Yami Ichika - Tumblr Posts
Noelle x Ichika headcanon
Whenever Ichika comes to visit and Noelle is doing paperwork Ichika will sit on Noelle's lap like a cat. They aren't doing anything sexual Ichika just sits there occasionally reading what Noelle is waiting and asking questions about it. While Noelle plays with Ichika's hair until Ichika falls asleep. ( which usually doesn't take too long)
They are my favorite repair my lovely girls 😌😌
Shit post time
Random headcanon all devil hosts have fangs thanks to the influence of the devil power so Asta, Nacht and the Zogratis have fangs ( Like Leo's and Mereo's ) and by that logic, Lolo also has fangs but since she was turned INTO a devil her hole back row of teeth are fangs ( she hates it :)
Aaaannnnddd most importantly the Yami siblings have fangs... Like PLEASE I'm I the only person who has imagined THIS???? @funky-sea-cryptid and @the-florian-triangle PLEASE tell me I'm not alone on this... like
I can imagine them smirking like the bastards they are while having their little biche ass fangs showing ON PURPOSE broooo Nacht, Imari and Kezokaku would go fucking feral
The real reason why Tapata separated Yami and Ichika is not because of the clan murder by Ichika herself BUT because they would too smug and good-looking together AND THAT IS A FACT NO ARGUMENTS ALLOWED
Now in my defense, I was bored in class so that is how this happened

After seeing the drawing that the lovely @funky-sea-cryptid made inspired me to draw it myself!! Like these bastards can and will chop off a finger if ticked off

Then we have my favorite bastard Megicula-can!! Who doesn't love a good asshole. This is from my Upsidedown Au and it is in fact true Megicula doesn't get paid enough for this bullshit. Honestly my intention with this au is to make everyone suffer and I hope it shows with the bags under her eyes

And lastly, some yami fluff because no one can convince me that Ichika does not comp on people, especially Yami and asta (she does it as a form of affection... Probably )
My God sea you absolute maniac I was laughing at this for 5 FUKING MINUTES
Good Lord, there is absolutely nothing wrong with this take I can just imagine Asta and Ichika sitting on the roof smoking a joint as Ichika explains the benefits of alcohol and Asta is looking at her amazed from her wisdom
They would come back from the bar Asta has already thrown up twice on the way while Ichika is there for moral support and a piggyback ride you have the rest of the black bull laughing their asses off Nacht is in a state of shock Yami is regarding letting Ichika into his life and Noelle is whining because they didn't take her with them and Ichika promises her that they will have their girls night ones, Asta gets better.
I am 100% certain that Ichika will spend quality time with all of her nieces and nephews doing several atrocities in the process. God I can imagine her and Nacht roasting the hell out of Yami as all the bulls are trying not to laugh as to not be killed
Ok so this has been on my mind as of late so I wanted your opinion on this as well! What do you think Ichika's relationship with the back bulls is doing to be like? I mean she has to meet them at some point right? I can imagine that after the battle in the rising sun that Ichika and Asta's relationship improves drastically especially now that Ichika knows the truth.
I can imagine her being like an aunt or a cool Cousin to Asta the type that gives you alcohol before your 18 and shows you how to do illegal shit. And for some reason, I can't get it out of my head that Ichika would be overprotective as hell mainly with yami, asta, ryu and her girlfriends.
+ I don't know why but I think that Noelle and Ichika would be like Magna and luck always fighting and arguing all the time and they will butt heads over the little things too! But deep down they really do care and respect one another
YEAH i genuinely hope they'll meet. alternating between ichika being like "what in gods name sukehiro" and "alright. nieces and nephews".
OH YEAH ABSOLUTELY. and the bulls thought VANESSA was bad. ichika is teaching asta how to roll a joint on the roof. ichika is explaining the benefits of alcohol. ichika is taking asta to the bar. ichika got a fake id made. asta comes home COMPLETELY off his face and yami's just. staring at her. come on ichika, his kid? you took his kid to a bar????
(and yes she's about to throwdown for any of them ur right)
noelle "a fistfight will solve this" silva vs yami "are you fucking stupid i'll kick your ass" ichika,,,, battle of the ages. someone has popcorn made because when these two throw down its physical.
Did I really spend an entire teaching hour drawing a topless Ichika ?? Yes, yes that I did

OK now in my defense I was bored and I hate physics with a burning passion + SOMEONE HAD TO DO IT
Yami and Asta be out here showing their Muscle left and right while Ichika is in better shape than both of them. I also wanted an excuse to give Ichika scars...
@the-florian-triangle this is your reply to this:

Now does this also count as a somewhat introduction post for my Upside-down Au?
Yes, yes it does now this won't cover the complete timeline but some key points. The reason why I asked you Asta or Kahono was to see if best girl will go down with Asta ( NOT A SHIP)
In my Au, the fight against Lucius is a little different from the og one. During the fight, Asta is mortally wounded and in order to protect him Noelle unlocks a new part of herself. She is in fact a dragon from her father's side and she ends up killing Luci. What happens after that is the dragon's heart arc which to cut a long story short is : Noelle and Kahono get together Vanica's redemption arc, the dragon's king are a thing and Noelle's dad is one of them, Ichika, Imari and Kezukaku get married + Ichika is appointed to be the shogan after ryu, Yami and Nacht get married, Lolo and Gadjha are dating, the devils are back namely Megicula, spiking of which Meg isn't redeemed but stays in the research department in Cover, Noelle is not happy not just because of Meg but in general.
And that is it for the most part.... Now on to the main thing what happens after dragons heart that is Upside- down and what I meant by my ask was is Asta's death going to be the only traumatic thing to happen to Noelle to drive her out of her on fucking mind or is Kahono going to be killed of as well?... You know as a Jerry on top :))
And by your reply Noelle suffers more and Asta and Kahono both get killed off
Hi, Hello I have come to offer you black clover incorrect promotes

...... I have to much time on my hands
help me
@t-f-t I'm writing Ichika angst and I can't decide whether to give her alter ego invented colors and keep her looking the same or to have her wearing her hair down and having the black part of her kimono the same as her dad
Send help
@wildflowerwoodsworld there are a lot of things that make us different from each other but the one I find the funniest is the fact tha Ichika you have in mind when talking about your Everyone lives Au is vastly different than mine
The way I have Ichika in mind for if she was in Clover would be that she is just like teen Nacht but less smiley although she still has trauma she doesn't talk to anyone about like never , she still is in Char's squad and doesn't know what the word sham is,,,,, the little biche
God fucking damm it @t-f-t @funky-sea-cryptid you basterds give me a yandere Ichika brain rot and the only thing I can draw right now is Ichika soaked in blood while laughing like a fucking mad woman
@funky-sea-cryptid ,@t-f-t ,@snudootchaikovsky
As promised here she is >:)

Jezz poor little Imari is fucking terrified right now but she still helps to hide the bodys and dose not tell a single soul

Made this in class :v

And one this is for Awful edges I made is after I posted the theory it is a little shity so I do apologize Tam, Alex
That's them holy shit, I was laughing in class at this. All of them are super accurate it sacres me
And now I have the mental image of Ichika driving the car like it's the end of the world, Lolo in the passenger sit praying for her life, Yuno in the same amount of horror in the back and Mars next to Yuno with a deadpan expression holding a crowbar in hand.
FEARL LOLOPECHKA LETS GOOOOO, let her go ape shit, Tabata I beg (bc f he doesn't then I WLL). But fr Lolo with no moral code is a whole ass meanice to everything
Those 5 mean so much to me you have NO idea

@the-geek-librarian The World Leaders Incorrect quotes
Holy shit they are broke as FUCK,,,,, wow
Oh yeah, Lucius is fucked, no god can save this man now. Speaking of god, Something tells me he tried to play god (again ) and put the WL together for shits and giggles to see what would happen. It backfired almost immediately. Insert mass murder and a shit lot of trauma
But on the plus side this lil baby bean would have a lovely smile, the most sweet and wholesome baby that was made in the absolute worst place ever.

Did I make art? OF COURSE I DID. But they aren't up to my normal quality soooooo-
But pls they are a bean, a mass murdering bean but moving on, the WL love them all the same
Holy shit I just got an idea- What if- what if the WL just kind of,, got mixed together? Like whole-ass Pokemon fusions style and made a new and unique person???
Pls idk what I'm on rn send help-
Dear god.
Imagine if the Fusion has everything about them, good lord Lucius is shitting his pants.
It has Anti, Wind Spirit, Star, Flame, Crystal, Water and Dark Magic, alongside Zetten, Ki and Mana Method. The lil demon would have all at first gray hair that becomes black the more it goes down, the eyes are like a rainbow, the clothes will have like... Lolopechka's glasses, a samurai like clothing with a showing chest as it has crytals on the baby, with Yuno's amulet and has a Black Bull and Golden Dawn robe.
It was at this moment, that he knew he fucked up. -> Pov: Lucius
But imagining the WL meeting there fusion is super fun Like:
Asta: : OOO
The Fusion: uhhhhh Hi? It's really nice to finally meet you guys! Thanks for making... Me? I guess?
Yuno: Huh, good to know that you don't look like Asta at all.
Asta: HEY-
Ichika: Pff indeed, they clearly have my and Mars look
Mars: Well, I think they look really pretty
The fusion blushing: wwwwww-
Yuno headlocking Asta: Be- ugh Beyond the obvious Mars- SIT STILL DAMN YOU-
Lolo: Well- ASTA YUNO BE NICE!!- What are the odds you would like a hug? : D
The Fusion: !! : O Yes!!
Ichika: This is nice.
Mars nodding
Holy shit I just got an idea- What if- what if the WL just kind of,, got mixed together? Like whole-ass Pokemon fusions style and made a new and unique person???
Pls idk what I'm on rn send help-
Dear god.
Imagine if the Fusion has everything about them, good lord Lucius is shitting his pants.
It has Anti, Wind Spirit, Star, Flame, Crystal, Water and Dark Magic, alongside Zetten, Ki and Mana Method. The lil demon would have all at first gray hair that becomes black the more it goes down, the eyes are like a rainbow, the clothes will have like... Lolopechka's glasses, a samurai like clothing with a showing chest as it has crytals on the baby, with Yuno's amulet and has a Black Bull and Golden Dawn robe.
Ichika looks up at Lolo then at the Nobels and says "We are all dating each other. It's poly" as she tugs Lolopechka and they walk off
They went full force with it, it started out as them claiming it's poly just so Suters could LEAVE THEM ALONE, then one day it clicked in Ichika's mind and they have been going on dates even since, kisses on each other hands, forehead, there hair and they are always either holding hands or holding the others waiste
Lolopechka takes them out of ice cream every Sunday RELIGIOUSLY, tho the only ones that know that they are doing this for shits and giggles are Noelle, Gajah, Fana, Komari and Kezukaku for obvious reasons.
Imagine one-day Yuno pulls up to Dimond in a 3 part suit and the Shining Generals are so confused she he is like "Hi I'm here for my boyfriend" Mars comes out also in a suit and Fana goes " I want him home before midnight" Yuno nods as the SG are looking on like 🧍♂️🧍♂️🧍♂️
The WL would all FAKE date purely and utterly confuse everyone, they would do it for 4 months then stop and go back to being bffs and the royals and nobels are so confused as the WL laugh there ass's off for HOURS on end
It all starts with some random ass Noble trying to ask out Ichika, but she just grabs Lolopechka and says, "I have a girlfriend, sorry." Then another asks, "But, wait, didn't you say you are dating Mars?" Both of them think she is a dumbass, but she retorts, "...we are dating each other. It is Poly."
At first it was stupid, but over time, they were getting in and on it. Screwing their friends over was just too much fun to pass up and they are so confused.
When they 'broke up', they acted like it was heated and they went into a different room, but it was just them laughing their asses off.
Mars: Guys, I have something to tell you.
Asta: What is it, buddy?
Mars: I am ... Straight!
The World Leaders: *gasp*
Lolo: Not even a bit of bisexuality?
Asta: Or pansexuality?
Yuno with his hand out: pay up.
Mars:.. what??
Ichika: Goodfucking damn it and i was so sure he was at least a bit pansexual
Asta: I know right???
Lolo: I can't believe it... Losing a bet to luck is one thing. But losing to Yuno??? My prid
Yuno: Didnt you get your tunge priced when you lost that bet to luck?
Lolo: still better then this
Not telling Mars was gonna make the bet 100 times better
They are the bigest lossers of all times and i love them for that tbh, we need to abuse them so much more and i have so many ideas
Yuno: Ok so id like a chicken rap with all the toppings and big soda and some fries
Yuno look at everyone else: Get those motherfuckers a cup of ice and thats it.
Ichika: I have never seen a more petty man.
Yuno: To bad
Mars still recovering:.....
Mars: Guys, I have something to tell you.
Asta: What is it, buddy?
Mars: I am ... Straight!
The World Leaders: *gasp*
Lolo: Not even a bit of bisexuality?
Asta: Or pansexuality?
Yuno with his hand out: pay up.
Mars:.. what??
Ichika: Goodfucking damn it and i was so sure he was at least a bit pansexual
Asta: I know right???
Lolo: I can't believe it... Losing a bet to luck is one thing. But losing to Yuno??? My prid
Yuno: Didnt you get your tunge priced when you lost that bet to luck?
Lolo: still better then this
Ichika: ok fine thats fair, we starteled this man enough
Lolo: True....
Mars: How many bets have you made like this..
Yuno: considering you are taking part in some of them i figured you can do the math
Asta: yeah.....
Mars: God damn-
Ichika: you can say that again
Mars: Guys, I have something to tell you.
Asta: What is it, buddy?
Mars: I am ... Straight!
The World Leaders: *gasp*
Lolo: Not even a bit of bisexuality?
Asta: Or pansexuality?
Yuno with his hand out: pay up.
Mars:.. what??
Ichika: Goodfucking damn it and i was so sure he was at least a bit pansexual
Asta: I know right???
Lolo: I can't believe it... Losing a bet to luck is one thing. But losing to Yuno??? My prid
Yuno: Didnt you get your tunge priced when you lost that bet to luck?
Lolo: still better then this
Ichika struggling to confess her feeling to Komari and Ginojo: Idk man,,,
Asta, Yuno and Mars trying to be suportive;
Asta: Its ok!! You got it
Yuno: Even if they trun you down its gonna be fine
Mars: Yes! If your feeling strik true for them as well then you have nothing to fear!
Lolopechka who is sick and tired of Ichika's bullshit: Chika, If you dont tell them how you feel. Im gonna make them into MY wifes instad.