Blob Ghosts - Tumblr Posts

this blob ghost likes danny for some reason
Danny: “hears big crash though his window wake up to see a boy holding a katana has broken into his room though the window”
Robin: “ looking for Jason only to come face to face with this back hair blue eyed boy in his 20s”
Tbh id love if there was a DP x DC fic where Danny lives in the same apartment building as Redhood (or whoever) but thats it. They dont know each other, Danny is not superheroing. Danny is just that one extra in a sitcom.
Like their first meeting is when a group is sent to kill Redhood at his home but they go into the wrong apartment and by the time Redhood gets down there Danny has causally knocked them all out "wha- how" "dude its 3am can you please tell your enemies to stick to acceptable invasion hours" "uh" "i have work at 7. I need my sleep." "Okay..."

finally did the blob version

I apologize in advance, my English is very bad, I also didn't know what else to come up with in hashtags, so I left it like this, I hope at least someone likes my work :")

Hi, this is Dani \_(ツ)_/ that's it.

So this is chibi Vlad? Or gacha style? I don't know why, but I want to know when Vlad's birthday is? I searched recently but found nothing:') help please 🛐

Treat, but I don't understand a lot, and I have a little creative crisis, I'm sorry, and I apologize for the late response, it's just the college is eating me up... And of course it is clear that I did it in a hurry for which I also apologize 🛐 великие древние когда же я сдохну? А если серьезно я очень и очень устал ✨ но я в порядке.

guys, we don't celebrate Halloween in Russia and I don't understand what and how is happening on this holiday, but I know that people go home and ask for candy, I know where Jack's lamp comes from, but that's all if you want to tell me what it is, of course, go ahead, but I can not answer because most likely I'll fall asleep and good luck and thank you probably ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
More DpxDc sleepy rambles!
What if blob ghost were more like bees than bottom feeders?
Like, they go around collecting small amounts of ectoplasm from everywhere, even environments that don't have a lot to give, and take it back to a 'hive' to stockpile. Only, because they are ghosts and not actually bees, they usually gather more than they need to survive. This would make them a lifeline for any ghost that stays in the material plane. If they're stuck in a place devoid of ambient ecto, they just have to find a blob ghost and follow them back to their hive!
But what happens when the ambient ecto is contaminated, like a bee collecting sugar from a non-natural source? You get contaminated honey(ecto), which can't sustain a ghost long term. Wether the blobs fade due to lack of proper nutrition, or they leave to make a new hive in a less toxic environment, they end up leaving the contaminated ecto behind. These abandoned hives are Lazarus pits.
(Sorry if this makes 0 sense, I'm super tired and my head hurts. But I needed to talk about the bee blobs)