Brahms - Tumblr Posts

タッチの多彩さやペダリングの素晴らしさ、そして音を自分の言葉のように語っている演奏だったのが印象的でした🥰 演奏会場限定表紙のエッセーを買ってしまいました。

I like this one better, it's so fluffy.

THE BOY 2016
I enjoyed the movie for the first time. I was a little scared at first but when 'he' came out wow I feel safe now.
So I'm just gonna slide right in joining the slasher community just for halloween probably idk.
First attempt of stinky wall man.
Brahms taking half of the slasher community or probably just on tumblr.

THE BOY 2016
badass entrance thats all I gotta say.
I thought I might ruined it my head is literally on space. And just winged it.
THE BOY 2016
One paper full of Brahms. ✨

I can imagine him studying himself since I saw a lot of books in his little hideout and sometimes knock him out to sleep from his desk.

I know he plays violin but I don't think he'll immediately play when someone is watching except his parents.
Too 'shy' to play give him a little time.

Shy Boy offering a little flower (probably made out of paper since he doesn't go outside) showing no harm.

Glasses are attractive, right?
Why not him.

Side view

And the doll hardly looks like him.

Berries and cream berries and cream
Just a maskless Brahms
He has been colored!!!

Stinky ass berries and cream bitch. I love him.
Gay gay homosexual gay

Gay gay homosexual gay

Slashers as images I found on my phone
Stu & Billy



I'm really out hear making cursed stuff again aren't I...

This is a dolls squad!
I want a big slasher man to pin me down and hold me all night
Because I'm lonely
and sad
I'm in the need of a slashy boi to hug me, hold me all night and keep me safe.
Because I'm sad.
All the time.
Slashers who I think are most likely to listen to the Rock's song "Face off":
Bo Sinclair
Jason Vorhees
Asa Emory
Michael Myers
Lester Sinclair
Thomas Hewitt
I feel like Jason, Michael and Thomas would have this song playing in their heads while brutally killing people. Like Thomas with his chainsaw, Jason while placing the traps and swinging his machete and Michael power walking down a street all like:
So I saw your " Slashers w/ a S/O that looses consciousness throughout the day " post and I was wondering if you could maybe make another one with more Slashers? You don't have to if you don't want to
Ask and you shall receive😌
(Sorry it's not that good, I'm sick☹️)
Slashers w/ a S/O that looses consciousness throughout the day II
You're cuddling, enjoying each others presence, when he feels your head slump on his shoulder. He thought you fell asleep, but when he tried to wake you up again, you didn't react.
He shakes you, not too harshly but enough to make you wake up. At least he thought you would.
Worried for your well being, he brings you to the ooman doctor, who tells him that you just fainted. He, of course, gets even more worried and wants to help you in every way possible.
After a while, you wake up in the bed you shared with your lover. As soon as you sat up, said lover tackled you into a hug, knocking the air out of your lungs. He purrs, gliding his mouth-things (srry idk what they're called:)) along your cheeks.
Happily he showed you a box with everything he collected, to help you with your fainting problems.
The box was full with water bottles, pillows, a fan and much more.
He purred happily when you hugged him again, thanking him.
Hannibal Lecter
He knows about your fainting problem, he experienced it with some patients of his.
When you fainted while he was reading a book, he was able to put his hand on your forehead so you wouldn't hit the table.
He laid you down, letting your head rest on his lap.
After a while you wake up again, Hannibal helps you sit up. Ha asks how you feel, if you are in any pain.
You tell him you're fine, and he gives you a warm smile and a kiss on your cheek.
He offers you some tea and something to eat, and you happily accepts, he always makes sure that you're healthy and safe.
Will Graham
Just like Hannibal, he knows about your little problem. So, when you fall over, his dogs are quick to bark for him to help.
He rushes over, making sure you're not hurt.
Will laid you on his couch, putting a blanket over you before heading to the kitchen to prepare a glass of water for you.
His dogs stay around the couch, making sure that no one disturbs you in your sleep.
At the time you woke up, Will was by your side, handing you the glass of water.
His dogs are also happy that you're back to conciousness, they start to lick your hands, barking happily.
Brahms Heelshire
He hears the thump through the walls, wondering what heavy thing you might have dropped.
The hairy male made it to the location where the loud noise came from.
As soon as he saw you laying there, he quickly made his way over to you. He noticed the bloody wound on your forehead.
Slightly panicking, he brought you to your bedroom, laying you on your bed.
He got a wet cloth, wiping the blood on your forehead away.
Patiently, he waited by your side for you to wake up again. Eventually, you did.
Brahms was immediately crushing the life out of you with a tight hug. Even after all the times you fainted, he did get worried for you. He always loved to see your eyes when you woke up again.
saw your depictions on brahms and i love them !! Was wondering about brahms with a reader who talks to themself out loud a lot? like the most weirdest thoughts just running from their mouth : " just remembered that the ocean is probably filled with buckets of whale sperm -- oh, wonder what to cook for dinner 🤭 " or smth like that. thank you and take your time 💐
Ask and you shall receive.
Brahms with a reader who talks with/to themself
At first he thinks you're talking to someone in the mansion, which did throw him off because he never heard anyone enter through the old door. He sneaks to your location, and checks who might be with you through a peephole he made in the wall.
When he sees that there's no one there, he wonders what you were even talking about. So he decides to get closer.
You were talking about weird things like whale sperm? People saying "heads up" when you should duck? What?????
The moment you turn around, he's right there making you jump out of your skin. He tilts his head slightly at your reaction. After you scold him for scaring the life out of you, you ask him what he needs.
"You were talking, I thought someone was here."
"Oh, no. I just talk to myself rather often."
That answer made Brahms think. He never heard you talking to yourself before, even though you've already been taking care living with him for quite a while.
A few weeks later he has already listened to a few of your self talks he also thinks about the stuff you say.
"If you start counting from zero your lips won't touch until you reach 1 million."
What?? Maybe he actually tried it. Maybe he didn't. You will never know.
"Taking off your glasses to focus on thinking is the human version of lowering graphics to increase speed."
You shouldn't have said that, now he will annoy you for the next few days.
If you have glasses, he'll ask you a stupid/hard question just to see you take off your glasses and see you submit to his either stupid/heart question.
"If someone else has an awkward moment, I'll forget about it almost immediately. But if I have an awkward moment, I think about it constantly for years."
Okay, this one has a rather cuddly or naughty outcome.
Either he'll make sure that you only think about him by cuddling with you, talking to you etc.
Or he'll bring you to the bedroom, and make you think of something completely else.