Black Clover Au - Tumblr Posts
AU where Team hOt are a special forces squad or smth in the Clover Kingdom, and they are dressed in hot agent uniforms for dangerous missions.
Hello there,
It's me yet again with another Black clover Au but! This time it is fully thought out ( somewhat) and I know what the hell I'm doing
Moving on...
The main inspiration for this Au came from @gothiclolitafanarts they are an both an amazing artist and very funny at the same time so please go check them out!!
So the Au centers around the staria Family. Asta, Liebe, Licita, Astaroth aaannndd Megicula! The story goes as normal for the most part, with the exception of Noelle's backstory bc Megi is not with Vanica (yet) so Acier is alive and well. A lot of things are the same but with little (or big) changes more on that later.
Moving on the start of the story goes like this Astaroth the time devil somehow ( not even I'm sure how) leaves the Underworld and enters the human world. After a while of exploring he comes across ( in the outskirts of Hage) a cottage and a human! ( Licita) so after some heavy character development, he falls in love with Licita they get married and Licita gets pregnant. So far so good right? Well not for long. So after 1 month of pregnancy the bastard himself Lucius arrives at Astaroths doorstep for his heart / magic so in response Astaroth breaks both of his kneecaps. Successful putting him in a wheelchair so after that Astaroth said " holy hell me being here is only going to cause trouble for me wife and child" So he left the human world and went back to the underworld.
But there was a surprise waiting for him there, little Megicula was already manifested on his level and had yet to name herself! So my boi named her and made her his student. Flash forward 5 years later another opportunity to leave the underworld comes and this time Astaroth said fuck it and took megi with him.
You can understand where this is going? Heartfelt reunions happen my boi Dadstaroth got to meet Asta for the first time and after a long talk with Licita with slapping from my girl bc she though he left to go get milk they end up staying in the human world for good.
+ some art for the Au

Family Tree

The man himself Dadstaroth ( p.s @gothiclolitafanarts sorry I stole the tail from you version but I couldn't think of anything else)

Megicula, Astaroth and Liede look like you just told them a bad joke and I love it

The Staria Family Au
The River incident part 1

P.s this happened a year after Dadstaro and Megicula appeared in the human world
Oh my sweet and salvaging lord show me mercy, the entire family is hot
Well, my simping aside both this and the comic before it was amazing go read it!
Ok, I don't know why but the first thing that came to my mind after the comic and this was : How would Vacina and Megicula reaction to Meno being a devil host? ( or at least I think she is not so sure) so I came up with this

The would laugh at lolo's face for her bad parenting. Like seriously lolo you had 1 job and you f it up
Black Clover Next Generation || First Antagonist

Princess Menodora of the Heart Kingdom
Lolopechka and Gadja’s daughter
Now in my defense, I was bored in class so that is how this happened

After seeing the drawing that the lovely @funky-sea-cryptid made inspired me to draw it myself!! Like these bastards can and will chop off a finger if ticked off

Then we have my favorite bastard Megicula-can!! Who doesn't love a good asshole. This is from my Upsidedown Au and it is in fact true Megicula doesn't get paid enough for this bullshit. Honestly my intention with this au is to make everyone suffer and I hope it shows with the bags under her eyes

And lastly, some yami fluff because no one can convince me that Ichika does not comp on people, especially Yami and asta (she does it as a form of affection... Probably )

Did I make a meme about an AU of which I have made no posts of ??
YES, yes I did
Because God damm it ,if @funky-sea-cryptid and @the-florian-triangle can do it so can I!!
But grant it they have made content for their fix sooooo.... Also, GO READ IT
Anyways, this meme is the basic idea of what my upside-down au is about
Upside-down AU

After @funky-sea-cryptid realised me from my bounds it is time to make more Upside-down Au content!
The main point of this Au is Noelle has lost is and is actively making everyone's life a living hell. A drawing for this Au is on the way I'll post when it's done
@the-florian-triangle this is your reply to this:

Now does this also count as a somewhat introduction post for my Upside-down Au?
Yes, yes it does now this won't cover the complete timeline but some key points. The reason why I asked you Asta or Kahono was to see if best girl will go down with Asta ( NOT A SHIP)
In my Au, the fight against Lucius is a little different from the og one. During the fight, Asta is mortally wounded and in order to protect him Noelle unlocks a new part of herself. She is in fact a dragon from her father's side and she ends up killing Luci. What happens after that is the dragon's heart arc which to cut a long story short is : Noelle and Kahono get together Vanica's redemption arc, the dragon's king are a thing and Noelle's dad is one of them, Ichika, Imari and Kezukaku get married + Ichika is appointed to be the shogan after ryu, Yami and Nacht get married, Lolo and Gadjha are dating, the devils are back namely Megicula, spiking of which Meg isn't redeemed but stays in the research department in Cover, Noelle is not happy not just because of Meg but in general.
And that is it for the most part.... Now on to the main thing what happens after dragons heart that is Upside- down and what I meant by my ask was is Asta's death going to be the only traumatic thing to happen to Noelle to drive her out of her on fucking mind or is Kahono going to be killed of as well?... You know as a Jerry on top :))
And by your reply Noelle suffers more and Asta and Kahono both get killed off
@funky-sea-cryptid, @t-f-t and @wildflowerwoodsworld guyssssss I need help with picking out ships for a new AU and I can't decide who to ship with who pls help

@funky-sea-cryptid, @t-f-t ok now guys listen I know that is will never happen especially after ch7 but this has been in my mind since the fucking door appeared, like when I was at that point I was praying that Ichika would show up at stap the others in the eye ( purely bc it would have been hilarious )
Vanica vibes in Broken Hearts (or in any of my Aus)

Finally, someone talks about the first time the devils where in the Human relm and the war that happened between them.
Also Dwarf content!!! (since Tabata won't give us any :") ) and ASTAROTH CONTENT the #1 dad in the underworld babyyy
And as Luca-nee said we did "theorize" that Undine has the hots for the first Heart Queen. Because I REFFUS to believe that the reason why Undine remained at the Heart Kindom for so long was bc she liked its people.
BITCH HELL NO. She was fucking the first Heart Queen no questions asked, the reason why she's still in Haert is bc all the Queens after the first (who I call Alexandria btw) are her kids/grandkids. Will not take no as an answer (with respect)
Alexandria: exists
Undine: 👀👀
Anywho, I'd love to hear/see more of your Au!
Black Clover Genesis au!
1200 years before the present time humans are newcomers to the continent but quickly increase their numbers and spread across it, intruding into the lives of the elves and dwarves.
As tensions begin to rise between the races the leader of the elves Druella receives a vision that warns her of the invasion of devils and the destruction of the continent.
Reluctantly the most powerful beings on the continent are forced to unite if they wish their descendants to prosper.

Have some stupid memes for my stupid little Au that has stupid little Vanica and her stupid mental illness who is with her stupid little friends at the fucking Clover kingdom

Im very normal about them I swear it

Watch me brain-rot about this Au
(Pls ask me about it)

This,,, This smoll little shit has 30 different mental illness and is band from most public places.
But seriously tho, the enjoyment I get from hurting this smoll fuck both mentally and physically is out of this world
It's the classic "I love hurting my fav" thing (looks over at Box!Au and Ice puppets Au,,,, she gets the shit rocked out over her pls just give her back her wife and her dad)
If this little cat basterd isn't a fucking dumpster fire with ptsd after everything then I'm not satisfied
This applies to Lolopechka and Vanica x100.
Someone should take them out of my hands I think-
Me patting Lolopechka on the head: This lil shit can fit so much older sister truma in her! : D
Uhhhh Spade Au April showers trio mems be open ye

Their are more.... And a lil fic
I will put both up in a min
More memes

So uhhh context for this Au. Noelle, Mimosa were out near the borders bc their families had business there. So they were out in the Garden playing when some Spade bitches came by and fucking kidnapped them. Why? Bc Vanica and Megicula want to try and see if they can give ppl to magic attributes bc they are crazy like that. Around the same time Mimosa and Noelle we're brought to Spade so was Lolo who Vanica managed to take bc A) She was a kid, B) the Spirit Gradions weren't near by a d C) Undine couldn't really do all that much bc the past Queen was dead and the host she had now (lolo) was a KID so braking the contract between Undine and Lolopechka was not hard.
So then Noelle and Mimosa get introduced to Lolo (and by introduced I mean being told "You three will be living together and working together from now on! So get along!" ) Needless to say Noelle and Mimosa cling to Lolo like fucking glue and Lolo takes on the roll of Big sister.
As for the second attributes the get is goes:
Mimosa: Beast Magic
Noelle: Dark Ice magic
Lolopechka: (Cracked) Star Magic
Here is the fic! Its uhhh fucking Angst and I love it
The air in the room was probably thick enough to cut even through Mom's Red beast. Her arm burned as the bandages were tightly wrapped around it, and she could just feel Mother's claw moving up her arm making it hurt more with every movement.
She tried to focus on something else she really did. But Mimosa is just not used to being alone with her Mother, usually Mom or Noelle and Lolopechka-nee are with her so it wasn't so bad but now she was all alone with- "I can feel your uneasy Mimosa dear." Megicula spoke with a calm and soft tone. Mother was always like that Mimosa thought as she took a breath, never raising her voice in contrast to Mom. "I- I'm sorry Mother I just- Ah!-" the bandage tightened on her arm, making it hurt all the more.
"Haha, don't worry my dare I know you don't do it intenuely, you even among your sisters are a bit shy. And we haven't gotten to spend all that much time together regrettably" Megicual said and sighed in disappointment "I- I guess so…" Mimosa chirped she didn't want to offend her Mother they are a supreme devil after all and that must mean a lot of responsibility. She cant bring herself to imagen how it's like, down in the depths of underworld. "Umm, well worry not my dare because now I have managed to get more time in my hands so you and your sisters will get to see me more often" Megicula stated simply as they leaned over to grab the scissors to cut the end of the bandage. With a fast snip they cut off the exes and pated the bandage down on her girls arm with some tape.
"Ah-, I see, Mom will be pleased so be able to see you more often Mother" Mimosa said with a soft tone And maybe that might help ease Mom's bad mood that she has been having these past few days. Mimosa doesn't like seeing her Mom so upset she doesn't know why she's so mad tho… If she did, maybe she could help her feel better! That was Mimosa's specialty; it's what Lolopechka-nee always tells her.
"Your healing abilities are extraordinary Mimosa!"
"Really? You think so?"
"Yeah! Of course I do! Your kindness and your ability to make people feel better is my pride Mimosa!"
She will always hold on to that, no matter what. "Hmm, perhaps your right my dear but before that tell me Mimosa can you raise your arm?" Megicula questioned. Making brief eye contact with her Mother for a second she turned down to her arm and tried to hold to up in front of her. She managed just fine tho feeling a small tingl of pain but it was nothing, she was been through worse. "Very good, so no problems in your shoulder now try moving your forearm up and down" doing as she was told before managing to move it up halfway, she felt and agonizing sting of pain go up her whole arm.
Grabbing onto her wrist Mimosa pulled it close to her chest. "AHHH, that- that hurt" she hissed, squeezing her eyes shut. "Huh, I figure it would, worry not you'll be just fine in a handful of days," Megicula said, calm and collected as ever. Mimosa slowly opened her eyes and let go of her arm looking at her Mother with sad eyes as they got up from their chair "Yes Mother" whispered Mimosa as she looked away the moment her Mothers glance turned to her.
She heard her Mother sighed "Mimosa, my dear look at me" they said as they lifted Mimosa's head up so that their eyes could meet. "You understand why I and Vanica do what we do to you and your sisters right?" they said and Mimosa had no answer for them. "Your magic is truly wonderful my dear, but it's not enough" Mimosa feel her stomach drop " In this little mad world of ours your strength is what matters. That and only that, the weak obey the strong and the strong do as they please. That is the truth plane and simple "
Mimosa swallowed hard against her throat "Stay as you are now and you will become one of the weak, and… you don't want that do you, my dear?" she was holding on to the sleeve of her shirt so hard she could rip it apart "N-no, mother…" she voice shaky she want to cry but Mother and Mom hate it when she or her sisters cried. "That's what I thought, so for you to stay clear of such weakness only do what I or Vanica tell you to, and believe only in us and your sisters understand?"
" No one else in this god reached world cares about you more the us" Mehicula stated as she moved her hand from under her girls head "Y-Yes Mother, I understand," Mimosa said in fear as her voice felt so small and tiny in the room in comparison to her Mother's "Good girl, now you're in we'll enough condition to continue as normal tomorrow so now for the meantime go up to your sisters room" Megicula ordered and helped Mimosa of the counter and the small girl just nodded her head
"if you need me I will be with Vanica and hopefully get that mood of hers in control" they said as they walked to the door of the infirmity and pushed it open. Mimosa again just nodded as she walked away into the halls with her hand still holding on tight to her Sleeve
Trust in no one but Mom, Mother and my sisters
Trust in no one but Mom, Mother and my sisters
Trust in no one but Mom, Mother and my sisters
That phrase burned into her brain like a stamp
Trick or Treat
Heyyyyy! Nice to see you bud! Thanks for the ask :33. Let's see what I can give you
A 3-sentence fic
Ok, alright, breathe Megicula calm down. The devil took a deep breath through their nose and out their mouth before looking up from the paper with math problems and all over it. "Asta, I will ask one more time, it's a simple question: how much is 3 x 3?"
They have been at this for almost an hour, the captain of the bulls had dared them to try and teach Asta basic mathematics, nothing too hard. Asta grow up poor so Megicula isn't surprised he doesn't know the basic, but this, they had explained this to Asta like.... 4 times now! There is no way this boy is that stupid. Asta looked up at them watery eyes, he was going to cry "... S- six?" his voice was as thin as Megicula's patients
"..." Megicula sghied and slammed there head on the table, this boy who amaneged to defeat both Lucfero and Lucus Zogratis apparently can not solve a simple math problem... It's official, they are going to yeet themselves off a damn cliff
A Headcanon
After the fight against Spade and her return to Heart Lolopechka's relationship with Undine was-... Very much not what is used to be, Lolopechka got more distant and had Undine at arms length for a while. She was mad, mad at Undine for not telling her abt Saint stage but also at herself for not being strong enough so that Undine could tell her- to trust her with it. That made a big crack in Lolo's and Undine's relationship as a whole and sank Lolo further into her depression and self-hate.
A random line from a fic
That was the only thing on her face and Vanica's Heart was caught up in a knots She is not weak no,no,no she is not like Dante not like Lucius not like Zenon. She barely managed to stand up, something was boiling in her Chest. Maybe in some other life this was her breaking point, the moment where she became a beast and tore her own Mother to shreds. But Vanica knows better, Mother had made sure of that.
Heheh thank you for the ask :3 Hope you enjoy!!
Also anyone else who wants to ask go for it!!
I was watching Spider man 2 and my head when into overdrive, now I really like the idea Lolo with the Venome symbiote
Full on aggression, she is not herself Noelle and Gajah can tell but she is almost killed Gajah for crying out loud. Lolo thinks the suite is helping her be better when in reality it's hurting everyone around her
Hey, Hey Lolopechka as spider woman and Noelle as miles :33 ( Yes I have some art for it ) and make my boy Gajah MJ
Art of it? That is cool to know!
Lolopechka is going to accidently beat all of her enemies by webbing them up as she trips on the ground.
Noelle is shaking her head, "Like really?"
Gaja has a medical kit with him at all times.