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P.J.&The Olympians X BTS AU!
Cabin 15
Min Yoongi ~ Son of Hypnos
Inhabits Cabin 15 with his two brothers
This boy LIVES for sleep
Class? Napping. Training? Napping. Capture the flag? Find him asleep in some tree or something.
Will lay down in the middle of a field and take a nap, try him.
Incredibly intuitive, like, so in-tune it’s scary sometimes
Loves helping other campers with any sleep related issues (bye insomnia)
Want to sit around for a few hours and interpret your dreams? Find Yoongi
Huge softie, sings his closest friends lullabies when they can’t sleep
Will sacrifice his own sleep for a friend in need
Pretty introverted; will put instructors to sleep to get out of class
Him and his siblings don’t hang out much
But he does make mixtapes for them and leaves them on their beds
Best. Sleep. Playlists. EVER.
Super chill and calm; doesn’t get super into training or missions
BUT can definitely kick ass when he’s counted on
Will defend his friends with everything he’s got
Release Date: TBD
-Moodboards mine, pics not

P.J.&The Olympians X BTS AU!
Cabin 6
Kim Namjoon ~ Son of Athena
Clumsiest Athena kid to ever grace this Earth, let me tell you
Like, drops his arrow during target practice, bends over, and dumps his entire quiver on the ground-clumsy
Natural born leader; wise as hell
Intimidating at first, then you realize he’s an actual marshmallow
Fiercely loyal friend and ally
Intelligent; can answer a question correctly before the instructor finishes it
Can go on and on about any topic under the sun
Find him sitting in the bay window of his cabin, nestled by books, glasses perched on the bridge of his nose
Mission/Capture-the-flag time? Everyone wants to be on his team
What he lacks in grace he makes up for in strategy
Has a plan, back-up plan, and back-up back-up plan
Cool and calculated; knows how to use his weaknesses to his advantage
Total stickler for the rules; respectful and respected
Will NOT hesitate to scold his friends for misbehavior or misconduct
Therefore, fun to prank
Total dad of his friend group
May not be as loud and bold as his 8 siblings, but definitely a force to be reckoned with
Release Date: TBD
-Moodboards mine, pics not

P.J.&The Olympians X BTS AU!
Cabin 19
Jung Hoseok ~ Son of Tyche
Life of the freaking party
This guy really knows how to have fun
Catch him hosting weekly casino night in his cabin
Constant ray of sunshine and seemingly luckiest guy in the world
Seriously, he doesn’t even have to try, luck just radiates off him
Top notch bet-maker
Places bets on Jungkook’s fights and always walks away with the pot
Why do other campers even try anymore?
Loves to bet against his siblings (his only real competition)
Not just a show boat; knows his way around hand to hand combat
Ace with a javelin
Places bets on missions and capture the flag
Constantly scolded by Chiron for taking the other campers money
“They’re just handing it to me now, it’s not my fault!”
Comes off as self-centered, but a real down-to-Earth guy if you really look
Do not mess with him or his friends
After all, he has luck on his side
Release Date: TBD
-Moodboards mine, pics not

P.J.&The Olympians X BTS AU!
Cabin 11
Kim Taehyung ~ Son of Hermès
King of shenanigans
Hermes kid through and through
Always pulling pranks on anyone and everyone
Seriously, NO ONE IS SAFE
Lighthearted and easy to entertain
While Tae is easy to amuse, boredom means entering the danger zone
Keep him entertained at all costs, we do not need another slime explosion in the Aphrodite cabin!
Put him and his siblings together and it’s a tornado of chaos
Between pranks, play fights, and downright torture, it’s a wonder the Hermès kids are still alive
And Gods help those in the cabin who aren’t Hermès kids
The Hermès cabin is always filled with the sound of laughter (and sometimes screaming)
Tae can seem annoying sometimes (especially to Ares and Athena kids)
But DAMN is that smile contagious, you can’t help but love him
Antagonizes all the creatures; Chiron swears a Pegasus will just drop him one day, mid-flight if he doesn’t quit pulling their feathers
Sometimes takes things too far, but don’t worry, Joon will put him in his place
Ropes his friends into partaking in his mischief, despite the consequences
Master of tricks
Release Date: TBD
-Moodboards mine, pics not

P.J.&The Olympians X BTS AU!
Cabin 17
Jeon Jungkook ~ Son of Nike
Competitive af
Lives for a good challenge
Constantly trying to prove himself to everyone
Tries on more than one occasion to challenge the entire camp
Chiron quickly shuts that down
Known to get in quite a few tiffs with the Ares and Athena kids
They love to push his buttons and set him off
Will not be seen as anything other than #1
Champion of capture the flag
Strong enforcer of fair play; cheating of any kind is NOT tolerated
Can be intense sometimes; he’s just so passionate in everything he does
Everyone is both intrigued and intimidated by him
Good heart
You either love him or hate him, no in between
Bold and charismatic, but not cocky
Do not get on his bad side or risk a old west-reminiscent style showdown
Loves pulling pranks with his best friend Tae
Always pushing himself to do and be better
Release Date: TBD
-Moodboards mine, pics not

P.J.&The Olympians X BTS AU!
Cabin 20
Y/N ~ Daughter of Hecate
It’s common that Hecate kids posses magical abilities
The only kids who can actually use magic
Massive introvert; the few Hecate kids all are (4 known)
Hard-working and studious; always trying to make her mother proud
Knowledge and practice are key to Hecate kids
Spends 99% of her time in the cabin learning spells and rituals
Outcasted by a lot of the campers; Hecate kids are almost as feared as Hades kids
No one knows exactly the extent of Hecate kids’ power, thus the weariness
Giving and kind; will sacrifice herself for her friends and siblings
Stays year round at camp; Chiron’s favorite if he admitted he picked favorites
Known to have heated debates with her cat familiar (hence why campers think she’s weird)
Shy but will stand up for others when things aren’t right
Competitive among her siblings in their constant battle to prove themselves
Loyal and compassionate
A Hecate friend is a friend for life
Silent cheerleader for her friends
But throw her in the ring and she’ll show you what a Hecate kid is capable of
Maybe a bit of fear is a good thing...
Release Date: TBD
-Moodboards mine, pics not