Bnha Amajiki - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago
Don't Say I Love You - Amajiki Tamakigenre: Fluff! | Notes: I Miss Amajiki Plss, Mirio-wingman Energy

don't say i love you - amajiki tamaki genre: fluff! | notes: i miss amajiki plss, Mirio-wingman energy | 1.0k words - Say 'i love you' without saying i love you cause both of you are shy

— extra notes: - forgive me for being inactive, i'm currently working on a series which i'm having a hard time to where i would post it so meh.. - drink your water everyone and this story is just an excuse, i just miss my babie amajiki


Take a deep breath. Take a deep breath, he keep reminding himself to take a deep breath, whether it’s a way to calm himself down or the calm everyone down: Tamaki Amajiki keeps inhaling and exhaling to calm his pounding chest and to tire down the ringing in his hair but in spite of all the battles he had in his head, there’s this one person that he always thinks of, the one who tells him that he should keep going, the one who keeps cheering on him even if he felt like everyone is watching him, that person was you. He is indeed in love with butterflies but he surely knows that haven’t eaten any type of butterfly and yet, your laughter, your smile, and the way you speak made him feel soft and familiar inside.

He never knew what caused this, he never knew what’s the reason for his sudden excitement when you enter the room, his body would react when he feels your warmth to his fingertips, he would often ramble this to Mirio to which Mirio was happy and pleased: he always wanted to see this sight where Amajiki finally found the missing part and him feeling the warmth in his skin.

“Come on, just one date..”

“I’ll just end up going home..”

Mirio left a chuckle but with a little push, he said that you wouldn’t turn him down or even leave him alone because deep down Mirio knew that Amajiki has the best version of himself and that’s when he’s with you. But to his state he never knew how much big deal this is for Amajiki thinking of all the things that may not fall to the ending he wishes to possess however, he, himself was also indecisive despite being one of the UA’s big three, he had no clue which move he should do next.

The last thing he knew is that he only wanted to be next to you, all of the time.

But the funny about that is that you and Amajiki posses the same attitude, him having anxiety whenever he’s with new people and you being afraid of asking some additional ketchup to a fast food chain worker: due to this fact you two pledge closer together and the two of you voyage the outside world the language you and him only knew and communication became a golden key for the both of you.

So, you noticed how Amajiki mostly feel embarrassed or flustered next to you: you wondered if maybe you did something wrong? Or maybe you did something that actually made him and that is the last thing you wish would happen, without a doubt losing Amajiki would be the greatest travesty you wish you wouldn’t think of, due to the sudden change of his attitude you tried to think of somethings that can actually affect Amajiki from the food you gave him to the way you talked to him but nothing seems to be the problem but still he seems to have that pink shade of powder in his cheeks, and to your conclusion maybe he has a crush….on someone else.

Not that you like him or maybe you do...but maybe he’s being like that because you two seemed to be too close and now it’s affecting his crush, you tried to clear your mind in this kind of thought, but looking back he did mention that there’s this one person that makes him keep going.

You dealt with heartache before but now, you wonder if Amajiki is worth it because truth to be told, seeing Amajiki with someone who isn’t you, doesn’t really make your stomach happy, however if it’s a way to make him smile, you’ll gladly let him go.

You stood in front of Amajiki’s room and with a heart on your hand as an offer for a love that you wish he will return. You informed him ahead of time that you were gonna go inside but then you remind to yourself that both of you are like house of cards, you two take time to build each other and just a short time to make you both fall apart but alas, for now, you or both of you tries to make this house of cards even bigger.

You went inside his room and saw Mirio and Amajiki talking, it seems so intense and still Amajiki’s red blush is still present, as if by magic or most likely quirk Mirio vanishes making himself sink in Amajiki’s room leaving you and Amajiki alone, oh, and also those butterflies in yours and his stomach.

“..I noticed something..are you mad at me?”

You asked Amajiki to make him stand up asking you why you would think of that and you looked away. Huh? So he isn’t mad. Maybe he really likes someone, then. Without a word, Amajiki just stared at you as you sigh in deep thought, Mirio’s words had a call in his head, like he is having a telepathy with Mirio.

“...I see..”

You gave off a vibe like you knew but at the same time you didn't. While Amajiki stares at you, adoring you in every way he can.

“I like you.”

Ah, crap. You and him muttered in a low voice, ah, soulmates. What a twist indeed, you two heard a low chuckle and Mirio’s face was on Amajiki’s wall. “See, I told ya!” To Mirio, he told you beforehand that you should just go for it and he cheered Amajiki a while ago to ask you out. He disappeared from the wall as you ran to Amajiki and gave him a hug as he did in return with a shaking hand; no words were heard that time and apparently you need don’t need to say ‘i love you ‘ to say you two love each other, forgot about the blue moon and shooting stars because in this universe you two have each other hearts inside the bigger house of cards.

----------- the end.



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6 years ago

so amajiki

used to call mirio “sun”


amajiki’s hero name is “sun eater” ??

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


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4 years ago

You started something serious don’t ya

Just enjoying your life but you playfully kiss and bite is neck headcanons

Warning : mention of smut (nothing really spicy)



It was a simple nigth in the dorm of class 3-A but yet you coulnd’t focus on the movie in front of you. The reason? do you know someone who  can focus when they have a bakuhoe next to them? NO.

He wasn’t doing anything special but yet he looked so handsome just wearing black t-shirt and jogging but still hot. They were nobody behind the two of you so you thougth that maybe bitting is neck would be great.

So you did it of course, you turned your head to look at bakugo’s face and approched yourself then you go a little bite down adn start bitting is neck seductively.

Even tough bakugo and you are dating since 1-A every time you surpise him more and more, he looked at you, eyes wide open and said “you started something serious don’t ya?”

And then in a flash he carry you likke a potato bag (nothing romantic) and before you knew it you were already in his room. Letting all your comrade confused.




You were both in a study session, you were trying to help him because his grade were going down (if it can be possible).

At first ot was ok both of you were serious but knowing mirio he won't last long. After 30minutes he jumped on the bed and acted like a baby because he wasn't able to finish an exercice.

"I can't to it y/n" "i just wanna cuddle" "yyy/nnn"

Having an idea you closed your book and you sat at on his lap and started bitting his neck. His hands started to removz your shirt but before doing it.

You pushed him away he looked at you "why y/n?" you just said to him if he finish this fucking exercice he could have your body.

He finished his exercice as fast as he can and we can say that he didn't to one more exercice (he have some more serious stuff to deal with).




You were just sitting on a bench, she was drinking hot tea and you just looked at her. She have snow on her hair it make hair look so cute too you.

When it come to saiko you can't have an hold on yourself, and rigth now her neck looked really apealing so you bite him and licked it a bit.

She moaned and looked at you with an arrogant smile. "We have to go home it's starting to get really cold don't you think my dear"

Speaking the true the reason she wanted to get home wasn't because of the cold and the snow.




It was during a hero conference, for the heroes beside you it looked like you were just resting your head on her shoulder because her hair were hiding the real deal.

Its been ten minute and you were still making lobe bite all over her neck. She have a content smile, she was really enjoying herself.

Although she don’t know if she would be able to handle her horniness anymore but she is a pro hero she could handle this kind of think? yes?


When you started biting his neck he stopped breathing and every movement.  He blushed and looked at you why his eyes wide open, shocked



The two of you were alone but it looked like a hundred of people were watching you and him. He was so embarrassed, why would you do something like this to him?

If you bite his neck again he would maybe have a heart attack, please protect him.

Lowkey enjoy it but his brain won’t even admit it, because it exploded of akwardness.

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5 years ago

Bnha Yearbook

Tamaki and mirio wants their last year book photos to be the ones that stand out so mirio and Tamaki beg and plead with Fatgum to get exotic meats for Tamaki to eat before the picture. While Everytime the photographer trys to take a picture of Mirio he starts to activate his quirk leaving him a blur on the picture.

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5 months ago

Tamaki Amajiki Fanart

Why have I been postponing posting things?😔 This has just been sitting here for a month. 😭 anyway, my cute baby boy!!❤ I'm gonna play around with shading in the future- actually using pencil to shade more. HOLY SHIT THE HAND- 💀

Tamaki Amajiki Fanart

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3 years ago
Not Ok , Por Fulano

❝not ok❞ , por fulano

depois de tanto tempo sem postar nada, cá estou eu com uma capa do meu novo xodó (mirio e o tamaki são meu tudinho)

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2 years ago
Please Be My Friend Tamaki, I Love You So Much
Please Be My Friend Tamaki, I Love You So Much
Please Be My Friend Tamaki, I Love You So Much

Please be my friend Tamaki, I love you so much 😭

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7 months ago

Tamaki Amajiki - Netflix and Chill

Tamaki Amajiki - Netflix And Chill

Tamaki is baby boy ! :D

Warnings: None


“Y/n I’m home!” Tamaki exclaimed as he saw your shoes by the door.

“Welcome back!” You said as you wrapped your arms around him. His warm body melted into yours as he hugged you back. Tamaki nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck gently, mumbling something about being exhausted.

“Yeah? Tired love? I know you work so hard,” you say to him, a soft smile on your face, “Go freshen up Tama, I’ve got a surprise for you afterwards.”

With a reluctant grumble, Tamaki pulled away from the warmth of your body and went into your shared room to take a shower and change out of his hero clothes. You had the luxury of being able to arrive home before your longtime boyfriend and fiancé Tamaki had, so you’d gone out again to pick up some takoyaki and other takeout along with his favorite snacks.

It had been a while since you and Tamaki had been able to spend some quality time together due to your busy schedules, and you thought a low energy netflix and chill date would be great seeing how tired you both can be at the end of the day.

As you got a movie you both wanted to watch ready and pulled out a blanket and some pillows to share, you heard Tamaki’s soft footsteps padding down the halls of your house. His eyes widened in surprise as he saw the setup which had previously gone unnoticed by him. His slightly extended silence at the sight of what you had done caused you a bit of anxiety.

“Do you not like it? I thought we could just netflix and chill but if you don’t want to or are too tired I understand.” You said hesitantly, breaking the silence between the two of you.

“No. No! I love this so much, thank you bunny,”he said quickly, snapping out of his reverie, “I was just surprised.” A soft blush adorned his cheeks as he finished his sentence, unable to find the words describe the feeling of pure love and adoration that flooded through his body the moment he saw you on the couch, setting up a date with all his favorite things. His favorite foods, his favorite snacks, his favorite blanket, and his favorite person. God he loved you so much.

Quickly, Tamaki sat down next to you on the couch, wrapping his arms around you and grabbing a pack of chips off the table nearby as you turned on the movie. Once you two had your fill of food and snacks, your bodies pressed up against each other under the weight of the blanket as you eventually shifted into a comfortable position.

Tamaki was laying down directly on the couch while you were laying down on top of him, head resting on his chest, one of his hands intertwined with yours, playing with the engagement ring that rested on your ring finger, while his other hand wrapped snugly around you waist.

Slowly the movie was forgotten as you both drifted off to sleep, Tamaki muttering out a soft ‘love you’ before the dreams pulled him in.

You really should netflix and chill more often.

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