Bruce Wayne And His Kids - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago
Ayt So When I Asked People If They Wanted Some Wholesomeness To Maybe Distract Ourselves From The Whole
Ayt So When I Asked People If They Wanted Some Wholesomeness To Maybe Distract Ourselves From The Whole
Ayt So When I Asked People If They Wanted Some Wholesomeness To Maybe Distract Ourselves From The Whole
Ayt So When I Asked People If They Wanted Some Wholesomeness To Maybe Distract Ourselves From The Whole
Ayt So When I Asked People If They Wanted Some Wholesomeness To Maybe Distract Ourselves From The Whole
Ayt So When I Asked People If They Wanted Some Wholesomeness To Maybe Distract Ourselves From The Whole
Ayt So When I Asked People If They Wanted Some Wholesomeness To Maybe Distract Ourselves From The Whole
Ayt So When I Asked People If They Wanted Some Wholesomeness To Maybe Distract Ourselves From The Whole
Ayt So When I Asked People If They Wanted Some Wholesomeness To Maybe Distract Ourselves From The Whole

ayt so when i asked people if they wanted some wholesomeness to maybe distract ourselves from the whole wide world, they rly rly wanted wholesomeness, so i give you this! 

i really couldnt fathom a situation where they would ever be lovey-dovey to bruce through text or chat, so i think it would be easier to do it over social media but in the veil of batman and only for a good reason! so, thus, batman day!

p.s. idk if jason’s random “yeet” at the end is funny to anyone but me but i used to add yeet whenever things got too Real and Emotional so 

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