Kate Sharma - Tumblr Posts
Dinner night
Summary: It is the last day before the ton joins you in the country, will there be a proposal or not?.
Word count: 1.4k (shortest one I have written)
Pairing : Anthony Bridgerton x Sharma Sister!reader
Warnings: The fright of your life, unedited, probably bad grammar
Series Masterlist

“Where were you?” Daphne appeared in front of us as we were walking back to Aubrey Hall “We were all looking for you both”
“You need not worry” Anthony answers “We were by father’s grave talking” Daphne went silent, walking along with us. I walked a few steps in front of them so they could have a moment.
“You told her about father?” Daphne murmured surprised from behind me. I pretended not to hear them
“She is my friend” Anthony said in an obvious tone, Daphne hummed thoughtfully
“Are you sure it is Miss Edwina you want to marry, brother?” Daphne wondered
“What nonsense are you saying, sister” Anthony scoffed “Of course I am sure, Miss Edwina is the diamond of this season, she will make a perfect Viscountess”
“Is that what this is?” Daphne huffed “You going after Miss Edwina, only, because she is the incomparable?”
“Anthony, I see you get along better with Miss Y/n, conversation is easily made between you two, she makes you laugh and smile, a genuine laugh and smile, not one of those you give everyone in the ton” She shook her head “ And I know what I am talking about, I have observed you both closely this day”
“Enough, Daphne ”Anthony exclaimed, I looked back at them surprised, Anthony gave me a tight lipped smile, before I turned back around
“We will not talk about this any longer, Miss y/n and I are just friends, I will marry Miss Edwina and make her my Viscountess, End. Of. Story” He said firmly, I looked down at the floor as we entered into Aubrey Hall
“He is quite funny” Edwina said as she got ready for a bath
“I have told you both, that before” I said
“Intelligent, too” I hummed
“And the conversation, there were almost no awkward pauses, truly” She stopped walking “Although he did mention Y/n quite a lot” I furrowed my eyebrows
“Yes, unconsciously I suppose, but he would say something along the lines of, ‘ Oh, Miss y/n said the same thing’ or ‘ Miss Y/n does not think that’, was really not quite fun to hear it, but you are friends after all” She looked at me “Or is there something I need to know?”
“What?” I said incredulously
“Perhaps you both have feelings for each other” I started to shake my head “It is alright if you do, truly, tell me now before it is too late and I will tell the Viscount to stop pursuing me, after all, you did see him first”
“Not at all, Bon” I stood up “Anthony and I are just friends, there are no feelings on his part”
“And on your part?” She asked
“Anyway, he is pursuing you, not me, tell us, what did you talk about?” I ignored her questions, changing the conversation, she looked at me knowingly but nodded
“His family, for starters”
“It was all about him them” Kate scoffed “ Bon, if the conversation went one sided-“
“Only it did not!” Edwina exclaimed “ I was convinced my poor show at the Pall mall field left the Viscount, indifferent, only he asked me questions about myself, most of which he already knew, y/n” She looked at me
“Guilty” I smiled sheepishly
“About our family, he was interested in everything I had to say, deedee, in the books I have read even in the books I have not”
“Well, I only hope his intentions are genuine” Kate sighed
“They are deedee” I tell her “He told me so a few hours ago when we were looking for our balls”
“I truly believe something will come out of this” Edwina started to undress for her bath “ A proposal deedee, I can feel it” I smiled down at my lap.
I can also feel a proposal coming, when?, I am not sure, but it will be in the coming days, the only left is to be prepared
“This room is exceptionally well lit, Have you noticed col? The twinkle of the candles, it is as if we sit in the stars” Benedict said from in front of me
“What is wrong with you?” Eloise asks, I hold in my laugh, some silent chuckles escaping me
“I was just telling Benedict… how brilliant the stars were in Greece” Colin answers unsure
“Really?” I said amused “Tell me more Mr. Benedict” I chuckle, Kate shoved me, laughs also escaping her as she shook her head
“The air is refreshing” Benedict answers “ You can just feel the aromas floating in the air, the smell of the breeze of the sea” Colin puts down his utensils, looking at him as if he has gone crazy
“There is no sea nearby, brother” Colin informs him as Kate, Eloise and I, laughed.
I looked towards the head of the table where Anthony, Edwina and Daphne were sat at. I catch Anthony’s eyes, which were already on me, I think nothing of it and smile after him, turning back towards Colin and Benedict.
“It was a revelation, made all the better by the knowledge that I, may have been, the only brit to see it in decades” Colin explains while Benedict moans as he eats.
A chuckle escapes me, once again, by his behavior. He stretches his hand, knocking over a glass making us gasp in shock, he laughs, covering his face childishly. I cover my face to hide my laugher.
“Benedict, dear, you alarm our guests” Lady Bridgerton reprimanded him.
“It is alright, Lady Bridgerton” Kate assures her, I bite my lip nodding, agreeing with my sister
“It is time for a toast” Lady Danbury said clicking her spoon on a glass
“Good idea, to cheer our guests” Lady Bridgerton agrees looking at Mama
“Or to tend to other pressing matters” Lady Danbury insinuates looking at Anthony
“I, I believe my sisters and I have grown rather weary” Kate tells Lady Danbury
“A toast, yes” Anthony stands up. “My sincere gratitude to the Sharma’s, for joining us, it is been spending having you here to witness, what is now my second annual lost at Pall Mall, all thanks to Miss Y/n” he gave me a look as we all chuckle, my laugh fading more quickly than the rest
“Not to be repeated I assure you, and my special gratitude to Miss Edwina, it is certainly been a privilege to truly make your acquaintance this past days, in fact, I believe there is a question I would like to ask you” My heart starts beating faster, as I start to breath heavily
“ I should like to, uh,” He catches my eyes, holding them for a second before he turned towards Edwina again “ I should like to ask you to, please, refrain from telling anyone back in London about yesterday’s loss, I fear the harm to my reputation would simply be too great” I sighed in relief, looking down at my lap, my breathing going steady once again.
“To pleasant days ahead ”He hold his glass of wine in the air
I looked up once again, catching Kate’s eyes who was looking at me knowingly, I looked to the side. This time seeing Daphne looking at me, an unreadable look in her face. I ignored them and looked forward. We all took a sip of our wine after Anthony finished.
“The rest of the ton are now set to join us in the country. Surely if the Viscount were to propose, he would of done it by now, yes?” Edwina said as Kate brushed her hair. I was sat on my bed, looking at them.
“What if I have missed my chance? Perhaps I should’ve found out more about the Bridgerton’s, I should have known more about their interests, I should’ve been better” She held back her sobs “ I have bungled this entire affair and now I feel like a fool” She cried. I got up from the bed and knelt down beside her, hugging her.
“Never say such a thing, Bon” She knelt down from the other side “I knew he would only end up hurting you”
“Please stop Kate, you are not helping” I plead “ Anthony is not like that, Bon, he would not lead a girl on, surely he will propose in the days coming”
“I hate seeing you like this” Kate told Edwina, who cried
“I thought he liked me” Edwina murmured, I frowned, feeling bad for feeling so relieved when Anthony did not end up proposing, how could I be like that, and not think of the way Edwina would have feel.
“You are the diamond of the season, there is nary a gentleman back in London who does not wish for your hand” Kate assured her “You have choices, Bon, all will be well despite of this disappointment with the Viscount, I assure you” Kate wipes her tears away
Edwina nodded and hugged us both tightly.
Inappropriate Encounters
Summary: 2 more encounters that lead down to a more dangerous path
Paring: Anthony Bridgerton x Sharma Sister!reader
Word count: 2.6k
Warnings: unedited, probably bad grammar, Bee stings, Anthony panicking, Angry Y/n and bewildered Anthony, encounters that Y/n and Anthony should stop before it gets out of hand
Series masterlist

I was walking around the garden meanwhile Kate was riding on a horse around somewhere. I breathed in the air, it hitting my face softly.
I got to the entrance, where I saw Anthony looking down at the flowers.
“Anthony” I called out
“Y/n” he turned to me “Is your sister..” he trailed off
“She is in her room,” I approached him “Not feeling her best today, it seems”
“What happened?” I asked “You told me you were going to propose to her, and yesterday was the perfect time to do it”
“I did not mean to disappoint her last night when I did not declare myself” He murmured “But she should not be disappointed for long, rest assured I will still propose to her”
“Well you should tell her that, not me” I huffed
“Last night wasn’t the right time, with my brother acting strange, and everyone staring at me, I panicked, my feelings would not allow me to speak ” He tells me as we walked back to the house
“So your feelings are too strong for you now?” I said incredulously
“No, no” I cut him off “ You did not see Edwina yesterday night, you toyed with her emotions, she was destroyed, she thought she was not good enough to be Viscountess and that she should have been better, you are my friend Anthony but if you keep on playing with her, I will never forgive you” I snapped
“Without offense y/n, but Miss Edwina seems perfectly capable of forming her own impressions-“
“So now you claim to know my sister better than me?” I said angrily
“I know she wishes to be happy-“
"Precisely" I exclaimed making him look at me annoyed
“That is all I want for her, I know you are a good man, you have been so good to me and with her,” he looked down at my chest, his face paling “but how is she going to be happy if you only delude her and when she is at the peak of excitement , you disappoint -“
“Do not move” he pleaded
“Do not interrupt me, I am g-“ I shook with anger
“No, No, stand still, damn it” he grabbed my hand exasperated
I stayed quiet and looked at him carefully, he was breathing heavily, looking down at my chest scared. I looked down and saw a bee, realization showing on my face. I moved to shove it off.
“No, do not do that!” Anthony exclaimed, I did it anyway, waving the bee off
“It will be fast and it will not- ow-“ I exclaimed in pain as the bee stung me. Anthony started breathing more heavily, panic in his eyes.
“Are you hurt?” He asked
“What?” with the pain I felt, I did not pay attention to what he was saying
“Can you breath?!”
“Anthony, I am fine, I have gotten stung before” I tell him
“Are you certain?!”
“Of course I am certain, Anthony-“
“No, No do not-“
“Anthony!” I looked all over his face, trying to think of something to do to help him with his panic attack
“I am unharmed” I shook my head trying to reassure him
“I am unharmed” I thought for a minute before grabbing his hand and putting it on top of my chest, on top of my heart.
“Anthony” I stepped closer, grabbing his other hand and, intertwined with mine and put it, this time on top of his heart.
“I am fine” I look at him sadly “Listen to me, I am fine” he nodded looking intensely into my eyes, trying to calm down
“Feel my heartbeat” I urged him, he rested his forehead next to mine, concentrating on my heart “Breath” he looked back into my eyes, his face getting closer to mine.
We jumped apart when we heard horses nearby and people talking. Anthony assessed me one more time before he walked away. I sighed, closing my eyes, thinking back to a few moments ago and that if we did not hear the horses, we could have possibly k-
I cannot possibly fall in love with Anthony, it is absurd, we are just friends, he is my sister’s suitor, no, just no.
I picked up my gloves, that seem to have fallen, from the floor, before running quickly to the nearest wall.
But I cannot ignore the way my heart raced as our faces neared each other.
I stare out the window, deep in my thoughts.
“Deedee? Is it the sting” Edwina said, I turned my head quickly towards her
“What?” I panicked thinking that she found out about what happened between Anthony and I “Whatever do you mean?”
“Is it still bothering you?” She clarified “seems ever since the awful creature stung you, you’ve been keeping to yourself” I shook my head
“No, not at all, bon” I tell her standing up
“Are you sure? You have been very pensive lately” Kate comments “Did something happened that you did not tell us about?”
“No, nothing happened, why?, should something have happened?” I rambled “Anyway, how are you Edwina, are you still feeling upset about Anthony’s lack of action”
“His mind also seems elsewhere lately, I thought I’d be announcing an engagement at tomorrow night’s ball” Edwina sighed
“We return to Mayfair in a few days, where there will be many other suitors” Kate said cheerfully
“Suitors will only suspect that there is something lacking in me when they discover the Viscount is no longer interested” Edwina snapped
“Bon,-“ I huffed smiling, going to hold her hand in reassurance
“He is the one I want, Y/n” My smile faded as she pushed my hand away “The Viscount, his family, this home, the life he offers me” Kate and I stayed quiet
“I’ve been thinking and, I am now quite certain I know why he has not made his declaration” I looked up at her “It’s because of you both”
“Kate, you hate one another and Y/n, he has seen how hostile you’ve been towards this past day and has regrets his decision on proposing to me” I sighed in relief
“I am sure that is not why” I assured her “ Anthony knows I am still his friend, and even if I am hostile towards him for 1 day, it would not change his mind”
“And hate probably too strong a word” Kate adds
“It is clear from your exchanges with the Viscount, that he shares your feelings” Edwina says “All this time I though I needed your help getting him to fall in love with me-”
“You know how Anthony feels about love, bon” I remind her, she only gives me a look
“Maybe it is something I can change” Edwina wonders making me laugh
“I love you Bon, but nothing and no one will change his mind, not even you, I know him and he told me so” I murmured
“That is why, you, are going to help me win over his heart” Edwina smiles, I looked at her shocked
“I beg your pardon?”
“You, will spend more time with the Viscount, tell him nice things about me, and subtly convince him to propose”
“Edwina I can-“ I start
“Please” She begs “I really want to become his wife” I looked at Kate asking for help, she only shrugged.
“fine” I agreed, she squealed in delight and hugged me tightly.
What have I gotten myself in to?
“Y/n!” Edwina calls out to me when she sees me
I smile and head over to where she is sat at, Anthony seated to the side of her.
“It has been a wonderful evening” i laugh “Little Auggie is the sweetest baby ever, he definitely gets that from his mother, although I have not met his father, the Duke, so I cannot be completely sure” I said sitting down opposite of Anthony, nodding at him in acknowledgement
“Did you tell the Viscount about your bee sting?” Edwina said
I sighed amusedly “ I got stung”
“Ah” Anthony said as if he did not know, I nodded
“I am well” I looked at Edwina
“Ah” He said once again, looking at me
“Y/n was telling me how eager she was to see more of the grounds of this magnificent estate” She informs him
“I was?” Edwina kicked my foot under the table, giving me a look “Yes, I was, you know I like to explore all kind of magnificent places” he nodded
“Might you give her a tour today while I spend time with the ladies” Edwina insinuates
“Uh i-“
“I am certain Lord Bridgerton is occupied with other guests” I said chuckling
“Shooting, in fact, with the other gentlemen” He said “the party is to leave quite soon, I am afraid”
“Did you know, Y/n, is an excellent shot, Kate taught her, after all” Edwina smiled
“I am sure she is” I raised an eyebrow
“Are you all set for the hunt brother?” Benedict approached us, patting Anthony’s shoulders
“Y/n! Tell him how you used to shoot all the time with Kate” Edwina urged me
“Miss Edwina” Anthony chuckled
“She is just being modest”
“Do you not think it true?” I asked getting angry, seems like ever since a few days , our friendship has gotten closer and closer to being non-existent. Why? Who knows
“Perhaps your sister aims straight in a field” Anthony started “but surely she would have some trouble managing-“
“Why would you assume I would have any trouble at all?” I raised an eyebrow
“I only mean to say-“
“Because I am a women, is that it?”
“No, no y/n, just only meant that-“ I could hear Benedict chuckling at his brother's expense
“What did you mean exactly?”
“You could get hurt, that is why ladies do not hunt”
“Do not, or are not allowed to”
“I am certain, Lady Danbury can spare a maid to act as a chaperone” Edwina cuts in
“No, there is no need Bon, I would not be able to endure being around egotistical, prideful men who think they are superior to women in every way” I stood up from my seat angrily “ If you excuse me, I am going to talk with the better Bridgerton’s, no offense Mr. Benedict” I marched away huffing, leaving Anthony to stare at me bewildered
“She has grown rather infuriating these past days” I hear Anthony say behind me, I stop in my steps
“Oh, I'll show you infuriating” I start to march back to him, Kate grabbed my hand, stopping me.
"Sister" Kate laughs nervously "Let us go calm down, yeah?" She led me inside the house while I muttered angry things about the Viscount
I lay in my bed, late at night, rain pouring down. I stared at the ceiling. Once thunder sounded again, I stood up carefully.
“Bon?” I hear Kate whisper
“I’ll just be going outside for a little, I won’t be long” I whispered back
I walk down the corridor, until I found the library, opening the door and entering after, leaving the door slightly shut so as not to wake anyone up with the noise it would make. I neared the bookshelf’s and grabbed a book. The door opening behind me full once I did so.
“Anthony” I turned around and looked at who entered
“I did not mean to startle you” He said “I saw a light and thought I let a candle lit” he explained
“No, only me” I stepped down from the stool
“Could you not sleep?” He asked, I stayed silent “If your lodgings are not comfortable-“
“No, it is the storm” I tell him “I’ve always found them unsettling”
“I was 12 when apa died, but I remember he used to read to my sisters and I during monsoons, now the rain makes me think of him” I approached him, he grabbed the book I was holding, grabbing it carefully
“This was my father’s library, these books were some of his most treasured possessions “ I stayed quiet
“I apologize for this afternoon, I did not mean to offend you in anyway,” he apologizes “it just is not appropriate for a lady to hunt around a bunch of me, that is not how the rules work” and there he goes again
“Ugh you and your rules” I scoffed, he started to get frustrated, I looked out the window
“Perhaps if you’ve not been out once again the other morning, we might not have been put in such a difficult situation” I looked at him once again
“Exactly which difficult situation are you referring too?” I scoffed
“Your-“ he stopped himself, I raised an eyebrow “The other morning” he nodded as if that made everything clearer
“When I was stung?”
“After which you put my hand to your bosoms”
“To show you I was unharmed, you were overcome, and I did not put your hand on top of my bosoms, it was my chest!”
“I was not!”
“You were the one who then looked at me”
“You looked at me!”
“Not in the way that you did”
“How did I look at you?” I stayed silent, us looking at one another, breathing heavily
“Alright” Anthony sighed “ Let us not fight, let us just forget about that accident and not speak about it anymore” I nodded agreeing
After a moment, he spoke up once again “I will need help proposing to your sister”
“I don’t really know how Edwina wants to be proposed to” I mused, he hummed
“How would you like to be proposed to?”
“Edwina and I are very different, I am not sure what I want is what she wants”
“Just answer my question”
I thought for a minute “I would like it to not be a big thing, the moment being private between us both or at least with just our families present. It does not matter if he gives me flowers or not, but it would be nice, Lilacs, especially, my favorite, symbolic of first love ” He nodded
“Although I am not sure if I would be able to marry, I would like to , yes, but I am not sure how” I admit
“What do you mean?”
“There is the matter of my dowry” I answer “ It is just mama, my sisters and I, we do not have any title or money, and no one will want to marry me without a dowry-”
“I would” I looked at him surprised “ I mean I would marry your sister regardless if she has a dowry or not, I have enough money as it is, I do not need more”
“Edwina is very fortunate” I smiled slightly
“And you need not worry” he assures me “ When I marry your sister, I myself, will provide you with a dowry”
“Are you serious?” I gasped
He nodded “Of course, we will be family and besides that, you are my friend” I laughed happily and hugged him, he gasped surprised, while I muttered thank you’s
“Once again, my sister is very fortunate that you are pursuing her” I pulled back from the hug and smiled at him as he stared at me.
My smiled faded as he continues to stare at me intensely. My eyes trail all over his face, before they stop on his lips for a second. I can feel him getting closer, his breath fanning my face as my heart starts to race. I look back up to his eyes, he leans in before a thunder interrupts the moment.
“Oh” I gasped pulling back “ This is not appro-“
“No, it is ok-“
“I should bid you goodnight” I say and bowed
I march out of the room and into my bedchambers, trying not wake my sisters up. I lean against the door, trying to calm my racing heart.
I am heading down a dangerous path, and I should stop before it gets out of hand.
Unacceptable Feelings
Summary: the last day of the country visit, will it turn out how Edwina wants in the end?
Paring: Anthony Bridgerton x Sharma Sister!reader
Word count: 2.2k
Warnings: unedited , angst, more inappropriate encounters, more angst, btw, not that anyone was asking, I was listening to The Last Time by Taylor Swift while writing the first part, so if you're in the mood to cry, listen to that while reading, it really made me cry when writing it, so it either made it hurt more or I'm just that sensitive.
Also, if anyone has any opinions, feel free to express them, I really want to know what you think.
Series Masterlist

“Hey Bon” Kate greets me as she joins me in the garden, sitting down at the bench with me, I smile at her
“You have been very pensive lately” She mused
“I do not think I am going to marry this season, deedee” I say quietly
“What are you talking about?” I stayed silent
“You know you can tell me” She lays her head on my shoulder “You are my sister who I love more than anything, I will never judge you, on anything”
“There is no one, who captures my attention enough to marry, and there is the matter of my dowry, and-“ I swallow as tears stung my eyes “I fear I have done something entirely wrong, Kate” she stayed quiet, letting me continue
“I have feelings for someone, someone I should not feel anything for” I admit, blinking my eyes furiously “But I cannot help it” a tear dropped from my eye
“ I cannot marry anyone while I have feelings for this person, it is wrong for me to do it, and I wish I did not feel how I feel, but every time we spent time together, and I got to know him more and more, I got to know the kind of person that he is, and with the way my heart started to race every time he touched me, I knew i fell” I sniffled “And it hurts” I cry out, sobs escaping me.
“I have been thinking since this morning, and I figured out how I felt. I know I can never be with him, not in a million years, especially since he is going to ask someone else to marry him. Something I know is going to break me when the time comes and it is all my fault. I knew from the start that he was not interested in me, but I ignored it and now, now I am going to pay the price” She lifted her head up from my shoulder and stared at me sadly
“I am breaking, deedee” I sob loudly and hugged her tightly “I hate this, I hate this feeling, I hate him for making me feel this, I wish I never met him and got to know him!”
“Bon,” Kate pulled away from our hug “He does not deserve your tears” I nodded, trying to stop crying, but I was not able to
“No one does, especially not Anthony Bridgerton” I went to speak up “Do you think I have not seen how you look at him” She smiled sadly
“Even before you figured out your feelings for him, I knew how you felt. You did after all say you wanted to marry him since the first day you met him” She wiped away my tears as I calmed down, sniffling “How about this,”
“What if, after Edwina is married, you leave to India with me, I was after all going to leave immediately after either of you married” She offers “You come with me, the less you see him, the more your feelings for him will subside, and you get to visit our home, once the season starts again, you come back for your second season, after all, there is no rush to get married, you are one and twenty and on your first season, you still have a few seasons to go before you are considered a spinster” I nodded
“Yes ” I smiled feeling better
“Yeah?” Kate smiled happily
“I would like that very much” I nodded
“Great!” Kate stood up “Now, let us go take a walk around the garden, no need to think about that hideous man anymore” I laugh along with her as she pulled me up from the bench to start our walk
It is the night of the ball. I was walking down the staircase along with my family and Lady Danbury. I look down to the dance floor. Couples dancing all over and families stood over to the side.
“Miss Edwina, might I have your first dance?” I looked down a few steps, Anthony’s face gracing my sight. He looked at me for a second before turning back to Edwina.
“Certainly, my lord” She accepted and walked off with him leaving me to stare after them.
I looked back at my family, smiling at Kate who smiled back reassuringly, and then she walked down with Mama. Only Lady Danbury and I left. I approached Lady Danbury.
“Have you been enjoying your time alone with the Viscount” my face paled as I looked at her “You are friends and there are times you both are nowhere to be seen, like yesterday morning, in fact, I assume you both went for a walk, chaperoned of course, right?”
“Oh yes, he is a marvelous person” I smiled lightly, she smiled back humming and walked down. My smile faded as I sighed tiredly
I walked down to the refreshments table and walked away after I grabbed a glass . I looked out to the dance floor, where Anthony and Edwina were dancing, as I sip on my drink. Edwina approached me once the dance was finished.
“Lord Bridgerton has gone to get me a glass of lemonade” She tells me cheerfully, I hummed “We’ve just finished our second dance, I am certain he would have not asked me for two, if he did not have intentions for the evening”
“I am pleased to hear that” I smiled at her
“I need you to dance with him” She demands
“What?” my smile faded
“I need to know if he is going to declare himself by the end of the ball, as I hope, and you are the only one who can find out” she explains as I look over to Anthony, who is staring back at us.
“This may very well be my last chance” Edwina pleads, I stare at her conflicted
“Miss Edwina” Anthony called out, handing her a glass of lemonade
“Lord Bridgerton” Edwina said giddily “ My sister wishes to take to the floor”
“Ah” he hummed staring at me, I stared back emotionlessly
“With you” Edwina clarified smiling, grabbing his glass of lemonade from his hands.
“Miss Y/n, may I have this dance?” he held out his hand, I looked at Edwina, who nodded encouragingly.
I am only doing this for you Bon, only for you.
“You may, my lord” I grab his hand and he leads me to the floor
Music starts as we get into position and we commenced dancing. We looked into each others eyes as we danced, us being a little bit closer than we needed to. Which was not helping with my feelings.
I could see my family and his watching us from the sides. As I catches Edwina’s figure, I was reminded of why I was dancing with him in the first place.
“Are you going to propose to my sister by the end of the evening?” I asked, looking forwards
“Will it make you happy if I did?” I furrowed my eyebrows. Why did it matter how it made me feel?
“I want my sister to be happy” I ignored his question
“Do you think I can make her happy?”
“That is a question for you” I say “Can you make her happy?”
“If your silence is an indication you are considering your declaration-“
“Is that what you want? For me to reconsider?” He cuts me off
“Of course not, that is not what I want” I exclaim “It would break Edwina’s heart if you did not propose”
“Is that really what you want?” I decide not to answer and instead change the conversation
“I am to return with Kate to India” I inform him, his face goes pale “The moment Edwina is married”
“You will abandon her?” Anthony says angrily
“Far from it, Anthony, she will be married, she will not need me and for personal reasons, it would be better for me to leave and return once it is time for the next season to start, or maybe not at all” we stopped dancing as he stares at me with wide eyes
“It is better that way” I bowed as the dance finishes, he swallows and marches off. I look at him as he walks further away.
“Where is the Viscount going?” Edwina approached me
“I, I do not know” I answer
“Well what did you say?” I breath heavily
“i- I shall find him” I say to reassure her “Give me a moment” I walk off in search of Anthony.
I see him walk off into a study and follow after him quickly. I close the door after him.
“Why are you so distressed?” I questioned as he paces angrily.
“When will you leave?” He ignores my question “immediately, once your sister is married?”
“That is what Kate and I agreed on, yes” he looks all over the room
“And you will not concern yourself with finding a match of your own?”
“I said I will return for my second season, then am I going to find a husband”
“Is this an excuse to keep me away from your sister? Did Miss Sharma put you up to this, so I would not marry Miss Edwina, that is it, is it not?”
“No, of course not!” I exclaimed getting frustrated “Why does it matter if I leave or not? You want to marry Edwina, not me”
“Then tell me why you are planning to leave” he walked closer to me “Have I done something wrong?” He said exasperated
“Why, are you leaving then!” he exclaimed, I huff.
“Pardon me, Anthony, but it does not concern you, you really are starting to vex me with all your demands!” he huffs frustrated
“And what is it, do you think you do to me?”
“What do I do to you?” I exclaimed
We stared at each other, us both breathing heavily. He got closer to me, making my heart start to race.
“You anger me” he murmured
“Well, you anger me too” I whispered nodding my head. His eyes roamed all over my face.
“I am a gentleman” he got even closer to me, I could feel my heart getting ready to burst out of my chest.
“And your heart” I whisper staring into his eyes “is with my sister”
“And my heart” he looks down at my lips “Is with your sister”
His nose brushed mine “What are you doing” I question quietly
“Say you do not feel anything for me” he whispered into my ear, giving me goosebumps “tell me you feel nothing and I will walk away” I closed my eyes
“I feel..” I start to say “ I feel..” he leaned in, his lips brushing over mine.
The door opened making us jump apart quickly, as if our bodies suddenly caught fire.
“Oh” Daphne said shocked “ I am so sorry” She apologized and left quickly.
“Daphne” Anthony said and hurried after her, looking at me one last time and closing the door after him.
I breathed out, blinked my eyes rapidly as tears started to brim my eyes. I closed my eyes after, rubbing my head angrily. A tear escaping my closed eyes.
It will really be better that I leave.
Dearest gentle reader, while much occurred at the Bridgerton country visit.
This author feels not all is fit to print, especially when so much is already known by far too many members, but if you thought that we would reach the end of this journey without this trusted author finding a truly delectable marcel of gossip, rhen you are solely mistaken.
While Prudence Featherington secured her match, it was not the only appearance of note.
The next morning, we walked down the stairs after bidding everyone a goodbye, giving a hug especially to the Bridgerton family, Daphne stared at me knowingly when I hugged her. We were leaving today for Mayfair.
“I am sorry things did not go as planned Bon” I tell Edwina who walked along sadly, Kate on the other side of her.
“It is not your fault deedee” She tells me “We both did everything we could have done, the Viscount’s feelings are clearly not there for me” I looked down at the floor
“Perhaps they are elsewhere” She said as we approached the carriage, I looked at her, debating on whether to tell her the truth, Kate nodded at me comfortingly from beside her.
“Edwina” I start “There is something I must tell you-“
“Wait!” We turned to the our left side, Anthony approaching us rapidly.
“Anthony” I murmured
“I need to speak to you” I look at him confused “Miss Edwina” he added once he saw I was looking at him
“My lord?” Edwina questioned, when he got closer to her, he knelt down on one knee, my heart started to race quickly.
“Miss Edwina Sharma,” he opened up a ring box, tears started to brim my eyes “Will you marry me?”
I tried to hide the pain I felt from my face, but based on the concerned look Kate gave me, I was not successful.
“Yes, yes” Edwina exclaimed happily, handing me her gloves “yes, I shall be your Viscountess, I shall marry you” Anthony smiled and put the ring on her finger
Anthony Bridgerton is now betrothed to Miss Edwina Sharma.
Victory indeed.
A tear dropped from my eye, I wiped it away quickly, making sure nobody saw me. But everybody was focused on the now betrothed couple, happiness displayed on their faces.
But I, I could feel my heart breaking inside.
A Swim In The Lake
Summary: uh oh, a new suitor has come for Y/n, a Duke to be precise, how does Anthony feel about this? Guess we'll find out, you know you love me, xoxo imalexaalonso1
Pairing: Anthony Bridgerton x Sharma Sister!reader
Word count: 1.9k
Warnings: unedited, a wet Anthony 😗😉, a little, sprinkle, dust, of angst, also, a new suitor that will change things between y/n and Anthony
Series Masterlist


The frenzy competition, the thrilling delight of hassling your all, I am referring no to the lure of London luxurious gaming halls, but to a gamble of far higher stakes.
For, once that particular wager is placed, it cannot easily be undone, a fact of which I am sure, is met with both, regret and sheer relief .
My chest heaves up and down rapidly, I flutter my brise fan, trying calm down.
“Calm down, bon” Kate says from beside me
The doors open in front of us, Anthony stepping through them. He walks closer to us, holding my stare as he does so. My heart races quickly.
“Miss Sharma” he greets Kate, making me look down.
I let out a sigh and walk into the room after him, Kate following behind. Everyone was already sitting. I sit down on an armchair, Kate next to me.
“Now, tell me of your wedding plans” The queen urges them, I look at Edwina and Anthony “There is no talk of a special license, I would hope” they chuckle nervously
“Of course not, your majesty” Mama assures her
“I believe a modest family affair would be fitting” Anthony adds “Perhaps back at the country, at Aubrey Hall”
“In the country” the queen raises an eyebrow “No, that would not do, you must have it here, in town, in fact, I should host the nuptials, myself” Edwina laughs cheerfully. I wipe my hands on my dress, smiling slightly.
“That is most generous, ma’am”
“Most generous”
“But not at all necessary-“
“nonsense” the queen cut Anthony off “ She is my diamond, after all, it is only right I give you both a wedding of that title” I grab a cup of tea to distract myself, swirling the spoon.
“Besides, one could almost credit me, myself, with bringing about this illustrious match” I stare at them as thoughts consume me, thinking back to a few nights before. Anthony looks back at me, sensing my stare.
“Can you believe it sisters” Edwina asks Kate and I “It is like a fairytale come true”
“You deserve nothing less, bon” I smile at her, Kate nodding agreeing
“Nothing less, for a true love match” the cup shakes my in hand, almost falling off.
“My apologies, your majesty” I say
“It is alright, my dear” the queen waves me off “Miss Y/n, now that you are here, there is someone I want you to meet.” I look at her questioningly
“A family friend” She explains “The Duke of Fairfield, I would rather think you both would make a marvelous match” I could feel Anthony’s stare on my face
“I would be most honored, indeed, your majesty” I say making her smile
“Perfect!” She exclaims “He will be there to see you in a few hours, the earlier you get to know him, the better”
“And we may just have two weddings done by the end of this season” my smile dimmed as I looked down at my tea cup.
“I do wonder about the trim” Edwina said as she tried on a wedding dress “Is it too much?”
“No” mama laughed “ Nothing is too much now that the queen is hosting”
“Let me show you the French tulle” Madame Delacroix offers
“Did I tell you both we will be married by the archbishop himself?” Edwina questioned, I turned my head towards her.
“Several times” Kate mused
“We must find you a dress too”
“Oh, we have plenty of dresses”
“This one must be special” She urged “and y/n, don’t you want to impress the Duke, I’ve seen you both get closer” a smile came onto my face.
Ah yes, the Duke of Fairfield, Louis Matthews. He is a young, handsome man of seven and twenty, he is kind, has a good sense of humor and very attentive. We share a lot of interests and I am sure I would have fallen in love with him, If only I met him first. Unfortunately, I didn’t.
“the Duke will not care what I wear, bon” I mused
“Besides, this wedding is very much your triumph as it is mine” She smiled at me “after all, whatever you said to the Viscount back at Aubrey Hall, clearly swayed him to declare himself” of course.
“I cannot claim credit”
“I shall bestow it all the same, it will be so exciting living in London, the Viscount said there might be snow this winter, won’t that be exciting”
“ May you recall that Y/n and I are returning back to India once you are married” Kate tells her
“But what about the Duke?” She frowns
“I may not even marry him, Edwina, it is not certain” I shook my head, sighing “ And even if I did, the Duke lives in Birmingham”
“But you both will return to visit, of course”
“Thank you, Clara, that will be all” I smiled at the maid and climbed up the stairs.
I walk past the drawing room before stopping and entering. “Lord Bridgerton?”
“Miss Y/n”
“Lord Bridgerton and his guest are waiting!” A footman stumbles in quickly, growing sheepish once he noticed us all staring at him.
“I see that, thank you” I sighed taking off my gloves
“This is the jeweler” Anthony nods to the man next to him “ We are to have Miss Edwina’s betrothal ring altered to fit”
“I am afraid my sister and my mother have not yet returned home” I smiled
“Of course, we should trouble you no further” he made to leave before the jeweler stopped him
“Is that cake?” He pointed to the table
“It is, indeed”
“lemon? I fancy a good lemon” he chuckles, I sighed frustrated
“Might I offer you some refreshments, Mr…”
“Brooks, only if you insist” he started to serve himself, I sighed and went to sit down on a chair
I looked at the Viscount who paced desperately. He turned his head towards me.
“It is a fine weather we are having Miss Y/n, I s it not?” I raised an eyebrow, humming
“You wish to speak to me about the weather?” I scoffed
“Is there another topic of conversation that would be more appropriate?” I stood up and walked closer to him
“There is nothing appropriate about what you are doing, proceeding with this engagement” I whispered furiously, insinuating about what happened, or what almost happened, between us.
“On the contrary, I believe it is the most proper outcome for all”
“Oh” I say “And what of everything that passed between us at Aubrey Hall?” I whispered
“Nothing passes between us, I am a gentleman, that was something that should not have happened and never will” I felt a sting in my chest
“Is that so?” I scoff to hide my pain “ might I remind you sir, if anyone other than your sister discovered us in that library, that night, then we too, would be obliged to wed”
“Nothing happened in that library, and even if someone else did discover us, they would think nothing of it, I was pursuing your sister, why would I change my mind from Miss Edwina to you?”
I looked at him with hurt plastered on my face, tears sting my eyes. I stepped further way from him, smiling sadly. “Of course”
“No, wait-“ panic filled his face “ I did not me-“
“Miss Y/n-“ Mr. Brooks started
“If that would be all gentlemen, you can wait for my mother and sister if you like, I must bid my farewell” I left the room, ignoring Anthony’s calls, wiping away my tears.
I breath in the fresh air of the park. The Duke walking by my side. We were currently promenading, Anthony and Edwina in front of us, Kate and Lady Danbury behind us.
“Are you okay? ”Louis asks “You seem a little down” I look up at him, before looking in front towards Edwina and Anthony, and back at him again.
“I” I sighed “ I am so sorry, my mind seems to he elsewhere ” I apologize, he chuckles
“You are in love with the Viscount” he affirms, I look at him with wide eyes
“What? Of course not!” I exclaim
“It is obvious” he chuckles, I sighed
“I am so sorry, your grace, I promise I was not leading you on or anything” I explain
“You do not need to explain anything” he says “ Although, I’ll just say, I do not care that you love him” I look at him confused
“You are a wonderful woman, and to be honest, I wish to marry you” I gape at him “I will try my best to woo you, if only you give me a chance, I cannot make you forget about your feelings for him, but maybe with time you will” I smile happily
“Alright” I laugh “Courtship first, your grace, although I do not promise anything”
“That is more than enough, and you may call me Louis, none of that, your grace, nonsense” he laughs “now, accompany me on a turn around the lake”
“ I would be delighted”
We walk towards the boats, walking past Anthony, Edwina and Lady Bridgerton, nodding in greeting and continuing our path.
“There is something I must admit” Louis says chuckling as we board the boats “I am afraid of riding on a boat”
“Why would you ask me to ride one then?” I smiled confused
“Well I wanted to do something sweet” he complains “ this seemed the perfect thing to do” I laugh
After a few minutes of laughter, jokes and talking. We return back to the port, Louis trying to tie the rope while we talk.
“I see you are smiling, deedee” Edwina approaches us, Anthony behind her. “See the amusements London has to offer?”
“indeed I have, maybe something, or someone, will change my mind, after all” I smile making Louis laugh, I pay no attention to Anthony’s figure behind Edwina.
“I hope I am that reason, Miss Y/n” Louis teases
“ just Y/n, please” I say
“That knot will never hold” Anthony says sourly and goes to help Louis
“It is perfectly adequate”
“Then I must question your skills, your grace” Anthony looks over at me while I roll my eyes “Allow me” Louis huffs and steps out of the boat, holding his hand out to me.
“Pardon me” Anthony says and holds his hand out also, Louis, once again, huffs and withdraws his hand
“the Duke was going to help me” I raise an eyebrow
“Just accept my hand” he sighs “please” I accept it and he pulls me out of the boat.
He holds my hand for a minute too long before I withdraw it harshly, making him stumble back and trip on Newton, who was laying down behind him. Taking Louis down into the lake with him. We all gasp, before I start laughing.
“Your grace, are you hurt?” I ask Louis who is laughing
“I am fine, thank you for asking” Anthony says angrily, taking off his cravat, his white shirt sticking to his body.
“Your grace” I hold my hand out towards Louis “You may catch a cold” he accepts my hand and steps up into the port, I hold his hand and walk away along with him.
“Oh yes, thank you for worrying about me also, Miss Y/n, what a caring future sister in law, you are” Anthony scoffs sarcastically, I ignore him.
I turn my head back and saw Anthony watching us walk away with an unreadable look on his face. I shook my head and turn back around
He is not my problem to worry about.
Summary: Dinner with the Sheffield’s may bring secrets forth
Pairing: Anthony Bridgerton x Sharma Sister!reader
Word count: 2.1k
Series Masterlist

“You seem distracted, deedee” Edwina tells Kate
“It’s, uh, just a headache” Kate says and walks over to Edwina after the maid was done dressing her.
I look at Kate worriedly, the ladies maid doing the finishing touched to my hair.
“From, uh, all the excitement these days”
“Is that all that ails you? I have seen how ill at ease you are with the Viscount” I see Kate’s eyes flick over to me “ I was hoping we had put all that behind us now that, Anthony is to be my husband” She smiled giddily
“He has asked you to call him by his given name?” Kate said shocked
“No, not yet” Edwina frowned “It is weird, he gave Y/n the privilege before me, and I, am the one who is going to be his wife” I ignore their talk
“But it sounds fine, does it not?”
“Do you think the Sheffield’s, will like us?” I ask them, changing the conversation “ My stomach is in a knot, wondering what they will think of me, considering I am one and twenty, not married yet, even if it is my first season, and that Edwina was chosen as the Incomparable being younger than me”
“Sisters, before you go, there is something I must tell you both” Kate started, we look at her expectantly
“Our guests have arrived” Lady Danbury interrupts her, Edwina and I looked at each other and smiled, we held hands and walked to the dining room together.
“Ah, Lord and Lady Sheffield, it has been too long, may I present, Miss Sharma and Miss Y/n and Edwina Sharma” we bowed in greeting
“Oh my dears, look at you” Lady Sheffield smiled “Aren’t they as lovely as the reports say” She looked at me
“Although we were kind of shocked that your younger sister, got to be the incomparable, instead of you” She laughed “Imagine being overthrown by your younger sister, she is the Incomparable and marrying a Viscount ” my smile dimmed at her insult
I looked back at Mama and Kate, they smiled at me reassuringly, I turned back around and got a glimpse of Anthony’s expression from behind the Sheffield’s, his jaw tightened in annoyance.
“We are so happy to make your acquaintance” I said instead, Lady Sheffield gave me a tight smile
“Yes, I am sure” She turned back to Edwina, giving her all her attention “I wish to know everything about you, do enjoy dancing, music”
“You must accompany us to the opera” Lord Sheffield added
I looked between them three before turning and walking back next to Kate, my cheerful mood now gone.
“We have a box that is gathering dust”
“Indeed it has been too long since we’ve seen you both in town, Lord and Lady Sheffield” Lady Bridgerton said
“Yes, indeed it has” Lady Sheffield snarled, looking at mama
“Mother, father” mama greeted
“I do enjoy the opera, My sister, Kate, was the one who introduced Y/n and I, into it” The Sheffield’s said nothing
“Oh, shall we go through to dinner” Lady Danbury cuts through the silence
We ate dinner, The Sheffield’s speaking only to Edwina, which was a disappointment seeing as I was excited to meet them. But what could I expect from the people that disowned my mother for finding true love.
“Of course, you shall be our guests at the Sheffield Manor, It is nothing compared to the estates of Aubrey Hall to be sure, but I think it a most pretty part of Hertfordshire”
“Do you shoot? We have a fine stock of birds and you are welcome”
“Thank you for the invitation, I do enjoy shooting”
“So does Kate and Y/n, Kate is the one who taught Y/n, and she does enjoy it much” Edwina gestures to us
“How unusual” Lady Sheffield looks at us “ Do they teach young ladies to shoot in India”
“Only the fortunate ones” Kate answers
“Lord and Lady Sheffield, how long do you plan to remain in town?” I ask them
“Well, we will stay for the wedding” Lady Sheffield answers “Imagine, the queen herself overseeing my granddaughter’s nuptials, we should spend more time together, and you tell us all about what you are planning for the wedding”
“May I be able to join you all?” I ask smiling, Lady Sheffield pursued her lips
“You are not the one marrying the Viscount, are you?” I stayed quiet “I thought so”
“Her majesty is so forgiving, after everything that happened”
“Now, now, we are all family” Lord Sheffield said to his wife, who laughed humorously
“Of course we are” she looked at mama “even after our daughter so callously rejected the match we had found for her”
“My dear, we agreed-“
“-Ah and no less, with twelve thousand acres, any other young lady would have fallen to her knees in gratitude that her parents were showing such care” I looked at her annoyed
“This was delicious Lady Danbury, you must have your cook give mine the recipe” Lady Bridgerton interjected
“it is the gooseberry, I believe” Lady Danbury laughs “Lady Sheffield, you’ve got quite the sweet tooth, I do recall?”
“And all for what? A mere clerk, was he? And with a child from a previous marriage to God knows who”
“She did it for love!” I exclaimed, everyone looked at me shocked
“Y/n-“ Mama started to say but I ignored her
“Something which I am sure you know nothing about since you disowned your only daughter because she fell in love? What kind of parents are you?” they gasped incredulously
“How dare-“
“And my sisters mother has a name”
“We could not show our faces in society for years, not that she should care” she ignored everything I just said
“She simply sailed away from all of us with that man, robbing us of our grandchild”
“Grandchildren” mama said “I have three daughters with whom you have had every opportunity to form a connection. But the choice to shun us was yours alone”
“I beg your pardon-“
“Do not think I took it lightly, being cast out by the only family I had ever known. I was heartbroken, indeed. But in time, I came to see, that in your cruelty, you did us all a great service”
“I hardly think this is a proper dinner conversation”
“I completely agree, please collect-“
“When you cast me out, what you did was set me free. Free to raise my daughters far from your constant judgment and craven demands that they should chase wealth and titles above all else!”
“I see where Y/n gets her character from, talking back to her seniors, where is her manners” Lady Sheffield chuckles “You are a fine one to talk. You speak of scoring riches, and yet you have come crawling back to snatch at our fortune”
“Lady Danbury is right-“Kate interrupts
“Believe me, I want nothing from you”
“Oh, you may not, but your daughters certainly does” She points at Edwina and i, we all look at her confused
“mama?” Edwina said confused
“The trust funds we have set up for her, the condition of which clearly states that she must marry a man of good English breeding to inherit. You did not think we would allow another generation to pollute the Sheffield name, did you?”
“What nonsense are you sayi-“ I say angrily
“Oh shut up child, you are the least person to talk seeing as it does not concern you, you are not marrying anyone of English nobility” I furrowed my eyebrows
“Deedee, what are they talking about?” Edwina asks Kate
“What have you done?” Mama snaps
“Anthony, did you know about this?” Lady Bridgerton questions
“I shall explain everything” Kate tells us
“I see this one has inherited your penchant for avoiding the truth, honestly dear, are you even raising your daughters right? Seems Edwina is the only pride of the family. The eldest one, I am not even going to bother saying anything. The second? Has the character of the first, a disappointment, does not even have one single proposal from a gentleman, and was not named the incomparable, which I can see why as Edwina is more prett-“
“That is enough!” Anthony exclaims furiously, Lady Sheffield quiets down “I can only think you’ve been exiled from good society because of your deficient manners rather than any other sin. Since the moment you arrived, you have failed to show the proper respect for the Sharma family, and I will not stand for it.”
“I declare-“
“I will not stand for it!” Anthony repeats “Lady Mary has done admirably in raising her daughters. They are intelligent, kind, loyal women and a credit to both their parents” He stares at me
“And since you clearly do not wish to jeopardize your social standing by associating with such company, I suggest you do not. You may leave at once!” he throws his napkin at the table and stands up
“You cannot be serious!”
“Please be kind to send for Lord and Lady Sheffield’s carriage, they can wait outside, and do not trouble yourselves for an invitation for the wedding, for you shall not receive one”
“This is beyond the pale, and if you think you shall inherit a single sovereign now, you are solely mistaken” Lord Sheffield says as he takes his leave
Leaving us all confused and betrayed by Kate’s actions at the table
“Lord and Lady Bridgerton, I must apologize-“
“We should take our leave” Anthony interrupts mama
“Thank you for the evening, Lady Danbury, it was quite enlightening ”
“My lord-“ Edwina stands up
“Good evening” he walks away
“Y/n, do something” Edwina begs me “Anything, he will listen to you” I look at her unsure before I go after the Viscount
“Lord Bridgerton!” I call out desperate “Lord Bridgerton, I beg a word!” he stops
“We must be going”
“Mother, I shall meet you at the house” Lady Bridgerton nodded and walked off
I looked around and walked into a room, Anthony following behind.
“You must know, neither Edwina or I knew about what Kate did, coming to England, finding ourselves a match, we had no idea, you cannot be angry at her” I plead
“I am not, I take it both of you were in the dark about your sisters schemes”
“I am sure Kate did not mean any harm, she is not like that, she only wishes the best for us” I cut in
“I take it there’ll be no dowry now that the Sheffield’s have withdrawn their support” I scoff
“You care about the dowry? I am quite certain it is because of what you just did, that the Sheffield’s withdrew it”
“It is regrettable, to be sure, but clearly Miss Edwina and I have both been misled, and it is best to call off this doomed engagement before it is the cause of any more strife”
“Of course, I would never besmirch, my mother and Lady Danbury will make a plan-“
“Anthony!” I looked at him as if he had gone crazy “What is wrong with you?”
“Why are you even suggesting this?” I ask “ Were you not the one who has been set on marrying Edwina, and now you intend to cast her?” He nodded his head angrily
“And do not say because of the dowry, you told me yourself that you had enough money of your own and did not care for something like a dowry” I scoff “So, tell me, what has she done?”
“She has done nothing, it is you. You have made this match impossible” he admits
“Me?! I have done nothing but he supportive of you both” I exclaim
“Supportive?” He huffs “Of course, you were being supportive when you put my hand on your bosoms, you were most definitely being supportive in that library when we almost-“
“I am leaving with Kate for India”
“And it is not far enough!” he stuns me into silence “Do you think that there is a corner of this earth that you could travel to far away enough to free me from this torment?”
“I am a gentleman, my father raised me to act with honor, but that honor is hanging by a thread that grows more precarious with every moment that I spend in your presence” my heart starts to race rapidly
“You are the bane of my existence, and the object of all my desires, night and day, I dream of you,” he walks closer to me “and what i- do you even know all the ways a lady can be seduced? The things I could teach you” his breath hits my face, his lips brushing mine
“Anthony” I whispered looking down at his lips “I did not ask for this, to have this feelings, for you. Hiding them from Edwina. Being driven to distraction every time you enter the room” he puts his hand on my cheek
“Then you agree, it is insupportable.”
“Impossible” his lips meet mine for a second before he pulls away, shaking his head. Tears start brimming in my eyes.
“If I wed your sister, it will bind me and you together for eternity and I will spend every day of my marriage wanting you, dreaming of you, dreading the day when my last thread of honor finally snaps.” He murmurs
“Is that the future that you want for us? For your sister? Because I do not,” he gets closer to me once again “So it is better that we call the engagement off, so as to not hurt her, and maybe, after some time, I can-“
“What is going on?!”
She knows
Summary: Arguments and farewells
Pairing: Anthony Bridgerton x Sharma Sister!reader
Word count: 1.3k
Warnings: unedited, angst, a moment you were maybe waiting for, arguments between sisters, and goodbyes
*Also, i skipped the wedding and instead made Edwina find out about Anthony and Y/n’s feelings that very night, as I couldn’t do that to my Bon. I can’t write what is supposed to be Edwina’s happiest day of her life and make it her worst. So it’s better for her to find out sooner than when she is already at the altar. Although, this doesn’t mean there will be a happy ever after that quickly, no sir/ma’am, there will still be more parts and obstacles to overcome*
Series Masterlist

Edwina walked into the room as we jumped away from each other. “I asked what is going on!”
“Nothing is going on, bon, we were just talking-“ I say as she looks at me betrayed
“Just talking, I saw you both close enough to kiss, why would-“ realization crossed her face as tears filled her eyes
“I get it now, all those times you both would disappear alone, you both would be very pensive and distracted, you call him by his given name!” Edwina exclaims
“Miss Edwina-“
“Lord Bridgerton, if you could leave, I would be most grateful”
“But Miss-“
“Now please!” I looked at him and nodded. When he left, Edwina continued.
“I want the truth!” She exclaimed loudly, footsteps could be heard approaching the room. Mama entering soon after.
“What is going on?”
“Oh, suddenly your words fail you, sister?” She scoffs
“Edwina, Y/n, I am not sure what is going on”
“I shall tell you what is going on mama,” Edwina says “ after a time of ‘helping me’ win over the Viscount, all those talks I’ve had with her and Kate, of great, gallant notions and looks between lovers-“
“Edwina-“ I shake my head panicked
“You have feelings for him!” Edwina cries out, mama looks between us shocked “All this time, you wanted him for yourself”
“No, that is not true” I denied
“Oh, you cannot deny it now, Y/n!” She yelled “How could I have been such a fool? You made a fool out of me, again and again! You told me, you told me nice things about the Viscount, made me like him more each, and every single time!” tears drop from my eyes
“I fooled myself into believing you and only the purest of intentions, that your only desire was for me to be happy”
“And you are no one's fool. That is the truth” I plead with her, she walked closer to me.
“Do you love him?” my face paled “You told me it did not matter that he was pursuing me, that you were happy for us, but I saw you, every time, the pain in your eyes but I ignored it, your happy smile… your feelings were strong. Do you love him?” I stayed quiet
“That is enough!” Mama exclaimed “Let us all take a moment to calm ourselves, shall we?”
“Now, the Viscount does not wish to marry me any longer and it is all your fault, I am certain, this has not been the first time you have been in such circumstances, has it?” I nodded slowly, she deserves the truth after all. Edwina sobbed.
“You know, you were supposed to be the one to stop me from getting hurt, instead, you are the person who has inflicted the most pain in me, your betrayal hurts worse than Kate’s” She stormed out of the room, mama going after her.
I breath out, looking around the room before I fall down to the floor, crying.
I was taking a walk around the garden, thinking everything over. I sit down on a bench, looking at the fountain in the middle of the garden. I sniffle as tears stung my eyes, for what seems like the million time since the country visit to Aubrey Hall.
“Y/n” I turn around wiping my eyes, Anthony behind me.
“You cannot be he-“
“I have just spoken to Miss Edwina, we thought it better to end this engagement” I stayed silent “ She certainly was harsher than I thought her to be, you know she gave me a lecture, said she thought everything over in the night and has come to a conclusion”
“She is braver and wiser than us both, she had the courage to act on what she sensed between us, and here we are, standing perfectly still, having felt it for months, and not even acting on it” I looked down at the floor
“I suffered all this time” I admitted sadly “watching you pursuing my sister, those moments that passed between us and you saying it was a mistake, and something that should have not happened, you proposing to my sister and saying that no one would suspect anything happening between us because of you had the diamond, why would you pursue a piece of coal”
“So forgive me, if it is now my wish, to suspend time, to not start something that I know is inevitable, to distance ourselves, and this time, make you wait”
I walk closer to him and put my hand on his cheek. My eyes roaming all over his face before I leaned in and kissed him.
He kissed me back fiercely, his hands on my back to hold me better, my own hands going around his neck. Our mouths move perfectly in sync, putting all those feelings we held back into the kiss.
He puts his hand on my cheek as I pull away from the kiss. Our breaths heavy as we stare at one another. I hold back my tears as I smiled sadly.
“Goodbye, Anthony” I walk away
I enter the room where Edwina is waiting for me. She did not turn to look at me as I entered, I sighed sadly.
“Edwina, you must know, I never intended to wound you. I know I should have told you everything, about how I felt” She finally looked at me “Yes, yes, I do have feelings for the Viscount. But they were no match for the love I had, and continue to have, for you. And you must know I will do everything in my power to ensure your happiness”
“Including going back to India with Kate? That is your solution, is it not?”
“I wish to make things right. My feelings for Anth- Lord Bridgerton do not matter anymore” I sniffled
“What is to be of the Viscount?”
“I have told him I cannot be with him”
“Why would you do that? You love him” She questioned
“But I love you more, and I cannot be with him knowing that you liked him, I have hurt you and I will not hurt you anymore, so I will give him up, it does not matter, as long as you are happy” She smiled sadly
“I loathe that you cannot be selfish for once, I am pretty sure the Viscount already told you, I thought about this all night. You told me the very first day you saw him, that you saw him first. You helped me with him, helped him pursue me, and you never once told me you wanted him for yourself.” She said
“Why are you putting everyone’s happiness before your own? Be selfish, for once, go after what you want, what you so very desire, him. I forgive you, didi. But I will need time, to heal, to prepare myself just in case you ever do agree to be with him” She admitted “Think about what I said, yeah?” She gave me a small smile and left.
A new plan
Summary: Both families have brewed a new plan, now let's just hope it works out well.
Pairing: Anthony Bridgerton x Sharma Sister!reader
Word count: 1.3k
Warnings: unedited, bad grammar, more arguments, lingering looks, I think that's all
Series Masterlist

“Straight into the fire, a favorite pastime of mine. Now, remember, it was a mutual understanding about a private matter between Miss Edwina and the Viscount. That is all we are to say on the subject” Lady Danbury reminds us as we promenade.
Lady Danbury and Lady Bridgerton, decided to have a promenade together, as if to say that Edwina and Anthony, broke off the engagement on friendly terms.
They announced the end of Anthony and Edwina’s engagement a few days ago, with the reasoning, that they did not share common interests and after some time, decided they would be better breaking off the engagement. Although they were still on very good terms.
The ton has been making snide remarks to us since, although a broken engagement is not unheard of, it is rare, and most of the times, it is always the lady's fault, maybe she was ruined, maybe something was wrong with her, etcetera
“is this truly our plan? Simply to pretend nothing has happened?” Edwina remarks
“We are not pretending nothing has happened, we are choosing to deal with it in private, in our own time. Scandals may cast aspersions, but they do not obligate us to answer to anyone.” Mama answers
“Besides, the ton has a remarkably short memory, with any luck, by this time next week, there will be a bigger story for them to sink their rapacious teeth into. We may find you a husband still, this season, Miss Edwina” Lady Danbury assures
“Miss Y/n” the Duke of Fairfield approaches us, greeting the rest after.
“Miss Edwina, I was sorry to hear about your broken engagement with the Viscount, you both made a beautiful couple” Louis says
“Yes, well, I am not too sure about that” Edwina gave him a tight-lipped smile, Louis hummed.
“May I promenade with you all?” He questions
“Of course, your grace, you are most welcomed” Lady Danbury accepted
Louis smiled and walked by my side. “Lovely day, is it not?”
“I suppose it is” I answer smiling
“I do not really get the people of the ton, someone breaks an engagement and suddenly, it is the worst thing they could have done and they should not talk to those people” Louis scoffs
“I am afraid that is the people of the ton” Kate mused
I sighed and looked around, I stopped once I saw the Bridgerton’s a few feet away from us, already staring at us. Anthony’s stare switched between Louis and I before his jaw clenched. I ignored him and looked away.
“After everything that happened with his scullery maid last season, and Lord Cho cuts me?” Lady Danbury exclaims pacing around the drawing room before sitting down. We are all seated, Lady Bridgerton, Anthony, mama, my sisters and I.
“We know what we are to deal with, at least” Lady Bridgerton mused
“We shall not remove ourselves from this fight. All will be lost if we run now” I can see Edwina stare at Anthony and I.
“I should like to remove myself from this room.” Edwina stood up to get more tea as I sighed
“Every day that goes by without our altering the ton shared sentiment will harden it”
“Perhaps we need another story as to why things ended” Mama suggested, giving us a look
“We have already started to tell one. We cannot change course now”
“Well, if we cannot speak about the reasons, might we at least act as though they are of no consequence to us?”
“A ball”
“Yes, together. We prove to the ton that our story is true. It was indeed a mutual decision between all interested parties, and there is no scandal or ill will between our families at all” Edwina huffed
“A ball would give Edwina another chance to find a suitor”
“Another ball?” I questioned “So that the ton might inspect this wreckage with an even closer eye?”
“Yes, I think the same thing” Anthony agreed quickly, I looked at him with raised eyebrows, he only stared back at me.
“A ball may very well work” Edwina cuts in, breaking our stare “After all the Viscount and my sister have been so good at hiding their true feelings from everyone in public this far. It should not trouble them to do the same a little longer”
“Edwina-“ I start to say but Newton entering the room cuts me off
“Kate,” I call out as Newton makes his way to Anthony, putting his paws on Anthony’s knees “Newton, off!, Kate, your dog!” I stand up
“Newton, out!” I say and shooed Newton away, Anthony also standing up
After Newton was out of the room, I looked back at Anthony who was already staring at me. I stare back before I looked away, feeling awkward with everyone in the room staring at us.
“Was I truly that blind?” Edwina said shocked “Were they always this obvious?”
“If this plan is to work..”
“I suggest the two of you stay on opposite sides of the room at all times” Lady Danbury separates us with her walking stick.
“I assure you, that will not be a problem, Lady Danbury “ I assure them, I give Anthony one last lingering stare before going to sit next to Kate instead.
“All we need would be for someone to witness something untoward-”
“I beg your pardon, Lady Danbury” Anthony cuts her off “ I do not know what you mean to say”
“What she means to say, Anthony, is that those of us in this room at present are the only ones who know the full truth of the matter, and we would prefer to keep it that way” Lady Bridgerton explains
“If there is so much as a passing look between the two of you, then this plan of ours will be for nothing. Are we all in agreement?” We nod
“Quite, Lady Danbury” Anthony says before he walks away, Lady Bridgerton following soon.
We stay silent, no one daring to talk first “What will you do after, sister?” I look at Edwina confused “After the scandal dies down, will you marry the Viscount or did you just break off our engagement for the fun of it” I look at her in disbelief
“Edwina, why would you say such thing?” Kate says
“I am only asking, so tell me sister, what is it?” Edwina huffs
“You know I did not break your engagement nor did I do anything to sabotage it” I murmured
“Then? Because you said you did not plan to start anything with Lord Bridgerton, so then what did you accomplish with this?”
“Edwina, stop it” mama pleads
“Edwina, I know you are hurt, but that is no excuse for you to act the way you do” I snapped, angry tears brimming my eyes “I did not ask for any of this! And for you to even insinuate it, is just plain cruel”
“You know I have done nothing but want the best for you, all I wanted was for you to be happy, and I did everything so you could be it, even if it meant watching you almost marry the man I had grown to love, so do not. Do not, accuse me of sabotaging your engagement because I did no such thing!” I scoff “You said you have forgiven me and only needed time, I have given you what you asked for, space and time. Thank you so much for being so understanding and forgiving, sister” I march away angrily
Another Scandal
Summary: Maybe Lady Bridgerton and Lady Danbury's plan won't work, after all, it was only a matter of time when a new scandal would rise concerning them
Pairing: Anthony Bridgerton x Sharma Sister!reader
Word count: 2.1k
Warnings: angst, more arguments *sigh*, at least one happy moment in so long
Series Masterlist

“Everything will be alright, bon” Kate assures me as we step out of the carriage. “Just breath and you will be alright” I gave her a thankful smile, holding on to her arm.
“Lady Danbury” Anthony and Lady Bridgerton approaches us, different types of bouquets of flowers on the Viscount’s hands.
“Lady Mary, Miss Sharma” He gave mama and Kate a bouquet, and then moved on to me.
“Miss Y/n..” He handed me a bouquet of lilacs, holding my stare, his hand lingering on mine before he turned to Edwina
My heart warmed at the gesture, thinking back to the night were I told Anthony that, lilacs, were my favorites. He made sure to remember that.
“Miss Edwina, i-“ Edwina handed the bouquet to the footman, I gave her a look making her sent me a glare back
“How thoughtful of you, Lord Bridgerton” Lady Danbury mused
“Now, remember, before we are to sent out our invitations, we must appear to be enjoying each other's company” Lady Bridgerton said as she looked at Edwina “Shall we?” she gestured to the entrance of the museum.
Edwina walked in first, followed by Lady Bridgerton, mama and Kate. I gave my flowers to the footman, before I walked in, sparing no glance to Anthony.
I walked along with Lady Bridgerton and Edwina, paying no heed to the murmurs that followed us as we walked.
“Do not be deterred. If we can put the wedding behind us, so can they” Lady Bridgerton said before we all parted, Kate and I, headed off to see what the museum offers.
“I am grateful for you, deedee” I admit as we stared up at the sculpture of a man and woman “ for your support, all this time, since I’ve told you of my feelings, you have been nothing but understanding and supportive, you have not once judged me for what I did, nor shut me out, and I am grateful to call, and have you as, my sister” Kate smiled
“I know you would have done the same, were I, in your place” Kate stared at me happily “And you have, when everything happened with the Sheffield’s inheritance, you let me explain myself and did not hold any ill feelings towards me. Just like I know that you will be when I tell you that, indeed, I met a man back in India” I looked at her shocked
“I will tell you all about it some other time, for now, there is too much ears around” Kate laughed while I nodded
“It seems both Miss Cowper and Miss Goring are swallowing the story about the engagement being halted due to a mutual decision” Edwina murmured as she approached us
“That is good” Kate says
“Well, I appear to be a very good liar” Edwina turned to look at me “Something else you and the Viscount have taught me, perhaps”
“Edwina” I huffed “What will it take for you to forgive me? Because honestly, I am getting tired of all your snide remarks everything the Viscount and I are in the same place. But you are my sister, and if I must apologize every day for the rest of my life, I will”
“But you cannot say you forgive me and then continue making this type of comments, with the excuse of being hurt. Your happiness is all that has mattered to me, Bon, to us” I gestured to Kate and I “and believe me, I am reaping the consequences of destroying it every second and day that passes” Edwina stayed silent
“ I remember the books you used to read to me from Appa’s library.” Edwina tells Kate “The stories of true love and happy endings against all odds. Now I question if either of those things are true. Do you, yourself, truly believe them?”
“Of course I believe in true love, and happy endings. How could I not?” I answered
“You saw appa and mama, how happy they once were-” Kate added
“What I saw is how even that ended in tragedy. Happy endings do not exist, sisters. At least not in real life. Even if I do forgive you with time, y/n, I am never going to forget, you be sure of that” I blinked away my tears as Edwina walked away from us. Kate rubbing my shoulder comfortingly
“Give her more time-“
“How much time am I suppose to give her? It has been a week and she still is as hurt as when she found out. I do not understand why she is acting as though it is the end of love. Anthony is the first man she has even remotely liked, and has not even bothered to look at any other man, and I daresay, she only liked him because he was the first man to pursue her, and because of his title. I know it is cruel for me to say this, but it is true. She does not love him, if Edwina really loved Anthony as much as she acts like she does, she would only desire to see him happy, no matter who it is with” I scoffed
“She is just seventeen, she has more time to become a wife, or fall in love, so why I’d she acting like love is not real”
“I am not sure” Kate pursued her lips “With time she will forget about it, I am sure, she will fall in love again with another man and we will all go back to how we were before everything happened”
“I really hope so, deedee, I really do” I mumbled
“Now, I will go speak to mama and Lady Danbury” I nodded before she left
And then there was one, one who was seriously rethinking everything she has done since coming to London.
Were those moments I shared with Anthony, really worth it? Was he worth it? Losing my sister’s trust and love over my feelings for the Viscount. Something which I know I will never get back, no matter how much Kate says I will.
I will never be as close to Edwina as I was before coming London. Edwina herself has said it, she may forgive me, but she will never forget, and I know that she will always be reminded of pain I inflicted when she sees me or spends time with me.
I never asked for it, any of it. And if I could take it back, I would. No man is worth losing family over, at least the family that has always loved and supported you.
“Miss Y/n” Anthony snapped me out of my thoughts, I looked at him behind the sculpture. “I’ve been wishing for a moment to be alone with you. To speak”
“There is nothing to speak about, Viscount Bridgerton” I murmured
“We kissed-“
“We did no such thing. Nothing happened between us, how could it?. You were my sister’s intended, there is no world in which we could kiss”
He rounded the sculpture, looking at me in disbelief “Are you quite serious?”
“We, I, did a terrible thing” I stare at him as he walked closer “We should be ashamed of what we did. It was a mistake, it should not have happened at all” he furrowed his eyebrows
“And there is no way it is ever going to happen again” I march off, leaving him behind staring as, this time, it is me walking away from him
We walk through the Bridgerton house, all decorated for tonight’s ball.
Edwina still could not bare to look at me, and has not done so at all this past few days, unless necessary. To say I was hurt, angry and confused with everything going on was a understatement.
“Well, this is unexpected” Lady Bridgerton mused as we walk through the doors, the place was completely deserted, not a single soul that was not us, present.
“It is still quite early, I suppose” mama assured
“Would you still like us to play, my lady?” a man approached Lady Bridgerton
“That will not be necessary”
“If there’s no need for my presence, I’ll head to my studio” Benedict said, patting his eldest brother’s shoulder “I do not wish to be around such misery all evening”
“Wait!” Anthony called out
“I know of your opinions brother-“
“You will stay for a dance” Anthony pats his cheek “There shall be dancing, a new perspective, yes?” we all looked at each other confused before he turned back to the staircase
“Yes, brother?”
Anthony puts out his hands “Come down here and do me the honor” I smile as Hyacinth comes down the staircase happily, Gregory following behind.
“Come! Show this dowager the benefit of all these lessons I heat you’ve been taking, Mr. Bridgerton” Lady Danbury says as she puts her walking stick away
“He is much better than me, I’ll say” Eloise mused
“Something lively. A country dance, perhaps” Anthony said as we all grabbed hands, forming a circle. I felt Anthony’s stare at me as the music started, I stared back at him, smiling admiringly.
We separated into pairs, bowing as we started to dance. We laughed as the men walked into the middle of the circle before choosing a pair. I got stuck with Kate and Colin, not that I am complaining.
Now it was our turn to walk into the circle, after, I was still with Colin while Kate was now with Lady Bridgerton. We twirled happily, our moods now brightening. We formed a circle, the men’s turn to walk in. This time, Anthony walked towards me before anyone else could.
I laughed as he smiled smugly, twirling me around, holding me softly, a lot closer than we needed to, as we stared at each other’s eyes. But this was our time to be close without anyone saying anything.
He twirled me around one last time before the dance ended. Us still holding each other’s hands as we breathed heavily. He pulled me closer when everyone was not paying attention, giving my cheek a kiss. I playfully shoved him away, smiling, before I stepped away from him.
“Perhaps a quadrille” Hyacinth suggested cheerfully
“Perhaps, we should start eating some of that food” Colin said
We headed off towards the tables, Kate and I chatting happily as we grabbed some food. I extended my hand to grab a glass of lemonade, instead I crashed into another’s grabbing the same thing. I laughed as I looked up, Anthony’s smiled greeting me. He gestured for me to grab the glass and I did, thanking him
“It was just delivered ma’am” we looked at them to see Mrs. Wilson handing Lady Bridgerton a piece of paper.
“Is that Lady Whistledown?” Eloise asked as she approached them “Has she published, mama?”
“Indeed she has, now we may know why we are the only ones here” Lady Bridgerton answered as she read. We crowded around them as they looked up shocked.
Eloise looked crestfallen as she finished, we looked at each other worriedly as she ran up to her bedchambers. With the mood now ruined, we did not know what to do.
“Should we return home now, bon” Kate asked Edwina as we approached her.
“As if you cared what I would like to do” Edwina answered angrily
“Edwina, this is cruelty-“ Kate huffed
“Do not dare… try to make me out to be the cruel one. I may not know who I truly am, but at least I know I am kind hearted than you” Edwina looked at me
“Have you not been listening to anything I have told you, Edwina, i-“ I looked at her hurt
“Enough, Y/n, you have done more than enough” She walked towards mama
“Y/n, do not list-“ I ignore Kate’s words and walk off outside, frustrated tears falling down my face.
A New Step
Summary: indeed, no one showed up, but, that will not be the end of the night rest assured.
Pairing: Anthony Bridgerton x Sharma Sister!reader
Word count: 2.0k
Warnings: SMUT!!, if you do not feel comfortable reading, there will be this 》♧♧♧♡♡◇◇《 so you can skip it if you want to, no point in saying 18+ cause let's be honest, you're going to read it anyway even if it says 18+. Arguments 😮💨😤, a new step for Y/n and Anthony.
Also, this will be the first time I have written smut so, don't judge or make fun. Enjoy!!
Series Masterlist

I am so tired of everything, when will I get a break. From everything, Edwina’s cruel remarks, society scrutinizing our every move, trying and failing to repress my feelings towards Anthony. I cannot bottle everything away for so long.
I head off towards the garden’s, everything I bottled up for so long, breaking through. I covered my face with my hands, sitting down on a chair, trying to calm myself down.
“What are you doing out here?”
“My apologies” I say to Anthony as I stand up
“No, no, please, stay” He begs, I sighed, not in the mood to argue
I nod as I sit down once again, he sat down next to me “I am tired, Anthony” I rest my head on his shoulder “With everything going on, I never thought it all would get so hard. Edwina is hurt, makes cruel comments directed at us, and will not speak to me unless mama, Kate or Lady Danbury tells her to. The ton and their gossip…and, we should not be here, alone, unchaperoned” I come to my senses, standing up once again
“Nobody will see us, just sit down ”
“No, you cannot assure that, you already know what will happen if someone sees us here, I will be ruined, and you will get out unscathed, like me always do” I argue
“Must you do this? We were getting along well before you started with your arguments, why are you so complicated all the time, I cannot keep up with you, and you never listen to what I say or ask you to do” He huffs
“Well, I can certainly understand why that would be so troubling for a man like you” I narrow my eyes at him
“A man like me?” He rolls his eyes “Pray tell me, what do you mean by a man like me?” He scoffs
“A man used to always getting his way, a man always used to giving orders-” I explain
“I do not give orders” Anthony scowls
“You tell me something and expect me to listen, I do not and will not do it-“
“Perhaps you should”
“I’ll never listen to you! Or to anyone I wholeheartedly disagree with!” I snap angrily “ The fact it has taken you this long to cone to terms with that, to accept that fact”
“You wish to know why?”
“Because you yourself are complicated, refusing to accept anything that does not benefit you. I am uncertain you even know why” I huff
“I know why”
“Enthrall me with your self knowledge and awareness, oh so mighty, Viscount Bridgerton” I scowl
“It is because I have never met anyone like you” he shakes his head as he admits, I stay silent “ You are one of the nicest, supportive people I have ever met, and yet, you can be quite competitive and challenging”
“It is maddening, how much you consume my very being” he breathes out “My family is on the brink of ruin. I am nearly certain every last one of my brothers and sisters secretly despise me, my own mother, at that. Despite the fact that I have lived the better part of my life for them. And yet still, all I find myself thinking about, all I find myself being able to breath for, is you” I hold his stare
“Do you think that I want to be in this position?” I shake my head, understanding him “ Contending with these thoughts of wanting to be nowhere except with you. Wanting to run away with you. Of acting on the most impure, forbidden desires, no matter how much I must remind myself” He walks closer to me
“I am gentleman, and you are a lady, of that, that scent” he breaths in, his nose brushing my neck making me gasp out “It has remained imprinted on my mind ever since the night of my mother’s ball on the library. Lilies” he whispers out, I stare down at his lips before i look back into his eyes
“You have to stop” he says, I chuckle
“I have to stop?” I whisper humorously
“There is no other course of action to be concluded. You must stop!”
“It has been you” I admit, walking to the other side “It has been you this entire time, spinning my world off its axis, making me hate myself over and over again for having feelings for you when, Edwina was gaining feelings for you as you kept pursuing her.”
“Do you know how hard it was? Pretending to feel nothing for you except friendship, that I felt nothing whenever you touched me, or smiled at me, that I did not feel the desire to kiss you whenever you were in the room. And all for Edwina to be happy” I shake my head “You are the one who must stop, before-“
“Before what? Before we finally give in to our desires? Before we stop caring for whatever everyone else may feel and only care for how we feel?” We stare at each other intensely
He clenched his jaw, breathing out “Please go inside” I furrowed my eyebrows shaking my head “Go. Inside.”
“What did I tell you about you and your orders?” I scowl
He stares at me, shakes his head and approaches me quickly, and slams his lips to mine. I kiss back gasping as he groans.
He puts his hands on my waist, one of his hands wandering down before pulling my dress up and disappearing under it.
I stop the kiss, I gasp before moaning out as he touches the place no one has ever before, grasping onto his shoulder tightly. He groans, letting go of me and putting his hands up in surrender.
“I will stop”
“No, do not stop” I shake my head, kissing him fiercely.
He kissed me back before turning me back around, kissing down my shoulder, unlacing my dress, letting it fall down once it was unbuttoned. I turn back around, kissing him once again as he takes off his coat. I take off my gloves, helping him unbutton his shirt once I am done, all while still kissing him.
He took of my tights and bottoms as he pulls me down to lay on a makeshift bed, getting on top of me. He kissed down my body, I gasped out as his head moved lower and lower, his hand staying on top of my bosoms. I moaned as his mouth got to that one part where I needed him the most, he opened his hand, giving me something to hold on, I grabbed it, holding onto it tightly as he pleasures me, my other hand going to grab the pillow where I was laying my head on.
I buried my head into the pillow, moaning out loudly. Anthony got on top of me once more, settling between my legs. I held onto his head, my breaths coming out fast and shallow. I kissed him once more, my hands going around his neck to pull him even closer.
He stopped the kiss and started to take off his belt and pants, once he was done, he parted my legs even more, settling at my entrance, I breath out heavily as I knew what was to come.
“This may hurt for a moment” he caressed my cheeks lovingly “I am so sorry, my love” He plunged forward.
“Oh,” I gasped. “Oh, god.” He groaned, burying his head into my neck as his body began to move in an ancient rhythm.
His mouth smashed over mine as one of his hands snaked up to caress my face lovingly. I rose my hips hips to meet his, moving tentatively at first, then with a vigor that matched the desire and passion that was rising with each move of Anthony.
“Oh, God, Y/n,” he moaned, his ability to form flowery sentences completely lost in the primitive heat of the moment. “You’re so good. So good.”
I moaned along with him, closing my eyes, wrapping my legs around his waist, bringing him even closer, him hitting places that he was not before, bringing me much more pleasure
My breath was coming faster and faster, my moans more frequent with every passing moment. Anthony turned my head and kissed me to quiet me down, groaning into my mouth.
With a ragged groan, he forced himself to stop thrusting and catch his breath. “Y/n?” he said hoarsely
My eyes, which I had closed as the pleasure was too much, snapped open. “Don’t stop,” I pleaded , “please don’t stop. I’m so close to something…I don’t know what. God, Anthony please”
“Oh, God,” he groaned, plunging back in to the hilt, throwing his head back as his spine arched. “You’re so beautiful, so unbelievably perfect”
“All mine, just mine” he murmured as he thrust in and out quickly, I dug my nails into his back, moaning.
“Probably could have done this faster if you only paid attention to me before and did not start courting my sister instead, which is now making me doubt if your intentions are pure, now that I think about it” I gasped out teasingly, he stopped moving, looking at me amused
“Really? You want to speak about your sister right now?” He raised a eyebrow, I chuckle “You better stop, or I’m going to have to tie you up and have my way with you a hundred different ways, until you finally get it through your silly skull that you are the most beautiful and desirable woman in England, and if everyone else doesn’t see that, then they’re all bloody fools.” My mouth fell open
One of his brows arched into what had to be the most arrogant expression ever to grace his face. “Is that understood?” I nodded, not being able to form a sentence
“Good,” he grunted, and then, before I could catch my breath, his lips were devouring mine in a kiss so fierce, I was clutching the bed just to keep from screaming.
His hips ground into mine, frenzied in their power, thrusting, rotating, stroking until i was certain I could not take anymore. I moaned out, little screams escaping me.
I clutched at him tightly “I cannot take anymore Anthony, it is too muc- oh!” I gasped, certain I would break any given moment. My muscles were stiff, tense, and it was getting hard to breathe. But if he heard me, he didn’t care. His face was a harsh mask of concentration, sweat beading on his brow.
“Anthony,” I said, breathing heavily “I can—”
One of his hands slipped between us and touched me, I screamed, his mouth covering mine, muffling my screams. He slammed forward one last time, and everything simply fell apart.
I went stiff, then my body shaked, I felt like I had died and gone to heaven. I could not breathe, could not even gasp. My head fell back as her my hands switched between grabbing at the mattress or Anthony, with a ferocity I never have believed I possessed.
Anthony went utterly still above me after he pulled out, his mouth open in a silent scream, and then he collapsed, the weight of him pressing me farther into the mattress.
“Oh, my God,” he groaned, his body now shaking. “Never…it’s never…so good…it’s never been so good.” He kissed me again, lovingly this time, his hands caressing all over my body.
He laid down on my other side, pulling me into him, my head laying on his chest as he wrapped his hands around me. I calmed my breath as he gave my forehead a kiss.
“It is alright, darling, sleep, I will be here in the morning” he murmured sweetly.
I nodded, kissing his cheek before settling my head into his neck and closing my eyes exhaustedly, falling into a deep sleep.
New Beginnings
Summary: A relationship was now mended, cheers to new beginnings
Pairing: Anthony Bridgerton x Sharma Sister! Reader
Word count: 1.6k
Warnings: angst, unedited, siblings once again happy, a mother comforting her child
Series Masterlist

I opened my eyes, light greeting me. I gasped, sitting up in realization, bringing the blankets up to my chest. I looked down at Anthony who was sleeping peacefully, observing his form.
I was consumed with thoughts, everything we did, everything I allowed him to do, coming back to me. I huffed frustrated, picking up my clothed and putting them back on.
Tears stung my eyes as i realized what I had to do. I could not be with him, I cannot hurt Edwina more, and break what little of affection she still has for me. I cannot completely ruin my family, or let Anthony ruin his by being with me, the ton would create even more scandals concerning both families.
Not to mention that I gave myself to him. I cannot be with him, and any other gentleman will not want me when they come to know I am not pure. I am doing this all for love.
I bent down to where Anthony was laying, kissing his lips softly “I am deeply sorry, my love” I whispered, sparing him one last glance before leaving back to Lady Danbury’s home.
I entered my bedchamber quietly after changing into my sleepwear. I successfully got to the house carefully, no one saw me entering the house or in the streets. I am certain they think I got home not too long from them last night.
I laid down on my bed, tears falling from my face as I cried quietly. I don’t know how long I spent like that, but a knock on my door snapped me out of my thoughts.
I sat up, wiping away my tears as the door opened. Anthony walking in and shutting the door. We stared at one another silently, observing.
“I want to apologize” He spoke up, breaking the silence “You deserve so much more than that” I stayed quiet, letting him speak
“I took liberties. I.. I did not want it to happen like that, so.. I came to apologize-“
“Yes you already said that-“ I nodded
“And to ask you to marry me.” I looked at him shocked “Y/n, I’m here, and I’m asking-” He took out a ring box from his pocket and opened it, I shook my head quickly
“I do not need you to ask me anything at all!”
“Y/n, i-“
“I cannot marry you, Anthony” I cut him off sadly, my eyes filling up with tears once again, he stared at me confused “I…I wish nothing more than to be yours, truly, but it is not possible”
“Why not?” He said desperately “It does not matter what everyone else thinks, as long as we lo- care for each other”
“I care about what my family thinks. What my sisters think. I care about whether or not I am harming your family’s reputation, or my own families, making Edwina not desirable for another gentleman because of the scandal” I sniffle
“And what about you?” Anthony hummed “ What about what you want? What about your happiness? Is your happiness not important?”
“It does not matter what I want, my family comes above everything, even myself, and I will do everything I can so they will not get ruined…” I looked down at my lap “Even giving up my own happiness for them, so please, do not insist any longer” I swallowed down my tears
Anthony closed the ring box, looking down with a clenched jaw. He scoffed and opened the door, walking off angrily. I finally let my tears fall once he was gone, falling down to my bed.
My heart felt like it was breaking in pieces, pain in my chest but I ignored it. I had to do what had to be done.
I approached Edwina’s bedchambers, knocking on the door.
“Come in” Edwina called out
I opened the door, Edwina was seated near the window, reading a book. I approached hesitantly, wondering whether I should even try one last time.
“Y/n, wish I could say I am surprised, but I am not”
“Edwina, I know earning your trust again will not be simple” I start “But I am willing to continue to try, however long it might take” Edwina looked down at the floor before sighing
“ I have been cruel…and you did not deserve that as I know you have also been hurt with everything going on just as much as i” Edwina said “so I will, I promise I will, try my best to listen and put this all behind us… I do miss my sister after all. Although, I do have questions” I nodded, gesturing for her to go on
“Was there always something between you and the Viscount?” Edwina asked “Were you lying to me all along?”
“I was not lying to you, only to myself” I answered walking closer to her “Perhaps, there was something between us since the start, but, I did not want to accept it, I refused to”
“But once you were sure of your feelings towards him, why did you not tell me?” Edwina urged “Why wait for me to find out on my own by seeing you both like that, in that room?”
“I was scared. You were gaining feelings for him every day, how was I supposed to tell you I was falling in love with your intended?” I sighed
“It was easy, I have always wanted the best for Kate and you, just as you both do for me. I know I would have not been that happy with you, but I would have tried to be supportive and stopped the Viscount from pursuing me before it got out of hand” Edwina sighed “I feel like we have not been as close as we should even be, ever. I do not know you as well as I should, nor do you know me.”
“Y/n, I am done playing a part. I want to know myself truly, and to know who you are too. Because I am unsure I like the young ladies we have both been playing.”
I nodded happily, feeling a weight being lifted from my chest at this new chance and beginning we are going to try.
“Are we going to bring our new selves, to the ball the Featherington's are hosting tonight? ”Edwina asked, I nodded “I promise I will be more supportive with everything, including about the Viscount and you. Whatever action you now wish to take, I only hope it is because you are thinking of, and being truthful to yourself, not because of anyone else” I nodded pulling her into a hug
“Dearest?” mama said, I turned to look at her, smiling slightly “ I see you are not yet dressed for the ball”
“I am unsure whether to attend or not…” I answer as she sits down next to me on my bed
“Y/n, I hope you do are unsure to attend because you are not feeling up to a part and not because you want to escape seeing certain people there” mama said, I looked at her, tears filling my eyes “Oh, I hate seeing you like this”
“I really should stop crying all the time, seems like it is the only thing I do” I chuckled amused before it faded “It is my fault, mama, everything that has happened”
“Edwina forgives you. I forgive you, you should stop being so hard on yourself”
“There is a part of me that will never forgive myself.” I sniffled “ I was supposed to help her win over the Viscount, that was going to help our family, and instead I fall in love with her intended and mess everything up”
“You cannot hate yourself for that, it is not something you can choose to feel, and yes, maybe it made everything complicated but as I said, we forgive you, you should forgive yourself and let yourself love him. Because you also deserve all of the love in the world, and to be happy with the man you love” I breathed out as mama wiped away my tears
“He asked me to marry him, Anthony” I murmured “And I could not allow it, mama ” mama looked shocked
“He and I can not be together, and I am pretty sure he was asking it out of mere obligation, because the two of us-“ I stopped myself after I realized I said too much, but mama caught on to what I was going to say.
She nodded, not even judging me, or yelling, nothing, she was just supportive “He does not love me, mama” I whispered
“If he could not love Edwina, who is the sweetest, most kindest person in the world, what chance do I have. And I am certain what he feels right now is just mere infatuation, something that will pass with time” I rested my head on her shoulder “I cannot marry him because he does not love me, although i- I love him”
Mama hugged me closer, rubbing my back comfortingly as I cried into her chest.
“Everything will be alright, dearest, everything will turn out how you want it, be sure of it”
Make Him Chase
Summary: 3 times you rejected him
Pairing: Anthony Bridgerton x Sharma Sister! Reader
Word count: 1.3k
Warnings: unedited, fluff, kisses, Anthony being a simp.
1 more chapter + the epilogue, and we're done!
Series Masterlist

“Come on, Y/n, cheer up, it does not matter if the Viscount is here or not, you can still have fun” Edwina said, smiling reassuringly as we entered the ball
“You cannot blame me, Bon, along with everyone in the ton staring at us, it is making me nervous” I sighed, holding on to her arm
“What do you say?” Edwina smiled “Shall we take to the floor?”
I turned to look at Kate who shrugged before turning back to Edwina “With whom?”
“Ourselves, they cannot possibly say anything about us that we have not heard before. And should your brush with death not be our best social capital yet?” Edwina pulled me to the floor as Kate laughed standing where we left her.
We danced, I laughing along with her, redness creeping on my face from embarrassment of every staring at us, but I kept dancing still.
I looked to the side, seeing Anthony staring at us. He smiled once he saw I was looking back at him. Edwina followed my stare.
“Do not mind him, just have fun” Edwina chuckled, I looked back at her and laughed as we twirled around
We walked to the refreshments table once the dance was finished, laughing as we talked, that dance brightening my mood. My eyes roamed around the room, Edwina chuckled
“Say what you want, but your eyes always search for the Viscount when you are together in a room, don’t they, deedee” She teased, I shook my head quickly “You will not be able to avoid him all night, and you should not attempt to. At least, not on my behalf. I already told you I am over him, not really sure if I ever did like him honestly and I will be happy for you with whatever decision you make. Be the sister I know that you are, be funny, brave and feeling”
“Be unafraid to follow your heart after doing the exact opposite all this time. No matter what everyone thinks, do what you desire, it is time for you to shine all on your own” Edwina smiled
“Why is everyone telling me the same thing all the time?” We both laughed
“Maybe it is a sign for you to do it” She said before walking away
I turned around, coming face to face with Anthony “Lord Bridgerton”
“Miss Y/n” he bowed his head “I was just on my way outside” I hummed
“I- I should give you, your space, everyone will tall in light of-“
“Perhaps you should not” I interrupted him “perhaps everyone will think that I was in the mood for a dance and since no gentleman is currently approaching us, you so kindly offered since you are a friend of our family still, after all” Anthony smiled, narrowing his eyes before putting up 3 fingers
“How many?” He stared at me adoring
I gave him a look, smiling amused “three” I looked into his eyes, he turned his hand around, putting up one more finger making a face.
We stared at one another before I spoke up “Are you going to ask me to dance?”
“Will you accept?” I held out my hand towards him, he grabbed my hand, pulling me to the dance floor
We started to waltz, the ton looking at us murmuring. The few couples that were on the floor, walking off to not be near us
“Do you want to stop?” I said worriedly
“Just keep looking at me” he twirled me “No one else matters” he stared into my eyes
I looked down at his lips as we danced, my hands around his shoulders while his were around my waist
“Marry me, y/n”
“Anthony…” I sighed
“You know I will not be the worst of husbands, of course I may annoy you sometimes and we may not agree on much, although you may regret your decision once you see the chaos that is my family” I laughed making him smile
“Anthony, you know I cannot” I shook my head
“What is stopping you-“
“Let us not talk of this any longer” I plead
“Alright” he pulled me closer as the music started to go more slowly
He held my hand on top, our faces getting closer as our hands went down, my eyebrows furrowed sadly before I closed my eyes, our noses brushing each other’s before we parted as the dance finished
“Everyone, outside. I have a surprise for you all” Lady Featherington said as she walked into the room. Anthony and I continued to stare at each other, our hands still holding on as everyone passed us to go outside.
The queen stopped in front of us, smiling knowingly, we bowed before her “I may have the wedding I wanted after all, Miss Y/n” She left leaving me to stare after her shocked . Anthony chuckled, I hit his chest
“Do not laugh” I walked outside with the rest, Anthony’s chuckles still sounding behind me, I smiled after I was out of his view. Okay, I must admit I like his insistence, it is no crime to make a man chase after you is there? Makes you feel more important.
I walked through the garden as everyone walked further on. A hand burst through the shrubbery and pulled me into another path where nobody was able to see.
“Marry me”
“Anthony” I laughed as he pulled me closer to his chest
“Why do you keep on denying my proposal? Your sisters and mother already gave me their blessing-“
“When did you even ask them?” I chuckled in disbelief
“A few moments ago, but that does not matter” he huffs “marry me, stop with all your worrisome thoughts and just accept. I will be the best husband you will ever have-“
“I can only have one husband” I mused chuckling
“Exactly!” He nodded his head “I will be the best husband you will ever have had that you will not even think of having another man as your husband”
“You know, this days I am just seeing a new side to you that I did not even know you possessed”
“Yes, I did not even know I could be like this” Anthony chuckled “ You know what, I do not even care that you keep on rejecting my proposals, you know why?” I hummed
“Because I am going to keep on insisting and insisting until you give in. I am going to pursue you, bring you flowers and properly court you. I will even get on my knees if you want. I will make a fool out myself in front of everyone. Because you are worth it”
I smile before wrapping my arms around his shoulders and pulling him into a kiss. He pulled me even closer, not even letting go when I went to pull back. I pulled away, smiling mischievously.
“Then go ahead, Viscount Bridgerton. I will be waiting. Let us see if you do manage to make me accept your proposal”
I give him one last kiss before walking away.
It is never a crime to make a man chase after you.
hii would you ever write angst about the reader’s accident and how anthony found her?
also keep up the good work!! im loving this series <3
Yes!! It actually has not yet happened, It was supposed to happen after they slept together - *oh my god i suddenly just got the idea of what to put to make it more angsty* anyway , i instead decided to put it in the last part, which is coming out tomorrow, especially because of how in the series, Kate’s accident made Anthony realize how much he actually loved her, and since in my story, they still haven't said I love you, nor has Y/n accepted Anthony's marriage proposal, I wanted to make it more romantic with Anthony confessing how he felt about the accident and all making Y/n accept, honestly, it's just what happened in the gardens at the Featherington ball, just different setting and more heart to heart talk. And I'm glad you're loving the series!!♡♡ Thank you for your support♡♡
Idea for Anthony and Y/N Storyline continued….
- Wedding in Detail (Maybe Anthony trying and failing to see y/n before their nuptials and getting shutdown many a time.
- Wedding Night (wink wink, nudge nudge).
- Pregnancy and Birth of First Born and how they start to see one another in a new light due to parenthood.
- Different Arguments that are almost dumb to have but show that they really do love one another.
- Trying to focus on tasks but they distract each other due to still being in their Honeymoon phase.
Hope this gives some ideas and inspiration!
Yes!!! I absolutely love your ideas and would be more than happy to write them♡
Last and final chapter before the epilogue, coming in a hour or less as I still have some final things to add.
Summary: the one time she accepted
Pairing: Anthony Bridgerton x Sharma Sister! Reader
Word count: 3.6k
Warnings: unedited, angst, arguments, fluff, happy endings.
Series masterlist
sorry for the delay, I got distracted watching the TV 😅😅

“Miss Y/n, How nice to see you” the Duke of Fairfield said as I entered the drawing room, followed by Edwina, who came to chaperone, he handed me a bouquet of roses
“Your grace” I bowed “Thank you for the flowers”
“What did I say about formalities?” I smiled sheepishly “So, there is a reason I have come here”
I nodded “I figured”
“Have you thought about what I said while I was gone?”
“Uh, I know I said I will give you a chance but…” I trailed off
“I get it, I cannot go away for a few weeks and not expect that nothing has changed” he smiled reassuringly “He proposed, then?”
“I am so sorry, the truth was that honestly, I did not even know if I was going to be able to allow you to court me, and it was wrong for me to agree when I was in love with the Viscount, you deserve a lady that puts her whole heart into your courtship. I could not do that” I explained “He has proposed, but I have not accepted”
“Something that we are very annoyed with, might I add” Edwina interjected making the Duke laugh “He has not stopped coming over everyday bringing flowers, we do not even know where to put them anymore. And I am certain he spends more time here than he does at his own home”
“Oh, do not be dramatic, bon” I scoff amused
“We love it, It shows he is genuine”
“Well, I got the answer I came for, so I must take my leave, I am having Lunch with her majesty, the queen, and she does not like to be kept waiting” Louis said as he went to walk away. I looked at Edwina, who was staring at the Duke and smiled.
“Your grace,” He stopped as I walked closer to him “ It may have not worked with me but… Edwina is a sweet, young lady, it will not hurt to try, will it” I smiled giddily
Louis looked at Edwina, observing her before he smiled and nodded his head, , Anthony walked in as Louis gave me a last smile before he walked out.
“Y/n, Miss Edwina” He greeted as he handed me a bouquet of lilacs
“Lord Bridgerton” Edwina greeted “ We do not have any more free vases, where are we supposed to put this one?” Edwina grumbled as she walked away, leaving us.
“Tell Lady Danbury and Mama, that Anthony and I are going for a ride and will be back soon” I called out to her, I heard her say something in agreement “Are you ready for a ride?” I smiled but his face stayed unreadable
“What is wrong?” I asked
“What was the Duke doing here?” I furrowed my eyebrows at his tone
“He was just passing by, wanting to greet me, a friend”
“Yes, because friends give other friends flowers” he gestured to the roses
“ I did not ask him to buy me flowers, he just brought them to me” I furrowed my eyebrows “he is my friend” I sighed
“You do not even spend time together, how can you be friends?” He remarks, clenching his jaw
“Why are you so mad? We do not have to spend every single moment together to be friends, it was just a friendly gesture, the flowers” I added
“Yes, well if I was the one to call on another young lady, and gifted her flowers, you would have something to say, would you not?” Anthony snapped
“No, because I cannot say anything about who you are friends with, Just like you do not get to choose who I have as friends!” I insisted angrily
“Men do not want to be your friends!” He argued “I know men, I am one myself, I know how they think, and what they want. When they look at you, they do not think of being your friend”
“Why can you not trust me?!” I said
“I do trust you, it is them I do not trust!” We look at each other angrily “Is he why?”
“Why what?” I scoffed
“Why you do not want to accept my proposal-“
“No! You keep on rejecting me over and over again, I thought it was just because you wanted me to pursue you, but it has been a week, and you have not given in. But this is just it, is it not? You are just waiting for the duke to make his own proposal, being Viscountess is not enough for you, so what is better than being a duchess? And of course, it certainly helps that he is richer” I looked at him in disbelief
“Do you not know me?” I scoff “You know neither does a title or money matter to me. Why are you even saying this, have you not gotten to know me all this months we have spent together?”
“Yes, well I am not sure if I even know you anymore” Anthony grumbled “Perhaps you never were the person you acted like, and now I got to know your true colors, you are nothing more than the same as the rest of ladies in the ton, all interested in titles and money, and nothing else”
Tears prickled in my eyes “Well I am glad I finally got to know what it is you think about me. You finally found out, what you think I am really like, before It was too late, did it not?”
“And to think I was finally going to agree to be your wife today, thought I made you wait too long, seems like it was the right decision to reject you from the start, after all” I walked away from him, opening the door and going outside
“Wait,” He called out but I ignored him “Y/n, wait”
I ran off towards the stables, and with just my luck, the sky was now cloudy, rain pouring down. I continued down my path, opening up the stables and grabbing a horse.
It did not matter whether it was prepared to be ridden for or not, I wanted to get away from the house, and Anthony, as quickly as possible. I climbed on and nudged the horse to start running.
“Y/n, wait!” Anthony called out opening the door and running after me “It is too dangerous, you can get hurt!”
Rain continued pouring, my body and clothes now wet, and blurring my vision. We trudged through the fields, I making the horse turn to the side, trying to loose Anthony who was now behind me, he had grabbed a horse and rode after me.
“Y/n!” I heard Anthony get closer
I looked around everywhere, trying to decipher where I could go to loose him. I saw a space between some trees, unfortunately, rocks and shrubbery blocked the path. I breathed in, trying to let go of my fear. I urged the horse to go faster, so I could be be able to jump over it.
“No, no!” Anthony yelled frightened “Do not do it!”
The horse stood up on its hind legs, the force of gravity and my fingers slipping off the reigns, made me fall off.
I hit my head on a rock, the impact making black spots cloud my eyes before everything darkened.
Anthony stared at Y/n’s body in shock, his blood went frozen cold, horror racking all over his body as he urged the horse to ride faster towards her. He did not even wait for the horse to stop before he jumped off, running quickly to Y/n.
He kneeled next to her, taking off his coat and covering her with it. “Stay with me. Come on, now” he went to pick her up, his hand touching her head, he stopped himself once he felt something coating his hand. He turned it around and saw blood, his face turned even more pale.
“Stay with me” Anthony pleaded, wrapping her hand around his neck and picking her up
He saw a carriage getting closer to them and walked towards it quickly.
He stumbled through the door of Lady Danbury’s house, Y/n on his arms. “Make room!” he yelled once everyone started to crowd around them
Hearing the commotion, Lady Mary, Lady Danbury, Kate and Edwina Sharma, walked down the stairs quickly, they gasped horrified once they saw Y/n unconscious
“Call the surgeon at once!” Anthony ordered carrying Y/n up stairs
He marched towards her bedchambers, laying her down on her bed, as maids, the surgeon, and her family crowded around the room.
“She has a cut on the back of her head” Anthony informed them “I kept pressure on it, but it need stitching”
“Miss Sharma? Can you hear me?” Anthony stood around the bed as the surgeon tended to Y/n, grabbing anything so he could occupy himself
“She needs more blankets. She is still shivering!” Anthony yelled exasperated
“Allow me to get to work” The surgeon pleaded to him
Anthony stepped back allowing the surgeon his space, his eyes on Y/n’s figure, desperation obvious in his face
“What happened?” Benedict Bridgerton entered the room “My valet saw you carrying Miss Sharma inside, is she alright?”
“I do not know” Anthony answers an unreadable look in his face
“Are you all right?” Benedict asked his brother, looking at him worriedly
Anthony looked away from Y/n’s body, and to the Sharma’s on the other side of the bed, crying and praying for Y/n’s safety and recovery. His eyes filled with tears, a lump forming in his throat as his he felt a weight on his chest.
“It is my fault” his lips trembled “It is all my fault” he felt it harder to breath, his chest heaves up and down quickly, trying to fill his lungs with air.
“Anthony?” Benedict called but Anthony did not hear him and stumbled out of the room, ignoring his brothers calls behind him, his emotions weighing him down, he could even hear his heart beating faster
“No one cared to inform me that we have lost three staff in the last month?” Anthony Bridgerton said angrily as he walked into the drawing room of the Bridgerton house “These are precisely the things I must know about” his siblings looked up at him startled
“We are not the only ones affected by our ill reputation of late, Anthony” Lady Bridgerton mused
“Colin, would you care to inform me about anything?” Anthony said
“I do not take note of staff changes, brother” Colin answered confused
“What about our accounts?” Anthony raised his eyebrows “Apparently you do not take note of them either since I spent the last two days balancing our books, only to discover that you have taken out a rather large sum, whatever for?” Everyone looked at Colin intrigued
Colin swallowed under their stares “If you must know, I was exploring an investment with Lord Featherington”
“This is just what makes the difficulties in this household. No one gives any thought as to how it must be managed” the Viscount snapped
“He is one and twenty, brother” Benedict defended Colin
“Is no one in this family allowed to make their own decisions?” Eloise added
“You, keep your doodling” Anthony told Benedict “And do not ask me to speak of your activities, I would not know where to begin” he looked at Eloise scowling
Eloise looked at her brother angrily “May I be excused?” She stood up and left without another word
“I must go too” Colin said packing up his things “But do not worry, brother, I shall send you notice of every step I take today”
“Yes, doodling awaits, I suppose”
“I do have too much to breath”
“I have my Latin”
And now, there was only Lady Bridgerton and Anthony left in the drawing room. He sighed and pinched his nose in frustration.
“How is she?” Anthony looked at his mother
“Still not awake from the last I heard four days ago” he answered
“Have you not gone to see her? What if-“
“Have I not made it clear, I’ve been busy?” Anthony snaps at her
Lady Bridgerton sighed and walked closer to her son “I would be lying if I said I was not worries about you, Anthony” She told her son
The Viscount looked at her emotionlessly “I do not have time for this” he murmured
“Well..” Lady Danbury still looked at her son with care, giving him a small smile “ You might wish to make time" She then left
Anthony blinked his tears away, sighing sadly
Y/n opened her eyes, the sun’s light hitting her eyes. She looked around the room and saw her sisters sitter on a chair near the bed
“Kate, Edwina?” She called out. Both sisters turned to look at her, happy tears instantly filling their eyes.
“Mama! Lady Danbury! Make haste!” Edwina yelled as they crowded around Y/n
Footsteps could be heard rushing to the room, Lady Mary and Lady Danbury entering the room soon after.
“Dearest?” Lady Mary questioned
“She's awake!” Kate said happily
“Thank heavens. Send for the doctor!”
“Y/n” Lady Mary grins “Do you remember?”
“I remember the argument, and me riding in the park. And the fall” Y/n looked at her family sadly “I am so sorry”
“You must rest, bon, do not strain yourself” Kate smiled
Y/n smiled at them, before it faded, thoughts consuming her “Did Anthony come to see me?”
They all looked at each other doubtful before Lady Danbury spoke up “He rescued you in the park, gallantly, in fact. He brought you back here several days ago. Would not leave your bedside for a second” She smiled “Although, he stopped coming four days ago” Y/n nodded smiling sadly
“It is alright” She sighed “Well, tell me what I missed” they laughed
“A fall never takes off your love for gossip does it?” Y/n laughed at Kate's words
“Never” They all laughed once again
Anthony Bridgerton stood in his study, reading over papers that required his attention.
“I will join the family in the drawing room momentarily” He spoke up once he heard footsteps heading his way, one hundred percent sure it was his mother
“Anthony” Lady Bridgerton said, happiness evident in her tone
Anthony looked up from the papers, his heart starting to beat rapidly in his chest. He took one look at his mother and he knew. “She’s awake”
“Mrs. Wilson heard from one of the maids” She smiled
Anthony nodded, relief flooded through his body as he looked back at the papers. His lips trembled, his eyes filling with tears as he covered his face with both hands, crying silently.
His mother frowned sadly as she looked at him, sitting next to him on the davenport. Her own eyes filled with tears as she heard his heavy breathing, and the way he tried to control his cries.
“It is… unthinkable" Violet started “Finding someone like that. Someone you love.” Anthony uncovered his face, wiping away his tears
“I am so sorry” Violet sniffled “ I am so sorry that it was you who was with your father that day. And I am.. sorry for everything that happened in the days that followed. If I could go back and change thing… you have no idea how much I wish I could change everything”
“It is what I think about every night before I close my eyes, and then again every morning before I open them. It will never go away.” She cried
“I do not think that I can see her” Anthony whispered once they calmed down
“Losing Edmund was the most difficult time in my life, and the pain that I felt… beyond description. But there is one thing that has given me at least some modicum of solace. It is knowing that I would still choose the life I lead with him, each and every time.” Tears fell down their faces again “And I would undoubtedly feel the same pain I felt over again if I had to because real, true love, is worth it. No matter what.”
“Now, go be with her” Anthony nodded, composing himself before walking away determinedly, to go win back his woman.
“ Lord Bridgerton” Y/n said once she saw Anthony walk into her room
“I am glad to see you are awake” Anthony handed her a bouquet of lilacs
“I hear it was you who found me and brought me home safe” Y/n grabbed the flowers
“I suppose I should be grateful for that first race I had with Miss Sharma and you, if it were not for that fateful moment, I do not know what would have happened” Y/n stares at him, the unreadable look on her face making him nervous
“Although, I was also told you have not come to see me since four days ago” She huffed
Anthony sat down on a chair near the bed “Yes, I am sorry for that, I was here the first days, never leaving your side in case you had woken up and you needed me there, but it had been a week and you had not woken up yet and-“ he sighed shakily, rubbing his face before looking back up at her, tears noticeable in his eyes “I was fearful of losing you, it was why I could not visit you anymore, I could not bring myself to after I remembered why it even happen in the first place” he sniffled, she sadly looked into his face as he explained himself.
“ Y/n, I am so sorry” he cried out, tears filling Y/n’s eyes as she saw him break down “ I am so sorry for what I said, I did not mean it, those cruel words I said, I know you are not like that, but I was jealous after I saw the Duke, thought he had taken you away from me, I also know that is no excuse to have acted like that, that is why I am going to spend the rest of my life making up for that, if you allow me”
“I love you” She looked at him shocked “ I’ve loved you from that moment I first saw you in the park, I’ve loved you in every dance, on every walk, every time we have been together and every time we have been apart, you do not have to accept, embrace it or allow it, but you must know it in your heart, and I am certain you feel the same way” tears streamed down both of their faces
“I love everything about you, your kindness, the way you smile and your eyes crinkled in the corner, how when you laugh, you try to hide your beautiful laugh behind your hands because your are insecure about it, but I assure it, it is the most beautiful sound I have ever heard in my life. I love how you bite your lip when you are nervous, or how your eyebrows furrow when you are sad. I love how you tried to help me win over your sister when it was so clearly breaking you inside, that just shows how supportive you are, and how you put everyone’s happiness above your own. Or how when we slept together and I felt your skin next to mine, they way your lips tasted, I felt like everything I have ever dreamed of became true. Because there is no where in this damn world I’d rather be than with you, and you are my heaven” Y/n rested her forehead on top of his
“I forgive you, Anthony” Y/n whispered pulling away, wiping away her tears “You do not even have to prove yourself because I forgave you the moment I left, I was hurt, yes, but I needed time.”
“And… I love you too” She smiled, Anthony smiled back happily
“I want a life that suits us both. I know I am imperfect, but I will humble myself before you because I cannot imagine my life without you, and that is why I wish to marry you, so what do you say? Will you marry me?”
She looked at him “You do know I will find every way I can to annoy you, and I will still boast about how I was right about Nectar and High Flyer, even if it was months ago” Anthony laughed, looking at her adoringly
“And I will not even complain, just to make you happy” He smiled
“Then yes, I will marry you!” Anthony cheered
Y/n laughed as Anthony picked her up from the bed, twirling her around in circles before putting her down and pulling her into a kiss. She laughed into the kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him even closer.
They did not even pay attention to her family who was, not so secretly spying from the door, nor to their grumbles and playfully gags they made once Y/n and Anthony kissed. Although they could not deny how happy they were for them and how in loved they are.
They will finally have the happy ending they longed for.

This is it folks, we are done with Tales Of A Heart, but don't worry, there will be an epilogue + a few more bonus chapters.
Another thing, I want to thank all of you for the support and love you have given my story, when I first posted the first part, I didn't think anyone would like it, but one person like it and then more and more. I am grateful for each and everyone of you, I love you all♡♡♡♡
Summary: a happy ending
Pairing: Anthony Bridgerton x Sharma Sister! Reader
Word count: 1k
Warnings: unedited, fluff, Anthony being a simp
Series Masterlist

“Oh god Anthony” I moaned out loudly I reached my climax, Anthony thrust in and out faster and faster, trying to reach his own peak
“Oh” Anthony groaned as he gave one last thrust
We breathed heavily as we stared at each other, I still on top of him. We laughed as I pulled him into a kiss, he kissed back as he pulled me down onto our bed, getting on top of me.
“mmm” Anthony moaned “Viscountess” I moaned in respond
“Husband” I smile biting my lip
“You seem to have outdone yourself today” I hummed as he kissed down my neck
“Yes, well, my duties are particularly important to me, and of course, I cannot deny my husband what he desires, can I?” I laughed
“Perhaps you would like to go again” he suggested “Seeing as you are so very dutiful” he kissed down my body, to my stomach where he stopped
“I am pretty sure little baby Bridgerton will not mind” He smiled happily looking up at me "and you are looking absolutely beautiful" I laughed
Yes, I am currently with child, four months to be exact, Anthony was delighted when I told him, even cried, which he always denies that he did not but we all know the truth
“I am sure baby Bridgerton will not” I pull him up to kiss him “ But, it would be dutiful to meet your family outside before they realize we are ignoring them”
He groaned kissing me again “They will not mind, we are recently married”
“Yes, of course, recently married only like 5 months ag- oh!” I gasped when he surged forward once again, burying himself to the hilt inside of me “Maybe they can wait a little more” I moved my hips along with his
“That is just what I thought, my love” He laughed into my mouth as I started to moan loudly with each thrust, holding tightly onto his hand.
“Oh!” I gasped once he pulled me on top of him before laughing
“Yes! Look at you, you’re walking!” is what we heard as we stepped outside 15 minutes later
I gasped excitedly as I saw baby Auggie walking towards his mother and surged forward towards them “Oh baby Auggie!” I said in awe
“Careful, love, you might hurt yourself” I ignored Anthony’s overprotective self and approached Daphne, who already held baby Auggie out towards me.
Yes, it has also become a custom to whenever I see Daphne’s son, I take him away from whoever is holding him, and they do not even complain, knowing how emotional I can be if I do not hold him. The mood changes comes with the pregnancy, I guess.
I hold Auggie in my arms, careful not to put him over my bump, I coo at him as Anthony approaches me and puts his arm over my shoulder
“Finally!” Eloise huffs “Thought you would never come down, do not worry, we only waited like six hours”
“Six is nothing when you are a newlywed” Daphne smiles
“Might we begin playing?” Colin suggests
“Dear, your are positively glowing” Violet remarks happily as I hand Auggie over to her.
“It is the pregnancy” I smile putting a hand over my bump, caressing, Violet nods smiling
“Beautiful, nonetheless” a blush comes onto my cheeks at her words making her chuckle
“Right, we’ve all picked but left the mallet of death” I heard Eloise say behind me
“For me!” Anthony yelled rushing over and grabbing the mallet of death.
I turned around and huffed “Not fair, I was not even paying attention”
“Tough luck, my love, should have paid attention” Anthony shrugged
I pouted at him, as everyone watched with amusement, already knowing what was the outcome of this. Anthony stared at my face as tears filled my eyes, before he huffed.
“Alright, here, please do not cry” Anthony pleaded handing me the mallet, I grinned, tears now gone as I walked away from him
“Thank you, husband dearest” Anthony stared back at me shocked as everyone laughed
“What did jus- you know what, I will not even ask, I have learned not to” Anthony grumbled
“Probably keep to pink, Anthony” Daphne said amused “I rather think it will match the shade of your embarrassment when you use it, now let us begin” We all move towards the field, Anthony coming up behind me, wrapping his arms around me.
“You know, I am not sure I like those little tricks you use” Anthony murmured into my ears
“Well tough luck, my love” I mocked his words making him chuckle “You will always give in”
“Hmm,” he kissed my cheek “I am certain it will not work for long,”
“Of course it will, have you not heard the saying ‘happy wife, happy life’?” I turned my head to look at him
“yes, well, I do not like tears coming down that beautiful face” he pulls me into a kiss "You are beautiful"
“You sap” I tease , he laughs and brings me into a kiss once again, I wrap my hands around his neck as he pulls me closer, careful not to squish me into him
“Now, let us go, I have a husband to defeat” I say smiling mischievously
“Oh really?”
“Yes really”
“Well, game on, wife of mine”
Bonus Chapter 1
Summary: Here comes the bride...
Pairing: Anthony Bridgerton x Sharma Sister! Reader
Word count: 3.3k
Warnings: Smut!! (Do not read if you are not comfortable, although you can skip it as it is only in the second half, divided by this ●●●●●) fluff, unedited, Anthony not being patient and wanting to see his future bride, simp Anthony
“Come on, y/n, we still have to do your hair and dress you!” Edwina complained as I took a bath to calm my nerves
“Oh leave her be, Edwina, it is completely normal to be nervous before the wedding, take your time, dearest” Mama called our
“Mama, we do not have time! The wedding is in two hours-”
“Edwina” I groaned “You are more demanding than me, and I am the bride” I stood up from the bath tub, a maid holding out a towel for me
I approached them, Edwina gesturing for me to sit down on the nearest chair once I stepped into my chemise “Now sit here, and let them do your hair, Lord knows if we will be able to finish in time, we have to dress you still, and get to the chapel” Edwina gasped horrified “The queen will be there if that is not enough pressure already, the whole ton also. No, there will not be enough-“
“Edwina” Kate cut her off laughing “calm yourself” Edwina huffed before nodding
An hour later, the ladies maid was done with my hair, putting the finishing touches, when we heard a knock on the door. We looked at each other confused before Kate went and slightly opened the door
“What are you doing here?!” Kate exclaimed “You cannot see her before the wedding, it is bad luck”
“Oh come on,” I heard Anthony huff, I stood up and walked closer to the door, still wearing my chemise “What wrong could happen? Just let me see her for a moment”
“No, now go, we still have a lot to do” Kate denied closing the door
“Kate, it is fine” I assured her, waving her off “Let me talk to him” Kate pursued her lips, nodding
“Just do not let him see you”
“Hey” I murmured once i opened the door slightly, enough for me to see his figure
“Hey” I could hear the smile in his voice “How are you feeling?”
“Nervous” I chuckle sheepishly
“Yes, I imagine so” he laughed “I am too, but it goes away when I remember that I will marry the woman I love wholeheartedly” I smile resting my forehead against the door, still hiding behind it
“I actually came to give you something, on behalf of my mother, she said she was going to give you it, and obviously, I could not pass the opportunity to see you, or well, hear you since I am not allowed too” I laughed “Give me your hand”
I put my hand out between the free space of the door towards him, I felt him grab my hand, caressing it gently before putting something on my palm.
“It was my mother’s, she wore it on her wedding with my father, and thought it would look good with your wedding dress. Said it was a tradition to give it to the bride to be of the first born, my grandma gave it to her, and now she is passing it down to you” I brought my hand back inside and saw the most beautiful necklace ever “Not sure why a necklace is so important for the wedding but, oh well, women stuff I guess” he chuckled
“It is beautiful” i said in awe
“And it will be even more beautiful on you. Now I will go, I can feel your family’s annoyance through the door”
“Alright” I hummed still concentrated on the necklace
He stood silent, I was even convinced he was already gone before he spoke up “I love you” I bit my lip smiling
“I love you too” I murmured
“Y/n, come on, we have less than a hour and a half” Kate urged, I sighed and turned around, looking at them annoyed “ Do not look at us like that, you will have plenty of time to see him after you are wed” that brightened me mood once again.
In no time, I was fully ready and just waiting for the time to walk through those doors.
“Now,” mama started “ I am sure you do not need to have the talk about your wedding night, seeing as you already…. Based on what you confessed” a blush formed on my face, she smiled as Kate and Edwina entered first, being my bridesmaids
“You look beautiful” Mama teared up “Who ever thought you would be the first to get married… My daughter will be the best Viscountess there will ever be”
“I doubt it” I denied “I am certain no one can surpass Lady Bridgerton”
She shook her head “ You will try your best, now, Let us go get you married” mama smiled
We walked down the aisle, I held onto mama’s arms tightly, my heart beating rapidly in my chest as everyone stood up watching us, happy smiles on their faces.
I looked at each and everyone before turning to look at the one face that only mattered to me, Anthony’s. He stared at me, a grin on his face as I walked closer and closer to him.
He held out his hand towards me once I approached him, I grabbed it, stepping onto the podium, he dropped my hand as we stared forward at the archbishop.
“Dearly beloved, we are gathered here to join together this man and this woman, in holy matrimony,” The archbishop started “ It is said that, marriage hath in it less of beauty, and more of safety than the single life-“ I breathed out shakily, tuning out the archbishop’s voice, Anthony intertwining his pinky finger with mine
Tears came onto my eyes as I swallowed, thinking back to everything we had to go through to get where we were right now. All the pain I suffered, the heartbreak, all the tears I cried over him, overpowered by all the smiles he gave me, the million times he made me laugh, the way he confides in me in a way he could never with anyone else, the little things about me he always pays attention to, it is the little things that matter. It was all worth it, just to get to be his wife , and I would gladly do it all over again if I was asked to.
Because Anthony is my soul mate, and I cannot think of a world where I lived without him. He is the air that I breathed, everything I could have asked for in a man and so much more.
We faced each other, I smiled tearfully at him, a tear falling down my eye. “You are going to make me cry” He whispered, his own eyes filling with tears, I chuckled sniffling
He took of my glove carefully, putting my wedding band on my ring finger, looking into my eyes.
“In the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, amen. I now pronounce you, man and wife”
And now they were in a carriage, traveling the short distance between Bridgerton House, where the reception had been held, and Anthony’s private residence, which she supposed could no longer be referred to as “bachelor’s lodgings.”
Y/n nibbled on her lip, looking down at her lap, wringing her hands as she thought about what was to come after the honeymoon days were over. Anthony followed the line of her gaze and placed one of his large hands over both of hers. She went still instantly at his comforting touch.
“Are you nervous?” he inquired.
“Did you think I wouldn’t be?” she replied chuckling nervously
He smiled in response. “There is nothing to fear.” He then laughed “Nothing we have not done before”
Y/n burst in laughter “yes, of course” her laughter faded, “but that is not what I am nervous about. It is about what is to come after we leave, I have not the slightest clue on how to be a Viscountess or manage a household, there is much to be nervous about”
His smile broadened. “Touché, my dear wife.” He caressed her hand “But I am sure you will marvelously, and my mother will be there to help you if you desire so”
Y/n swallowed convulsively. It was strange to be someone’s wife, although exciting to be Anthony’s wife “That is a relief” she countered. “Are you nervous? Of the things marriage will bring? Or that you never know how it might turn out”
He leaned in toward her, his dark eyes hot and heavy with the promise of things to come. “Oh, desperately,” he murmured. He closed the rest of the distance between them, his lips finding the sensitive hollow of her ear. “My heart is pounding,” he whispered.
“We should wait” Y/n moaned as Anthony kissed down her neck
He nibbled on her neck. “Wait for what?”
“To get to the lodgings”
The carriage rolled to a halt when a liveried footman rushed forward and attempted to open the door, Anthony yanked it back shut, never once taking his eyes off of her face.
“Or we could stay here, makes things much more exciting, does it not? The prospect that anyone could open the door at any given moment” Anthony suggested
“Open the door ”Y/n chuckled amusedly, he let go of the door handle, and the door swung open, revealing the faces of two footmen who were obviously trying very hard not to look curious. Y/n remained silent as Anthony helped her down and led her into the house.
His household staff was assembled in the small entry hall, and Y/n murmured her greetings as each member was introduced to her by the butler and housekeeper. The staff wasn’t very extensive, as the house was small by ton standards, but the introductions took a good twenty minutes.
He led her upstairs into his bedchambers, he did not even wait until she was fully settled as he closed the door shut and slammed her into the nearest wall, covering her mouth with his.
Y/n kissed back with just as much passion, wrapping her arms around Anthony’s neck, pulling him even closer. Anthony pulls away, gesturing towards the bed.
She goes and kneels upon the king-sized bed with love in her eyes, a passion reflected as he drinks in the sight of her, his lawful wedded wife. He stares in adoration at her eyes filled with joy, at her curls cascading, at her heart-shaped face smiling. Cleavage bared above the white corset. Like every bride on her wedding day, she's beautiful.
“You look so beautiful, I am a lucky man” Anthony remarks, love evident on his face
A warm summer breeze blows through the open window, where outside the sun tips down below the horizon. The movement of the curtains, the noise of the wind through them, is the only thing to break the silence.
Then he goes to her.
Anthony takes her hand, and their ringed fingers entwine as his other arm, he loops around her, drawing her towards him. Their kiss is passionate, yet gentle.
Her husband peels each item off her as if unwrapping a present, even as she unbuckles his belt and draws down his trousers. They kiss one another as they do it, sometimes gentle, sometimes fierce. Soon she is revealed. Her breasts bounce with the deep breaths of her excitement, Anthony can feel her pulse racing as he caresses them.
Sweet moans part the silence as he runs his fingers across her nipples, then slides one into his hungry mouth. Her back arches with pleasure as he smiles around her breast at the taste of her. Now his hands are free to roam, to explore the curve of her behind. Heart-shaped like her face, firm and bouncy, and all of it for him. His fingers sink into her buttocks as he squeezes them making Y/n moan.
“God, Anthony” Her heart pounds as his hungry mouth swaps to the other breast, as his hands roam all over her, her own fingers entwine themselves
She wraps her legs around him, squeezing tight, urging him on. His treatment of her nipples becomes more intense, almost verges on pain, and she loves every second. But there are other places that need his mouth's attention, so she guides his head up and out of her bountiful cleavage towards her face. His kisses run up her breasts and beyond, then their lips meet once again.
Their tongues dance together. They take turns dominating, breathless in their passion. As they go on, he settles her down onto the bed, pressing down atop of her. Their lips part again and they gulp down air, staring into one another's eyes. He is poised above her, every inch of him tense with desire, whilst she lies below invitingly with her soft hair spread out over plump white pillows.
Time seems to hang still.
“You are just so perfect”
It is then that his hand slips down to her inside thigh, and draws the bottoms she wears aside. He slides it over her womanly hips, her firm thighs, her slender legs, and lets it fall to the bed like everything else. Then he leans over her again and kisses her once more, whilst his finger finds her entrance and neatly slips inside.
“Oh!” Y/n gasps into his mouth
She bucks her hips against his hand, only for his lips to claim hers with redoubled intensity. His finger pumps back and forth, the pleasure making her writhe and squeal, but she knows this is only the beginning. She feels giddy just thinking about it.
She can hardly wait.
She slides one of her hands down his body, grabbing onto his manhood, Anthony hisses into her mouth once he feels her hand grab onto him, Y/n giggles at the response. It feels good to make him gasp, to make him feel some of the pleasure he's giving her.
The thought makes her lust spike, puts a needy edge on her kisses, and just as she's getting impatient the man of her dreams changes tack. Withdrawing his now soaking finger, he runs it over her neat little folds, searching for something, seeking out the seat of her desire.
She pushes his head away from her then, breaking their kiss. His finger teases her clitoris as she stares into his eyes, her need blazing behind her gaze.
With her cheeks flushed, breasts heaving, she spreads her legs and says one word, expressing a thousand pages of lust in one whispered syllable
"I need you now, Anthony."
He slams forward into her, buried to the tilt, making her gasp in surprise before it turns into moans as he continues slamming back and forwards. They moan together in ecstasy, both shaking, joined at last after all the teasing.
"I love you." Anthony groans, looking intensely into her eyes
“I love you” Y/n replied pulling him into a passionate kiss
She's the most soft, snug and deliciously tight thing in the universe. He's a huge, throbbing, steely-hard fulfilment with every thrust. The pair of them are in heaven. They hold hands, wedding rings glinting as he begins to move even more harshly inside of her, two bodies becoming one in the night.
The two of them quickly find a rhythm, it's like they were made for one other. His thrusts become steady, meeting her rolling hips with every downward stroke, and soon they're fucking as if they've been doing it all their lives.
Her pleasure is building steadily, excitement quickening as she rises, soars high, trusting in the ultimate fulfilment. “Oh God! Oh God!, Anthony!” She screams out loudly “Yes, just like that, God I love you!” moving her hips even faster.
Anthony grabs onto her hand, holding it tightly while he drives quickly into her, groans and moans filling the previously quiet place. He stands up from the bed, still intertwined with her and slams her into the nearest wall, continuing with his ongoing rhythm from before.
Y/n gasps at the new position, wrapping her legs tightly around his waist, burrowing her face into his neck as she felt the bumps of the wall digging onto her back, scratching onto her skin with every thrust, making her moan loudly. It all making it more euphoric.
“Oh god!” the sound was muffled by Anthony’s neck
The sound of the joy he gives her, the smell of her scent and her warm, sweet skin, the feel of her wrapped around him as he fucks her for the second time, is overwhelming.
But it is the pure pleasure on her face that he is starting to adore seeing. He feels detached from the world and engulfed in her beauty all at once, as if she's put him in a trance.
She's so close. She's almost there. One last act, one more little push will take her higher than the clouds and over the edge into ecstasy. She arches her back and stares needily aat Anthony then guides his hand back to her clit. A few touches. A few more strokes.
“I am so close! Yes, just like that! Anthony!”
And then she's there. She screams, throwing back her head, thrashing and trembling against Anthony’s arms. Her wedding night orgasm is upon her and it is even better than the first time Anthony and her slept together, it puts tears in her eyes from the sheer glorious bliss of it all.
It's almost too much for the Viscount to take but he makes it, stays steadfast, fucks her through her orgasm until the tremors of pleasure subside. It's his duty to make this night the best he possibly can for her.
And when she is done, she grabs him and pulls him into a kiss, wrapping her legs around him as tightly as she can, and whispers her love into his ear. He turns around and walks back to bed, falling down into it, careful not to crush her as he moves above her.
His thrusts become frantic, lose their rhythm, speed up until he's a bucking, thrashing mess of a man, until finally, his voice rings out loud and desperate in the night.
“Y/n, God, so good, so so good” he groans out, with one last throb, he erupts into her, losing every drop he has, pressing her down into the soft mattress and striving frantically to get as far inside her, as close to her as he possibly can. He roars as he reaches his peak, losing a groaning shout as his new wife drains his heavy balls.
When it's done he slumps down, spent, gasping for breath as hard as she is. They lie beside one another, gulping in heavy breaths, and then the reality of it hits them.
They've consummated their marriage.
"I love you." They both whisper at once, laughing as their words crash into one another. There are happy tears in their eyes. The beautiful wife settles into her husband's arms, snuggling up against him.
“To a new life, with you by my side, my beautiful Y/n” Anthony murmurs, kissing her forehead before closing his eyes.
And slowly, happily, they fall asleep.
This is kind off how I pictured the dress and necklace to be like, but you can picture it however you like

Bonus Chapter 2
Summary: A new Bridgerton comes into the family
Pairing: Anthony Bridgerton x Sharma Sister! Reader
Word count: 2.8k
Warnings: unedited, pregnancy, child birth, umm probably is not that good since I have obviously zero experience with pregnancy, nor do I really know how childbirth was in those times, everything is based on what i saw from videos, happy ending, most probably is cringy but oh well
When you found out:
It was 2 months after your wedding, Anthony and you had gotten back from your honeymoon 2 weeks ago.
One sunny afternoon. You had woken up a few hours ago and were currently taking a walk around the garden, accompanied by Edwina and one of your ladies maid.
“How was Paris?” Edwina asked curiously “Was it as beautiful as everyone says it is? Oh how I wish I could go there. I heard the parks are just as beautiful, and all the French men, c’est magnifique, imaginez tous les beaux hommes” you laughed at her
“Might I remind you, you are engaged, I am sure your intended would not appreciate you speaking about other men” You looked at her teasingly “ But to answer your question, yes, the men were very handsome. Do not tell Anthony I said that” They both laughed, shaking their heads.
“Louis will not care, he knows I am interested in him only” She looked up suddenly “Speaking off, I am still shocked he asked me to call him by his given name only 2 weeks into courting, he certainly does not like formality”
You stayed silent and stopped in your tracks when an ill feeling overcame you. You held on to your stomach when nausea hit you.
“deedee?” Edwina questioned when she saw you stopped walking “Are you alright?”
You sighed when the nausea went away “Yes, I just felt a little nauseous , it is gone now, nothing to worry about” You waved her worried look off and continued walking
“Are you sure you are alright? You rarely get sick”
“Yes, Bon, nothing to worry ab-“ You suddenly stopped yourself feeling dizzy, holding on to her arm for support “ Maybe we should head back inside, I am not feeling so well”
“I told you, it must be serious, you do not get sick easily” She gasped “ What if it is a disease?”
She spoke all the way back inside, suggesting several things that could be wrong with you. You denying each and everyone of them.
“Hey, you are back early. I would have thought you would not be back for at least 20 minutes more” Lady Violet Bridgerton mused when you entered the drawing room
“Y/n was feeling sick, perhaps we should call for the doctor, she rarely gets sick” Edwina replies
“I am fine, bon” You shook your head before you covered your mouth with your hand, running to the nearest door to go outside.
You heard your sister and Violet rushing behind you. You knelt down next to the grass and lowered your head, vomiting everything you had for breakfast.
You groaned once you were finished, wiping your mouth. Your sister rubbed your back soothingly, while Violet helped you stand up and ushered you back to the drawing room
“How long has this been happening?” Violet asked, a knowing look in her eye.
“I have been feeling sick ever since Anthony and I came back from our honeymoon. I figured it was just a bug I caught from the journey back home, it would have maybe gone away in the next days but it has been 2 weeks and I am still feeling ill” You replied sitting on a chair
“Perhaps dear, we should call the doctor”
Edwina, Violet and your mama looked at you expectantly when the doctor retired from the room
“Well?” Lady Mary questioned
“What did he say?” Edwina added.
You grinned happily, looking up them. “I am with child”
When Anthony found out:
“Anthony” Y/n spoke up as she entered his study.
Anthony looked up from the papers on his hands and smiled at her “Hello love”
“I need to speak to you” She played with her hands nervously
“I am all ears” He put all his attention on her “What is it?” He smiled comfortingly
“Anthony” Y/n stayed in front of the desk, looking at him seriously, Anthony’s smile faded at her serious face.
He stood up and rounded the desk to get closer to her, he grabbed her hands “Is everything okay?”
“Anthony, I am with child”
He stared at her shocked, unable to form a single sentence “You are with child?” Y/n nodded smiling happily
Anthony turned around, and covered his face. Y/n stared at him confused until she heard a sniffle coming from him, she grinned teasingly “Are you crying?”
He turned around fast “What? who is crying? It is certainly not me” he scoffed trying to play it off
“You are with child, our child. Y/n, we are going to be parents, to our very own little Bridgerton, oh my God”
“You are with child” He laughed happily and hugged her tightly, before he spun her around making her laugh. “ I love you, I love you, I love you, God I love you”
He stopped spinning her and pulled her into a kiss “ Thank you, thank you for making me the happiest man alive, I love you” He laid his forehead on top of hers, caressing her cheeks lovingly “ We are going to be parents!”
Month 2:
“Anthony, will you stop it!” Y/n exclaimed as she walked down the stairs “ Nothing is going to happen to me, your family is going to be there”
“I still think it is not safe, everyone is going to be in the park, someone could bump into you and make you fall” Anthony argued with his wife “No, I do not think you should go”
“Your family will be there, you will be there” Y/n said “ Besides, everyone knows we are expecting thanks to Lady Whistledown, the ton will be careful not to bump into me”
“The ton could not care less, maybe we should stay home, I mean, we could spend the day in bed, I could bring you your favorite fruits and maybe a book, or we could spend our time doing something more fun” Anthony suggested
“No, we are going to spend the day with your family as we planned, and that is final, now let us go, we should not let them wait for long in the park” Y/n walked out towards the carriage
“But, love-“
“It is final, Anthony, now get inside”
“Alright” Anthony grumbled as he stepped into the carriage
Month 4: ( a few minutes after the epilogue)
“Perhaps you should not play Pall Mall”
“No, listen to me, you can get tired very easily while hitting the ball, it is not good for the baby” Anthony tried to defend himself, Y/n looked at him unamused
“But it is fine to do other strenuous activities?” Y/n huffed, the rest of the siblings watched amused at the argument that was sure to start
“Give her a break, brother, she does not need you breathing down her neck with every little thing she does” Benedict said
“You shut up, when you get married and your wife is with child, we will talk” Anthony grumbled
“But, love it is not-“
“We should instead-“
“Anthony” Y/n groaned “Let me play peacefully, I implore you”
Anthony stayed quiet, watching unamused while Y/n hit the ball on her turn. They cheered when the ball went perfect between the wicket and walked backwards to the ball of the next person’s turn.
Y/n was walking next to Anthony, he held her hand as they walked. Y/n tripped on a hole, Anthony quickly caught her.
“See, it is not safe, what would have happened if you had fallen?” he scolded her
“But I did not fall”
“But you could have”
“But I did not”
“But you could have”
“Stop being so overprotective all the damn time, Anthony, I am fine, I did not fall”
“But what if-“
Y/n scoffed “ You know what, I am going to sit down, I am tired of hearing Anthony whining and complaining about everything” She then walked to where Lady Bridgerton was seated at “And Anthony, you are sleeping alone tonight”
“What? No, wait- Love, do not be like that, love-“ Anthony walked behind her, trying to change her mind “ Alright, you can play and I will shut up now” Y/n smiled smugly and turned back around, grabbing her mallet once again
Anthony sighed while the rest of the siblings chuckled behind them. Yeah, whatever Y/n wants, she gets and Anthony can never say no, he truly was whipped.
Month 7:
It was 3 in the morning.
Y/n was in the nursery room they had prepared for their baby. She stood looking out the window, caressing her bump while she was deep in her thoughts. Anthony was still fast asleep in their bedchambers, without a single clue that his wife was not in the bed.
“Dear? What are you doing here?”
Or at least that is what she thought.
“Hey” Y/n smiled at him slightly
“What is wrong?” He approached her, hugging her from behind, his hands coming to rest on top of hers
Y/n sighed “I realized that with how busy we have been with preparing for our child, and the celebrating. I have not truly stopped and think about it all” She turned around to look after him, her bump making space between them “I am happy, truly, But I cannot help but be scared too”
“Women have died during childbirth, what if I- what if I am one of them” Y/n looked at him sadly while he stayed quiet “ What if I do not make it. my child, our child, will grow without his or her mother, I will not get to see our baby grow, nor give them my love. Anthony, I am very afraid that it will happen” Y/n started crying, Anthony pulled her into his arms, as best as he could.
“I am also very scared” Anthony admits “What will become of me if I loose you? You are the air that I breath, I cannot possibly function without you. And I cannot bare the thought of the pain you will be in when the time comes.” Y/n sniffled
“I saw what my mother went through when she was giving birth to Hyacinth, it was horrible, her screams of pain, i-“ he stopped himself “ We will just pray that everything will turn out alright”
“That is all we can do for now, pray”
Month 8:
A glass shattering breaks Anthony out of his work. He stands up rapidly and walks out of his study.
“Love?” He calls out in the halfway
Anthony breaks out into a run as soon as his wife yelled for him. He runs down the staircase, horrified on what could have happened to her terrorizing his whole body. He enters the drawing room, instantly finding his wife hunched over in pain, he rushes to her instantly.
“Call for the doctor, it is time” Y/n breathes out, pain evident on her face
“Help! Somebody come urgently!” Anthony yells out to the maids or the footmen, anyone.
The rest of the Bridgerton family had gone out to the park for a family day, Anthony and Y/n decides to stay in as she was due any day now, and they did not want to risk anything happening while in the park. Several maids and the butler came rushing into the room, taking in the scene that was their Viscountess, about to give birth to the future Viscount.
“Call the surgeon, immediately”
He carried her upstairs into the bedchambers, laying her on their bed, removing her hair that had fallen on her face while she groaned out in pain. The surgeon entered the room, followed by several maids carrying plenty of blankets and bowls with warm water.
“My lord, If you may please exit the room, you cannot be here while she gives birth” the surgeon said
Anthony stood up angry “You do not expect me to leave my wife while she is in pain” He looked at her agitated when she cried out in pain once again
“Please understand, my lord, It is not costumed for the husband to be with the wife when she has the baby. “
“Anthony, what is happening?” Violet Bridgerton appeared in the doorway, the rest of the family following behind her. Soon followed by Y/n’s own family, except Kate, she was still in India.
The Viscount stepped out to inform them of what was happening. The maids taking advantage of the fact that he had left, closed the door. He turned back to enter once more when he saw that they had closed the door, he went to open it when his mother spoke up.
“Anthony, you cannot be inside” Violet shook her head
“Mother-“ He was cut off by Y/n screams, “ I cannot stay outside while she-“ he huffed out, too worried to form a full sentence
“I know, but you should let the surgeon do what he does best and give him his space” Anthony nodded giving in and started to pace outside the corridor
Inside the room, Y/n was breathing in and out, guided by the maids as the surgeon tried to prepare her as best as he could.
“Breath in, my lady, you are doing wonderfully just breathe in” a maid urged her
Y/n shook her head “ I cannot, It hurts, I just-“ She screamed out as another painful contraction hit her, gritting her teeth tightly.
“My lady, you have to start pushing” the surgeon advices her “ Push”
Y/n breathed out harshly, pain racking in all of her body, she grabbed the bed sheets tightly, and pushed out, screaming out, her back lifted off the bed before she fell back down sobbing.
“I cannot do it, I need, I need Anthony” She sobbed shaking her head, sweat falling off her forehead
“My lady, the Viscount cannot be in here, you have to push, it will all be over when you do” Y/n shook her head
“I need him, I need my husband, get him i-“ She sobbed out when another painful contraction hit her.
Her screams of pain were heard outside. Anthony sat down on the floor, burying his head into his hands to hide his tears while he listened to his wife’s cries of pain. Scared out of his mind that something wrong could happen to her and he would not be there by her side.
“She will be fine ” His mother said soothingly, sitting down beside him “ She is a fighter”
Anthony’s shoulders shook with silent cries “ I cannot loose her, mother”
“And you will not” Violet said “Have faith”
“One last push, my lady, I can see the head, just one more push” the surgeon said
“I cannot.” She sobbed “ I feel like I am going to die”
“No you will not, my lady, just push” a maid reassured her
Y/n grabbed onto the nearest maid for support, she yelled out, putting all her strength into the push.
“Yes, that is it! Push harder ” the surgeon, Y/n gritted her teeth and pushed again one last time, her body lifting from the pain before she fell back down, tired “It is out! The baby is here”
Y/n closed her eyes, her chest heaving up and down harshly, she covered her face in relief, crying into her hands before she uncovered her face, looking at the maid who was holding the baby out to her.
“Congratulations, Viscountess Bridgerton, you have a healthy baby boy”
Y/n smiled, caressing the baby’s cheeks, her eyes observing the baby’s face lovingly.
Outside, Anthony lifted his head from his lap once he heard the yells cease, he stood up, wiping his face and walked towards the door, it opened before he could get close. The surgeon appearing in front of him.
“ It is done, Viscount Bridgerton, they are both safe” the surgeon smiled and let him pass
Anthony entered the room, both of their families following behind him. He sets his eyes on Y/n holding their new baby, he approached her, his eyes on the baby while new tears filled his eyes, Y/n smiled up at him. He sat now next to her and Y/n handed him their baby. Anthony held him carefully although he was scared that maybe he could fall from his arms.
“It is a boy” Y/n’s hoarse voice informed him “Our little Edmund” Y/n looked up at at her mother in law who smiled at them once she heard the name
“You are alright?” Anthony questioned
“I am alright” Y/n assured him, laying her head on his shoulder, looking down at little Edmund, or Eddie for short.
“You look beautiful”
“I am sweaty” Y/n chuckled
“Still beautiful” Anthony looked around the room at their family, happiness radiating on their faces, before he looked back down at Eddie “Our little Edmund”
ꗟ𝓮𝓻𝓮𝓷𝓭𝓲𝓹𝓲𝓽𝔂 one; Who are you?
Pairing: Anthony Bridgerton x Sharma! reader
Words: 1.3k
Summary: your arrival at Aubrey Hall.
Warnings: Anthony is a jerk at first, talks of death (a new mini story!)
Serendipity Masterlist Masterlist

The Manor was silent and cold, without any sign of life, just as it has been since that horrible day 2 years ago. The day Kate Bridgerton, nee Sharma, died along with the heir to be the next viscount during childbirth.
He loved Kate very much, he thought she was the love of his life. After everything they had went through in 1814, all the scandals, he was lucky she decided to marry him at the end, what Anthony had with her was a real love, not a marriage of convenience. That’s why her death hit him hard, taking with her a piece of Anthony Bridgerton when she died. He felt as if a part of him died that fateful night. He completely shut himself off from everyone, he closed down the Manor and set away all but the minimal staff possible, he wasn’t able to look at them, watch them mourn his wife as he did, she was loved by all of them.
He did not spend time with his family anymore, he hid inside the Manor, inside his study all day, never came out except to sleep, eat and go to the bathroom.
Just as he was once again, buried in his study, working endlessly on some papers, a cold cup of tea next to him when banging on the front door brought him out of his work. He ignored it and went back to his work, thinking some of the few staff he still had will open it soon enough. That was not the case as a few minutes later the banging started once again.
“Mrs. Wilson will you get the door!” Anthony yelled to the butler that was somewhere around the house. The banging still continued “Mrs. Wilson! –“ he groaned annoyed, stood up from his chair and headed down to the door.
He opened the door and came face to face with a young lady shivering, wet head to toe from the rain pouring outside furiously. He raised an eyebrow questioningly.
“Lord Bridgerton?” You questioned, when he nodded you spoke once again “I was told you could help me, I came all the way from India and need some place to rest –“
He rolled his eyes “I think you are confused, My house is not some charity that helps the needed” He went to close the door, once again annoyed that his work was interrupted by some girl that was asking for housing.
“ Wait! I am Kate’s cousin!” You spoke desperately before he closed the door. He stopped and took another look at you, now that he looked closely, you looked a lot like Kate “I am Kate’s cousin, Y/n Sharma” ah so this is the famous Y/n Kate always spoke to him about.
He sighed and opened the door again, gesturing for you to enter, he closed the door and led you to the drawing room “Mrs. Wilson!” he called our before he heard feet approaching to the drawing room quickly
“I am so sorry, my lord, I was helping Thomas in the Kitchen and then I went to the scullery to wash some pots and –“ the housekeeper spoke
“Just get the girl a towel, she is dripping water all over the room” he waved her off gesturing to you
“Of course, my lord, in a moment” the lady scurried off somewhere before Anthony turned back to you, looking you up and down before narrowing his eyes
“How did you know where I lived?” Anthony asked you
“Kate sent me a letter before she… she told me if I ever needed any help, to come to this location and she would help me” You answered looking down at the mention of her. She was practically your sister, that is why you were devastated when Aunt Mary sent you a letter informing you of what happened, of Kate’s death. “There were some complications back in India, some things happened and I could not live there any longer. Kate told me if I ever needed any place to live, she would gladly house me here in Aubrey Hall”
“Yes, well, she is not here, is she?” Anthony grumbled, clenching his jaw “I am afraid I cannot help you, you can stay here for the night since it is late, and it is pouring outside, but tomorrow I am afraid you will have to go somewhere else, as I said before, my house is not a charity that helps the needed ”
You furrowed your eyebrows, taken aback by his cold attitude, way different from the way Kate told you Anthony was in her letters “Why are you such an asshole? You are very rude, way different from how she said you were, she would be disappointed to see the way you are acting with a member from her family, with me, her and I were very close” you scoffed, he glared at you angrily, opening his mouth to speak when the housekeeper entered the room once again
“Here it is dear,” Mrs. Wilson said putting the towel around your shoulders
“Mrs. Wilsom, please show our guest to a bed chamber, she will be staying the night” Anthony announced
“Yes, of course” She nodded and led you to a room “Oh, we must make you a warm bath, otherwise you will get ill from the cold rain”

You walked down the stairs, holding the few belongings you came with. You were crossing the dining room when you saw the viscount sitting down, eating his breakfast. You stopped and entered the room making him look up from his plate, raising an eyebrow at you.
“I am leaving now, I thank you for your hospitality and am sorry for any disturbances I may have caused, Farewell viscount Bridgerton” You bowed your head respectfully and walked away.
You were not sure where you would go now, you did not even know where your Aunt Mary resided now since it has been a long time since you have received any letter from the Sharma family, since Kate’s death more precisely.
“Miss Sharma” the viscount called out, you stopped as you heard him approach you behind you “May I know where you are headed now?”
You turned around to look at him “ Well… I… was going to my Aunt’s home, she would be more than happy to have me, I am sure” you nodded
“Oh really?” He raises an eyebrow “I was certain you would have known that Lady Mary was visiting Miss Edwina in Prussia, were you not told?” he stated, you looked at him shocked.
Prussia? What on earth would Edwina be doing in Prussia?
“I…” You looked down at the ground before looking up at him again “ Truth be told, I have not received a letter from them ever since….. Kate’s death…” you saw him clench his jaw at your comment “But worry not, I will find somewhere to reside in, I have been told Lady Danbury is a great friend of my family and they have told me she has offered to also take me in”
“Listen, Lady Danbury is visiting my sister Daphne and her husband at Clyvedown and she will not be back anytime soon, your aunt said she will be back in 2 months” he sighed rubbing his forehead in frustration “I cannot let you out in the streets, you are Kate’s family after all and she would have never forgiven me if I let you leave so…. You can stay while your aunt comes back”
“Really?” You exclaimed “Oh thank you so much!” you squealed when he nodded and brought him into a hug, when you felt him turn rigid you let him go quickly “Sorry, but thank you so much, I promise I will not disturb you”
Anthony nodded pursuing his lips “ I will tell Mrs. Wilson to prepare you a room” and left without another word
Well he certainly was not someone of many words

𝕾𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖉𝖎𝖕𝖎𝖙𝖞 3
Pairing: Anthony Bridgerton x reader
Summary: growing closer is easier than you thought
Word count: 2k
Warnings: talk of a shitty family, mentions of death, unedited, I think that's all
Serendipity masterlist masterlist

You hummed as you entered the library grabbing the first book you saw on the shelf and sitting down on an couch nearby. You flipped through the pages, finding it boring and discarding it away.
You stood up and walked to the shelves, ruffling through the books, a door opened and closed behind you but you ignored it and continued searching for a good book when you heard a throat being cleared behind you.
You turn around with a book on your hands, coming face to face with the viscount “Viscount Bridgerton” you muttered pushing past him to go sit down
You open the book, ignoring his eyes that were fixated upon you “If you have something to say, you should do it now, I do not like people staring at me like you do, and I do not like people who do not speak their minds”
“I heard what you said to Mrs. Wilson” He blurted out, you hummed in response
“If you are expecting an apology, you will not get one, I stand by what I said” You stated
“No, no, I am not asking for one” He shook his head
“I came to – wanted to apologize for how I… I treated you before” he muttered
You raised an eyebrow “Truly.” He said once he saw the disbelief on your face “You were right. We all lost Kate and everyone is hurting the same way that I am. You were also right saying that I shouldn’t act the way I am, Kate’s death is no excuse and you did not deserve to be on the receiving end of my ire”
You pursued your lips before sighing mulling over his words “I accept your apology, if only because you are Kate’s husband”
He smiled slightly “I propose we start over” he offered “put the bad first impression behind us and try to get along… for Kate”
You nodded “For Kate” he nodded and grabbed a book, sitting down on the couch beside you
And just like that, you both started over.
You both would not go entirely out of your way to seek the other but in the case that you did come across each other, you would greet the other politely, making small talk before you went your way.
That was only the first week. By the second, you would go to the library for your nightly reading fest, the viscount would join you half an hour after, where you both would speak about the books you previously read and he would recommend you books he had read and enjoyed.
And soon enough, you went from strangers, to acquaintances to, almost friends?, you were not quite friends but you were not acquaintances either.
“Mr. Bridgerton” you greeted once you entered the library once again one night, he tilted his head in greeting, very immersed in the pages of the book he was reading. You grabbed the book you were previously reading the night before and sat down next to Lord Bridgerton. Uncomfortable silence filling the room.
After a few minutes of you both reading, you felt Lord Bridgerton shift beside you, closed his book and turned to look at you “Can…” he hesitated “Can you tell me about Kate?”
You looked at him questioningly “How she was before coming to London” Lord Bridgerton clarified “She told me bits of her life but not everything as we spent our time doing…other things” you smother the chuckle you wanted to let out, and instead shook your head
“Well, I have no idea how her childhood was since my parents never did let me visit Kate’s family, because as you probably know, Kate’s father was not exactly rich, and my mother despite being born poor, after she married my father, she changed and prioritized money over everything” You replied “But after I went to live with her family, well, she spent all of her time taking care of Edwina, and me then, she used to spent all of her time teaching Edwina everything she would need to become a proper lady, never really spending any time doing anything other than that. It was very rare when she took some time for herself”
“But, she was always there for us, she listened to us whenever we had a problem and if we wanted to go somewhere but we couldn’t since it wasn’t proper for us to go out unchaperoned, she would take us” You smiled your mind taking you back to the time when everything was simple “There was this time when Edwina and I desperately wanted to go to a fair they were having on our native country, they had brought some new stuff, like opera concerts, or new jewelry, there was even this thing called fireworks, and since we never saw one, we wanted to see what it did”
“So, we had snuck out at night when everyone was abed, or so we thought, we had gotten to this tall wall and we were trying to climb over it – it had some partitions that were out so we were able to hold onto them – and Edwina was at the top, I was starting to climb the wall when Kate caught us. Instead of reprimanding us for sneaking out, she was mad that we did not bring her along” Lord Bridgerton and you chuckled “ Anyway, Edwina and I were on the other side and Kate had one foot on either side, she was bringing her other foot to the other side when she lost her footing and fell into a puddle of mud that was, coincidentally underneath her and that is not even the funny part–“ you started to laugh remembering her face “ because where we used to live was close to a farm, which had some pigs that got loose a lot. One was in the puddle and when she fell, she accidentally fell onto of the pig. You should have seen her. Her whole body was filled with mud, some even got in her mouth and when tried to get up, she lost her footing once again and fell right back down onto the pig” you shook your head once again, both of your laughter filled the room “That was the happiest day of my life”
When you finished talking, the room was filled with silence once again. But this time, it wasn’t that awkward.
”And how was your life before you lived with Kate’s family?” Anthony wondered
You looked up at the fireplace in front of you both, the flames shinning brightly on your eyes “It was normal, it was not amazing but it was not like I had a bad childhood either” you sighed “We were not exactly rich nor did we have a big mansion like you do, I was always expected to be a proper lady so I could marry someone rich and ‘pay back’ what they wasted on me, my mother and father were not really that loving and never really paid attention to anything I needed”
You turned your head to look at him only to find him already staring at you “Ever since I was young, I was all alone, my father spent all of his time working and working to earn money so when the time came, I could make my debut into society thus he was never around, and even if he was, he never spoke to me unless it was to reprimand me for something. My mother was the same, if not worse. Of course, she did not work, how could a lady work? All they are born for is to marry someone rich, give them their heirs and spend their life forming their daughters into proper ladies. Or so she used to say. At least that is what she molded me into.” You did not even know why you were telling him this, but your mouth didn’t seem to want to stop, wanting to let everything out.
“Point is – “ You said “They were never there for me when I needed, they were never loving towards me despite being their only daughter. But they did everything so I could have a better life than they did and I loved and respected them” Anthony stayed silent, letting me get everything off my chest
“I loved and respected them until they turned their backs on me, that is” You admitted “Ever since that awful night, they disowned me, blamed me for ruining their reputations, as if it was my fault, they were never caring but I would have thought that me being their daughter would have meant something, that they would support me through everything and, Surprise! Surprise! It was the exact opposite.” You scoffed incredulously, you sighed and grabbed the book you previously discarded, thinking the conversation was done when you finished talking.
”I had to grow quicker than all of my siblings” Anthony admitted smiling sadly “I was 18…. when my father… died…. We had gone that day to hunt just the two of us and as we were heading back here, we stopped to pick some of the flowers out front” he pointed out the window
“He was stung by a bee. He had turned out to be allergic and before we could call for the doctor, he was gone” he pursed his lips “Just like that, at 18 years old, I was made the viscount. I had to switch from being a brother to being a father figure to my siblings in a matter of moments. I was entering a new stage in my life as a teenager and I did not even get to fully experience it from having to grow up sooner than I thought” you sighed and hesitated before you put your hand on top of his as a comforting gesture, one he smiled gratefully at. “I spent all of my time in the next 10 years either working or, and I am ashamed to admit it, frolicking around with women.”
“My mother was destroyed when my father died, she was always in her room, never really ate anything, could not even check on little Hyacinth from how heartbroken she was. That was the moment when I decided that I could not, and would not marry for love and have someone suffer the same fate as my mother did, as I could not even bare the thought that I could ever surpass my father in anything, much less surpass him in age” He sighed before his eyes seemed to brighten up “Then I met Kate, and she changed my perception on love, Kate was my soul mate. As you probably know, I had initially proposed to Ms. Edwina, she was the diamond of the season and since I was not planning to marry for love, I thought she was the best option, that she was well suited to be my wife, she did fit all of my requirements. But little did I know that trying to pursue her would be hard as she had a sister who did not like me one bit. Kate and I fought all the time, we could not stand to be in the same place for even a minute. But everything changed when I invited them here, some things happened and everything between Kate and I changed, we fell in love. We went through some hardships but in the end, we overcame it all, we were happy, we were expecting a child, everything was fine until she died” he lowered his head, you looked at him sadly, tears started to sting on your eyes before you blinked them away, composing yourself
“Kate was the best of us” you murmured looking back at the fireplace “ I don’t know how we will live peacefully without her” Lord Bridgerton nodded agreeing with you before he stood up
“If you excuse me, I still have work to do” he left without another word, you looked at the door he just walked through, understanding filling you, the wound still wasn’t healed after all but you were comforted knowing that this was a step closer to getting along.
Day 2: Kate and Edwina (Sisterhood)
Kate sighed quietly as she slipped into the room in the boarding house she shared with her sister, Edwina. It has been a particularly long day spent in her apprenticeship, trying to work out the stitching for the bonnet she was meant to finish this week. It was murder on her hands but the pay was good and they needed the funds if they were going to survive in London.
London. Kate closed her eyes for a moment. They should have never come here-- should have never had to come here. But Somerset was a small village with no theaters and Edwina….
Edwina had real talent. Not even sixteen and she was already appearing in Romeo and Juliet. As a background actress, admittedly, but it was still impressive. Her natural beauty shone on stage and Kate was certain it was only a matter of time before she won a lead role.
Of course that was the problem-- time. Kate and Edwina had lost both their father, who had already been sick for several years, and Mary much more suddenly to a terrible flu one year earlier. Kate was barely eighteen then and it had been a terrible shock. Lord Sheffield, their father's older brother and the only living relation who acknowledged them, was too deep in debt to take them in.
They visited their uncle for a spell as they sold what little they could for capital and then made their way to London in search of reliable employment. Thankfully, their father's former steward was able to help Kate find an apprenticeship at a family run milliner's shop. It was not easy and she was the first to admit she didn't take to it naturally, but she worked hard and that was enough to keep her employed. For now.