never been so proud of them. Though this album, I've found out all the struggles and pain they've experienced just to stand at where they are today: winning grand awards, inspiring people all around the world.

Seeing them grow is truly an honor. Every time I watch their comeback, I can feel how much they want to prove to the world that they did it, that they've already dominated the music world.

All this gave the courage and motivation to work harder as a dancer. Whenever I feel like giving up because life is just unfair, I always remind myself that it's all going to be worth it. That one day, I'll be able to step onto that big stage, and also to be able to create with the people that I idolise the most.

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7 years ago

I am expecting a Suga X Suran stage for MAMA of them singing So Far Away. I swear that track deserves so much more.

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7 years ago


hey ARMYs, alot happened I know. There's good and bad.... there's AMAs coming up this weekend, Ellen Show and MAMA'17 in 2 weeks. I just wanna remind y'all that matter what happens, WE MUST SUPPORT THEM WITH OUR HEARTS. Vote for the on MAMA, I know it's a HUGE GAP but it matters. Stream their MVs. Leave them encouraging messages on Twitter. I know it's tiring but we can do this alright :) FIGHTING ARMYS

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7 years ago

Fellow ARMYS, I’m currently here suffering because BTS has just dropped the Japanese Version of DNA and MIC DROP and also an additional track ; CRYSTAL SMOW. I SWEAR TO GOD, KiM sEoK JIN’s VOCAL IS LEVEL 10000000000. 

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7 years ago



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4 years ago

Don’t Leave Me

Dont Leave Me

Part 1 of ?

Namjoon x Reader

Word Count: 1,189

Summary: You have been dating Namjoon for 2 and a half years. You both are madly in love with each other. But something happens, and it will change your life forever. 

Part 1: Email

As you're sitting there working on your laptop, casually glancing up to see your boyfriend dancing with the other members in practice, you can't help but wonder, "How did I ever get so lucky?"

You and Namjoon have been dating two and a half years. You have been working for BTS since the very beginning. You started at the age of 16, You started off with this small job at Big Hit Entertainment. When you saw that they were trying to find an assistant for a new group that had just formed you were hesitant to apply. Your friend, Min Kwanin, practically made you apply for it. It wasn't that much of a pay raise but you were excited for the opportunity to work for this little, unknown group called BTS. Little did you know that the next seven years of your life would change forever. From traveling the globe, becoming the head assistant to the most well-known k-pop group, to finding the love of your life, and making lifelong friends along the way.

As you sit there thinking about the past you're unaware Namjoon has been trying to get your attention for the past few minutes.

"Hello y/n? Earth to y/n!" he said with a big dorky grin on his face.

"What were you thinking about, jagi? It seems that you were a thousand miles away."

"Sorry, babe. I was just thinking about how lucky I am to be here with you!" you said with a smile looking up at him. He holds out his hand and asks you to come with him. You close your laptop and put it to the side of you. You take his hand, standing, with a smile on your face. He took you out to the hallway. Once the door shut behind you he grabbed you pulling you close to him.

"You think you're the lucky one? I am the luckiest man in the world to have such a beautiful, kind, smart, gorgeous woman like you in my life." He said is he crashed his lips against yours.

 He didn't mind kissing you around the guys. The guys would always tease the both of you. And he wanted to make sure that when he said these things to you it was just the two of you. You could feel the passion in the love coming from the words that he spoke. You never wanted this moment to end. But sadly Hobi stuck his head out of the door and interrupted you too.

"Joonie we have to get back to practice. Sorry, y/n. You can have him back in a little bit." he said with a smile.

You both walk back into the room. You sit back down on the floor and open your laptop to begin to work on plans for a few press conferences for the group. You notice though you get an email from someone you never wanted to hear from again. You are hesitant to click on it. This is a part of your life that you wanted to forget. This was before you met Namjoon and this was before you even started working for Big Hit.

With hesitation you open the email:

                          Hello, y/n.                                                                                                                    It has been a long time since I heard from you. You look beautiful today. That outfit is very cute. I can’t stay away from you. I have something for you to do. You have to leave Namjoon or I will kill you both. I will start with him. I will make you watch as I kill him slowly. Then I will make you suffer. So you can either leave him and wait for further instructions or I will kill both of you and the rest of his little boy band. I will give you 24 hours.  Oh and if you think I am kidding. I took this picture of you waiting outside of your coffee shop and one of Namjoon going to practice.



You didn’t know what to do. You thought that your stalker had been put in jail. You didn’t want Joonie to see that you were upset so you waited until they started a new song. That is when you packed your stuff and sneaked out the back. You made your way back to the apartment. Your mind was racing a million miles a second. The next thing you remember is ending up on the floor in a ball having a panic attack. 

You felt your phone buzz

Namjoon: “Y/n where are you? Why did you leave? Babe are you okay?”

Seeing that text brought on a new river of tears. You wanted to answer so badly but you know that SS would probably find out somehow. You couldn’t let anything happen to Namjoon. You love him will all of your heart and know what you have to do. 

 To SS:  “You win. I will leave him tonight. What do you want me to do?”

SS: “Very good. I knew you would choose the correct path. I want you to leave him a letter telling him that you feel in love with someone else. That you quit working for them and that you never want to see him again. Then you need to pack a few things and then after that I will tell you where to meet me. Remember if you call the police or hint to anyone about this I will not hesitate to kill your boyfriend and his friends.”

You hurry to pack a bag before Namjoon comes home. You write the note, while tear stream down your face. You tell him how much you love and how you didn’t want to do it this way but this was the only way. The whole time you are doing this your phone is ringing non-stop because of Namjoon. As you walk out of the door you take one last look at the apartment. This is the place where you fell in love with. The place where you both grew as a couple. A fresh stream of tears starts. as you are walking down to your car you see Jin. 

“Y/n? Where have you been? Namjoon has been trying to get ahold of you.” He notices that you have been crying. “Y/n are you okay? Where are you going?” He asks as he sees you with a few bags.  You don’t even answer him. You head for your car. He tries to stop you, but you scream at him to leave you alone. You get in your car and drive off.  

Jin calls Namjoon right away. 

Jin: “Namjoon I found her. She was at the apartment, but she left. She was crying and she had a few bags with her.”

Namjoon: “What the hell is going on! Which way did she go?”

Jin: “She just got in her car and left. I don't know were."

Namjoon: “Thank you I'll go find her.”

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TxT = Tall boys being soft balls that makes me go uwu because they are so cute I want to wrap them in a blanket and feed them milk and cookies and hug them until they are asleep. But that’s just my interpretation…

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5 years ago

BTS Reacts to You Being Shy Around the Other Members

This is my first time writing in a while so if its not that good, I’m so sorry :/

Group: BTS

Rating: Fluff


Jin would try to tell the other guys to not be so extra or loud so that it can calm your nerves. He hoped that you would be okay around the guys, but since you are a naturally shy person, his hopes weren’t too high. He would make sure that he was always by your side and to not leave you alone for too long so that you do not get anxious.

“Jagi... It’s okay. I’m right here. They can be intimidating since they’re so loud sometimes but you’re okay. They’re really nice, I promise.” He would kiss the back of your hand and hold it after.

BTS Reacts To You Being Shy Around The Other Members


He would scold the other boys for being so loud. He would seem all hard around the others, but in private, he’s giving you all cuddles and apologizing for the boys making you anxious.

“Baby, I’m sorry they were acting crazy today. I’ll get onto them for that, don’t worry.”

BTS Reacts To You Being Shy Around The Other Members


He wouldn’t make too big of a deal about it. He’s a naturally outgoing person so he doesn’t really know what its like being shy around other people, but once he noticed you staying really quiet and reserved, he would tell the guys to knock off whatever they where doing.

“Baby I’m so sorry. I didn’t know that you were shy around them. I should’ve listened to you, I’m sorry baby.”

BTS Reacts To You Being Shy Around The Other Members


Namjoon would not leave your side even if he didn’t know that you were shy. He would want to make sure that you were comfortable since it was your first time meeting the guys.

“Can you guys knock it off please? You’re making her uncomfortable.” He would scold them and continue to cuddle into your side.

BTS Reacts To You Being Shy Around The Other Members


He would be one of the guys running around and acting like a little kid. You would be shy at first but once Tae had asked you come and join the guys in a game, you would loosen up.

“You’re okay, right? You’re not uncomfortable?” He would reassure you that the guys are not always like that and then you both would continue playing with the guys.

BTS Reacts To You Being Shy Around The Other Members


Jimin would prewarn the guys that you were a naturally shy person and that they need to make you feel comfortable, which included them not running around and acting like hooligans. Once you got there however, it seemed that the whole warning went right over their heads. Jimin would get angry and scold them for making you anxious and he would continue to make you feel comfortable by offering you food or to chill out.

“What did I tell you guys?! Don’t act like crazy people, please!”

BTS Reacts To You Being Shy Around The Other Members


Much like Namjoon, he would stay beside you the whole entire time and make you feel comfortable. You also would get comfortable around some of the older boys who were more chill than the rest of the boys.

“Jagi, do you want to watch a movie? Some food? Maybe something to drink?” He’d be around you like a lost, cute puppy.

BTS Reacts To You Being Shy Around The Other Members

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5 years ago

How BTS Would Be As Cuddlers

After my first post in a long time got close to 100 notes in about 12 hours (thank you guys so much btw) I decided I’m gonna write again!

Group: BTS

Genre: Fluff


Jin would be the big spoon and would keep his arms around you the whole entire time. He would play with your hair and rub your arms and back while you laid there. You all might have a movie playing or some sweet cuddle time songs in the background. He would end up falling asleep pretty fast.

“Jin, why’d you stop playing with my ha- oh, you’re alseep.” You would laugh about it but you would fall asleep shortly after.

How BTS Would Be As Cuddlers


Yoongi would sometimes play with your hair, sometimes not. We all know this man loves his sleep so he would probably fall asleep faster than you, hands down. He would probably have a track he’s about to release playing in the background while you two lay there and cuddle. He might even sing a couple lines from the new song to you. But, he would definitely love to have your head laying on his chest while you two laid there.

“Do you want to hear a new song that I’m working on, babe?”

How BTS Would Be As Cuddlers


He would sometimes want to be the little spoon and other times the big spoon. He would always have you very close to him, no matter which way he chooses to cuddle. He would definitely be into cuddling every day or every time he had the chance to. It would be better than a date to you both to just lay in each other’s arms.

“I wanna be the big spoon today.”

How BTS Would Be As Cuddlers


Namjoon would be very into cuddling at random times. If you all were having a group movie night, then he would just randomly cuddle up to you. He would be more into him laying his head on your chest or stomach and listening to your heart beats. He would also randomly start to play with the hem of your shirt or the ends of your hair if no one was around.

“Joon, what are you doing?” “I’m cuddling you.”

How BTS Would Be As Cuddlers


Taehyung would be all over you when you two cuddled together. He would be holding you and keeping you close. He would be like Yoongi, and sing you some new songs that they were working on, some of which would be inspired from your cuddles sessions.

“I wrote that thinking about how I hold you.”

How BTS Would Be As Cuddlers


Jimin would cuddle you like he was a cat and would stay completely on you.

I have no other words to describe this.

How BTS Would Be As Cuddlers

(These cats represent how I imagine Jimin perfectly.)


I don’t know if Jungkook would be all into the idea of just laying next you, not doing anything, so I think he would fall asleep any time that you two would cuddle. Sometimes he might sing to you or play with your hair, but other than that he wouldn’t be into it.

“Kookie, play with my hair some more.” He would agree happily.

How BTS Would Be As Cuddlers

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5 years ago

BTS Reacting to Their S/O Being Famous

BTS Reacting To Their S/O Being Famous

Group: BTS

Genre: Fluff

In this, you’re a famous youtuber and you’re both in Los Angeles for the boys’ music video shoot.


You have been a YouTuber for about three years and dating Jin for two. He knew that you had a bigger following, but he didn’t know how big. With a subscriber count of 15 million, many people in your country knew who you were. BTS had a music video shoot in LA and you decided to tag along. On the way from walking back from the shoot, you and Jin were stopped by The Hollywood Fix. He interviewed you and asked about some new videos and about Jana, what you thought about everything, and then he left. Jin was dumbfounded to say the least.

“Woah! I didn’t know that paparazzi would come up to you! This is crazy, babe!”

BTS Reacting To Their S/O Being Famous


Sticking with the whole music video shoot in Los Angeles, you two were walking back to the shoot from getting lunch. Across the street from you two, one of your fans yelled your name to get your attention. You waved back to them and they crossed the street. You and Yoongi took a picture with them and you two headed on your alls way back to the shoot.

“I cant believe a lot of people know you. I mean, I can believe it, but just not random-“ “I know what you mean, babe.”

BTS Reacting To Their S/O Being Famous


You and Hoseok got out of your driver’s car and started walking towards the shooting location. To both your surprises, many paparazzi were there for you, and not the boys. You were bombarded with questions about your relationship, upcoming collars, and even your own makeup line coming soon. You answered them and continued to walk into the shoot.

“You guys are late!” One of the directors shouts from behind a camera. “Sorry about that. We had to battle the paparazzi.” Hoseok responded. “There weren’t any when we arrived.” Jimin said. “Well, they weren’t for us. They were for Y/N.” Everyone looked at you in awe.

BTS Reacting To Their S/O Being Famous


Namjoon just got out of practice for doing the dances one last time before finally filming, and noticed some people standing around outside of the building. One of them came up to him and asked if you were there. “Yes, why?” He questioned back. “We’re really big fans of hers. Would it be okay if we took a picture with her?” “Let me call her down here. Hang tight.” He went to go call you and you came over within a minute. You hugged the fans and took a picture with them, and then went back inside.

“Who was that?” Jin asked. “Some of my fans.” You replied and went to get some water. Namjoon had looked up your youtube account and looked at your subscriber count. “You didn’t tell me that you had 15 million subscribers!” “I didn’t feel like that was important.”

BTS Reacting To Their S/O Being Famous


Taehyung knew that you had a big following on youtube and Instagram, but he had no idea how many people followed you. Taehyung had stepped outside to talk to his manager, only to find a bunch of fans, which were not his. They all wanted to see you and were chanting your name. There became too big of a crowd and security had to remove the fans, as it could be potentially dangerous for you and possibly the boys.

“Baby! Did you know there were some of your fans out there? Security had to remove them because there were too many.” He seemed so overwhelmed. “Huh. No i didn’t. I’m sorry, I didn’t know that people would be coming here.” The boys all said it was fine, along with their managers agreeing as well.

BTS Reacting To Their S/O Being Famous


Jimin would just be sitting down and not understanding how people knew you more than what they knew him. Even after coming back from lunch, being stopped by ten people would have been a lot, even for him. But for some reason, it seemed like it was a normal day for you.

“How do you handle that? I was scared and they weren’t even my fans.” He just sat in the makeup chair, with his mouth open, like he couldn’t believe anything at all. “I knew what I was signing up for when I decided to become more serious about making YouTube my full time job.”

BTS Reacting To Their S/O Being Famous


I don’t think Jungkook would be too surprised, but more on the “I kind of expected this” side of it. You all were driving back from the shoot and to the hotel when he decided to bring up the whole “Y/N’s fans’ situation that happened today. He wasn’t too surprised, but just wasn’t expecting people to come up to you.

“I didn’t know that many of your fans would come up to you today.” “Yeah. That happens a lot in Los Angeles.”

BTS Reacting To Their S/O Being Famous

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Jung Hoseok Side Profile Icons Because...
Jung Hoseok Side Profile Icons Because...
Jung Hoseok Side Profile Icons Because...
Jung Hoseok Side Profile Icons Because...
Jung Hoseok Side Profile Icons Because...
Jung Hoseok Side Profile Icons Because...
Jung Hoseok Side Profile Icons Because...
Jung Hoseok Side Profile Icons Because...
Jung Hoseok Side Profile Icons Because...

Jung Hoseok side profile icons because...

He's simply fcking stunning (you cant change my mind don't try it)

⠀⠀♡ ᴘʟᴇᴀsᴇ ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ʀᴇᴘᴏsᴛ ᴍʏ ᴇᴅɪᴛs。

♡ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴏʀ ʀᴇʙʟᴏɢ ɪғ ʏᴏᴜ ᴜsᴇ/sᴀᴠᴇ。

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Min Yoongi/ Agust D On The Set Of His New Song Daechwita
Min Yoongi/ Agust D On The Set Of His New Song Daechwita
Min Yoongi/ Agust D On The Set Of His New Song Daechwita
Min Yoongi/ Agust D On The Set Of His New Song Daechwita
Min Yoongi/ Agust D On The Set Of His New Song Daechwita
Min Yoongi/ Agust D On The Set Of His New Song Daechwita

Min Yoongi/ Agust D on the set of his new Song Daechwita


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1 year ago
THIS THURSDAY NIGHT For Those Of Us On The West Coast!! YES!!

THIS THURSDAY NIGHT for those of us on the West Coast!! YES!!💜💜💟💟🎉🎉

And had to be a part of it—so got both 🤣💟💜👀🤦‍♀️💜💟

THIS THURSDAY NIGHT For Those Of Us On The West Coast!! YES!!

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