Bucky X Avenger!reader - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago


18+ Minors dni

Bucky x f reader 

A/N: self indulging here with how we ended up down this rabbit hole. A lil cocky Bucky. 

Warnings: Dirty talking, a little smut, illusions to smut, swearing

The TikTok that started it all: https://www.tiktok.com/@hungrymathi/video/6948835965326707973?_t=8Tqbk2XuzbB&_r=1

Word count: 1.2k


You looked around you, sighing contently seeing no one else in the shared living room. You plopped down onto the large couch, snuggling into the cushions, pulling your phone out.




The holy trinity; your latest guilty pleasure and favourite place to be. It all started with a tiktok.

Avengers walking in on you naked

You snickered at the accuracy of how each person would react; Tony, Steve, Sam, Peter but then the next avenger made your stomach clench. The one and only James Buchanan Barnes. The other avengers would run away or sneak a little glance. Bucky on the other hand, flicks his eyes over your body, licking his lips before walking in and shutting the door behind him. Sure, it was someone else pretending to be Bucky but that did it for you, you had entered a very interesting rabbit hole. You let curiosity get the best of you, searching his name and finding hundreds of TikToks. Some were some rather spicy edits of him working out or pictures of him shirtless. Those were nice, but what really sent you into a spiral were the stories.

It felt wrong but so right. He was your co-worker (disgustingly hot co-worker) for fucks sake but…

The first video you came across made you blush like a little school girl, momentarily confused about wtf y/n stood for. It was an elaborate story about you and Bucky pining for each other, classic idiots in love, there were almost 50 videos for the one story. It was sweet. Wholesome.

And then there were the ones where you were apparently Tony’s daughter (not too different from reality, Tony was very protective over you, more like a brother) and you were caught hooking up with Bucky. It started off with him teasing you, then you sat on his lap and then…. Butterfly emoji. You can imagine the rest?

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2 years ago


Bucky Barnes x Shy!Reader

A/N: as always, gentle reminder that English is not my first language :P Feedback is very well appreciated! I have a second part planned for this one :) -C

Word count: 1.2k


You’re shy. It’s not a secret. You have a hard time handling social settings and you really only speak when it’s absolutely necessary.

When you were in the field, physically fighting was your last resort. You were a witch, like Wanda, so you stuck to using your powers as much as you could, staying in your comfort zone.

The team was really sweet about it. They never pressured you to speak and they never pushed you to say or do anything you didn’t want to. You mostly kept to yourself, especially during the first 6 months as part of the team.

One day, you decided that maybe you should socialize a little more, that these people were trustworthy and they cared about you. You came out of your room and you remembered Steve’s words, “we have movie nights every Saturday, you’re always welcome to join us”

All eyes were on you as you walked into the living room and you hated it “hey, Y/n!” Tony said welcomingly and the others waved or said hi too.

“Hi” you heard Bucky say, looking up at you from the couch, smiling.

You smiled back, your face beet read, and sat next to him.

Bucky loved when you talked to him.

The first time you spoke to him, it had been a month since you sat down with the team to watch a movie. It was the morning and as always, Bucky was the first to be awake, having a cup of coffee by the counter.

“Good morning, Y/n” he said to you as you walked in, not expecting you to say it back, but saying it anyways to make sure you knew you were always welcome to be where he was. He noticed your puffy eyes and messy hair, she’s so cute in the mornings, Bucky thought, well she’s always cute.

“Good morning, Bucky” you said quietly before grabbing a cup of joe of your own and retreating back to your room.

Bucky couldn’t move. He thought your voice was the most beautiful sound in the whole world. It was just as smooth and sweet as honey, and he thought that if you asked him to walk through fire, he would. He would do anything you asked with that sweet voice of yours and he would do it without a second thought.

The second time you spoke to him, it was during dinner. You were all seated at the table and the team chatted and bickered with each other, while you stayed quiet as always.

Suddenly, Bucky pulled away from his conversation with Sam and sneezed into the inside of his elbow.

“Bless you,” you said sweetly before you could realize it.

The entire table went silent and you were sure you could hear a pin drop. All eyes were on you and you blushed, you we’re clearly uncomfortable. You weren’t used to all the attention.

“Thank you, Doll” Bucky said, smiling at you.

You nodded and quickly looked back to your plate. Bucky noticed how uncomfortable you looked and cleared his throat, urging the rest to go back to their conversations.

The third time, was Bucky’s favorite so far.

He was sipping his coffee while F.R.I.D.A.Y played his playlist. When Y/n walked into the kitchen, the sun was still rising “Good morning, Bucky” she said sheepishly when she noticed him.

“Mornin’ Doll” he smiled ear to ear, and it made your heart leap in your chest. You liked it when he called you that.

You recognized the song that was playing and Bucky watched as your expression turned into one of melancholy and nostalgia, your eyes glimmered like the stars.

“I like that song” you said unexpectedly and Bucky nearly fell out of his chair.

“Yeah?” Bucky said, his heart beating rapidly. Every time he got to hear your voice felt like a miracle.

You nodded, smiling and looking at the floor “my mom used to sing it to me before bed” you sang along quietly as your favorite part came along.

“While I’m alone and blue as can be, dream a little dream of me”

Bucky almost melted at the sound of you. He thought you would’ve given angels a run for their money. He was completely infatuated by you and everything about you. She’s like a fairy, Bucky thought in disbelief. How could someone be so wonderful?

“You have a beautiful voice, darling” he couldn’t help calling you pet names. He was head over heels for you and he could count the sentences you had said to him in one hand.

Your eyes widened, butterflies soaring in your stomach at the sound of the pet name “I- thank you. Bye, Bucky” you were clearly flustered.

Bucky watched you leave with a ridiculous smile on his face. God. She’s adorable.

From that day on, you gave Bucky little snippets of yourself, and he felt comfortable asking you questions, knowing you would answer. He cherishes the tiny conversations stupidly close to his heart and he has every one of your phrases tattooed onto his memory

“I like the caramel creamer. It reminds me of fall”

“I have a slight obsession with Notting Hill”

“I love that song”

“What was Brooklyn like in the 40s?”

“Bless you, Bucky”

“Thank you, Bucky”

“Good morning, Bucky”

“Goodnight, Bucky”

Bucky thinks he could listen to you talk about absolutely anything for hours on end.

The team definitely noticed that you only ever spoke to Bucky, and they all talked about how cute the two of you were, Sam teasing Bucky occasionally, just enough to make him blush but never making fun of you. They were all glad you had someone you felt comfortable talking to.

Even though you were perfectly comfortable with talking to Bucky, you still hated being the center of attention and you were easily overwhelmed in large groups of people. Baby steps, sweetheart, Bucky had told you.

On one Sunday morning, you entered the kitchen and the entire team was sitting at the counter having breakfast, while Bucky sipped on his coffee from the other side of the counter, leaning against the table top next to the coffee pot.

You weren’t expecting this many people. Your eyes widened and you stopped in your tracks “Good morning, everyone” you said meekly. Everyone greeted you back, smiling.

“Mornin’” said Bucky to you, sweetly.

You walked over to him sheepishly and reached for his hand. He held your right hand while you poured your coffee with your left hand. When you turned around all eyes were on you and your hand linked to Bucky’s. It made you sweat, you didn’t know what to do, so you just left.

“Can you guys be fuckin’ normal?” Bucky snapped

“What?” Tony asked defensively

“Every time she walks into the room you go quiet and stare at her like she’s some kind of animal” Bucky was frustrated “Just stop it, okay? Don’t stop your conversation when she comes in. And certainly do not stare at her! can you not see how uncomfortable it makes her?” He complained

“Oh my god.” Sam said.

“What?” Bucky replied.

“You’re in love with her” Sam said in disbelief.

Part 2

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