Bloody Clothes - Tumblr Posts
Febuwhump Day 24: Bloody Clothes
Fandom: Star Wars
Timeline: The Clone Wars
Pain doesn't always register. Sometimes the adrenaline of trying to stay alive and keep your men alive; all while trying to win the battle in front of you, drowns out body signals. The warm blood mixed with sweat and become unnoticeable to Obi-wan. The gash in his side didn't bother him other then an uncomfortable feeling he couldn't pay attention to. It has come from a flying piece of debris. Stuff like that could move so quickly no one even knew.
As the battle came to a close Obi-wan started to get dizzy. The uncomfortable feeling grew from when it appeared a few minutes ago. When the 212th overtook the Separatist base they knew soon they could rest. It only took a few minutes to overrun the remainder of the droids and the few sentient beings that occupied the base.
Obi-wan searched for triage. He wanted to help prepare the men before they were taken somewhere for better help. Quickly the bloody fabric around the wound was noticed. "Sir!" The clone rushed up to their injured general.
"Yes?" Kenobi felt lightheaded. He blamed it on dehydration.
"You're hurt."
"Huh? Where?" Obi-wan looked down at himself. The bright red liquid surprised him. The cloth clung to his skin. Blood allowed the man to find other injuries easier.
Now the pain hit. The feeling brought Obi-wan to his knees. His breathing sped up and he pulled his brown robe off his shoulders and balled it up, careful to not get anymore dirt in the wound.
The clone called for a medic and kneeled down to their general to help keep him from bleeding out. A medic would arrive and the Jedi was taken to triage.
Once at triage the cloak was removed from the injury and thrown off to the side. Not long after Obi-wan would be moved.
Cody had made his way to triage. He intended to help where he could as well. Seeing the blood-covered cloak struck fear into the man's heart. Cody loved Obi-wan; not that he'd ever tell him. He'd have to look later. For now he had a responsibility to help his men.
When everything calmed Cody finally got the chance to find his general. He was fine. Visibly he relaxed and walked over to talk to him. "How are you feeling?"
"Fine" he answered. "How are you?"
"I'm alright. I saw your cape and got concerned. I thought I'd come check up on you."
"That's awfully sweet of you." The two would talk about any known casualties, the next step to take, and anything else they needed to say.
"Looks like I'll be needing a new set of robes." The general joked.
"Looks like it."