1 year ago
Bildad The Shuite Doodle On My Hand Because Ink Poisoning Is Scared Of Me And Not The Other Way Around

Bildad the Shuite doodle on my hand because ink poisoning is scared of me and not the other way around

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This is going to be the death of me (checks bank account)

Support Your Local Businesses!!!

support your local businesses!!!

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🐐bildaddy saves the day🐐

Bildaddy Saves The Day

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I honestly need this kind of energy in my life.

If you don't believe in yourself just remember, Bildad. The midwife. The cobbler. The Shuhite. HE believes in you.✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️

If You Don't Believe In Yourself Just Remember, Bildad. The Midwife. The Cobbler. The Shuhite. HE Believes

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This delightful man shaped being is everything to me <3

Bildad The Shuhite Lives In My Head Rent Free

Bildad the Shuhite lives in my head rent free

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How dare you express the exact same thoughts that I have in my mind? Bildad the shuhite is simply... delightful. I don't know how else to put it.

I found myself wondering, if presented the opportunity, would I kiss bildad the shuhite? and weirdly enough, the answer is yeah, maybe one small peck wouldn't be so bad. so now I'm also wondering, am I bildad-sexual? or should he add kissable fella to the ever growing list of things he is?

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The way he's holding in a laugh.

Good Omens | 2.02 - "The Clue"
Good Omens | 2.02 - "The Clue"
Good Omens | 2.02 - "The Clue"
Good Omens | 2.02 - "The Clue"

Good Omens | 2.02 - "The Clue"

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On it

Proceeds to sign

Anybody Willing To Sign A Petition For Good Omens S3 To JUST Be The Midwife And Cobbler Bildad? I Think

Anybody willing to sign a petition for Good Omens S3 to JUST be the midwife and cobbler Bildad? I think that would be amazing.

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@lu-is-sick, come and see this shit!

Limited quantities, restrictions may apply 😁♥️🔥💋👠

@bil-daddy @mrazfellco

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1 year ago
A painting of Crowley posing with four goats. Crowley is dressed in his season 2 Job flashback outfit, including that awful goatee. He has his arms around the front two goats like they're bros while one chews on his hair and another bites at the top of his head. Another goat has taken a bite out of the banner at the bottom of the screen, which appears to be made of paper, and which reads "The Kids Are All Right".

He's very easily peer pressured

(Edit: I meant by the goats)


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