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P.J.&The Olympians X BTS AU!
Cabin 6
Kim Namjoon ~ Son of Athena
Clumsiest Athena kid to ever grace this Earth, let me tell you
Like, drops his arrow during target practice, bends over, and dumps his entire quiver on the ground-clumsy
Natural born leader; wise as hell
Intimidating at first, then you realize he’s an actual marshmallow
Fiercely loyal friend and ally
Intelligent; can answer a question correctly before the instructor finishes it
Can go on and on about any topic under the sun
Find him sitting in the bay window of his cabin, nestled by books, glasses perched on the bridge of his nose
Mission/Capture-the-flag time? Everyone wants to be on his team
What he lacks in grace he makes up for in strategy
Has a plan, back-up plan, and back-up back-up plan
Cool and calculated; knows how to use his weaknesses to his advantage
Total stickler for the rules; respectful and respected
Will NOT hesitate to scold his friends for misbehavior or misconduct
Therefore, fun to prank
Total dad of his friend group
May not be as loud and bold as his 8 siblings, but definitely a force to be reckoned with
Release Date: TBD
-Moodboards mine, pics not