Boomhauer - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago
Sorry For Delays, Finals Were Rough And For Some Reason Drawing This Kinda Stuff At Work Is Frowned Upon!
Sorry For Delays, Finals Were Rough And For Some Reason Drawing This Kinda Stuff At Work Is Frowned Upon!

Sorry for delays, finals were rough and for some reason drawing this kinda stuff at work is “frowned upon”! Here’s the next installment in our saga of Hank! Please vote in the tags, final results will include votes from twitter!

How Will Hanks Day Go? Say Your Choice In The Tags!
How Will Hanks Day Go? Say Your Choice In The Tags!

How will hanks day go? Say your choice in the tags!

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8 months ago


Im a minor!! I have ADHD and autism!!! I like labels!! they're silly. :3 (I like to call myself a loz3r) I LOVE LIS2. It's my current hyperfixation that will never go away!! Honestly, I love the entire series. I love going into chat rooms and converting people into life is strangers. I am very detached from reality to the point where it's not healthy!! but hey, I'm 'alive' aren't I? I'm a poet, author/writer, AND a singer!! No officially released songs but I'm working on it :) I'm a therian and a furry!! My favorite movies : Where the wild things are, fight club, marcel the shell, street dreams, mid90s, vivarium, the Joker. My favorite shows : The 7 lives of lea, bojack horseman, I am not okay with this. My favorite games : LIFE IS STRANGE 2!! night in the woods, little nightmares, STRAY. My favorite books : PAX, fight club, the outsiders. My favorite singer/bands : Alex G, current joys, Grimes, duster. My favorite characters : Boomhauer (koth), Sean diaz (lis2), Kate marsh (lis), Tyler durden(fight club), 4th grade(mid90s), marla singer (fight club), Karine (the 7 lives of lea), skip matthews (lis bts), frank bowers (lis bts). Characters I relate to : Mae borowski(nitw), Narrator (fight club), Max (wtwta), Ash (fantastic mr fox), Bojack horseman, hunter (toh), lea (the 7 lives of lea). my other accounts, @loz3rliterature @moodboards-of-a-loz3r PROSHIPPERS DNI. ZOOPHILES DNI, TRANSPHOBIC AND HOMOPHOBES DNI!!!!!!

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7 months ago

my king of the hill headcanons that r literally impossible!!

they dont make sense AT ALL and r physically impossible in the koth universe but yk what?? who gives a damn?? not me!! boomhauer is dales little brother and a grade younger than the others dale infested someones lawn with bugs because they were being they were being mean to bobby peggy thought bobby had a crush on joseph so she tried her best to support him saying 'you think joseph would like this?' 'you know you can always talk to me..about boys.' and bobby would js be like 'huh?' confused af (adding on to the 1st one) when dale was younger, he tried to get rid of boomhauer out of jealousy by 'slingshotting' him out the window (the slingshot broke) dale was in debate club and a DND club in hs boomhauers housed a kid who got kicked out by their parents because they were queer Bill has a hard time reading because noone ever helped him except in school which was still barey. bobby's autistic (I have MANY reasons to why I think so.)

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