Bridgerton Season 1 - Tumblr Posts
An Edwina Sharma x Prince Friedrich fic because I watched season 2 for the 100th time and I simply cannot get over the idea of Edwina and the Prince.
Timeline: After Kanthony's wedding.
Part 1 : Meeting him
Edwina's POV
"You look beautiful, didi," Edwina said to Kate, who was wearing a white dress, no, the white dress. It was the day of their wedding, and only close friends and family were invited to the wedding of the viscount.
"Thank you, Bon." Kate smiled and brushed her hand against Edwina's chin. Tears welled up in Edwina's eyes as she helped her sister get ready. Whatever had happened in the past, she had forgotten, and now she was just sad that her didi was going to move away from her.
"Edwina, dearest," Mary asked her concernedly, "Is anything bothering you?" Edwina shook her head and stood behind Kate, who looked at her worriedly. "I'm just sad that now didi won't be living with us anymore."
"Oh Bon," Kate sighed and hugged her, "You know you can visit anytime, right? And I'll write to you, every day."
"Do you promise?" Edwina asked with soft eyes. Kate nodded.
"Girls, we don't want the bride crying, do we?" Mary said and wiped Kate's eyes and Edwina's too. "God, I'm gonna miss you so much," Mary said and hugged Kate tightly. "I'll miss you too, Mama," Kate replied and smiled. "You look so beautiful, my darling," Mary said, and this time a tear fell down her cheek.
"We don't want the bride's mother crying either, Mama," Edwina said cheekily and wiped it away.
Soon, it was time. Edwina walked into the church with a bouquet of flowers in her hands and looked at Anthony standing in the front. This time, he looked truly happy. Edwina gave him a small smile, bow in front of the Queen, and stood at her appointed position. She noticed a young man sitting beside the Queen, who had blonde hair and deep brown eyes and was wearing clothes befitting a prince.

Before she could think more about it, Mary and Kate walked in, holding hands. Anthony's face lit up with something similar to pure happiness and Edwina felt a punch in her gut. Would any man look at her and smile like that?
The wedding began, the two said their vows and they kissed. At the reception, Edwina was making sure that all guests were attended to well and also making sure that her sister wasn't crying.

Both Kate and the viscount were overwhelmed by the members of the ton as they flocked to congratulate them. Edwina silently laughed from the corner as she saw the two of them trying not to lose their temper. Both of them weren't very patient and were likely to lose it anytime soon, so Edwina decided to intervene.
"Ladies and gentlemen, why don't all of you explore the decorations we've all worked so hard for." She said and gave one of her diamond-of-the-season smiles.
"Thank you, Miss Edwina." Anthony smiled and sighed. "We were two seconds away from being smothered by them. God, why did we even invite so many people?"
"Anthony, many of them weren't there for the wedding as it will be against social etiquette to not invite them to the reception either," Kate said to him sternly.
"Don't thank me," Edwina smiled, "It is my responsibility to make sure that you two aren't driven mad by the ton." The two laughed. Soon, Violet came up to them and the bride and the groom disappeared, leaving Edwina to look for her mother.
"Miss Sharma." Edwina looked to the side and saw the queen coming towards her. She bow down in front of her and said, "Your highness."
"Have you met my nephew?" She said and motioned to the man behind her. He bowed down in front of her. "Miss Sharma."
"This is Prince Friedrich of Prussia." The queen said proudly, looking at the prince with love in her eyes.
Well, with as much love the queen can show.
"Pleased to meet you." The prince said. Edwina smiled. "The pleasure's all mine." She was keeping calm, but she was almost lost in his kind, gentle eyes.
My honest reaction when i was trying to watched the bridgerton series for the first time and i suddenly get slapped by a nsfw scene out of nowhere:

Just looking at Bridgerton Season 1 Behind the Scenes photos of Luke Newton/ Colin Bridgerton and thinking about how his face card has never declined:

He’s always been so pretty 😍
Day one Colin fans are made of two things: good taste and patience.



gif request meme ▶ favorite location + bridgerton
the Bridgerton family home
↳ for @sunalsolove
send me a number and a fandom and i’ll make a gifset! (fandoms are in my bio)

Bridgerton (2020-)

lady danbury smiled “and has the younger mr bridgerton ever rushed to your aid?”
“colin you mean?” penelope didn’t even wait for lady danbury’s nod before adding “of course”
romancing mister brigderton chapter 11

Daphne’s white ball gown | Bridgerton 1.03 Costume Designer: Ellen Mirojnick
The most chemistry-like scene for the show.

Bridgerton | 1x03: Art of the Swoon

Simon Basset in every episode – 1x08 After the Rain

REGÉ-JEAN PAGE as Simon Basset “Swish” — Bridgerton (1.06)