Bts Camp Halfblood Au - Tumblr Posts

P.J.&The Olympians X BTS AU!
Cabin 6
Kim Namjoon ~ Son of Athena
Clumsiest Athena kid to ever grace this Earth, let me tell you
Like, drops his arrow during target practice, bends over, and dumps his entire quiver on the ground-clumsy
Natural born leader; wise as hell
Intimidating at first, then you realize he’s an actual marshmallow
Fiercely loyal friend and ally
Intelligent; can answer a question correctly before the instructor finishes it
Can go on and on about any topic under the sun
Find him sitting in the bay window of his cabin, nestled by books, glasses perched on the bridge of his nose
Mission/Capture-the-flag time? Everyone wants to be on his team
What he lacks in grace he makes up for in strategy
Has a plan, back-up plan, and back-up back-up plan
Cool and calculated; knows how to use his weaknesses to his advantage
Total stickler for the rules; respectful and respected
Will NOT hesitate to scold his friends for misbehavior or misconduct
Therefore, fun to prank
Total dad of his friend group
May not be as loud and bold as his 8 siblings, but definitely a force to be reckoned with
Release Date: TBD
-Moodboards mine, pics not

P.J.&The Olympians X BTS AU!
Cabin 19
Jung Hoseok ~ Son of Tyche
Life of the freaking party
This guy really knows how to have fun
Catch him hosting weekly casino night in his cabin
Constant ray of sunshine and seemingly luckiest guy in the world
Seriously, he doesn’t even have to try, luck just radiates off him
Top notch bet-maker
Places bets on Jungkook’s fights and always walks away with the pot
Why do other campers even try anymore?
Loves to bet against his siblings (his only real competition)
Not just a show boat; knows his way around hand to hand combat
Ace with a javelin
Places bets on missions and capture the flag
Constantly scolded by Chiron for taking the other campers money
“They’re just handing it to me now, it’s not my fault!”
Comes off as self-centered, but a real down-to-Earth guy if you really look
Do not mess with him or his friends
After all, he has luck on his side
Release Date: TBD
-Moodboards mine, pics not

P.J.&The Olympians X BTS AU!
Cabin 7
Park Jimin ~ Son of Apollo
Incredibly timid at first glance
Nobody believed he was an Apollo kid at first
Not as immediately extroverted as his siblings, thus the confusion
Get to know him though, and he really is a chip off the old block
Flamboyant and charming as hell
Everyone loves him (key word: EVERYONE)
Actually mistaken for an Aphrodite kid more than once
Some campers still don’t believe him
One word to describe him: Grace
Nimble, swift, elegant- on and off the field
It’s like his bow is an extension of himself
Watching him train is like watching art come to life
Forces his friends to come to weekly karaoke night at the pavilion
Natural born performer; voice of an angel
Sweetest little thing ever; the greatest friend
THRIVES on compliments
Always there to lend a helping hand
Soft bean but back him into a corner or threaten those he loves?
Instant kill mode: Activated
Most swoon-worthy; camp-wide crush
Release Date: TBD
-Moodboards mine, pics not

P.J.&The Olympians X BTS AU!
Cabin 11
Kim Taehyung ~ Son of Hermès
King of shenanigans
Hermes kid through and through
Always pulling pranks on anyone and everyone
Seriously, NO ONE IS SAFE
Lighthearted and easy to entertain
While Tae is easy to amuse, boredom means entering the danger zone
Keep him entertained at all costs, we do not need another slime explosion in the Aphrodite cabin!
Put him and his siblings together and it’s a tornado of chaos
Between pranks, play fights, and downright torture, it’s a wonder the Hermès kids are still alive
And Gods help those in the cabin who aren’t Hermès kids
The Hermès cabin is always filled with the sound of laughter (and sometimes screaming)
Tae can seem annoying sometimes (especially to Ares and Athena kids)
But DAMN is that smile contagious, you can’t help but love him
Antagonizes all the creatures; Chiron swears a Pegasus will just drop him one day, mid-flight if he doesn’t quit pulling their feathers
Sometimes takes things too far, but don’t worry, Joon will put him in his place
Ropes his friends into partaking in his mischief, despite the consequences
Master of tricks
Release Date: TBD
-Moodboards mine, pics not

P.J.&The Olympians X BTS AU!
Genre: Mythology, Fluff, Angst
Warning(s): mentions of death, violence, adult language
Pairing(s): ???XReader
Status: ON HOLD
Camp Half-Blood, famous training grounds of Greek demigods far and wide. Once home to the Son of Poseidon, you may have heard of him, he’s still a pretty big deal around here. It’s said to be the safest place for demigod children of the Ancient Greek Gods and Goddesses, and it’s a pretty interesting place to be. I mean, it’s not like I have any other choice, I’ve been here since my dad died, and that was 6 years ago.
Like many others before me, however, I’ve made it my home. A weird kind of home where Chiron is constantly yelling at the ‘rebellious youths’ and Mr. D couldn’t really give a care, oh, and we sword fight for fun, but a home nonetheless. Being the only one in Cabin 20 over the year can be kind of lonely; my siblings all go home at the end of summer, but the lonely lifestyle is one I, as a daughter of Hecate, have come quite accustomed to. I guess I have Aster, my familiar to talk to, but I don’t think a sarcastic black cat is the best company for a 22 year old. And you may be thinking, “Why don’t you leave camp and start your own life?,” and to that I say...this is all I’ve ever really known.
Before my dad passed, I’d come to camp every summer. I met my siblings my second one. Hecate kids are hard to come by apparently, but I’m glad they showed up. See, a lot of the cabins have a sort of prejudice against other cabins. The Hades cabin, for example, though uninhabited, is constantly scorned under bated breath. My cabin falls under the same sort of scrutiny. It all comes down to fear in the end. My siblings and I posses magical abilities like our mother and that power is what intimidates and scares other campers. So, instead of trying to get to know us, they shut us out. Can’t say I’m not surprised, though. In high school, the ‘weirdos’ were always outcast, why should a camp full of demigods be any different?
The stares and whispers, unnerving at first, are now just a tolerable nuisance. I live my life here the best way I can, and if that means having my cat as my only friend, then so be it. Besides, I’ve got my plate full with training anyways. Between combat, lessons, and individual magic studies, I don’t have the time for friends as it seems. After all, I’ve got to make Mom and Dad proud.
Well, I’d write more, but there really isn’t all that much left to say. Besides, Chiron asked me to help him hang the ‘Welcome’ banners for the start of the summer, and if I keep him waiting any longer, he might demote me from favorite. I know this isn’t going to be seen by anyone and now that I’ve cleared that up I feel kind of dumb writing this all in the first place. Oh well.
P.S. I don’t know if it’s ‘witch’s’ intuition or just me being a little paranoid, but I feel like something big is going to happen this summer. I’m not quite sure what, I’m still working on my premonition skills, but it feels almost life changing, if that makes any sense. I think, well, I hope, it’s something wonderful, but who really knows. Guess I’ll have to wait and see...
To Be Continued...

This is a new fanfic idea I’ve been mulling over in my head for a while now. I don’t know how many chapters it will be yet, or what the posting schedule will look like, because as of right now I’m just kind of winging it and taking my time. If I figure out some type of schedule I’ll post it and link it in this prologue and my Master List. If anyone wants, I can try a tag list, just let me know. I hope you all enjoy this and don’t get too annoyed with my lack of organization. I promise I will keep up with this story to the best of my abilities. Please reblog and show this some love if you can, it means a lot to me. Thank you guys!