Febuwhump Day 24: Bloody Clothes
Febuwhump Day 24: Bloody Clothes
Fandom: Star Wars
Timeline: The Clone Wars
Pain doesn't always register. Sometimes the adrenaline of trying to stay alive and keep your men alive; all while trying to win the battle in front of you, drowns out body signals. The warm blood mixed with sweat and become unnoticeable to Obi-wan. The gash in his side didn't bother him other then an uncomfortable feeling he couldn't pay attention to. It has come from a flying piece of debris. Stuff like that could move so quickly no one even knew.
As the battle came to a close Obi-wan started to get dizzy. The uncomfortable feeling grew from when it appeared a few minutes ago. When the 212th overtook the Separatist base they knew soon they could rest. It only took a few minutes to overrun the remainder of the droids and the few sentient beings that occupied the base.
Obi-wan searched for triage. He wanted to help prepare the men before they were taken somewhere for better help. Quickly the bloody fabric around the wound was noticed. "Sir!" The clone rushed up to their injured general.
"Yes?" Kenobi felt lightheaded. He blamed it on dehydration.
"You're hurt."
"Huh? Where?" Obi-wan looked down at himself. The bright red liquid surprised him. The cloth clung to his skin. Blood allowed the man to find other injuries easier.
Now the pain hit. The feeling brought Obi-wan to his knees. His breathing sped up and he pulled his brown robe off his shoulders and balled it up, careful to not get anymore dirt in the wound.
The clone called for a medic and kneeled down to their general to help keep him from bleeding out. A medic would arrive and the Jedi was taken to triage.
Once at triage the cloak was removed from the injury and thrown off to the side. Not long after Obi-wan would be moved.
Cody had made his way to triage. He intended to help where he could as well. Seeing the blood-covered cloak struck fear into the man's heart. Cody loved Obi-wan; not that he'd ever tell him. He'd have to look later. For now he had a responsibility to help his men.
When everything calmed Cody finally got the chance to find his general. He was fine. Visibly he relaxed and walked over to talk to him. "How are you feeling?"
"Fine" he answered. "How are you?"
"I'm alright. I saw your cape and got concerned. I thought I'd come check up on you."
"That's awfully sweet of you." The two would talk about any known casualties, the next step to take, and anything else they needed to say.
"Looks like I'll be needing a new set of robes." The general joked.
"Looks like it."
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Febuwhump Day 16: Semi-conscious
Fandom: Star Wars
Timeline: The Clone Wars/Star Wars Rebels
The battle was long and hard. Caleb never really minded fighting beside his master and his troops. It was exhausting and extremely challenging, both mentally and physically. He sometimes questioned why someone so young was a commander but he got to help people so that thought was often dismissed.
The clone beside him, as Caleb recalled his name was Duchess, was shot down. This wasn't the first time the padawan had seen one of his men die. It detracted him for all of a second. A second was all it took. A bullet hit Caleb in the lower abdomen.
He fell to the ground. Depa looked over to Caption Gray and he nodded. She rushed over to the boy and assessed his injury.
Caleb's head was spinning. He wasn't sure what had happened. His stomach burned. All he could hear was muffled words. His eyes flutter as he caught bits of the conversation that unfolded before him. Mostly his mother talking to him. She attempted to comfort him.
Depa was terrified. Caleb was just barely responsive to her and his pulse felt weak. Sure attachments were forbidden but she was close to her padawan. Caleb meant so much to her and seeing him so hurt made her feel useless. It was important that she protect him; as his master, superior, and his mother.
A medic arrived and prepared to take him somewhere safer. Caleb couldn't really think. Still he only understood parts of what was going on. He was moving? Someone had picked him up.
Comprehending what was happening hurt the boys head.
When the two got to the treage the medic further took care of the wound. He was dragged away to take care of a worse case. "I'll be right back, okay Caleb?" He spoke softly.
Caleb tried to answer but couldn't. An injured friend of his saw him and limped over to make sure he was okay. "Hey buddy, you okay?" Checkers spoke softly.
'huh' the kid thought. He moved his head slowly to face the soldier, "am I gonna die?" His voice was quiet and shaky.
Checkers rested his hand on the other cheek, "no, your not gonna die. I promise."
The padawan gave the clone a small smile. Everything was still hazy. "Okay." Checkers moved to sit beside his commander. The kid held a special place in the soldiers heart. While technically he was younger than Caleb, he worried a lot about him; most of the battalion did. He was so young and should even be in this war.
"Where's mom?" This took the clone by surprise. Everyone kinda knew that Depa and Caleb were close but hearing him say that she was like his mother unnerved Checkers. Not that there was a problem with that but because both were Jedi and he didn't want anything to happen to them. Attachments to him seemed inevitable but he wasn't a Jedi so he didn't really know.
"Shes okay" he reassured Caleb. The medic came back and finished what was left to do with the injury. After making sure he was okay, Chess left again to take care of others.
The battle ended not long after. It was a win for the republic. Depa quickly went to find Caleb. He was doing better. When she would arrive he was talking to Checkers about some clone gossip he had heard. Depa sighed and kneeled down beside him. "Caleb let Checkers rest."
"Oh I'm alright. I was just telling him about what Pawn and Knight said" He chuckled.
"Is everyone alright?" Caleb asked.
"Mostly. It appears lucky this was a low casualty battle." Depa smiled. "Now both of you get some rest, we'll be leaving soon."
"Yes sir." Both boys responded.
Kanan thought back to this event everyone now and again; mostly around the anniversary of the excursion of the Jedi. The memory stung more than the bullet that had hit him that day. One day he'd find the strength to forgive the clones, now that he knew it wasn't their fault. One day that memory wouldn't be tainted anymore.
Febuwhump Bay 21: Inferno (alr prompt)
Fandom: Star Wars
Timeline: The Bad Batch
Warnings: Character death and somewhat graphic depictions
Old and new buildings always fell the same way when fire overtook them. It never mattered what or who was inside when the building gave. Family homes and war command posts collapsed under the same pressure, no matter the memories inside. Innocent children and terrible murderers succumb to the same smoke and flames when an exit could not be found. Both feared the pain that would come with the overpowering smoke consuming the air or when their skin lit up like Christmas lights.
Fires like this were the worst. Fires like this one torn apart families. A bounty hunter had found Omega and taken her to an old warehouse while waiting for further instructions. Of course her brothers came and rescued her. Warehouses like this were already unstable.
When the fight against the bounty hunter started a spark lit a small flame. No one saw the heated light until it started growing. By then the hunter had been killed and the girl untied. Running through the halls the floor creacked.
Hunter skidded to a stop putting his arms out. The fire had spread quickly. He pushed Tech back into Wrecker as the floor caved in under him. Hunter fell down to the floor below them.
"Hunter!" Omega's voice rang through the air. Wrecker pulled her away from the newly created edge.
After a moment Hunter looked up to them, "I'll find another way out! Go!"
The four complied and left. Now to find a way out. Hunter pulled himself up and stood slowly. The pain from the fall made moving difficult. Smoke had filed most places inside the walls of the old decrepit building.
Breathing became difficult as did seeing. Hunter wasn't sure how much time had passed. He did know that his family was safe outside. They talked about going to get him but Tech tried to reason with them. "We can't go back inside. Hunter can get out on his own. If we went back in there is a possibility that we could die. Hunter would never forgive himself if something happened to any of us. The best thing we can do is wait." Tech was right. That's exactly what he wanted them to do.
While making his way to the closest exit a support beam fell, trapping him under it. Pain shot through Hunter's body and it took a moment before he started squirming to escape it.
The heat began to rise as the fire creeped up on him. With the clones enhanced senses it felt like the fire was already clawing at his body. He had no way to contact his family; if not for anything then for closer. Out of everything Hunter thought could take him out he never thought a beam and some fire would do it.
The outside the building looked like it had been engulfed in the flames. Hope faded from the family's minds as the fire got worse and worse. Omega cried insisting they had to at least try while Tech argued with her. Wrecker and Echo tried to get the two to stop but it didn't work. All of them wanted to go in and save him. Hunter wouldn't answer his comm; rather this was because it was broken or he was dead none of them knew.
Looking around Hunter gave up. The orange and yellow attacker had seemingly surrounded him. Could the smoke kill him first or would he have to suffer being torn apart by flames?
Hunter listened to the batch talk. Hearing their voices almost relaxed him. At least the man knew the others cared.
The inferno had destroyed Hunter's hope the same way it destroyed the building. It tore it down and suffocated it. The fire started spreading from just the building to the surrounding area.
As the fire started talking over nearby buildings and trees the family knew they had to leave. With heavy hearts they ran back to the Marauder.
Hunter couldn't really breathe. The flames engulfed the room. Pained screaming escaped his mouth as the fire caressed his skin. The pain would be over in time and suddenly nothing hurt.
Not long after the family would leave they would learn of how far the fire had spread. They comforted each other, understanding that their brother had died in the inferno. Of course the flames had claimed other lives as well. Nearby wildlife fell victim to the flames.
Somewhere in Echo's mind he decided the Domino squad would take care of Hunter until they got there. The four would tell him stories that Echo never had the strength to repeat. His other fallen brothers would greet him and then greet the others as they came.
Tech blamed himself. Likely he would have been the one to fall to the next floor; to die in that cursed building. Now he had to watch as his family grieve their oldest. Somewhere the man knew that Hunter chose to save him, that it was Hunter's fault he burned in the warehouse, but blaming himself was easier than admitting the truth.
Wrecker did his best to keep the family sane. Unfortunately this came at his expense. The clone didn't mind because he helped them. Slowly his happy attitude became more protective and tired.
Omega tried to help her brothers as she fell apart. In her mind it was her fault for making them go to that damn building. Not only was his death on her so we're the numerous others.
Slowly the family would heal. In the same way the life around the warehouse would grow again they would live again. Going on without the guidance and comfort from their squad leader, their brother was difficult but it was what he would want. In the same way fire rises they would rise again.
Febuwhump Day 25: Assumed Dead
Fandom: Star Wars
Timeline: The Clone Wars
Dooku's crimson lightsaber plunged through Rex's lower back. Anakin turned around. Obi-wan had told them to leave, he would take care of Dooku. Apparently he lied. "Rex!" Anakin yelled. The clones body fell to the ground.
Anger flooded Anakin's heart. From his heart the grief used his veins to spread to the rest of his body. It took control of him and suddenly he was running to fight the sith. Lightsabers clashed as the Jedi pushed Dooku away from Rex.
Rex couldn't move. He knew what happened; he could tell that Anakin thought that the injury had killed him. The pain made his somewhat wish it had. All the commander could do was hope that someone would notice.
"Anger is not the Jedi way Skywalker." Lightsabers clashed again.
"Shut up."
Obi-wan pulled himself from the floor. Dooku had slammed him against the wall with the force. He had lost consciousness for, to him, an unknown amount of time. He quickly walked to where the current fight was taking place. His eyes landed on Anakin and Dooku first then to the injured soldier.
Anakin fought dangerously. Swift, anger-filled movements took Dooku slightly by surprise. However what Anakin didn't realize was he fought much better without the guidance of anger.
Obi-wan moved to join his brother in the fight against his grandfather. Fighting Dokku could be difficult sometimes but in the end it had to be done.
Rex still couldn't move. The men were unaware that his heart still beat and that his lungs still heaved air in and out. If they didn't come to the concussion soon they would be correct. Rex wasn't sure what hurt more the wound or his general's reaction. He wasn't aware Anakin cared so much for him. The feeling was both comforting and eerie .
Before long the Jedi had to retreat. Anakin looked over to his master with a question in his eyes. Obi-wan nodded understanding the words reflected in his eyes. Leaving the fight, Anakin kneeled down beside Rex and picked him up. "I'm so sorry Rex. I'm sorry." He whispered.
Obi-wan ran after Anakin and the three entered the nearby Republic star ship. On the ship Anakin carried Rex to the medical bay. There the droids would take him to the morgue.
Obi-wan stayed with Anakin until Rex was rested on the cold medical table. There Obi-wan studied Rex's body to see if he had sustained any other injuries. Found memories of the man flooded his mind.
"Obi-wan, go lay down." Anakin turned to face him.
"Alright." He nodded and walked a little closer to the table. "Rest eas- Anakin he's not dead." As soon as Obi-wan pointed to the slow rise and fall of Rex's chest, Anakin called over a medical droid. None of the droids had come over to assist the three because Rex had been proclaimed dead and there were living soldiers who needed their help.
The droids would start to work on Rex almost immediately. Anakin helped Obi-wan over to a bed. There after the older of the two were taken care of they would wait for updates on everyone's conditions. When they finally got the news Rex would be fine both somewhat relaxed. Of course the two cared for all of their men but both were rather close to Rex.
When the soldier woke up he was greeted by his friends. Everything would be fine. Not many people could say they survived a sith encounter. At least Rex could.
Febuwhump Day 18: Can't stay awake
Fandom: Star Wars
Timeline: The Bad Batch
Warning: This story deals heavily with graphic depictions of suicide and self harm. Please proceed with caution.
This is what he wanted right? The blood that spiled from his wrist started to make him dizzy. Tech was tired of feeling ostracized by the regs, by his brother's. No one seemed to understand him. Sure he expressed things differently and sure he didn't
always know when or what to say but the man did his best.
Not only was he done with people he was done with the war. The sights he'd seen through his googles frightened him. The blood, tears, the evil, and the lack of empathy was something no amount of training could properly prepare you for.
Was this what he wanted? It's what the regs wanted. They never failed to let Tech know he was less than them, that he'd be better off dead. His eyes fluttered. At first he didn't agree but as time went on the regs words started to sting. When they no longer stung they burned into his mind and heart. Physical fights became waiting out the storm and taking care of himself later.
Tech knew the signs and saw them in himself. He thought of telling his brother but in the end decided he'd deal with it on his own. When the man started to think more seriously of killing himself and of harming himself he knew it was time to tell them. Every time he tried his throat closed and tears welled. At the end he walked away to try again another day.
The first time he gave into the thoughts saying he deserved to bleed, deserved the horrors of what the regs and what the war did to him; the blade calmed his mind in a way unexpected. From then on though he knew it was unhealthy and a problem, he didn't really care.
Tech started caring less about his safety. This stressed Hunter out as he started seeing the signs as well. The sergeant wasn't sure what to do so he just watched him carefully.
Now four neatly folded notes laid at the end of his bunk. The others had gone to the mess hall for dinner.
Was this what he truly wanted? What about the brothers he had written to? Would they be okay? None of them really knew what was going on in his head, hell Echo hadn't seen him any other way than he was now, but all had done their best to help him. He pushed them away.
No this wasn't what he wanted. He wanted to feel better. If he died he wouldn't feel better, he wouldn't feel anything. Now he tried to fight against the looming tiredness that hung over him. Tech just had to last until his brothers returned. What would they think? That doesn't matter.
"I think I'm gonna go back to our barracks, I'm not really hungry" Echo excused himself.
In the barracks Tech's breathing slowed. He couldn't stay awake. If he succumbed to the exhaustion it was all over. His eyelids felt heavy as they tried to shut out the world for good. The clone was already curled up. He inched one of his hands down to the worse of the two wrists. It would only help a little for he could put much pressure on it.
Tech's comm sat on the table closest to the bed. He wanted to reach for it but couldn't muster the energy to. Next it the comm sat the piece of shrapnel that he used to make the lacerations. Finding blades with no heat element to them was difficult so Tech got... Creative. Next to the comm and sharapnal rested his blaster and broken googles.
The clones breaking point was when Kitty broke them. Kitty hatted the batch and for no good reason. He was an angry man and the batch seemed to be his favorite target. The four never provoked him. Echo got rapped into his torment when he joined the family. Breaking the googles felt simbolic. The shatter of the glass to the shatter of his hope, the breaking of his heart and brain.
Echo walked though the halls. Something felt wrong. Without realizing it his pace quickened. Arriving at the room he opened the door and greeted Tech. Brown eyes landed to the notes at the end of the bed. From the bed they drifted to his brother, then to the table. Broken googles and bloody shrapnel confirmed Echo's suspicions. He ran to the others side and pushed him to his back.
Something was going on. Tech saw a face. Slowly he relieved who it was. "Stay with me Tech alright." He spoke softly. Echo had seen this before. Suicide wasn't exactly uncommon for soldiers. Now he just had to keep him alive. Rather Tech liked it or not.
Tech tried to nod. He wanted to answer Echo. He wanted to get to know Echo. With the little coherent thoughts he could have he regretted his decision to let it get this far.
"I know it's hard but try to stay awake Tech. You're gonna be okay." Echo grabbed his own blanket quickly and pressed it against the cuts.
The world was fading. Echo's comforting voice was starting to be drowned out by silence and his eyelids finally won and closed.
Echo kept an eye on the others pulse. It was weak but it was there. Medics would arrive and take the injured to the medic bay.
Now to inform his brothers. They were still in the mess hall. He sat down. Hunter immediately noted the blood on Echo's hand. "What happened?" Concern laced the man's voice.
He looked at the three. He had all of their attention. Worry grew on their faces. "Tech tried to kill himself. He's in the medical bay. It's not looking good."
Tears formed in Wrecker's eyes. "What?" He muttered.
"What's wrong sad batch?" Kitty antagonized.
Crosshair stood. He walked over to the bully, "If he dies you're next!" Wrecker snatched Crosshair and the four walked to the medical bay.
When Tech would wake he found his family surrounding him, faces panted with worry. What does he tell them? How does he explain everything?
"Hey Tech." Hunter softly smiled. Tech returned the sentiment. The four had been informed of the numerous other scars that littered his body. They mixed with war injuries. Well both were war injuries, one a war against the separatists and one a war against himself.
"Why didn't you tell us?" Hearing Crosshair sound so soft calmed and spooked Tech.
"I.. I didn't know how." His voice came out shaky and quiet.
The family talked for a while before letting Tech get some rest. They would help him through the battle with his mind and when rummers flew about what happened they defended him. All of them would make it through this. Together.
A Month of Whump Master list
Fandoms: Star wars The Clone Wars/The Bad Batch
Summaries and warnings will be at the top of every story.
Day 1: Environmental
Day 2: Captivity
Day 3: Spy/Military
Day 4: Fantasy
Day 5: Sickfic
Day 6: Team Dynamic
Day 7: Angst
This was definitely a fun challenge! I'll say the hardest one to come up with was fantasy! I'll be participating in the Whumpril challenge next so look out for that!