Blood Sweat And Tears - Tumblr Posts
TaeJin moment in MAMA 2016

International playboy 🔥🔥😍
At the end, everything will lead us to the Spine Breaker MV...

Please, someone make Jin Targaryen happen 🙏🏽
Blood, Sweat and Tears(V-BTS)

Requested by: missyhattermlp
~My blood, sweat and tears take away my last dance. My blood, sweat and tears take away my cold breath. My blood, sweat and tears. Even my blood, sweat and tears. Even my body, heart and soul. I know that it's all yours. This is a spell that'll punish me. Peaches and cream, sweeter than sweet. Chocolate cheeks and chocolate wings, but your wings are wings of the devil. In front of your sweet is bitter bitter~
You sighed and clutched your jacket tighter around you as you walked, the wind blowing through your hair whipping it around your face. "Ugh," you grumbled as you quickly tied it back into a ponytail and then started to run wanting to get home before the storm would hit.
Glancing up at the sky you sighed as you saw the dark clouds getting closer to you. You shook your head and continued on your way home, hoping to beat the storm before it beat you. You felt your phone buzzing in your pocket and quickly pulled it out, turning the screen on to see the text from your fiance letting you know he'd stay at his friend's house for the night since he probably wouldn't make it home before the storm hit.
Great, you thought, now I'll have to be alone during the storm.
Your thoughts were cut short when you reached your home and hurried to pull your keys out to unlock the door. Then you went inside and sighed in relief as you slouched against the front door and kicked your shoes off of you. Your head dropped forward and you rubbed the back of your neck since it was tense from stress.
"Right," you said suddenly, "Dinner."
You scratched your head and walked into the kitchen before stopping, "Why am I making dinner if it's just me tonight?"
You forgot about it and decided to just make yourself some ramen before heading upstairs to take a shower. Though, after you did eat and were upstairs preparing the shower you stopped and decided to just take a bath instead deciding it would help you to relax.
~Kiss me, I don't care if it hurts, hurry and choke me so I can't hurt any more. Baby, I don't care if I get drunk, I'll drink you in now. Your whiskey, deep into my throat. My blood, sweat and tears take away my last dance. My blood, sweat and tears take away my cold breath. I want you a lot, a lot, a lot. I want you a lot, a lot, a lot. I want you a lot, a lot, a lot. I want you a lot, a lot, a lot~
You were halfway asleep in the tub, having warmed up and your muscles had finally untensed, when you were scared by your ringtone suddenly blaring out. Echoing due to the fact that you were in the bathroom. You groaned and reached for your phone, before leaning against the side of the tub to make sure you wouldn't drop your phone into the water and answered the call.
"Hello?" You rasped out, wincing when you realized how sore your throat was.
"Yah, where've you been? I've been trying to call your phone about six times now and you're just now answering?"
"Wha-?" You pulled your phone back from your face and saw that you did in fact have seven missed calls from your fiance. "Ah, mianhae. I had taken a bath and guess I fell asleep in the tub."
Taehyung sighed and you could picture him rubbing his face, "Yah I've told you countless number of times that you shouldn't fall asleep in the tub!"
"I know, I know. I just, I didn'-" You stopped talking when you suddenly felt dizzy, dropping your phone as it got worse.
"Y/n? Yah, y/n! Are you alright? What's going on?!"
You could hear Taehyung shouting and stood from the tub to get it and assure him that everything was alright, but as soon as you stepped from the tub you felt yourself falling to your knees. You shook your head, trying in vain to get the dizziness to go away, and reached for your towel wrapping it around yourself before crawling towards the door since you couldn't walk grabbing your phone on the way. I just have to make it to the bedroom, you thought.
"Jagiya, I'm on my way!" You distantly head Tae shout through the phone before you felt yourself collapse onto the floor and felt your eyes droop shut.
~I don't care if it hurts, tie me up so I can't run away. Grab me tightly and shake me so I can't snap out of it. Kiss me on the lips lips, our own little secret. I wanna be addicted to your prison so I can't serve anyone that's not you. Even though I know, I drink the poisonous Holy Grail~
Third person POV:
Taehyung was driving as fast as he was able, not caring if he would get caught for speeding, the only thing on his mind being the fact that y/n had collapsed. He knew something had been wrong with her today though he figured it out too late.
"Hold on, y/n. I'm coming."
Meanwhile, y/n was still collapsed on the floor yet to move. Her head was burning with a fever and she still only had the towel around her while the house was getting chilly. She didn't dream, she didn't wake up, she just laid there and prayed that Taehyung would get there fast.
Her prayers seemed to have been answered though when the sound of keys were unlocking the front door and it was thrown open to reveal her panicking fiance.
Taehyung's POV:
Finally arriving at the house, he threw his car door open after turning the car off and rushed to the front door. Hurrying to unlock it so he could get inside and get to her.
"Come on, dang it. Work."
He sighed in relief when the door lock clicked and he threw it open, and not even stopping to take off his shoes he ran upstairs to the master bedroom where he found his love laying on the floor motionless. He ran to her and knelt down, tapping her cheeks and calling out to her. Shaking his head he hurriedly picked her up in his arms and stood from the floor before bringing her to the bed and setting her down.
"Jagiya, you're going to be okay. I've got you now," he said softly as he threw the comforter and extra blankets on top of her still, yet cold, form.
He rushed into the closet and got her an outfit for bed before going to her and getting her dressed, hoping that he had actually gotten there in time and she wouldn't get pneumonia. Then, after turning the heat on and getting into the bed beside her and pulling her close he kept a damp rag on her forehead and checked her fever every few minutes.
~My blood, sweat and tears take away my last dance. My blood, sweat and tears take away my cold breath. I want you a lot, a lot, a lot. I want you a lot, a lot, a lot. I want you a lot, a lot, a lot. I want you a lot, a lot, a lot. Kill me softly, close my eyes with your touch. I can't even reject you anyway, I can't run away anymore. You're too sweet, too sweet because you're too sweet. My blood, sweat and tears. My blood, sweat and tears~
Your POV:
You opened your eyes slowly and brought your hand up to your forehead which was pounding. Groaning you turned onto your side and looked out at the window where the sunlight was streaming through. What time is it? You thought. What day is it? You sighed and went to get up, only to fall back down onto the bed when an arm stopped you from moving any father.
"Wha-?" You turned onto your back and turned your head to see your fiance laying by your side, bags under his eyes. Frowning, you brought a hand up and touched underneath his eyes. "Tae-ah, you didn't sleep again?"
"No," he muttered out scaring you half to death.
"Oh my gosh!"
His eyes slowly opened and he smiled triedly at you, "Mianhae I didn't mean to scare you."
"Oppa, why didn't you sleep?"
"Because I was taking care of you, you were sick and I was so worried that you weren't going to wake up or you'd get worse."
"Awe, Taehyung. Mianhae."
"Yah~ Don't apologize," he said softly as he cupped your cheek with his hand. "I'm glad I made it in time-well, actually I didn't make it in time before you fainted but I'm pretty sure I got there soon after you did."
You smiled and covered his hand with your own, "Awe~ my very own knight."
He gave you his famous boxed smile and kissed your forehead. "Always. So, are you feeling better this morning?"
"Yeah, I guess I was just sleep deprived." You moved to get up and turned back around. "Hey, you go back to sleep and I'll go make some food."
"MM, okay. Love you."
"Love you," you told him leaning over to kiss him before turning and leaving him to get some well needed rest.
You loved your knight and you knew that you'd always be safe with him in your life.

bangtan gif challenge ☆ ↳ stage mix (one song) + your bias(es) → BLOOD SWEAT & TEARS + YOONGI (cr. 0613data) (vmin + dynamite)
in celebration of 9 years, reblog and tag: first bias/current bias. first song, first mv, first comeback. favorite song, favorite mv, favorite comeback.
Today's poll is an experiment. I'd like you to:
Close your eyes.
Listen (or imagine listening) to any part of Blood Sweat and Tears.
Answer the Poll.
Here's a Spotify link if helpful:
I'm not giving you a gif to help limit my influence on your answer.
Do you like this kind of experimental poll question? I can definitely do a few more of these every now and then.
LAST CALL: Do you send gifs, clips, or memes to people that know very little about BTS?
Edited to simplify and remove the cut.

LAST CALL: Will Taehyung maintain his new fitness physique after his military service ends?
Everyone can be super happy with their yoonmin and I'll be stuck in the corner like what happened to sugakookie
I'm actually drafting some posts on the Run BTS show now. Interested to know what everyone else thinks. I definitely associate BS&T with the show. Maybe because the first episodes I saw had it as the title?🤔

LAST CALL: Which duo is closest of these options?

jungkook + fake love performance for my love

피땀눈물 (BLOOD, SWEAT & TEARS) 2016, dir. Yong Seok Choi
B, S and T solidified me as a Jimin Stan. I remember furiously taking to google to find out Who. The. Actual. Eff. That. Was. Because I was trapped by his gloriously androgynous heated stare.
The outfits : chef’s kiss
The choker : chef’s kiss
The eye makeup, the earrings, his jawline, the hair, his lips, his shoulder and his MOVES (like most graceful dude alive like wtf):
Chef’s KISS

KPOP MVS I CAN’T STOP THINKING ABOUT ∟ bts ― blood sweat & tears.

@sassykinzonline Deny it all you like, Sasuke, but I caught you dancing to BTS. Please join the ARMY with me~!

found these pics of bangtan’s music video sets and I think they’re so cool. they make each video so detailed and beautiful. these things make their music so much more enjoyable and authentic.