Star Wars Febuwhump - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Febuwhump day 1! Touch starved

Fandom: Star Wars

Time: A few years after Order 66

  Obi-wan Kenobi had been alone for a long time. He misses many things. Many things. These feelings often came in waves, sometimes all at once. Missing his family, his life, his happiness. The feelings both mental and physical were the things he craved but understood he could never have again. 

Obi-wan glanced at the window. He noted the shades of orange he loved so much. They reminded him of his commander, his lover, his Cody. Of course he didn't really know if he could or should still call him that. However Obi-wan chose to believe that Cody had his reasons to do as he did, to try to kill him with no known reason to him.

    Walking outside Obi-wan would watch the sunset. The warmth reminded him of the warmth he felt from long embraces. But of course the sun would set and long hugs would end.

    Walking back inside Obi-wan closed the door with a sigh. He walked a very short distance to his bed and laid down. The thoughts of his former lover stayed with him. He began to think how he missed being greeted with short hugs and soft kisses when entering a room that the two were alone in, how cuddles after long, cold missions felt, the warmth of being so close together and feeling so safe with each other. He found himself missing the warm feeling of fingers running over scars.

    Of course the thoughts of Cody couldn't stay loving for long. Obi-wan was reminded of the order. This would remind him of the jedi. the Jedi he had been friends with.

    There was Plo Koon, a very gentle and sweet man who treated everyone kindly. He remembered Plo giving him a long and caring hug after Qui-gon had died. He could swear Plo gave some of the best hugs in the galaxy.

    Qui-gon. Qui-gon knew exactly what to do in most many scenario. When Obi-wan was stressed Qui-gon would rest his hand gently on his shoulder and reassure him everything would be alright. Now Obi-wan just wished for any reassurance at all.

    Qui-gon would spiral into thoughts of Anakin, his brother. Anakin was always a very touchy person. He constantly would poke at Obi-wan when he needed something or simply wanted his master's attention. Anakin's hugs had always been something he looked forward to. Anakin liked giving people physical affection. Obi-wan suspected that it was from never receiving much when he was younger.

    With thoughts of Anakin came thoughts of Ahsoka, Rex, Padme, and the twins.

    Obi-wan sat up trying to shake the thoughts of his past family but he knew he wouldn't be able to. Standing up he walked towards the door. He opened the door and as the somewhat chilly air hit him the thoughts went to the back of his mind. He didn't need to think of the people he knew and loved. The people who rather betrayed him or died. 

    Being outside didn't help for very long as the thoughts creeped back in. Ahsoka had also enjoyed Physical affection. She liked piggy back rides and often got them from Anakin and Rex. Of course Obi-wan had given her a few over the years. Ahsoka was a very kind soul, one who was done so wrong by the times and by the jedi. He hoped she was still out there somewhere, wishing to see her again, to give her one last piggy back ride or to have one last hug but he understood it simply wasn't possible.

    Obi-wan knew he needed sleep. Trying to stay outside and brush off the thoughts of loved ones simply wouldn't work. Walking back inside he thought of old friends now all gone. Closing the door he walked back towards the bed, laying down again. He grabbed his own hand and held it. It didn't help much but it was something and right now he needed anything. Well he needed his family, his friends but he couldn't have those. Not anymore.

    Tears began to run down his face as he curled himself into a ball. He wished he had someone who could be there to comfort him. But no one would come. The only thing that would come would be the suns in the morning telling him it was time to leave. Maybe just maybe his thoughts would leave with the night.

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2 years ago

Febuwhump Day 4: Knife to the throat

Fandom: Star wars

Timeline: The Bad Batch

Warning violence

Crosshair perched in the tree. He waited and waited for one of his brothers to arrive, maybe even for his little sister. Today he righted the wrong of letting the rogue clones live in the first place, today he picked them off one by one.

    Hunter walked carefully through the woods. He listened for his family and for any unfriendlies. The clone kept he's eyes peeled, every hair was on its end. Something wasn't right but no matter what he did, he simply couldn't put his finger on it. No matter what he could have done nothing prepared Hunter for what was next.

    Crosshair eyed his target. After fighting alongside Hunter his whole life he knew exactly how his brother would act. The soldier grabbed a puck and threw it to a nearby tree.

    Hunter spotted the shine of the puck. He swiftly moved from his spot out in the open, well as open as the woods could be to a spot behind a tree. Hunter was exactly where Crosshair wanted him. He pulled his gun and tried to find Cross. He wasn't sure how the sniper had managed to get past him. Unless... Crosshair had planned this.

    Crosshair shot the puck . He watched the surprise on the others face as the bullet hit his gun. Slightly angling his rifle differently he proceeded to almost immediately shoot his beloved brother in the left kneecap.

     Hunter cried out as the bullet hit his knee. He leaned against the tree then slid down to sit. Hunter reached for one of his vibro-knifes but quickly remembered they had been left of the ship. He had been cleaning them previously and simply forgot to put them back. Echo had even reminded him. Hunter knew Crosshair hadn't missed, he never misses so what did he want?

    Crosshair climbed down from his hide out and walked towards Hunter.

    Pulling his arm up, Hunter touched his comm.

    "I wouldn't" Crosshair spat.

    Hunter moved his arm to his knee "so, what do you want?"

    "Smart." As soon as Crosshair got close enough Hunter attempted to kick him with his uninjured leg. Crosshair took one step closer and kicked in Hunter's other knee. He screeched with pain, tears welling in his eyes. Hunter  wondering what in the hell Crosshair wanted from him. Could he?  No. Hunter hoped Crosshair wouldn't do that to him. If Crosshair was going to kill him he'd at least let it be quick right?

    Crosshair kneeled down to Hunter's level, pushing his vibro-knife to the others throat. Hunter flinched thinking Crosshair was going in for the kill. "Listen here Hunter" Crossing hissed "I'm here to fix my mistakes. He pushed the knife into Hunter's skin. "I'll start with you."

    "Crosshair please." Hunter's voice was shaky and faint. Crosshair looked his brother in the eyes. He hadn't seen Hunter so scared in quite some time.

    Hunter was shaking. The agony in his legs made him wish he were Echo. If the knife went any further he would die. He grabbed Crosshair's arm and pulled the knife away from his throat. Curling his hand into a fist he hit Crosshair.

    Crosshair pulled his arm out of the others grip and slowly stood. Hunter attempted to stand only to be met with stabbing pain. Unable to do much else to protect himself Hunter defensively set his arms in front of him.

    "Good soldiers follow orders." Snarled Crosshair.

    "Then I'm not a good soldier."

    Crosshair moved his arm back ready to throw the knife to take his brother's life. Hunter drew into himself, preparing himself to meet the Domino squad.

    Suddenly Crosshair fell to the ground. Hunter lifted his head to see Echo. "Are you okay?" Echo walked over to his brother.

    Hunter shook his head yes before once more making the decision to try to stand. He yelped as he put the slightest amount of pressure on his legs

    "Stop Hunter, sit down." Echo spoke calmly. "Let me look."

    Before Echo got the chance Hunter explained what had happened.

    "Let's get you back to the ship okay?"

    "Alright. What are we going to do about Crosshair?" Despite everything Hunter still cared for his brother. He grew up beside him, how could he not.

    "He'll be fine." Echo gently picked Hunter up. Together the two headed to the Marauder where the rest of the batch would meet soon.

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2 years ago

Febuwhump Day 7: Forced to watch

Fandom: Star Wars

Timeline: The Bad Batch

Warning: graphics depictions of violence

Hunter had been sitting in an empty room for a while now. The cold metal cuffed his wrist like tight bracelets. Short chains attached him to the wall. The mans knees ache and his legs felt numb and cold from sitting on them. He wished to move but he wore a matching set of anklets that kept his feet to the floor.

    The batch had been contacted by Rex to extract one of his clone contacts from the empire. Chex had been found out and he wasn't able to pick him up. The batch complied and left for Coruscant. They were able to grab him but Hunter had been separated from his family and cornered. He instructed them to leave and they reluctantly obeyed.

    "We gotta stop leaving people behind" Echo spoke. He had joined them for the mission and would now help with freeing his younger brother. "I'll contact Rex and let him know what happened."

    Omega uncomfortably shifted "Echo's right."

    Tech turned to the girl, "we couldn't have done anything Omega. We had to leave for our safety and for Chex's."

    "I'm sure Hunter's fine!" Wrecker chimed in. "He probably would have yelled at us had we gone to get him anyway!"

    That was true. Everyone at that point knew Hunter held the others life before his. That seemed to be a trait most clones had, most Jedi too.

    "I didn't mean to cause such a problem for y'all. Sorry." Chex held his hands behind his back, rubbing his fingers together nervously.

    "Na it's fine!" Wrecker slammed his hand on the regs back.

    "Your brother got captured! I can help you get him back if you need?"

    Tech sighed and turned around to face the others "We will be fine. It's not safe for you to go back to Coruscant and it would be a shame if we rescued you just for you to die." With that Tech turned back to piloting the ship.

    Chex opened his mouth to argue but decided he could convince them anyway.

    Crosshair walked into the room that held his former sargent.

    "Hello Crosshair."

    "You're working with the rebels I see" he began. "Such a shame."

    "Only this once" he stated. This wasn't true, they were working for Rex but no matter how hard Hunter might try the sniper wouldn't believe him.

    "I knew you couldn't stay out of trouble." Crosshair antagonized.

    "So why am I alive? Don't you kill traitors?"

    "I need information, I just have to wait a little longer."

    "Longer? What are you waiting for? You have your vibro-knife and I'm sure you can find other methods around here." Hunter pressed, hoping to take Cross off guard. It wasn't that he really minded not being tortured but the sooner it began the sooner it was over. He'd hoped Crosshair wouldn't do that to him but you don't always get what you hoped for, do you.

    "No amount of physical torment will get you to talk." This stuck fear into Hunter and the soldier saw it. No matter how hard his brother may try to hide it, his eyes betrayed him. "I just need the rest of your squad."

    "Crosshair what are you gonna do to them?" His voice wavered.

    "You'll just have to see." Hate, that's all Hunter heard in his brother's voice. He misses the slight caring sound that Crosshair's voice used to be laced with when he was with them. The door closed and Hunter was once more alone with his cruel mind.

    Crosshair was right, of course the batch came back for Hunter. They dropped Chex and Omega off with Rex. Rex didn't mind babysitting for he knew how dangerous infiltrating the empire was and didn't want the kid to get hurt. Omega attempted to argue but was shut down quickly by the harsh reality of the situation. The three 'adults' rushed back to Coruscant. They fell right into Crosshair's uncaring hands.

    Crosshair forced Tech into the cell Hunter occupied. He pushed the mercenary to he's knees in front of Hunter. Stepping on the others legs Crosshair placed two strong, half circle magnets over Tech's ankles and activated them.

    Attempting to free himself Tech tried to pull his leg up. He came to the conclusion that only Wrecker would be able to lift the magnets.

    "Tech" Hunter assessed his brother to find any injuries. He began to breathe again when he saw he was uninjured. "Where's-" Tech cut him off.

    "I'm not sure. I only know where Omega is and she's safe off world."

    Hunter sighed in relief. Now he just had to figure out how to get the others to safety.

    Crosshair pulled his vibro-knife out and stared into Hunter's eyes. "I'll give you one chance before I harm him."

    Hunter looked at Tech. Tech of course shook his head no. The leader looked back to Crosshair who sighed and stepped behind Tech. The clone prepared himself for the burning pain that came with knives. The knife easily slid over the victim's chest. He gasped and looked away from Hunter.

    Both understood what was happening, the batch had been trained to withstand large amounts of pain. Out of the two, Hunter had the bigger heart and would break before Tech would.

    "Hunter." Tech looked back up at him. Hunter met his eyes. "Don't tell him anything."

    Hunter nodded. From their it only got worse. Crosshair knew how to inflict unbearable pain. It used to work in their favor. None of them ever thought their brother could hurt them the way he hurt strangers. Now they seemed to be strangers with memories.

    The knife wasn't the only method of torment Crosshair had brought. Electricity would course though the mans body. Hunter could do nothing other than watch as his brother tore apart his other brother. As he continued Hunter started to fight against the chains. Despite to get help Tech he pulled and pulled, tiring himself. Warm blood ran over his hands from his wrist. Hunter didn't even know.

    Tech's screams shattered Hunter's heart. He would open his mouth to speak but Tech would stop him with a look or verbally if he could. He knew what was coming for him if this continued but he also knew the empire could never know that Rex was alive.

   Hunter once more opened his mouth. "No" Tech breathed. "It won't matter anyway." He struggled to speak but he knew he had to tell Hunter. "I'll... die anyway." Tech's voice was always sort of monotone. Hearing so much emotion and pain slip though his mouth scared them both. 

    Crosshair spoke over Tech's sobs and Hunter's soft crying, "you like taking Tech, you always have." He moved from his position next to Tech to behind him. Hunter fought the chains harder, not that he hasn't been fighting as hard as he could.

    Crosshair took the knife to a little bit under Tech's right tear duct and angled it at around seven o'clock. He slowly dragged the knife down until it retched the bottom of his face. The wound ran over his lips making it difficult but not impossible to speak.

    Tech's head was spinning, it had been for a while. The wounds he has received could not hurt him as much as the hopeless feeling that came with them. He hated that Hunter must be feeling the same way. Forced to watch as he slowly died, unable to help him. Somewhere in Hunter's brain he needed to protect them.

    "Tech!" Hunter had been calling for his brother for almost a minute now. Crosshair rose the knife again. "Wait" Hunter yelled. He looked at Tech who looked out of it. His breathing had become labored and blood ran down his face and body. "I'll tell you just please stop, you're gonna kill him!"

    The leaders broken screams pleased Crosshair. He'd won. "Go on."

    "Omega's" Tech coughed "with" his voice drifted. The clone used his last bit of energy trying to keep his little sister safe. He collapsed.

    "Tech!" Hunter stared at his brother helplessly.

    Crosshair kicked Tech to the side and kneeled down in front of Hunter. He grabbed his face and forced him to look him to the eyes, "look what you've done." He hissed.

    "No." Hunter whispered. "Is he?"

    "He is and it's your fault."

    The soft cry became a full sob. He was forced to watch his brother die. He couldn't save him. That helpless feeling made him sick.

    Crosshair stood and walked out the door, leaving Hunter to deal with his mind once more.

    Rex, Omega, and Chex knew something wasn't right. When Phee and Cid agreed they decided to contact Trevor, another informant of Rex's. Soon after the five would depart from Ord Mentell.

    Arriving the group located the brothers and snuck to break them out. Finding the cell block they stopped Infront of Wreckers cell. Omega went to open the door but Rex reached out his arm out, stopping her. "Be careful, I'm not sure what we're gonna find." Cautiously Omega opened the door.

    Wrecker looked up at his found family and smiled, "good to see ya!"

    "Not so loud!" Cid whisper yelled.   

    "Wrecker!" Omega ran to the large man and hugged him.

    "Hey kid" he spoke softly. "Let's go get the others."

    Walking down the hall the band kept the same cautiousness as before when opening the door. When Echo greeted them with a thankful smile, Rex let himself relax a little. Yes he cared for all of them but none of them fought beside him as long as Echo had. The two were close and Rex wasn't sure what he'd do if he lost Echo again.

    Now seven the group quickly moved to the cell Tech was supposed to occupy. Opening the door to not find him scared them.

    "Where's Tech? He's supposed to be here." Omega turned back to Rex. Rex looked at the adults, all assuming the worst.

    Echo kneeled down to Omega, resting a hand on her little shoulder. "I'm sure we'll find him." The group walked to Hunter's cell and paused. Phee pushed the combination into the panel and the door slid open.

    Inside Hunter leaned against the wall softly crying. Tech rested on the cold floor. The noise startled the leader and he looked up.

    Rushing into the room Omega ran to Hunter to release him of the heavy chains. The others spread across the room as Echo dropped to check on Tech. As eyes landed to Tech feelings rose. Anger, sadness, fear, everything.

    As soon as Hunter was free he attended to stand. His numb legs failed him and he collapsed. Phee caught him and gently placed him back on the ground. "Careful dark and broody, take your time. You're safe." Her soft voice took Hunter off guard and he leaned into her.

    "He wasn't. I failed him Phee. I could have saved him and now-" He couldn't say it.

    Phee ran her hands over his head and looked to the others. Was brown eyes dead?

    Echo checked Tech for a pulse. "He's got a pulse! It's weak but it's there!"

    Hunter quickly sat up and looked over to the others "Crosshair told me" he smiled softly"he's okay?"

    "Far from okay but yeah he's definitely alive." Cid shook her head.

    "It'll take more than that to kill Tech! He's too stubborn to die!" Wrecker walked over to Tech and picked him up, "now let's get out of here!"

    Hunter tried to stand again, some feeling in his legs had returned but he still wobbled. "Here" Phee grabbed the sergeant, "I gotta."

    The team made their way out of the cell block. Once outside the building Phhe set Hunter down. "Thanks." The clone felt somewhat embarrassed by Phee carrying him the whole way out but being close to someone was nice. He tried to get her to set him down a few times but she wouldn't budge.

    The group ran to the Marauder and headed back to Ord Mantell. Tech would be fine. When he'd wake up Hunter apologized profusely. Of course Tech wasn't even upset. He would have to get used to the mark across his face but that was miner. It would always remind Hunter of his failure to protect his brother. For Tech it was a reminder of the monster Crosshair had become.

    Hunter always hated that helpless feeling when he could help anyone, he always would. Being forced to watch what he thought was his brother's demise stayed with him, hunting his dreams forever.

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2 years ago

Febuwhump Day 8: Panic

Fandom: Star Wars

Timeline: The Bad Batch/Clone Wars

The batch looked around, it was only their second mission but it was important. They had their orders to assist the 212th on one of the middle rim planets. Still consided shinys Cody watched them closely to make sure they made it out of this hell hole alive. Of course he watched all his troops closely but he always watched shinys closer.

    Hunter had a lot on his mind. Of course there was the mission, but also the safety of his brother. As squad leader he had to keep them safe, it was his job. The planet was bright, it was bright and it was load. Sure Hunter had been born with his super senses but he'd never experienced something quite so much.

    The clone kept his calm for most of the mission. He couldn't do anything about the sensory problems now and even if he could it wasn't safe. Hunter knew he was pushing down the enviable, but right now he couldn't afford to do anything but suffer through it.

    Cody saw something was wrong with the squad leader but wasn't sure what. Maybe he just had a constantly worried face? Cody wasn't sure what was wrong but something definitely was.

    The battle was nearing its end. Cody hated it when shinys ended up on front lines. They had the training but nothing can properly prepare you for the real thing.

    The crash of a droid next to Hunter started him. "Hey! Get your head in this or your gonna die!" Cody yelled. The sargent snapped. His breathing speed up. A nearby explosion made him yelp as he sank to the muddy ground. "Hunter, gets up." Cody's voice was laced with concern. He moved beside the shiny and provided cover.

    "It's so much" Hunter spoke between gasps. "I.. I can't."

    Cody had seen this before. He knew he couldn't do much but keep the soldier from dying. "What is it?" He spoke loudly yet kindly.

    Hunter winced at the noise. The battle field was as quiet as it could be so the movement confused the commander. "What startled you?" Again he yelled.

    "Please stop yelling." Hunter spoke at a normal tone.


    The man drew more into himself, covering his ears. His eyes had already been glued to the ground. He moved his arms to move the blacks from around his neck in a tearing motion; the texture being too much.

    This concerned the commander more. Responding to the harsh movement Cody dropped to the ground, grabbing for Hunter's hands. "Hunter you've gotta calm down!"

    "Stop yelling... Please" he begged.

    It hit Cody. The heightened senses, that's what was causing the panic. He didn't think that would be a problem, then again he never thought of the negative effects of their mutations. "Okay, sorry." This time he whispered

    Cody pushed Hunter's hands over his ears, "keep them their."

    Hunter frantically moved his arms to one of his vibro-knifes and flung it past Cody, straight into a droid. Cody looked back at where the droid had stood for a brief second before going back to helping Hunter.

    Hunter's breathing hadn't really slowed, his legs were still tightly pulled up against his chest, and he had once again gone to tear his shirt's collar. This time blood would be drawn before Cody could do anything to stop it.

    Once more Cody moved Hunter's hands over his ears. It didn't really help with the noise but it was a start. It also kept the clone from trying to tear himself apart so Cody would take it.

    Hunter's comm buzzed, "Hunter we are at the rendezvous, where are you?" Tech asked. Silence.

    "Hey Hunter you good." Wrecker would follow. Again the brothers were met with silence.

    "Hello boys, this is Commander Cody. Hunter's alright just overwhelmed. I got him. Go ahead and meet with the others." Cody used Hunter's comm as he spoke to the men.

    "Alright." Crosshair followed.

    Cody stayed with Hunter until he was able to claim down. Once Hunter's breathing was under control the two moved from their position to a much safer one. There the commander was able to claim down the sergeant. After all was well, as well as things can be in a war zone, Cody and Hunter would return to the fight.

    The battle would be won and the batch was safe. "Hey, before you go" Cody started, following Hunter to the Marauder. "Comm me if you ever need anything okay?"

    Hunter looked into Cody's eyes and smiled, "thank you for your help today. I never expected for a battlefield to be so... much."

    "You never do."

    "Anyway thank you. We will. Comm us if you ever need somebody for a suicide mission." Hunter joked.

    "Will do." The two shook hands and off they went, returning to their prospected families. A beautiful friendship bloomed from the mud and tears on the battlefield. One that would last for quite some time.

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2 years ago

Febuwhump Day 9: Voice loss.

Fandom: Star Wars

Timeline: The Bad Batch

Screaming. Hunter had been doing a lot of that. His voice had become hoarse and his throat throbbed. Some imperial soldiers had brought him in. Since then the torture had been endless. They wanted information on the rebels. No matter how many times Hunter said he didn't know they just kept harming him. The interrogator also wanted the location of the rest of the batch. Hunter knew that; Echo was with Rex and the rest of them were on Ord Mantell, But that he would never tell.

    Soon the hoarse yelling became no noise at all. Hunter continued attempting to tell the clone that he didn't know. Nothing came out. "What, cat got your tongue or something?" Crank antagonized.

    Hunter had asked for the soldier's name when he had entered, hoping the gesture would help him out a little and because asking a clone for their name was meaningful; well to most of them. Though Crank had seemed pleasantly surprised it was no use.

    The mercenary opened him mouth to argue but just closed it again.

    The door slid open to reveal Crosshair. "Hello Hunter" he hissed. Then the clone actually looked at his brother. Hunter saw the surprise and worry in his eyes for a brief second.

    'hello Crosshair' Hunter mouthed. The sniper was able to read lips, his mutation helped him immensely with this.

    "Use your voice Hunter."

    'I can't.'

    "Why?" Crosshair whispered low enough for only his brother to hear.

    'Maybe Cross still cares after all' Hunter though. "Screaming took it."

    Crosshair turned to the reg, "You do know we can't use him if he can't speak right? Idiot. I'll take care of him."

    Crank shrugged and left the room.

    It hurt Crosshair to see Hunter like this. The man was bloody and bruised. He'd seen him like this before but that was when he was on his side. Now he was on the side hurting him.

    "I'll find you something for your throat." Crosshair softened.

    Crosshair was never really outwardly kind. It meant a lot to Hunter knowing despite everything; despite every time they left him, the fact that in his eyes they betrayed him, for not trusting him; that Crosshair still cared.

    The door closed and Hunter was alone. For the first time he assessed his injuries. They consisted of deep cuts, colorful bruises, burn marks from electricity, broken bones, and his raw throat. His throat burned. He needed to be able to speak, how else could he lead his family? How could he comfort them or protect them? He couldn't warn them of harm if he couldn't speak. The rest of the injuries didn't really concern him, just the voice loss.

    Crosshair would come back later with a cup of tea. How he managed to obtain the tea confused Hunter but he was thankful. His wrists were freed and he shakingly grabbed the cup. Giving his brother a nod to thank him he took a sip. It was somehow his favorite. This made the man smile. The gesture helped his heart more than it helped his throat.

    Footsteps. Familiar footsteps. The door opened and the batch spilled into the room. Surprisingly blaster fire did not follow. "We're here too... Ummm what?" Wrecker stood bewildered.

    The scene unraveling in front of him was certainly far from expected. Crosshair was helping Hunter. He sat beside Hunter with his hand slightly under the cup, ready to grab it if it fell.

    Echo still held his gun to the soldier. The others had lowered theirs. "Are you sure that's not poisoned." Echo was suspicious and for good reason. Crosshair was an imperial soldier after all. Crosshair gave Echo a death glare.

    Hunter looked past Crosshair and nodded, signaling Echo to lower his weapon. He complied.

    "We need to get out of here. It won't be long before the empire notices we are here." Tech said.

    Hunter tried to stand. His legs gave out on him and he started to fell. Crosshair caught him and lowered him back to the ground. "Wrecker come here" but of course no sound came out.

    "Hunter I think you forgot something there" Omega joked.

    Crosshair had sat beside Hunter once more. "He can't talk."

    "Why not?" Wrecker respond.

    "Likely the torture. Your vocal cords can only handle so much stress before you cannot talk. He should be fine." Tech answered.

    Omega looked worried. Hunter gave her a soft smile which calmed he fears slightly. Wrecker walked over to his injured brother and picked him up. Hunter winced.

    "Sorry." Wrecker had nothing to apologize for and he knew it. However it made him feel a little bit better about any necessary pain he caused.

    "Do you hear anyone?" Echo asked. Hunter shook his head and turned to face Crosshair. He pulled his arm out and offered his hand to Crosshair. He looked tempted. "No. My place is here, your place should be here."

    "We don't see eye to eye on that." Wrecker sighed, "we miss you though."

    "We can't fight for something we don't believe in." Echo spoke. Crosshair nodded.

    "If you ever need us try to let us know okay?" Omega hugged her brother, and then they left.

    Crosshair grabbed the tea cup from the floor and softly smiled. He made the right choice letting them leave over and over. Maybe he'd let them take him one day.

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2 years ago

Febuwhump Day 10: Difficulty Breathing

Fandom: Star Wars

Timeline: The Bad Batch

Warnings: Attempted murder and drowning

The sea of Kamino could be  beautiful. When it wasn't storming the sky's blue could compliment the sea very well. The storms however were common, making seeing the wonder of Kamino rare.

    It was a rather windy day. The sky was mostly clear with a possibility of rain in the later part of the day. Currently it was late morning; around 9:00. Tech liked watching the water. Today the waters were rough and choppy.

    Tech paid no attention to the regs that whispered behind him; he had no reason to. He walked closer and closer to the edge of the platform. The regs followed.

    Crosshair had a bad feeling. The rest of his brothers sat inside their barracks with him. Hunter was listening to the regs. He didn't think anything of it. The regs were mostly all talk. The man simply continued laying on the floor. Wrecker and Echo told each other stories and Crosshair cleaned his rifle.

    The regs inched closer to Tech. "Do you need something?" Tech turned around to face them. The clone closest to Tech smirked. "Can I help you?" Tech asked again.

    "Na I'm good." The clone answered. Tech recognized the trooper as Kitty.

    "Then why are you here?"

    "For this." With that Kitty pushed Tech over the edge. It didn't take long for him to hit the water. Had this been the normal platforms the soldier would have died on impact. This one was closer to the sea. He chose this platform because it made it easier to see the water.

    Hunter heard his brother's scream and sat up. He had left the barracks not to long ago simply to take a walk. The clone broke out into a sprint, raising his arm to contact Crosshair. "Cross get your rifle and meet me outside, one of the regs pushed Tech into the sea."

    "Understood." Crosshair answered immediately.

    The water was cold. Really cold. Tech's mind was both full and empty as he struggled to fight against the waves. His body was submerged in the water. He'd pull his head above the liquid only for the it to grab him again.

    Water entered his lungs making it difficult to breathe. Fighting in the fight of water vs man, water was winning and quickly.

    He felt like his life was flashing before his eyes. Tech felt helpless. With the lack of oxygen and the physical properties of trying to survive, Tech started to feel tired. He had to survive this; for his family, for himself, for the knowledge he hadn't learned yet, and for the people he was yet to help.

    Hunter ran out to the platform. He found the regs laughing, watching his younger brother drown. "Crosshair where are you?" Hunter's voice was laced with panic.

    "I'm almost there." Not even 30 seconds later Crosshair ran to meet Hunter.

    "Stay back" Hunter hissed at the regs. He'd watch them as Crosshair scanned the sea for Tech.

    He couldn't fight much longer. His body was exhausted and his lungs overworked. He seemed to both accept the fate that he thought was laid in front of him and not. He was both angry and eerily calm.

    Crosshair found Tech. He aimed and took his shot. The grappling hook grabbed him harshly and started to pull him up. Tech wasn't sure what was really going on until he saw Crosshair. Then he knew he was safe.

    The struggle was not over yet as Tech fought to breathe. His lungs had been working as hard as they could. He coughed, water coming up and out of his mouth. Even when the water was gone Tech breathed heavily.

   Air rapidly moved in and out of his lungs. The clone felt as if he couldn't breathe. It frustrated and scared him. Tech could barely hear Hunter calmly telling him to breathe.

    Hunter looked over Tech. The regs had abandoned the platform quickly after Hunter and Crosshair had arrived.

    Eventually Tech could breathe normally again. He hadn't moved from his place against the metal. Finally he noted how cold he felt. The wind only and this feeling worse. Standing Tech looked over to his brothers and thanked them.

    "I love you two. I may not stay that often or do much to reinforce this statement but I do." Tech stumbled closer to them.

    "I love you too Tech." Hunter put his arm under the others and helped him walk.

    "Love you" Crosshair grumbled.

    When the other members of the batch met up with the three Tech would repeat the same sentiment to them.

    "Awww love you too buddy!" Wrecker yelled. He went in for a hug but decided it would wait until Tech felt better.

    "Love you too Tech." Echo smiled and laid his hand on Tech's shoulder.

    For the first time Tech really thought about how lucky he was to end up with the four of them. Though it was sometimes hard to remember he tried to keep the thought of how lucky he was to be living and breathing with him.

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2 years ago

Febuwhump Day 11: Fever

Fandom: Star Wars

Timeline: The Bad Batch

"Skyguy I don't feel so well" Ahsoka complained.

    Anakin turned around to face Ahsoka. She looked ill. "Let's get you checked out."

    The two walked to the medical bay on The Resolute. It wasn't too busy and Ahsoka was seen immediately.

    The droid confirmed that the padawan was indeed sick. She had a high fever of 101. Ahsoka was prescribed an antibiotic and rest. Of course with the coming mission she didn't want to rest. As the commander of the 501st she didn't feel it was right to abandon them right before battle.

    Anakin walked with his sister back to her quarters. He opened the door with the force and entered. The room consisted of a bed and a nightstand that had drawers. There is where she kept her extra clothes. The Togruta's lightsabers rested on top of the nightstand.

    Sitting down Ahsoka argued about how she needed to help in the fight. "Master it wouldn't be fair if I didn't fight. The men fight when they feel under the weather why can't I?"

    "Snips" Anakin sighed. "Barely any of the men say when they feel sick. Now lay down."

    Ahsoka complied. Of course she was stubborn about this. Anakin remembered being the same way with Obi-wan. When he wasn't much older than Ahsoka, maybe 14 or 15, the two had a mission to protect a world leader who was wanted by a rather large gang. Anakin had started to feel ill on their way and complained to Obi-wan, the same way Ahsoka had. Once on the planet Anakin was checked out by a member of the leaders medical staff. He was indeed ill and Obi-wan tried his best to help him rest. Anakin was sure he had to help. The mission was a mess but a success.

    The girl's master looked down at her. "I'll be right back." He stood and walked to find a rag and some warm water.

    When he returned Ahsoka was nowhere to be found. Anakin sighed and started looking for her.

    As the ship approached the planet below, Anakin finally made it to the clones barracks. There she was.

    Rex was sitting upright in his bunk. Ahsoka had wandered to the barracks and Rex had gotten her to lay down. Her head rested in his lap and he was rubbing her back.

    Anakin looked relieved to find her, better yet that she was resting. "How'd you get her to lay down?"

    "I just said come here and opened my arms. She came right to me."

    The general shook his head.

    "Anakin she's got a fever. Feels pretty bad." Rex dropped the formicalities, after all they weren't taking general to captain. They were just two brothers concerned about their little sister.

    "It was 101 when I got her checked out."

    "Wow." Rex looked down at the sleeping girl and softly smiled, "I feel bad. I'm gonna have to move her when we land."

   "As long as you're slow it should be fine."

    "Yeah." Rex rested his head against the wall behind him. Anakin sat on the floor near the two and leaned against the wall. The cool metal was somewhat comforting.

    When the ship would in orbit everyone started to get ready. For some this would be their last mission, for others their first. Ahsoka woke as Rex moved beneath her. "Huh? Are we here?" She said weakly.

    "Yeah kid, we're here. You're staying on this ship okay?"

    "But I have too -"

    Anakin interrupted her, "no you don't. It'll be fine if you stay here okay. We got it."

    "Stupid fever, giving me away" Ahsoka grumbled. She sat up and watched the concern rise in the others eyes. It was nice to see how much they cared about her. Realizing her being on the field would only worry them, she laid back down.

    The commander had been convinced she had to go, she had to fight with the others. Now she could see it clearer. They'd be okay. She needed the break anyway. Sure she had to get sick to know it but now she knew.

    Ahsoka was right. Anakin and Rex returned to her relatively unharmed. This battle luckily didn't have many casualties. In a few days the padawan was back at her masters side, both of them causing havoc and training.

(I really gotta catch up on these. Wish me luck.)

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2 years ago

Febuwhump Day 12: "Can you hear me?"

Fandom: Star Wars

Timeline: The Clone Wars/The Bad Batch

War zones were always loud. Explosions drowned out orders and screams. No matter what Hunter heard it all. His enhanced senses made sure if that. Even if it was Echo's job to repeat orders, Hunter found himself relaying the messages others could not hear.

    Wrecker hadn't seen Hunter when he set the explosives. The Demolitionist pushed his thumb down and set the explosives off.

    Hunter was pushed back by the pressure. He fell to the ground. Echo had seen what happened and rushed to his brother's side. He dropped to his his knees beside him. "Hunter, you okay?" There was no answer. "Hunter?" Echo yelled. Now he was panicking. "Hunter can you hear me?" Fear struck into his heart as he gently removed the mans helmet. Franticly the cyborg removed his glove and checked for a pulse. It was there.

    Hunter's head was spinning. He snapped back to reality when Echo removed his helmet Echo's mouth moved but no words came out. Come to think of it the world was quite, to quite.

    "We gotta go! Can you move?" Hunter looked confused. "Can you hear me? We gotta go!" Hunter shifted and carefully sat up.

    With Echo helping him Hunter stood. Neither had noted the blood trickling from the man's ears. Wrecker however saw it. He put the pieces together and his heart sank. He injured his squad leader, his brother.

    Hunter and Echo moved behind a nearby rock. Only then did Echo see the blood. "Hunter, can you hear me?" With his brother's highest senses he had to right?

    Hunter stared at his brother, unaware of what he said.

    Echo drew a question mark with his scomp in the sand and pointed to his ear. The other reached up to his own ear. When he pulled it away the crimson liquid stared him. He'd seen lots of blood but never from his ear. The clones brain attempted to process what was going on.

     The reg was able to find the answer on his own.

    The shock was prominent on Hunter's face. He slowly shook his head no.

    Echo called over the medic and Hunter would be checked out. The medic didn't let him

    Back on the Marauder Tech would give Hunter a more thorough check up. Other than large bruises from the fall he was fine. The man would be very sore. Then there was his ears.

    "He's lost his hearing. No worries as it would be temporary." Tech found no point in telling Hunter as he wouldn't hear him, so he just told the rest of his brothers.

    "Should be?" Wrecker stood nervously. He caused Hunter to lose his hearing in the first place. The clone wasn't sure what he'd do if it was permanent.

    Echo grabbed a pen and a sheet of paper. 'Tech said you should be able to hear again.' he scribbled.

    Hunter nodded. Even when he could hear his volume control was out of sorts. Wrecker snatched the pen and quickly wrote his apology. Hunter smiled softly and spoke, "it's okay, you didn't mean to."

    Wrecker gave him a soft hug. The five began doing there own things until. They were back on Kamino.

    Around a day and a half into Hunter's hearing loss he stared to notice just how peaceful the quiet could be. The man never knew a life without his hearing. It was arguably his most valuable trait. After so long of hearing everything, hearing nothing was a change. It was calming. There were no over hearing death threats; often targeted towards him and his brother's, no suicide plans, no dirty conversations, and no classified information he was unknowingly interested him with.

    The batch walked to the mess hall. They greeted Hunter who had left a little earlier than he normally would. Afterwards the others would go to join their 'brothers' in line.

    A reg walked behind Hunter and started to talk. His rant went on until he noticed that Hunter wasn't paying a bit of attention to him. He had no idea the reg was even there to begin with.

    Roughly, the reg slammed his hand into Hunter's back. Annoyed he tried around. "Can you not hear me idiot." The reg just about yelled. "Or do you know that I'm right about you and your pathetic little squad?"

    Hunter just sort of stared, unsure of how to handle the situation. If he knew what the clone was saying he could at least answer but now he had no real way to verbally defend himself.

    Echo would enter the situation, informing the reg that Hunter indeed could not hear him. Once the reg finally backed off the brothers enjoyed their lunch.

    A few days later Hunter began hearing his brother's voices faintly. He was glad to have his hearing back but part of him would miss the silence. Even if most all the clones sounded the same he was able to pick out his brothers.

    Echo walked up to Hunter and asked if he could be heard. For the first time in a week he'd answer with "faintly". Everything would go back to normal soon.

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2 years ago

Febuwhump Day 13: Forced to Hurt a Loved One

Fandom: Star Wars

Timeline: The Bad Batch

Simple supply runs could never be simple. Ever since the empire had found out they were alive it seemed all they did was run. The worst part was having to look out for Crosshair's precise shots. 

    The city was beautiful; the large buildings loomed over the small people, the sunset covered in gorgeous reds, pinks, purples, and oranges. The clouds reflected the colors perfectly. The street was busy with a variety of different people walking about their business.

    Hunter heard the sniper running on the roofs as the five of them ran on the pavement below. Crosshair wouldn't shoot them unless he had a good shot. If he shot a civilian he'd be a murderer, not that he wasn't already but still.

The chase was nearing the end of the city limits. A small clearing was in front of them. If they entered that clearing none of them would ever leave it.

    "Any ideas Hunter?" Echo ran beside him.

    "We need to stay in the city" he stared. "He's gotta come down here before we can do much against him. He'll get frustrated, just give it time."

    It didn't take long before Crosshair proved Hunter right. He knew what his targets were doing. He lived with them for most of his life so he knew how they thought. He'd play into their game and he would win. He had to.

    The batch came to a stop when Hunter confirmed Crosshair had left the roof. "Alright, split up. Everyone get to the Marauder, I'll try to get Crosshair off our tail." The others nodded. Tech and Omega stayed together while the other two went off on their own.

    The plan didn't work. Echo ended up being Crosshair's prey first. The two raced through the streets. Hunter tried to find Crosshair. He knew Echo could handle himself but something didn't feel right.

    Turning the corner Echo relieved it was a dead end. He pulled his blaster but it was quickly shot out of his hand. He looked down at it briefly then back to Crosshair. "I'll give you one chance Echo, come back with me or die."

    The cyborg stared at Crosshair. No matter what he wouldn't join the empire. He hated it with every fiber of his being, it would go against everything he believed in. He'd have to stall. One of his siblings had to be close right?

    "What's so great about the empire?" Echo knew that he was in dangerous territory by asking but he was already in danger so did that really matter. Maybe he could help Crosshair see a little clearer.

    Crosshair gave no answer. He crept forward. Hunter turned the corner. He made no sudden movements. Neither knew he was there. He heard the movement of the guns trigger. It wasn't fast. It was like Crosshair was hesitant to kill his brother. Sure Echo and Crosshair hadn't been together for all that long but with Echo it was impossible to dislike him. He grew on everyone quickly.

    Hunter knew the sound right before the gun would go off. He'd heard it too many times, the slight sound the trigger made as it inched back that no one else would hear. This time a shot wouldn't follow, at least not from his gun.

    Hunter shot Crosshair in the left shoulder. He hated it but he had to. Shooting the man he grew up with, his brother hurt him deeply. Corsshair leaving had hurt him deeply. There was no time to change the setting to stun. Echo would've died and Hunter would just have to live with his decision.

    Crosshair fell to the ground with a yelp. Echo ran up and slid the gun away from the imperial. Crosshair sat up and looked at Hunter. A mix of physical and mental pain was reflected on his face.

    Hunter ran over to his brother and kneeled down. He wasn't sure how to help him or if Crosshair would even let him but he had to try. Echo seemed to be on the same page.

    "Get away from me" Crosshair hissed. Echo moved, Hunter didn't.


    "You shot me." The man had a fair point.

    "I had too. You didn't leave me a choice." Frustration and concern laced Hunter's voice. 

    The three heard other clones approaching their location. "Hunter we gotta go." Echo stood behind his brother.

    Hunter sighed and got up. He started walking the exit of the alley. He stopped and looked back, trying to decide what to do. Crosshair looked angry. Despite everything he nodded, signaling for Hunter to leave.

    Hunter nodded and left. With everyone now on the Marauder they left the planet, the mission a success.

    Hunter got lost in his thoughts. They'd left Crosshair behind again. He felt terrible. His brother would never see him the same. He had every right to hate him. He had to shoot him and he just hoped Crosshair would see it that way eventually.

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2 years ago

Febuwhump Day 14: Captivity

Fandom: Star Wars

Timeline: The Bad Batch

  The floor was cold. That's the first thing Tech noticed when he woke up. He sat up and looked around. The cell was completely empty other than him. The man's googles had been cracked on the right side, making it somewhat difficult to see.

    Tech had simply been walking back to Cid's bar when he was captured. Omega had been having a bad day so he went to go get her some Mantell mix. Walking past a dark alley he heard what seemed to be a child crying. The clone's first mistake was not notifying someone he was into an alley. He was skeptical but walked down the alley anyway. Once deemed far enough in some soldiers cornered and stunned him.

    It would be a while before anyone would pay Tech a visit. He walked around the cell attempting to find a way out. Nothing.

    The room was deadly silent. 'There has to be something I can do' thought Tech. Something finally came to mind. Hide behind the door and wait for someone to enter. When someone enters sneek out. From there he needed to find his armor, find his weapons, and find his way out.

    Plans however don't always work the way they are supposed to. Despite Tech's best effort he was not able to escape. As soon as the soldiers noticed the mercenary wasn't in the cell they turned around and ran after him. Other troops were not too far away and stopped him. He was dragged back to the cell to be interrogated.

    Back in the cell he was chained to the wall. Fighting against the metal was practically useless. In the end it would just hurt him and make him tired. The torment was inevitable once he was chained so what was the point?

    "Where are the rest of ya?" Asked the interrogator.

    "I'll never tell." Tech stared at the other. The man appeared to be a clone.

    "What were you doing on Ord Mantell? Working for the rebels?".

    "I was on Ord Mantell for a mercenary mission." Technically he wasn't really wrong. He was a mercenary on a mission. That mission however was just to make his sister's day a bit better.

    The interrogator didn't believe him. The torture would begin. The batch had been trained to hold up under torture. Though it wasn't pleasant training Tech was glad he had it right now.

    Time passed and finally the interrogator let up. The man unchained Tech and he fell to the floor. His body ached and his breathing was labored. Speaks of color distorted his vision. They would go away soon now that he could breathe again. The doors shut and he was alone.

    Tech pulled himself against the wall and assessed his injuries. Large deep cuts were scattered across his body. Bruises were beginning to form all across him; the largest being around his neck. Small electrical burns could be found but not many. The man worked to get his breathing back under his control.

    Crosshair learned of what was done to his brother. He knew that they wouldn't be working with the rebels, they had a child to protect after all. For the first time he really seemed to question the empire. He roamed the dark halls deep in thought. The sniper didn't want Tech to die. Despite everything he still loved him. One thought led to another and now he found himself standing in front of Tech's cell.

    Inside Tech had gotten his breathing back under control. He had torn the sleeves off his shirt and tied them around the injuries he could. When Crosshair entered Tech was trying to do the same to the ends of his pants.

    Of all the people Tech would have thought to rescue him he never expected Crosshair to be the one too. When he saw his brother he thought the torture was about to continue. What Crosshair didn't expect was for Tech to draw into himself, arms slightly out in defiance.

    Now Crosshair was mad. Mad at the empire and mad at himself for letting it go this far. "Hello. I'm not here to hurt you, relax." He stated as softly as he could.

    Tech raised his head and looked at his brother. If he wasn't there to harm him, why was he there?

    "Can you stand?"

    The clone slowly stood. Walking proved to be harder. "Why are you here?" Tech asked.

    "I'm rescuing you."

    "But I'm a traitor. You work for the empire don't you?"

    "You're my brother and not anymore." Crosshair admitted.

    "Ah okay. Why the change?" Tech was curious. Crosshair had been loyal to a fault.

    "A moment of realization. Now stop asking questions. We need to leave." With that the two would leave the cell block. When Tech could no longer walk Crosshair would carry him the rest of the way. He stole a small imperial shuttle and left for Ord Mantell. On the ship the deserter would take care of his brother's injuries the best he could.

    Back on Ord Mantell the family was gathered at the bar thinking of a plan to find Tech. They weren't sure where he had gone or who had taken him. What they didn't expect was for Tech to walk in, being assisted by Crosshair.

    Everyone was happy to see both of them. After talking Crosshair was allowed to stay. They were back together again. Now the six would create new stories together as a family and not as enemies. 

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2 years ago

Febuwhump Day 15: self-sacrifice

Fandom: Star Wars

Timeline: The Bad Batch

Warnings: Character death and mention of suicide.

The first was always Hunter. He was the squad leader so it made perfect sense. The man needed to lead and that's easier at the front. Next would be a mix of Echo, Omega, and Tech. They were smaller then the others and easier to kidnap. The three being in the middle insured their safety. Wrecker being the largest and strongest was at the end. Being very difficult to kidnap was part of the reason, but if someone started to fall behind he could just grab them and continue.

    This mission the batch took for Cid was supposed to be easy; get the information and get out. The data card consisted of bounty hunter information. How to hire and where to find them mostly. Why Cid wanted it no one knew and no one asked.

    Now the batch was running. Running was a specialty of the family's. They ran from the empire, ran from Crosshair, and run from their problems. But everything catches up with you especially.

    The Marauder wasn't to far away. The old port it was stationed in was in sight. However imperial soldiers followed close behind. It wasn't looking good. Everyone was exhausted. Most had small to larger injuries from escaping the dense forest that guarded  the decrepit building they had extracted their target from.

    The imperials were catching up now. Blaster shots just barely missed the group. Return fire proved to be relatively difficult. Tech started spitting out statistics that they live and about how far the Marauder was. The stats weren't looking good.

    That's when Wrecker knew what to do. He knew this would likely be the end. The group didn't know when Wrecker stopped following them.  Wrecker had stayed back to fight the regs. It seemed to be working. The distance between the demolitionist's family and the soldiers grew.

    The soldiers started to overrun the large man. Echo turned around and stopped. "Wrecker what the hell are you doing?!?" He screamed. Something felt familiar about this. Like he'd seen his brother commit the same act of suicide over and over. One can call it self-sacrifice and that's what it is, a desperate act to save your loved ones, but you must acknowledge that an individual has chosen to die. But it was all for love.

    The four stopped for a brief moment, unsure of what they do now. Do they help their brother? Do they run? "Wrecker!" Shrieked Omega. The girl started to run back towards him before Hunter grabbed her. "No!"

    "Thank you for everything! I love you, now go!" The back of Wrecker knee was shot and he yelped. The man continued his attack as the others left.

     Tech, now on the end, stopped again. Could he really leave Wrecker there? The family had already left Crosshair, could they lose another brother? The youngest watched as the oldest was gunned down. "No" he whispered.

    Now he understood Echo more. The heart wrenching feeling that comes with losing a brother, the fact he'll never hear him laugh again, never be hugged again, never breathe again. It cut deep into his heart and frightened him.

    Hunter had heard the whisper and slowed to a stop. "Tech, come on!" He yelled. His eyes landed on Wrecker body. Mortality crept up on him. That was something he'd deal with later.

    Tears welled in Tech's eyes as he turned to leave. Now he ran, ran as they always did. But death is not something you can simply run from.

    Back on the Marauder the four dealt with Wrecker death. The grief crawled into their hearts and made itself at home. This feeling was as familiar to Echo as the back of his only hand, For Omega, Hunter, and Tech this overwhelming feeling was new.

    Hunter worried on how Crosshair would take it. Wrecker and him were relatively close, well at least when Crosshair was still with them. Would he even care? Somehow it felt worse to think he still did care then didn't. He'd be dealing with grief alone.

    The family would learn to cope at their own pace. But for now all they could do was support each other. After all that's all they had. Each other.

I know it's March now but I'll be trying to finish these up until the first week of March is over.

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2 years ago

Febuwhump Day 16: Semi-conscious

Fandom: Star Wars

Timeline: The Clone Wars/Star Wars Rebels

The battle was long and hard. Caleb never really minded fighting beside his master and his troops. It was exhausting and extremely challenging, both mentally and physically. He sometimes questioned why someone so young was a commander but he got to help people so that thought was often dismissed.

    The clone beside him, as Caleb recalled his name was Duchess, was shot down. This wasn't the first time the padawan had seen one of his men die. It detracted him for all of a second. A second was all it took. A bullet hit Caleb in the lower abdomen.

    He fell to the ground. Depa looked over to Caption Gray and he nodded. She rushed over to the boy and assessed his injury.

    Caleb's head was spinning. He wasn't sure what had happened. His stomach burned. All he could hear was muffled words. His eyes flutter as he caught bits of the conversation that unfolded before him. Mostly his mother talking to him. She attempted to comfort him.

    Depa was terrified. Caleb was just barely responsive to her and his pulse felt weak. Sure attachments were forbidden but she was close to her padawan. Caleb meant so much to her and seeing him so hurt made her feel useless. It was important that she protect him; as his master, superior, and his mother.

    A medic arrived and prepared to take him somewhere safer. Caleb couldn't really think. Still he only understood parts of what was going on. He was moving? Someone had picked him up.

Comprehending what was happening hurt the boys head.

    When the two got to the treage the medic further took care of the wound. He was dragged away to take care of a worse case. "I'll be right back, okay Caleb?" He spoke softly.

    Caleb tried to answer but couldn't. An injured friend of his saw him and limped over to make sure he was okay. "Hey buddy, you okay?" Checkers spoke softly.

    'huh' the kid thought. He moved his head slowly to face the soldier, "am I gonna die?" His voice was quiet and shaky.

    Checkers rested his hand on the other cheek, "no, your not gonna die. I promise."

    The padawan gave the clone a small smile. Everything was still hazy. "Okay." Checkers moved to sit beside his commander. The kid held a special place in the soldiers heart. While technically he was younger than Caleb, he worried a lot about him; most of the battalion did. He was so young and should even be in this war.

    "Where's mom?" This took the clone by surprise. Everyone kinda knew that Depa and Caleb were close but hearing him say that she was like his mother unnerved Checkers. Not that there was a problem with that but because both were Jedi and he didn't want anything to happen to them. Attachments to him seemed inevitable but he wasn't a Jedi so he didn't really know.

    "Shes okay" he reassured Caleb. The medic came back and finished what was left to do with the injury. After making sure he was okay, Chess left again to take care of others.

    The battle ended not long after. It was a win for the republic. Depa quickly went to find Caleb. He was doing better. When she would arrive he was talking to Checkers about some clone gossip he had heard. Depa sighed and kneeled down beside him. "Caleb let Checkers rest."

    "Oh I'm alright. I was just telling him about what Pawn and Knight said" He chuckled.

    "Is everyone alright?" Caleb asked.

    "Mostly. It appears lucky this was a low casualty battle." Depa smiled. "Now both of you get some rest, we'll be leaving soon."

    "Yes sir." Both boys responded.

    Kanan thought back to this event everyone now and again; mostly around the anniversary of the excursion of the Jedi. The memory stung more than the bullet that had hit him that day. One day he'd find the strength to forgive the clones, now that he knew it wasn't their fault. One day that memory wouldn't be tainted anymore. 

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2 years ago

Febuwhump Day 17: Silent Tears

Fandom: Star Wars

Timeline: The Clone Wars

Warning: Character death

   Obi-wan had done all he could. When General Grievous showed his face he knew his day was about to get worse; everyone's day was about to get worse.

    Grievous showed no mercy. He grabbed a nearby clone and turned around. As the Jedi pulled his lightsaber from the ground the clone whispered a quiet help. Kenobi met the separatists eyes and in a split of a second the clones skull was crushed in. Blood splatter against the Jedi. Anger festered in Obi-wan's heart. Blinding guilt led his next movements as the clone fell to the ground. He would later learn that the soldier's name was Robin and that in Cody's words a shiny. His first battle became his last.

    The blood stained. Once back on The Negotiator the Jedi scrubbed at his face and hands. It wouldn't come off. When the battle had ended Obi-wan had taken Robin's body to the burial ground for the battle. Staring at his hands, now colored slightly lighter then the crimson blood that had covered them, he rubbed the rag harder and harder until his hand hurt. He found it ironic as in his eyes Robin's blood was on his hands. It was his fault.

    Obi-wan gave up on his hands and desperately tried to clean his face. The splatter pattern made him shake. His skin became irritated as the rag dug into it. At the realization the evidence of his failure would have to fade the man through the cloth to the ground.

    Memories like this never came at convenient times. It simply didn't matter to your brain where you were. Silent tears ran down Kenobi's cheeks as the council meeting went on. No one noticed until they looked to him for his input.

    The man's eyes were rested on the ground; his legs were folded in the chair with him. The only movement other than the tears was his hands harshly yet barely being rubbed together.

    The room was silent. "Master Kenobi?" Depa Balaba spoke. No answer.

    "Master Kenobi are you alright?" A different Jedi master asked.

    This time Obi-wan heard them. He looked up. "Oh yes. Why?" His voice was shaky.

    "Crying you are."

    "I am?" He raised an arm and brushed a finger under his eye. "Oh it appears I am." The Jedi attempted to chuckle to ease the tension. He cleared the tears from his face and tried to calm himself.

    Plo Koon stood and walked over to Obi-wan. "What's going on?" He whispered.

    "I'm alright really. Thank you Plo." He sighed and nodded, signaling Plo to go back to his seat. "My apologies. What are we talking about?"

    The room was covered with concerned faces. Slowly Mace Windu gave Obi-wan a brief explanation of what the group had been talking about. After adding his opinion the general asked if he could step out for a moment. The grand master nodded and he excused himself.

    When he walked back in no one could tell anything happened. Most came to the conclusion that the problem had something to do with the blood stains that painted his face and hands.

    Silent and not silent tears became more and more common in the safety of the counsel room. As the weight of war crushed the masters they cracked more and more during meetings. Sometimes simple words triggered the memories and sometimes no one knew what happened. Most were friends and tried to help each other. Meetings were inconvenient for metal breakdowns but a safe place was a safe place. No one judged as they knew the horrors of war well. The Jedi were born to be peace keepers; born to be companionate. Now the lead soldiers into battle. Their hearts were breaking and their tears showed the irreversible damage that had been done.

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2 years ago

Febuwhump Day 18: Can't stay awake

Fandom: Star Wars

Timeline: The Bad Batch

Warning: This story deals heavily with graphic depictions of suicide and self harm. Please proceed with caution.

This is what he wanted right? The blood that spiled from his wrist started to make him dizzy. Tech was tired of feeling ostracized by the regs, by his brother's. No one seemed to understand him. Sure he expressed things differently and sure he didn't

always know when or what to say but the man did his best.

    Not only was he done with people he was done with the war. The sights he'd seen through his googles frightened him. The blood, tears, the evil, and the lack of empathy was something no amount of training could properly prepare you for.

    Was this what he wanted? It's what the regs wanted. They never failed to let Tech know he was less than them, that he'd be better off dead. His eyes fluttered. At first he didn't agree but as time went on the regs words started to sting. When they no longer stung they burned into his mind and heart. Physical fights became waiting out the storm and taking care of himself later.

    Tech knew the signs and saw them in himself. He thought of telling his brother but in the end decided he'd deal with it on his own. When the man started to think more seriously of killing himself and of harming himself he knew it was time to tell them. Every time he tried his throat closed and tears welled. At the end he walked away to try again another day.

    The first time he gave into the thoughts saying he deserved to bleed, deserved the horrors of what the regs and what the war did to him; the blade calmed his mind in a way unexpected. From then on though he knew it was unhealthy and a problem, he didn't really care.

    Tech started caring less about his safety. This stressed Hunter out as he started seeing the signs as well. The sergeant wasn't sure what to do so he just watched him carefully.

    Now four neatly folded notes laid at the end of his bunk. The others had gone to the mess hall for dinner.

    Was this what he truly wanted? What about the brothers he had written to? Would they be okay? None of them really knew what was going on in his head, hell Echo hadn't seen him any other way than he was now, but all had done their best to help him. He pushed them away.

    No this wasn't what he wanted. He wanted to feel better. If he died he wouldn't feel better, he wouldn't feel anything. Now he tried to fight against the looming tiredness that hung over him. Tech just had to last until his brothers returned. What would they think? That doesn't matter.

    "I think I'm gonna go back to our barracks, I'm not really hungry" Echo excused himself.

    In the barracks Tech's breathing slowed. He couldn't stay awake. If he succumbed to the exhaustion it was all over. His eyelids felt heavy as they tried to shut out the world for good. The clone was already curled up. He inched one of his hands down to the worse of the two wrists. It would only help a little for he could put much pressure on it.

    Tech's comm sat on the table closest to the bed. He wanted to reach for it but couldn't muster the energy to. Next it the comm sat the piece of shrapnel that he used to make the lacerations. Finding blades with no heat element to them was difficult so Tech got... Creative. Next to the comm and sharapnal rested his blaster and broken googles.

    The clones breaking point was when Kitty broke them. Kitty hatted the batch and for no good reason. He was an angry man and the batch seemed to be his favorite target. The four never provoked him. Echo got rapped into his torment when he joined the family. Breaking the googles felt simbolic. The shatter of the glass to the shatter of his hope, the breaking of his heart and brain.

    Echo walked though the halls. Something felt wrong. Without realizing it his pace quickened. Arriving at the room he opened the door and greeted Tech. Brown eyes landed to the notes at the end of the bed. From the bed they drifted to his brother, then to the table. Broken googles and bloody shrapnel confirmed Echo's suspicions. He ran to the others side and pushed him to his back.

    Something was going on. Tech saw a face. Slowly he relieved who it was. "Stay with me Tech alright." He spoke softly. Echo had seen this before. Suicide wasn't exactly uncommon for soldiers. Now he just had to keep him alive. Rather Tech liked it or not.

    Tech tried to nod. He wanted to answer Echo. He wanted to get to know Echo. With the little coherent thoughts he could have he regretted his decision to let it get this far.

    "I know it's hard but try to stay awake Tech. You're gonna be okay." Echo grabbed his own blanket quickly and pressed it against the cuts.

    The world was fading. Echo's comforting voice was starting to be drowned out by silence and his eyelids finally won and closed.

    Echo kept an eye on the others pulse. It was weak but it was there. Medics would arrive and take the injured to the medic bay.

    Now to inform his brothers. They were still in the mess hall. He sat down. Hunter immediately noted the blood on Echo's hand. "What happened?" Concern laced the man's voice.

    He looked at the three. He had all of their attention. Worry grew on their faces. "Tech tried to kill himself. He's in the medical bay. It's not looking good."

    Tears formed in Wrecker's eyes. "What?" He muttered.

    "What's wrong sad batch?" Kitty antagonized.

    Crosshair stood. He walked over to the bully, "If he dies you're next!" Wrecker snatched Crosshair and the four walked to the medical bay.

    When Tech would wake he found his family surrounding him, faces panted with worry. What does he tell them? How does he explain everything?

    "Hey Tech." Hunter softly smiled. Tech returned the sentiment. The four had been informed of the numerous other scars that littered his body. They mixed with war injuries. Well both were war injuries, one a war against the separatists and one a war against himself.

    "Why didn't you tell us?" Hearing Crosshair sound so soft calmed and spooked Tech.

    "I.. I didn't know how." His voice came out shaky and quiet.

    The family talked for a while before letting Tech get some rest. They would help him through the battle with his mind and when rummers flew about what happened they defended him. All of them would make it through this. Together.

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2 years ago

Febuwhump Day 19: "You Deserve This."

Fandom: Star Wars

Timeline: The Bad Batch

    Caleb ran through the crowd of people. Behind him chased Crosshair. Watch its and move it kids were thrown at him constantly as he tried to make his way to the woods. In the woods he could hide, he could be safe. If need be he could draw his lightsaber in the woods. He couldn't hear, not anymore.

    Crosshair finally had the chance to right his brother's wrong. The Jedi that ran in front of him would be dead by the end of the day.

    Once at the woods the child jumped into the trees. It would be harder to find him this way. Hopefully he could lose Crosshair and make it back to the town on the other side of the woods.

    The soldier didn't take his eyes of Caleb. He wanted him jump from tree to pink tree. The forest was beautiful; unfortunately neither had the time to really enjoy the rare beauty of nature.

    When Caleb's foot slipped on the branch everything felt over. He hit the ground hard and laid still for a moment. Crosshair ran over, ready to kill the little boy if he wasn't already gone. Scrambling the Jedi went for his lightsaber.

    Crosshair didn't shoot.  Something felt off so he waited. After all he had the time.

    The boy whimpered as he pulled himself against a tree. Tears allowed him to express the pain and terror that gathered in his heart and head. Was this it? With the arm in the least amount of pain Caleb lifted his lightsaber and ignited it in front of himself. "Why are you doing this?" he cried.

    "You deserve this" Crosshair hissed.

    "Deserve this?" Pain and betrayal laced Caleb's voice, "what did I do to deserve this?!"

    "Your acts of treason" The clone answered.

    "Treason? I didn't commit an act of treason!"

    "There is no need to lie. The Jedi betrayed the republic."

    "What? Well what did they do?" Now curiosity took over. If he was gonna die he should at least know why.

    Crosshair was quiet. What did they do? "It doesn't matter! You're a traitor and traitors need to be dealt with."

    "I'm not going to die for something I didn't do!" Caleb started attempting to stand, "I won't let my life be cut short! My mom saved me I won't let it be for nothing! There are still people who I need to help, places I need to go! I want to live to see peace! Take your shoot Crosshair! Take it!" The boy stood as steady as he could. The tree provided enough support for him to use both arms for his lightsaber.

    The pain the child was in was evident. Crosshair could see it written all over his face. Did he deserve this? 'Yes he's a traitor. No he's just a kid, he couldn't have known.' the sniper argued with himself. It made his head hurt. Throwing his rifle Crosshair walked over to Caleb. "Put that down for a minute."

    It took a moment but Caleb complied. Grabbing the little medical equipment he had the clone rapped what he could. Both were confused by the others actions. When Crosshair walked back over to his rifle the humming of a lightsaber greeted him. "Relax. Cut it up; make it a crutch." Crosshair loved that rifle but with everything he had done to this boy letting him use it was a small way to help.

    Caleb grabbed it and cut it to fit his body. Walking was still difficult but slightly less painful. "Thank you."

    Crosshair just stared at him before walking away. This kid didn't deserve to have to grow up in such a dangerous galaxy, he didn't deserve to lose everything he had. Now Crosshair was thinking. The empire hated people who think for themselves. Things started to fall in place and the man finally realized he was the bad guy. The empire was the separatist but worse. Worse in the way that they made people believe they were good.

    Crosshair wasn't sure what to do next. All he really knew is whatever awful things he may face, he deserved it.

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1 year ago

Febuwhump Day 20: Knife Wound

Fandom: Star Wars

Timeline: The Bad Batch

The vibro-knife glided through Hunter's fingers. It flew directly into the victim's lower chest. The man hit the ground with a yelp. Crosshair grabbed at the wound. It hurt, it hurt like hell.

    Wrecker weighed his opinions. He could run back to Crosshair and help him or he could stay with the others. He knew the decision may cost him his life but he wasn't going to let Hunter's decision cost Crosshair his.

    "Tech! Hold on!" Wrecker yelled. The two slide behind some large rocks and Wrecker snatched some medical supplies from his brother's pouches.

    "Wrecker what are you doing?" Tech looked at the man confused.

    "Go ahead I'll be right there." With that Wrecker took off back to where Crosshair lay.

    "Wrecker!" Tech stepped from behind the rock and faced him. Rather he didn't hear him or ignored him, Tech didn't know. He ran to join back with the group.

    "Wrecker we need to go! He'll be fine." Hunter spoke of over the comm. Once more Wrecker ignored the others.

    Crosshair's head was spinning. The knife wound was deep. No blood escaped the wound as the heat element to the vibro-knife cauterized the gash immediately. He could hear someone talking to him but the voice was slightly hazy. The man's mind raced. He wondered what was next for him, if this was the end. He wondered if his family hated him or if somewhere they still cared. When he finally made out the voice he knew at least one of them did.

    Wrecker moved Crosshair somewhere slightly safer and hopefully somewhere the imperials wouldn't find them. Removing the knife was the tricky part. Grabbing the handle he pulled it out of the man's flesh quickly. Crosshair cried out as the knife left his body. "I know" Wrecker attempted to soothe his brother.

    Little amounts of blood leaked from the injury. Wrecker did what he could for Crosshair. He finished by rapping some bandages around the wound and sat with him for a minute to make sure he did everything right.

    Crosshair went from angry to confused; from Hunter will pay for stabbing me to why was Wrecker helping me? It took tell his brother was done for him to realize there was no cruel joke. He wondered what would happen now. Would Wrecker save him from the hell that was the empire or would he leave him again? Would once more Crosshair have to watch his family leave without him, leaving him no choice but to stay with an army that saw him as a number?

    Wrecker wasn't comfortable leaving Crosshair. The wound was deep and extremely dangerous. Yes the knife was gone but would he be okay?

    As soldiers came closer Crosshair looked at Wrecker, "go."

    "Will you be okay?" The normally bright and cheery man was so worried it hurt his stomach. It hurt Crosshair to see him this way. He missed Wrecker's positivity even if it was a little much sometimes.

    As soon as he nodded Wrecker started standing. "I love you Cross. Stay safe!" The man booked it out of there. Some regs followed him but others simply didn't see the point. He'd get away, they always do.

    A scar that should have been a reminder of how much his family hated him became a reminder of the love they still had. Yes the wound had been given to him by Hunter but it was cared for by Wrecker. He risked capture or worse death to help Cross. He took that chance and waited until he had to leave. Somehow he was glad he was stabbed. At Least now he knew someone still cared about him.

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1 year ago

Febuwhump Day 24: Bloody Clothes

Fandom: Star Wars

Timeline: The Clone Wars

      Pain doesn't always register. Sometimes the adrenaline of trying to stay alive and keep your men alive; all while trying to win the battle in front of you, drowns out body signals. The warm blood mixed with sweat and become unnoticeable to Obi-wan. The gash in his side didn't bother him other then an uncomfortable feeling he couldn't pay attention to. It has come from a flying piece of debris. Stuff like that could move so quickly no one even knew.

    As the battle came to a close Obi-wan started to get dizzy. The uncomfortable feeling grew from when it appeared a few minutes ago. When the 212th overtook the Separatist base they knew soon they could rest. It only took a few minutes to overrun the remainder of the droids and the few sentient beings that occupied the base.

    Obi-wan searched for triage. He wanted to help prepare the men before they were taken somewhere for better help. Quickly the bloody fabric around the wound was noticed. "Sir!" The clone rushed up to their injured general.

    "Yes?" Kenobi felt lightheaded. He blamed it on dehydration.

    "You're hurt."

    "Huh? Where?" Obi-wan looked down at himself. The bright red liquid surprised him. The cloth clung to his skin. Blood allowed the man to find other injuries easier.

    Now the pain hit. The feeling brought Obi-wan to his knees. His breathing sped up and he pulled his brown robe off his shoulders and balled it up, careful to not get anymore dirt in the wound.

    The clone called for a medic and kneeled down to their general to help keep him from bleeding out. A medic would arrive and the Jedi was taken to triage.

    Once at triage the cloak was removed from the injury and thrown off to the side. Not long after Obi-wan would be moved.

    Cody had made his way to triage. He intended to help where he could as well. Seeing the blood-covered cloak struck fear into the man's heart. Cody loved Obi-wan; not that he'd ever tell him. He'd have to look later. For now he had a responsibility to help his men.

    When everything calmed Cody finally got the chance to find his general. He was fine. Visibly he relaxed and walked over to talk to him. "How are you feeling?"

    "Fine" he answered. "How are you?"

    "I'm alright. I saw your cape and got concerned. I thought I'd come check up on you."

    "That's awfully sweet of you." The two would talk about any known casualties, the next step to take, and anything else they needed to say.

    "Looks like I'll be needing a new set of robes." The general joked.

    "Looks like it."

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1 year ago

Febuwhump Day 22: Can't Scream

Fandom: Star Wars

Timeline: The Clone Wars

Warnings: Body horror, graphic depictions of violence, and mentions of suicidal thoughts

Maul could be quite creative. When he kidnapped Obi-wan and Cody he offered the Jedi a deal; if Obi-wan sat through the torment without screaming then maybe they could live. If not then Obi-wan would have choice but to watch as Maul killed yet another member of his family. Then he would also circum to the cruel fate of a slow and painful death.

With no other options Obi-wan took the deal. Cody was chained to the wall, forced to watch as the man he loved was brutally tortured.

Obi-wan was forced to the center of the room. He pleaded that his lover be taken someplace else but Maul could care less. The sith knew it would only make matters worse as the two would try to help each other.

When Maul brought the vibro-knife out Obi-wan closed his eyes and hoped they would be alright. The knife slide carelessly across his back. Holding back the deathly noise the Jedi clenched his jaw. Right after the knife would mirror the previous wound.

Obi-wan's breathing speed up and tears crawled out of his eyes. Crying was allowed so he didn't worry himself with it too much. Cody however did. He pulled desperately at the chains that kept his from his loved one. Not knowing if he was included in the no screaming deal the commander talked at a normal level when trying to comfort his partner.

Maul moved to put the knife down to grab a different tool. Obi-wan conjured a way to keep quiet. Eventually screaming would be inevitable as it was a bodily reaction to pain. The only way he could think to avoid screaming was to damage his vocal cords. But how could he manage that? Was there a way to do so without killing himself? Should he just kill himself? That would protect Cody. No, the pain that would bring may be too much for the man.

Finally it hit him. He gently raised his hand slightly. He looked over to Cody and spoke softly, "I love you dear."

"Don't do this." This couldn't be happening. Was Obi-wan really going to?

The force worked in strange ways. Usually a Jedi was not to use the force for violence but this time an exception could be made. Of course Obi-wan could not use the power against Maul; he wouldn't risk it not working. The feeling of his vocal cords being ripped apart was not a feeling the Jedi ever experienced to feel. Sometimes the uses the force could be used for scared him but this time despite the terror he was glad it could be done.

Blood leaked into Obi-wan's throat and escaped out his mouth. Maul stood stunned, debating his next move.

Cody couldn't see straight. Tears blocked his vision as he tried to figure out what happened. "Dear what did you do?" He started "Obi-wan what did you do?"

Obi-wan looked up at Cody. Now he wouldn't scream. He secured their safety, sure but now he wouldn't speak again. How was he supposed to be the negotiator if he could speak? How could he lead his men into battle if he couldn't yell? All the questions that flooded his mind would have to be answered later.

Maul chuckled, "smart move Kenobi but I'm not done." The torture would continue. By the time Maul was done Obi-wan could hardly breathe. The general's left leg had been sliced off, his right arm crushed, the other arm would have to amputated up to his elbow as well as the foot on his right leg. The man's ribs had been broken; his back littered with large and small lacerations. To accompany the cuts, colorful bruises covered his body. To finish off, Maul grabbed Obi-wan by the neck, strangling him. Trying to stop the sith was pointless.

As it seemed death was going to claim him Maul threw Kenobi's pain stricken body to the ground. Afterwards he unchained Cody and allowed him to take care of his lover.

From there the focase was keeping Obi-wan alive. Maul kept up his end of the deal and dumped the two off at a nearby star port. Some EMTs would quickly arrive at the scene and take him to the hospital. There all the necessities of his care would be met. Cody would get in contact with the Jedi council who would send Anakin out to retrieve the two.

Never did Obi-wan think he would be so thankful for the pain the force could inflict on an individual. His voice would be a small price to pay. Never screaming meant he could never raise his voice at the people he cared for. No harsh words could be yelled in aggravation. However not being able to yell could lead never being found when trapped or to alert others of danger.

Metal would replace lost limbs and stitches would keep torn flesh together. Obi-wan's vocal cords could be fixed but it would take time. Most surgeons would wait at least a year before attempting to fix the seemingly permanent damage.

At the end of the day at least the two were alive. Yes the sacrifice Obi-wan's voice had been necessary but what now? How can you lead if you can't yell? How will the soldiers under his command know what to do? Time would only tell.

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1 year ago

Febuwhump Master List!

So I'm not quite done yet so I'll add them when I finish the last 6 when completed!

Warnings will be at the beginning of each story. The fandoms will also be at the top of the stories! My favorites will be in green! Let me know yours if you read them which is yours!

Day 1: Touch Starved

Day 2: Flinching

Day 3: Muzzled

Day 4: Knife to the Throat

Day 5: That's Gonna Scar

Day 6: Secrets Revealed

Day 7: Forced to Watch

Day 8: Panic

Day 9: Voice Loss

Day 10: Difficulty Breathing

Day 11: Fever

Day 12: "Can You Hear Me?"

Day 13: Forced to Hurt a Loved One

Day 14: Captivity

Day 15: Self Sacrifice

Day 16: Semi-conscious

Day 17: Silent Tears

Day 18: Can't Stay Awake

Day 19: "You Deserve This."

Day 20: Knife Wound

Day 21: Inferno (Alt prompt)

Day 22: Can't Scream

Day 23: "You'll Have to go Through Me."

Day 24: Bloody Clothes

Day 25: Assumed Dead

Day 26: Forced to Choose

Day 27: Survivor's Guilt

Day 28: "You're Safe Now."

This was such a fun challenge and I look forward to next year! Hopefully I'll finish that one on time lol! (The final finish date is March 13th)

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1 year ago

Febuwhump Day 23: "You'll Have to go Through me."

Fandom: Star Wars

Timeline: The Bad Batch

Warning: Major character death

Tech laid on the ground. Trying to pull his self back up to fight he looked up at Crosshair. "Finished?" The sniper antagonized.

    The mercenary's hand slipped in the mud as he fell again. Crosshair walked closer as Tech thought of a plan. For once in his life he didn't know what to do.

    The two had found each other by chance. Both had been on their own mission. Tech was instructed to extract some information from an old separatist base while Crosshair was there to assist some commandos with rounding up some civilians. A child had escaped so the clone had gone to find her.

    When the two met they quickly managed to disarm each other. Vibro-knifes and guns fell to the ground, both knowing the other was too dangerous armed. Hand-to-hand combat is not Tech's strong suit. Though Crosshair was the sniper he found pleasure in hand-to-hand combat so he spent a lot of his free time learning. It didn't take long for the brothers to get where they were now.

    Tech started at his brother who had gone to pick up a vibro-knife. Why he chose the knife instead of his rifle confused Tech. His weapon of choice had always been his rifle so most likely it was to antagonize him.

    Omega ran out to where the two had fought. She slipped slightly in the mid then planted her feet in front of her older brother and glared at the other. "You'll have to go through me if you wanna get to him!" She flung her arms out to take up more space.

    "Omega" Tech struggled to sit up. Crosshair, at least like this, wouldn't hesitate to kill her. Being her older brother meant he had to protect her not the other way. Again his arm gave out from under him and he slipped.

    "Brave girl. If you want to protect him then you shall die with him."

    Omega stood firm. She never wavered. Tech kept trying to get up, injuring himself more in the process. He'd never felt so helpless before. Omega was going to die and it was his fault.

    Crosshair walked up to her until he was uncomfortably close to her. The girl just looked up at him. Her eyes met his and something changed. The sniper had never seen Omega so angry. Hate filled her eyes the same way it filled his.

    The child pushed Crosshair away from her and looked around. Her eyes laid on one of Tech's blasters. Not wanting to leave Tech defenseless she walked towards her imperial brother. Unconsciously Crosshair moved back. This gave her the space she needed. Sprinting over to the gun Omega purposely slid to grab it. Right after she checked quickly to make sure the gun was set to stun.

    Tech was so proud of his little sister. She used her surroundings to her advantage. Not only that the kid managed to take Crosshair off guard, something few people could do.

    Omega wouldn't get the chance to shoot before Crosshair's knife sunk into her chest. The mud around her lifeless body splashed as she hit the ground. Tech could do nothing but watch, knowing she died for him.

     Crosshair turned back to his brother. "She said I'd have to go through her so I did." Tech tried to find anything that may hint to any regret or remorse his brother may have for killing their sister. Nothing. Had Crosshair really become so cold? Was the man in front of him, the man that was about to kill him, the man that just killed a little girl, the man he grew up with. He'd seen Cross eat glue before, to think he was capable of killing his family stung. It didn't more than sting it hurt. The pain carved into Tech's heart and made itself at home.

    Crosshair walked over to the child's body and removed the knife from her chest. He slowly walked back to Tech to finish what he started. Dropping to his knees he grabbed Tech's face.

    Tears leaked into the man's googles as he started at the monster in front of him. "Murderer" he hissed.

    "I know." The imperial pulled his former team mate into a sitting position and looked him dead in his eyes. Neither recognized the other's gaze anymore. Crosshair's eyes once had a hidden softness. Now they only reflected hate. Technalways had a sort of deadpan look in his and now they reflected the pain of loss.

    "Goodbye Tech." Tech closed his eyes. Omega's sacrifice wouldn't be for nothing. From behind Echo stunned Crosshair. He collapsed into the reddish mud. Tech fell with him.

    Echo rushed to his brother's side. "Tech, are you alright?" Kneeling down to the other side of him he put pressure on a large wound with his only hand. Seeing the water in Tech's googles he pulled them off.

    Hunter and Wrecker joined the others in the field. Hunter looked around to learn more about their surroundings. That's when he saw her. With no explanation the sargent rushed over to the little girl. As soon as he saw the location of her wound he knew she was gone. Hunter checked for a pulse anyway. Feeling her skin already growing cold startled him.

    Wrecker grabbed Tech and walked over to the other two. Echo followed. "Is she?" Wrecker already knew the answer. The lack of an effort to tend to Omega's wound and the sound of soft crying spoke the words Hunter couldn't say. Carefully Hunter grabbed his little sister and stood. He nodded and they left.

    Back on the Marauder the men mourned their sister. Once Tech had the strength he explained to them what happened. No matter how hard the three tried to explain it wasn't his fault, it was Crosshair's, he wouldn't see it that way. Omega made the decision to save his life. Tech would have to come to accept her decision. Even though he wanted to there was no way to switch places with her. After all he should be the one the family buried deep in the dirt of Kashyyyk.

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