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2 years ago

bunny adventures | jeon jungkook HYBRID AU

Bunny Adventures | Jeon Jungkook HYBRID AU

summary | you had absolutely no intentions of ever owning a hybrid until jungkook came along. a mistreated, misunderstood rabbit hybrid who’d only ever wanted was to be treated like an equal.

warnings | 13.6k words, smut, hybrid!Jungkook x human!reader, mentions of ownership, past abuse, trauma, degradation, heat cycles, possessiveness, scenting, spit, biting kink, male masturbation, pillow humping, raw sex, rutting, grinding, doggy, missionary, aftercare, Jungkook is clingy and insecure, soft, cunnilingus, breeding kink, dirty talk [hybrids!jimin,taegyung,namjoon {humans!yoongi,hoseok,jin}]

“Come on Y/n. You know I have social anxiety, I don’t want to go alone.”

“Fine, hurry up and come get me.”

You were in no mood to be going out on a Sunday. Sunday’s were your lazy days, you liked to stay home and do absolutely nothing for the full 24 hours. Your friend, Yoongi, seemed to have other plans. Lately he’s been going on and on about his lack of companionship, how he’s been by himself for too long. You told him to get a girlfriend but he said there’s no one he likes. You tell him to get a pet he says no he’ll forget about them. You tell him to join a book club he says he hates reading. What did this man want?

A hybrid. That’s what. He wants a built-in friend, someone he can take care of and always have around. He tells you to go with him and after arguing about it for a good ten minutes you agreed. You don’t understand why he’d wanted to adopt a hybrid like they were some pet or something but you weren’t going to argue with him over it. Instead you got changed as quickly as you could, grabbed all of your things and waited for him to tell you he was here. In the car he had a clipboard sitting on your seat. When you looked over it your brows could only furrow, “What is this?”

“It’s a list of what I’m looking for. I can’t go in unprepared,” he explained as you skimmed over it. They had to be at least in their twenties, didn’t matter the sex, clean, organized, etc. You didn’t like how it felt like buying property but you kept it quiet.

One of your closest friends was a hybrid actually. Truth be told your parents adopted him before you were even born. He was a couple years older than you and they couldn’t conceive so they bought him. Namjoon is his name and he was a koala hybrid. He was raised as your older brother almost but when he turned eighteen your parents offer to give him his rights now that he was no longer a minor and he wasn’t able to be owned any longer. He still calls them every now and then, calls them his foster parents but it’s you he’s looked out for the most.

He’s really the one who taught you that people aren’t for sale. That he would always be grateful to your parents for the life they’d given him but that he wished his kind wasn’t so oppressed. That he longed to be his own person with his own family just like him and he wouldn’t have to worry about going out alone without someone belittling him.

“So this is our cat unit, you can find a variety of species ranging from your common household feline to a much larger, predatory breed such as the tiger…”

You listened to your tour guide talk about them like they were some product being introduced. You stared into the large glass rooms where hybrids lounged around playing card games or watching tv. Only a few came up to the window but not many. They were all older, the younger were kept in a different department.

“This is Jimin, Jimin come here!” The guide called out as the three of you stepped into the room. A man only a few inches taller than you came over, tail behind him swaying rhythmically. He flashed a cute peachy smile and the guide introduced him, “He’s a good one.”

You tuned out Yoongi talking over with the guide as you wandered off. You didn’t really care about all the add-ons of information. You were cold, this place was freezing, all metal and glass. It looked nowhere near as home-y as the website made it out to be. You walked past other glass rooms, one filled with canine hybrids, birds, bears, bunnies.

“They’re cute, aren’t they?” You jumped a little startled when Yoongi and the guide came up behind you. Yoongi now had a few pamphlets in hand. You looked back to the rabbit hybrids, “Uh, yeah.”

The guide opened the door before you could protest and Yoongi led you in. You looked back to him with furrowed brows, “Come on it wouldn’t hurt to look. You’ve got that extra bedroom anyways.”

Okay, yeah you did have an extra bedroom. But that’s only because your roommate up and went to move in with her boyfriend and ditched you. You couldn’t end the lease early so she offered to still pay for her half until it ended which was in just a mere months. Either way you weren’t looking to own/adopt anyone.

“We’ve got Stella here she’s a dwarf rabbit so she’s pretty petite, good for a female owner like yourself,” the guide told you pointing to a girl who couldn’t be more than 5’0. Stella flashed a smile as her tiny bunny ears stood straight. The guide went on, “She didn’t finish high school but she pretty good at chores around the house an—Jungkook!”

The guide suddenly yelled out, “You get your ass back out here! You don’t go back to your rooms till six.” He looked over to you with an apologetic smile, “Sorry, he’s trouble that one. It’s hard to keep my composure with runners like him. The absolute worst, they don’t know what’s good for them.”

You looked to Yoongi who only stared off in the hybrid’s direction. You followed his gaze and to say you were surprised was an understatement. You’d never seen a hybrid covered in so many tattoos and piercings. The guide must’ve caught you staring cause he went on, “That’s Jungkook, and trust me little lady it’s better if you just ignore his presence. He’s been in and out of homes since he was little, runs away first chance he gets, a big pain in the ass for us since his previous owners always want some damn refund for him. He’s a good for nothing other than getting into trouble. Last time he ran we found him covered in tattoos and piercings. We dragged him back here.”

He leaned closer as if to tell a secret, “Between us he’s getting shipped off to Hong Kong next week. Maybe the facility over there will have better luck finding him a home, if not he’s got hell coming for him. They’ve got stricter laws for runaways like him.” He cleared his throat as he pointed to someone else, “There’s Belle too, she’s a beauty, pure white polish rabbit. She’d make for a great friend if you’re looking for them.”

“Do you have meeting rooms?” You asked hopeful and the guide nodded. He crossed his arms in front of him as he listened in, “Sure do, Yoongi here has asked to meet with Jimin too before he buys, we can arrange the same for you. Who’d you like to get to know? Stella? Belle? We’ve got Junho over there, he’s a good buck—“


“Miss, I don’t think he’d be a good fit for you,” the guide spoke just as Yoongi was glaring at you in confusion. You just shook your head, “I think that’s for me to decide.”

So you were shoved into a meeting room. It was only minutes before Jungkook arrived and when he did the workers made sure to remind him to be on his best behavior. He didn’t say anything for a long time, ears twitching in every direction as they listened on alert. He shook his head suddenly, “Whatever it is you’re looking to get out of me, I’m not doing it. If you force me to do anything I don’t want to do I’m running. I don’t care if you’re the sweetest person in the world—“

“Oh,” you didn’t know what to say. To be honest you had no clue why you even requested a meeting. Surely it was because of the way the guide talked about this man. Like he wasn’t a person but just someone here to make their work harder. You hated people like the guide, rude as hell and they thought they could say anything about anyone. If Namjoon was here he’d have stood up for the hybrids.

Your silence was beginning to get on his nerves. His foot was tapping anxiously, “Well, what do you want? I know you’re not going to ‘adopt’ me so what is it that you want?”

You watched him closely. He was quiet and distant but you could up on certain anxious cues. The way his eyes darted from one direction to the other in curiosity and avoidance. His foot thumped against the floor every now and then and he’d look down at his lap almost bashful but you knew that wasn’t possible. The guide said he was a runner but you had no clue what that meant. Unless he’d been thrown into homes he didn’t want to be in. So really that thought alone is what had you finally speaking up, “Would it be wrong if I did? I’ve got an extra room at my place just collecting dust. They said they’re sending you to Hong Kong next week, and well, if you don’t want to go you can come home with me.”

“Why?” He asked feeling more alert. Was he actually going to get sent away? He didn’t want to go. He was already stuck here he couldn’t imagine being stuck somewhere else. “Why do you even want to? What are you gaining out of this? I’m not gonna sleep with you—“

“Oh!” You cut him off looking just as appalled at the idea as him, “Um, well, this is awkward. No, I had no plans to—okay, well clearly this whole thing is a misunderstanding.”

“Wait!” His face flushed in embarrassment, maybe he did read this wrong? But when he looked at you he really couldn’t understand it. You were young, probably younger than him honestly, you were pretty and well kept, clean and you smelled of… lavender? He saw you come in, everyone was buzzing about the cute couple looking to adopt so he wasn’t sure why you wanted him out of everyone. Like he said, he wouldn’t sleep with you even if your boyfriend was a bad lay. That’s why he left his third owner a few years back, thought she could touch him however she wanted just because she owned him. He left that night. He wouldn’t go through that again. But you seemed different, a much better option than Hong Kong that’s for sure.

“What would I have to do if I go with you?” He spoke like he had a choice but he knew there wasn’t one. Your kind never gave them a choice no matter how kind you claimed to be. You shrugged your shoulders, “I don’t know, whatever you want? I just, I came with a friend today and I didn’t really expect to find anyone… but I do have the space and I’m sure you’d find something to occupy yourself with… if you choose to come home with m—“

“Stop acting like it’s my choice,” he cut you off shaking his head, “Either you want to take me or you don’t.”

Shit. Okay. “Well, I wouldn’t mind having a roommate—“ “You mean pet?”

You stood abruptly, his ears twitching at the sound, “Okay, clearly you don’t want to leave this place and I’m not going to sit around and beg someone to come with me when I didn’t even want… whatever, you can go back.”

“Wait!” He stopped you again. Why did he stop you? His ears dropped fully giving up, “Yes. Yes I want to go with you, please. I’m sorry, I don’t want to go to Hong Kong.”

You ignored all of the guide’s warnings. He advised you to pick someone else but you argued against it. In the end he couldn’t do anything but let you take him and you piled into Jungkook’s car. Yoongi did end up choosing Jimin. You sat up front with Yoongi knowing immediately what his silence meant. He let out a sigh, “Namjoon is gonna have something to say.”

You ignored him. You knew Namjoon was going to have something to say, he always did. He’d most likely give you an earful about what you’ve done. It’s not that he’d think you shouldn’t take someone in but you were scared he’d get you in trouble for practically buying a hybrid. Then he’d tell you something about the fact that you were going to waste money on someone else when you barely made anything at all at your part time. You immediately sent him a text asking him to come over.

Jungkook had decided that you and the man you came with were friends. If you weren’t friends then you sucked as a couple considering he saw no chemistry between you two. The hybrid your friend bought was familiar to Jungkook. On the rare occasion they were allowed out of their hybrid units and able to interact with other species. He’s only seen Jimin a handful of times but he knows well enough that he’s a good guy. When the car stopped finally it was in front of a building apartment complex with a gate around it. You surprised him when you reached into the trunk and grabbed his bag for him. He didn’t have much other than a few pieces of clothes but nothing grand. He was still confused, what did you plan on doing with him? Keep him around the place like some pet?

“Is there anything you want me to call you by? Do you like being called Jungkook? Is there anything else? You remember my name, right? Y/n, it’s Y/n,” you told him up the stairs. He barely nodded, “Jungkook is fine.”

When they stopped in front of a door he watched you take your key and open the door. Inside he was overwhelmed with even more of your scent. It was soft, and honestly kind of lovely, but suffocating. Lavender was your main scent he could pick up easily and it was everywhere. The place was big, bigger than he thought, large spaces and even a ladder over a half wall that led up to a small loft by the high ceiling. He’d never been in a home like this, not by one owner that is.

“You can leave your shoes there,” you pointed down and he did as told. You placed some guest slippers in front of him and he took them quietly. “This is gonna be your room, sorry there’s not much, I wasn’t expecting to… have company.”

You led him into a bedroom. There was a bed with no sheets, a dresser, a closet, his own window. It seriously made no sense. In the past he’d been lucky enough to have a mattress on the floor. You set his duffel bag on the bed and left quickly, he took the chance to look around. When you came back you had a couple pillows and blankets in your hand. He looked to you waiting for instruction but when you opened your mouth to speak you were cut off by the bell ringing. You ran out of the room and went to the front door leaving him alone yet again.

“Y/n!” Jungkook’s ears twitched at the sound of your name being called. His nose scrunched picking up the scent of two unfamiliars. He couldn’t stop himself from leaving his room, surprise etched on his face at the sight. A tiger hybrid was nuzzling into your side, giddy almost as you hugged him back. Next to him was another hybrid with short rounded ears and glasses. Did you have a fetish for hybrids? Is that why he was here?

The taller male seemed to catch sight of Jungkook first, stopping in his tracks at the sight. He flashed a smile, “Hey, I’m Namjoon, that’s Taehyung.”

“Jungkook,” he muttered under his breath coming to stand behind you. You were the only familiar thing around right now and that was saying much considering he only just met you too.

“Yoongi tells me he got a hybrid?” Namjoon turned back to you, “Let me guess, you did too.”

“Yes, bu—“ Namjoon took your arm and pulled you away. Jungkook watched in alert as you winced a little at the hold and before he came make a move to follow you Taehyung was following.

“It’s better if we stay out of it man,” Taehyung said plopping down onto the couch and taking your remote. What was going on? Who were these people? Why did he have his feet on your coffee table? Taehyung chuckled at Jungkook’s frozen state and ushered him over, “It’s family stuff, trust me you don’t want to get involved.”

Family? Jungkook almost scoffed at that.

In the other room Namjoon was staring down at you with his arms crossed, “So let me get this straight, you were only going with Yoongi to help him find someone, you got roped into finding one for yourself because you felt bad? Are you fucking crazy? He’s older than you too! You chose someone who can be a danger and you don’t even care! Have you told your parents?”

Your parents? You sat down avoiding his gaze, “They were your parents for a while too.”

He sighed, “No Y/n, they owned me. I loved them but they never gave me the freedom they gave you. Not until they wanted to get rid of me and set me off on my own. You’re the only one I care about and I don’t want to see you become like them, this isn’t like you. You don’t buy people, you know better.”

Jungkook couldn’t hear anything, but until Namjoon was coming out and looking at Taehyung, “Come on let’s go. He’s got some settling in to do so we’ll leave them to it.”

“Aw! I haven’t even had a chance to play with Y/n—“ Namjoon glared at Taehyung, “Okay, okay, we’ll come back another time I guess.”

Jungkook waited for them to leave, he waited for you to come out of your room but you never did. Retreating to the room you’d sent him to. He dumped his things out stuffing into drawers even though it’d easily all fit in just one. He wanted a shower but it’d be more like a rinse considering he didn’t have anything to wash himself with. The sun had set and all he had to do was stare out the window watching the stars come out one by one. He could hear your footsteps thudding across the hardwood floor and when a knock came to the door he surprisingly jumped out of his seat. He looked to the door as you stood there, “Can I come in?”

His breath evened out as he nodded his head watching you come in. You had something in your hands but he barely focused on that. His eyes stuck on his new owner’s teary eyes and puffy face. You didn’t even meet his eyes as you thrusted papers his way, “These are your personal documents, all I’ve gotta do is sign the bottom and then you’ll be unable to count as property again.”

He stared down at the papers, his what? “What are you doing?”

“Namjoon is right, I didn’t want this. You didn’t want this,” you took a deep breath, “I’m sorry. I don’t know why I thought I could just… but you like you’re some type of pet but that’s not me. Tomorrow morning we can go to the court office and have you legally unbound from me and anyone el—“

“Are you insane?” His voice rose as he threw the papers onto the bed, “That guy doesn’t know what he’s talking about! I’ll have nowhere to go, I won’t even be able to go back to the hybrid facility, you don’t just decide to throw someone away because it’s harder than you thought!”

He could feel his anxiety going up, foot beginning to thump against the floor, tail twitching and he had to sit onto the bed to stop himself, “You’ve been stuck with me for less than a day and already regret it. That’s gotta be a new record for me.”

“No, no, I,” you stopped taking cautious steps toward him until you sat down next to him, “I just thought you would rather be out there like Namjoon and Taehyung.”

“Yeah well clearly they were some of the lucky ones with somewhere to go,” he scoffed thinking back on the two he just met. He didn’t like them already, “Us unfortunates only have owners and facilities to go to if we want a roof over our head and that’s already asking for too much.”

You never thought about it like that. When your parents released Namjoon he left with a savings account, he was able to go to college and find an affordable place to live while he found a job. He met Taehyung through school and the two became roommates soon after. Taehyung was slightly different than Taehyung. He’d been born as an illegitimate son to a wealthy man who had relations with a hybrid tigress. He was never up to be owned. They both had opportunities given to them that Jungkook never recieved. If he was on his own then he wouldn’t have the outcome the other two got without some more suffering.

“If you don’t want me just send me back.” He didn’t want to go back but he’d never admit it now. In just one day you’ve provided him better sleeping quarters than he’s ever been allowed in and if he were to go back he’d be sent to Hong Kong. You left the documents on the night stand when you left, telling him you’d need to think about it so he let you. Obviously some day he’d want to be released just like you’d said but not yet. Not when there was no where to go or money to his name. He stuffed them into an empty drawer and went to bed.

“Alright so classes start on Wednesday again,” you told him the next morning, shuffling around the kitchen making breakfast, “So I think we should go get groceries today since I didn’t have a chance to this weekend. You can shower and wash up in my bathroom if you’d like.”

With those orders he did as told. He took deep inhales off your shampoo, pieces clicking together on why you smelled so good. It was soft against his ears and he liked the silkiness of them after, especially on his tail. He took longer than he should’ve but he couldn’t help it. The water was warm, unlike the facility’s, and he wasn’t being timed. He brushed his teeth with the extra toothbrush you set out for him and even washed his face. When he came back out in a black t-shirt and black joggers he found you at the table eating toast. There was a plate across from yours and you motioned for him to sit so he did. Breakfast was quiet, you were on your phone mostly.

He was surprised to know you had a car too. You let him sit up front with you and he hated how excited it made him, staring out all the windows watching everything blur past him. You seemed to be in a better mood today so he didn’t want to push his luck. Who knows when you’d try and throw him out again so better to be on his best behavior. He’s already decided he’ll stick it out with you. You’ve given him no reason to run so he’ll see how far he can get.

The first trip was actually to a cellphone company, you got him set up with a phone under your name and gave it to him, “I’ll be in class or at work a lot so better for you to have some way to contact me or anyone.”

The next stop was at a department store, you told him to pick out a few extras shirts and stuff he might need and you bought that too. You bought him lunch and then you went to the grocery store. He hated how easy everything was going like there’s a catch or something.

You bought him snacks and pretty much anything he looked at and soon enough you were back in the apartment. Jungkook carried most of the things deciding to make himself useful and helped you put everything away. “It’s good that you’re helping, gives you a chance to familiarize yourself with the place better. You have free reign to the apartment just letting you know, okay?”

The next day you didn’t leave the apartment other than a short shift in the afternoon. He distracted himself enough with the tv in the living room but he grew bored soon enough. When you got home he kept his distance but made sure you’d be easy to find.

On Wednesday he was stuck alone. You hadn’t even woken him up to tell him you were leaving, all he had was a text from you.

you: I won’t be home till about 8:00, I’ve got a shit at the store after classes. there’s food in the kitchen or I left some $ on counter

He huffed in annoyance. Was he supposed to go out there on his own? With his luck they’d think he was some runaway and send him right back where he didn’t want to go. He made himself a bowl of Trix cereal [what can he say? the bunny in the cover was entertaining], and watched movies. He took a nap, he showered twice, he paced back and forth in the living room, damn he almost went as far as to nibble on the table leg just to relieve the itch of boredom.

Did he really just expect you to sit around all day? Every day that you were busy?

When you got home he wanted to act like he hadn’t been waiting at the door for you practically all day. You threw your backpack down on the floor and quickly shuffled around, “Yoongi and Jimin are coming over.”

He was moody. Of course he was moody! You, his owner, barely even glanced at him. Barely told him a word much less what to waste his time on. Not even when you got home did you pay him any mind and instead focused on your friend Yoongi.

“This is your room?” Jimin asked tossing himself onto the bed. He now he’d bed sheets and throw pillows everywhere. Jungkook nodded, still feeling shy around the other hybrid. Jimin on the other hand was practically an open book the shy bunny, stretching comfortably on his bed and nuzzling his cat ears for comfort, “It’s big! It’s bigger than my room but Yoongi hyung bought me a TV.”

“So what do you do all day?” Jungkook asked him suddenly. Jimin shrugged, “Nothing really. Hyung tells me he was bored of being alone and wanted a friend so that’s what I am. We watch movies and go out to eat. Heck, he told me this weekend we’ll go out for drinks! I’ve never been so relaxed. He said I could go back to school if I want to, says there’s grants for hybrids and their owners to attend schooling.”

Jungkook and Jimin came back out to see Yoongi helping you with something on the laptop. Jungkook’s never put his hands on one before but he’s obviously seen one enough times to know what it is. “We’ll live soon Min,” Yoongi had said as he leaned into you to stare at the screen better, “I just gotta proofread this for Y/n and then we’ll go. It’s already late.”

“Oh shit it is,” you looked at the time, well past 10:00pm and you looked to Jungkook, “Am I keeping you up?”

With an annoyed such he left without another goodbye. Locking his door and hiding away.

Now, you’ve been living with Jungkook for over a week now and there are some things you’ve already noticed. The first being how moody he was. Were rabbit hybrids always so moody? It’s like one second he’d be nice and the next he’d lock himself in his room. You wondered if he was bored, you didn’t fail to notice the way the place was always so clean when you got home despite the mess you’d leave the night before.

You’ve been studying a lot of articles about living with a rabbit hybrid and you’ve only been able to notice some of those patterns with Jungkook. He can be clingy at times, mostly when you got home but he never really bothered you. He was just always there in the background too nervous to come forward. You also realized you’ve never even asked him about his heats, how often they come, how he wants to deal with them, and pretty ridiculous but you even bought him some teething sticks.

You were currently researching every possible way you can make him comfortable when he came knocking on your door. He was shy almost, his ears flopping down to the sides and shuffling inside. You stared at the packet in his hands nervously. He cleared his throat, “I was just wondering if you’ve decided what to do now.”

“Huh?” Your brows furrowed in confusion as he stood in front of you, nose twitching as he forced himself to look anywhere but at you. He nodded his head, “Yes. You told me you’d think about what you were going to do and it’s already been a week. I just want to know if I have to pack up my things.”

“Jungkook what do you mean?” You asked taking the papers from him and watching his head fall as you did so. He knew it. That’s why you’ve been avoiding him. He feels like you’re never around and he believed it’s because you don’t want to be in the same room as him for long.

“You’ve been ignoring me,” he confessed, “I know you regret buying me so if you want to send me off I just want to know so I can be prepared.”

“I’m not—I haven’t been ignoring you, it’s been some busy last days. I’m sorry if it came off that way,” you sighed unable to stop yourself from reaching for his hand that sat on his lap. It’s how you’d comfort any friend who was upset. He flinched a little from your touch so you went to release him when he held on tighter urging you to continue, “I don’t plan on sending you off. I left them in there for you to know it’s your choice on what happens with you.”

His brows furrowed as he pulled his bottom lip between his bunny teeth nibbling lightly. He pulled your hand into his chest clasping both of his larger hands around it, “I want you to sign them but I don’t want to leave. I like being with you but I know that if you sign those you’ll probably want me to leave.”

You weren’t expecting that from the stand off-ish bunny. This whole time you thought he still hated being here when in reality he just hated being here alone. You took a deep breath slipping your hand out of his hold and rubbing his back. He stuttered at the touch resisting the urge to thump his foot with your back rubs. You smiled as his eyes shut and you brought your hand up carefully to run you’re fingers through his hair, “If you want me to sign them I won’t kick you out. My lease doesn’t end till September anyway so I’ll have that extra room no matter what.”

He nodded, a little lost in the feeling not noticing when you took the papers off the bed, “So do you want me to sign? I can drop them off at the courtroom tomorrow.”

His eyes opened, when had he closed them? He drew out a shaky breath, “Okay. I promise I’ll get a job and carry my own weight—“

“It’s okay Jungkook,” you smiled letting your hand drop from his hair as you stood in search for a pen. You let him watch you sign it and he did the same.

The next morning Jungkook woke up to any empty house as usual. He was feeling extra lazy today and stretched himself out on the bed limb from limb. He came out even more sluggish from his room nibbling in a teething stick like he did every morning and flipped through the channels on his tv. You bought him one a couple days ago and he’s been obsessed with a superhero since he first watched it. His ears stood in alert at the sound of a key jiggling. Still he refused to drag himself out of his cocoon. Who knows what time you’d be back tonight. It all depends on how late your classes are and if you work. It’s yet another day he’s spending alone. He thinks it might be taking a toll on him, being alone all the time. It makes him think about you more. What are you doing? Where are you? What did you have for lunch? Have you even eaten at all? Would he ever get to hang out with his owner alone or—?

“Jungkook! Breakfast!” His tail attempted a wag but the small fluff ball just twitched as his ears perked up. With his teething stick hanging off his lips he was hurrying out of bed, running out of his room. You stood by the dining table, take out boxes in hand and when you heard the shuffling of feet you smiled. Did your hybrid always look so cute this early in the morning? You always had class early and you hated waking him up. On weekends you’d sleep in and when you’d be up he’d already be showered and dressed for the day. He was a very clean bunny.

He searched around for your backpack or something but they were no where in sight. He rubbed the sleep away from his eyes and his fluffy hair covered his face just a little as he took a seat. You brought two plates and some silverware before beginning to dish out breakfast. There were eggs, bacon, carrot pancakes, cinnamon bagels and cream cheese. He watched as you served him, eyes never leaving your form? What were you doing home? “I dropped the documents off this morning,” you told him as you grabbed him a drink, “They said it might take a week to go through.”

“A-are you going to class?” He asked letting his doe eyes follow you around the table as you took a seat across from him. You shook your head no, “No. I took the day off. You’re right, I’ve been too busy lately and haven’t had time to hang out with you one on one.”

“Oh,” he couldn’t stop his foot from thumping on the floor in excitement over the thought of spending a day with you. After breakfast you told him to get ready and he practically ran out of his seat. In your car he kept asking where you were going, if you were there yet, if he could roll the window down and stick his head out.

“Have you ever been here before?” You asked as you led him to the line into the large building. His eyes were looking everywhere, scooting closer to you when more people passed. At one point he was hiding behind you when you reached the front desk. Frozen in his spot upon seeing the model of prehistoric shark bones hanging over head you turned to him. Without another thought you took his hand and felt him squeeze you in his hold as you led him further into the aquarium.

“No,” he answered simply dragging you away to a jellyfish exhibit. His hands on the glass, lips parted in amazement.

Bunny Adventures | Jeon Jungkook HYBRID AU

After the aquarium you had a late lunch and then a grocery run. The entire time Jungkook was giddy, reaching for your hand and pulling you along behind him with excitement. Back at the apartment after putting the groceries away you asked him, “Want to watch a movie?”

And of course he agreed. He was tasked with finding a movie and he wanted to show you the marvel movie he’s been obsessed with lately. You didn’t have the heart to tell him you’ve seen Iron Man a dozen of times. In truth he’s never had freedom like this, he’s never had the luxury to go out to an aquarium or watch movies to his heart’s content. It was in the middle of the second movie when he let out a small yawn, you looked over to him taking note of his glossy eyes following the movie.

“Y/n,” he spoke suddenly not dragging his eyes away from the TV, you could see a light flush of crimson under his cheeks now, “Can I put my head on your lap?”

You nodded your head watching him smile widely as he shimmied to lay down and let out a sigh in content. What you by surprise if when he searched around for your hand, “Can you pet me again like you did last night?”

He placed your hand down on his head of hair and you quickly understood what he meant. Jungkook’s ears twitched whenever you got too close to their base and you weren’t sure if it was a good sign or not. While watching the movie you let your hand trail further down to the nape of his neck and twisted a few short hairs around your fingers and he was shaking his foot. Suddenly he turned in your hold, face centimeters away from your stomach and you gasped, “I like when you touch me.”

He what? You ignored the sudden race of your heart beat as you cleared your throat, “So, uh, what made you get all these tattoos?”

“Do you not like them?” He asked, corners of his lips threatening to sag at the notion as he looked at you with saddened eyes. You shook your head, “No! I mean, no it’s not like that. I like them, a lot actually, I just wanted to know when you decided to get them all done and how.”

He pushed his face into your shirt, seeming to take a deep inhale if your lavender scent that managed to calm his growing nerves. You continued to run your fingers through his hair, “I’m sorry, you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.”

He sniffed again, mmm you smell so good. Your stomach tensed as he pressed further in before sighing, “My last owner, before you, she was this older woman I had when I was seventeen. She had a lot of money and often times would throw these big parties and invite all her rich friends. She used to… she always showed me off, saying how perfect I look. How strong and tall I am. She’d show me off to her friends and tell them how much of a good boy I was and how I looked like a doll.”

He stopped for a second as if remembering and you debated telling him he didn’t have to continue if he didn’t want to. Unfortunately you were already getting a picture. He went on swallowing the lump in his throat, “I was always clean. She’d parade me around, call me her doll and admire my complexion. She wasn’t very nice when we were alone though. She always made me do things I didn’t like… She would leave marks on me and tell me she liked how pure I looked and only she could touch me like this.”

“Koo—“ “Anyway I got tired of it and one day I went out on my own after curfew, met this jaguar hybrid who did tattoos underground and I met up with him. I got most done in one go, I didn’t get back till the next morning and when she saw what I did she kicked me out. It made me realize that I liked being able to control what I looked like even if it meant someone would get mad so I couldn’t stop doing changes on myself. When the facility found me they gave me a good beating for what I did and didn’t feed me for a few days.”

Oh my god. You couldn’t stop your heart from breaking. Poor Jungkook. He wasn’t even an adult yet. He went through so much and you had absolutely no idea what that was like. Without thinking you let your hand rest on his cheek as you leaned down and planted a soft kiss on his temple. He bit into his bottom lip, never having you so close like that and he couldn’t stop the tear drop from slipping. You simply wiped it away and kissed his forehead next, “I can’t even imagine what you’ve gone through Bun.”

His heart did a surprising leap at the small term of endearment as he let his eyes fall shut feeling your hand caress his cheek. You smiled down at him, “I want you to know that whether you decide to stay or someday leave my side I will always be your friend. No matter what.”

Things were changing between you. In the week that followed he recited his paperwork and now it meant he could legally find a job. You helped him find something related to art and just your luck you found a hybrid tattoo shop looking for apprentices. With class and work you had limited time with him still but you tried your best to hang out with him as much as you could.

You never knew rabbit hybrids to be so clingy though. Whenever you were home Jungkook was right there by your side, nuzzling his nose into your neck from behind, nibbling on your palm when you caressed his face, getting possessive when Yoongi and Jimin would come over. Last night he even tried convincing you to let him sleep in your bed with you.

Tonight Namjoon and Taehyung came over. Namjoon was happy Jungkook was being treated well and was able to be on his own sometimes. You called him your roommate now. The four of you were drinking now.

“Come on Y/n, you gotta do what the I say!” Taehyung whined as he pulled on your arm oblivious to the harsh glare Jungkook was sending him. Taehyung smiled cutely at you as he scooted closer. He was your friend too and had been so excited when Namjoon asked him to tag along. Of course he’d come! He’d get to see you and maybe your new friend Jungkook would want to be his friend too! What wasn’t there to like about coming over?

“I’m game master and I say Y/n has to pet my ears whenever I want!” He said, long tiger tail swaying behind him, trickling up your arm. Rolling your eyes you nodded, “Fine, okay.” He leaned into you, smiling softly when he was face to face with you and purring when you did as told.

Jungkook just sat back and watched. He didn’t like it. He didn’t like this feeling growing in his chest making it ache. He did not like that you were touching Taehyung like that. You should only touch him like that, he was your bunny no matter what the documents said anymore. Before he could stop himself he was rising, not sparing a second glance as he stormed off to his room. Your brows furrowed watching him, what’s wrong? You rose to go after him when Namjoon spoke, “I think we should call it a night.”

When you went to object he was already forcing Taehyung off you. He must’ve known something you didn’t. Hell, he was aware of something not even Jungkook could pinpoint. You followed after him when the two left. He was pacing around in his room, ears shot straight, walking back and forth nibbling on his teething stick to soothe him. He looked over to you when he smelled you approaching first. He’s always been sensitive to your scent first. He marched up to you and without thinking he walked around you.

What was wrong with him? He couldn’t understand why he just got so upset right now. He’s the one who lives with you, he’s the one who gets to see you every day. He’s the one who gets pet by you every day. He knows he’s got a special place in your heart so why was he so bothered by Taehyung and you tonight? He knows he can get back rubs and pets whenever he wants so why was he annoyed that you’d been paying attention to Taehyung instead of him. You couldn’t understand what was happening right now. He was walking around you in circles, feet thumping, fluffy tail twitching every now and then. You could see a small dribble of spit from the corner of his mouth as he gnawed on the teething stick in thought. You had to stick an arm out and stop him, “Are you feeling okay?”

He looked to you abruptly, he almost forgot you were there. And when he looked at you he suddenly grew embarrassed. The stick fell from his lips and he was shaking his head, “Sorry, I’m not feeling well. I-I think I should go to bed.”

“Do you need to take anything?” You asked and he shook his head. When you made a move to leave he surprised you by wrapping his arms around you, “Can I maybe sleep with you tonight? I promise I won’t hog the blanket.”

“Kook… I don’t know,” you looked away from him making him pout trying to win you over with big innocent eyes.

“Please? I-I just want to spend some more time with you,” he nuzzled his face into your neck feeling himself relax inhaling your scent. You smelled so good, your skin was so soft and he couldn’t get enough of it. Giving in you let follow you to your room and motioned for him to go ahead and lay down on one side. The second you were in the bed he was pulling you toward him. You wanted to argue but didn’t have the heart to. Instead you let him cling to your side, nose brushing against the flesh of your neck and ears hitting your face repeatedly. He was eager almost and after the last swipe of his ear against your eye you were whining, “Jungkook!”

He pulled away only to sniff your hair, rub his nose against your cheek, lead his hand around your waist. He was overthinking again. How was he supposed to compete with all the other men in your life? You already had Yoongi and Namjoon. On top of that you had Jimin now who was just as obsessed with your pets as Taehyung. He imagined all the other men in your life too and he couldn’t stop himself from blurting out, “Y/n, why haven’t I seen any lover of yours?”

If you had been drinking something you were positive you’d be spitting it back out right now. You turned in his arms and he took the opportunity to scoot even closer to you. His large rabbit feet rubbing against yours. You didn’t know what to say. It’s not that you didn’t date or haven’t dated in the past. Oh you’ve dated alright but you’ve been so busy lately it hasn’t been at the top of your mind. The last guy you dated was a couple months ago and it wasn’t a serious relationship. A few dates here and there, a few hook ups too. You just shrugged your shoulders, hand rising to his hair and running your fingers through the fluffy locks, “Why don’t you go to sleep?”

By morning he’d woken up to the usual empty apartment. You had class early mornings so he spent them typically alone. What he didn’t anticipate for the morning was waking up in cold sweat. His hair was stiff against his forehead, his body felt unbelievably hot and he kicked your sheets away. It felt as if he couldn’t move without making a hiss and when he looked down he understood why. A large tent was formed under his shorts and just the thought of you possibly seeing that was enough for him to groan out loud in annoyance.

It doesn’t take much for him to be pulling his pants up to see the damage, a large erect cock staring back at him.

Jungkook exhaled deeply though his nostrils as he gives in and let’s his hand trail down his stomach. It slipped under the waistband of his shorts to see the damage and lo and behold he was unbelievably hard. With his lip pulled between his bunny teeth he looked around cautiously to make sure he was really alone before being his hand around the thickness of his erection. His response was almost immediate. When was the last time he did this again? Definitely not since he moved in with you. Curiously he began slowly rubbing his hand against his member, rolling the length around, rougher now as if to catch a good feel. His face turned to the side inhaling the scent of your pillow without thinking much on it and with his leaking precum he began to massage himself harder over his briefs, back-and-forth, up-and-down motions that made his chest tighten. The tingling heat of pleasure making his toes curl around the edges of your blanket. He’d practically forgotten where he was.

It doesn’t take him long for his breath to hitch, for him to start panting and rock into his hand with rolls of his hips that make his heart flutter. It didn’t take long for his imagination to take him to you. His pretty owner. No, scratch that. He didn’t have an owner. His pretty own human. Mmm, yes that’s it. You were his person, not his owner, his friend. And he wasn’t thinking so nicely about his friend at the moment. He dips his hand beneath the waistband and—fuck—he’s forgotten how good it feels when he plays with his cock. He moans shallowly, quietly into the sheets as he strokes the length of his cock. The slick drag of a thumb up the vein along the side and circling around his angry mushroom tip rubbing the precum around makes him shudder until his toes curl, his back arching into a bend as he bucks into his hand now.

He can’t believe he’s doing this in your bed… and he’d be lying if he said that didn’t add on to the excitement. You were the nicest person he’d ever met. You treated him so well and he was free with you. You were pretty too, oh so pretty that his eyes couldn’t help but follow the curves of your hips when you walked or steal glances at the small rounded mounded of your nipples when you went braless. The little shorts you wore sometimes that left little to the imagination about how tempting your body was to any prying eyes. And oh was he always prying. Not like it mattered though, he wondered if you’d dress so provocative if you didn’t see him as just some rabbit hybrid.

It made him wonder of what you’d think seeing him in your bed like this, his hand in his pants stroking his heavy dick to the thought of you. Would you see him as a man then? He let his eyes fall over his surroundings, he had slept in your bed. With you in his arms sleeping on the pillow next to his. The pillow… Reluctantly dropping his cock he reaches for the pillow that you’d drooled onto from your night’s sleep. He pulls it beneath him and pushes himself quickly above it, sighing when he pulls his erection from the slit of his boxers, curved upwards and so painstakingly hard. He runs a quick hand down his cock to his heavy balls with the boxers tight beneath, humming at the thought of what he was going to do. Dropping to hug the pillow to his chest, his knees braced into the mattress, and his legs splayed behind him.

Jungkook’s mouth slips open at the rough drag of cotton against his cock as he slides it where pillow meets mattress, his teeth scraping across the t-shirt you’d half hazard of thrown off this morning inhaling your sweet scent yet again. He thrusts his hips once and—oh, fuck Y/n—squeezes his eyes shut at the pleasure, a mischievous giggle bursting from his lips, loud in the quiet of morning. He imagined you walking in right now, possibly forgetting your textbook, or no your laptop? Walking into your bedroom, seeing your usually timid and aloof bunny with his back arching, ass flexing as he moves his hips all over your bed. It’s enough to hump as wildly as he needs to in order to find some well needed release. He hadn’t realized how tense he’d been .

It doesn’t take long for the feeling to build, pleasure to make his balls tight and draw up as he moves too eager to rut into your innocent pillow like it was some needy bitch in heat. Fuck, what he’d do to be back at the facility right now. He’d have a line of pretty little does ready to breed. But instead of Stella, or Belle, they were all you. All you taking every rough inch of his cock into your tight walls. The thought has him growling low into the mattress in mixed spikes of pleasure and pain, the dry scratch of fabric against his sensitive cock. He imagined what you’d look like with a rounded belly carrying his kits. He’d make sure to suckle on your breasts so his babies will have no problem finding something to eat and he’d make sure to nibble on every part of your body if you let him. Would you let him fuck your tits like he fucked this pillow?


He slams his hips down, a strangled sound ripping from his throat, and his whole body just goes rigid collapsing down onto the bed. His muscles unable to keep him up but still, he hasn’t came yet. He grinds his swollen cock between pillow and mattress, grinds and grinds, painfully aware of the sticky precum soaking the material the closer he gets to coming. A stretch of whines slides through the air, his mouth slack.

“Y/n please,” he babbles into the mattress, voice tight and pleas nonsensical, “Please—fuck—I just—just—fuck—”

He can’t take it anymore. There’s no rhythm to his hips now, rutting uneven thrusts until finally releases with a sharply arched back, hips jutting, twitching, as he pumps a disgusting amount of cum, soaking the sheets, your pillow with it. He bites his lip to quiet himself, huffs and rocks his hips shallowly through the jerks of his orgasm, until the fierce intensity of it simmers. He drops himself on the bed staring down at his mess. Fuck.

Well, you weren’t supposed to be back till later. He’d have the whole house to himself until he had to catch the bus to go down to the tattoo shop. He pulled the ruined pillow into him, a deep inhale of your lavender scent and his release making his eyes roll back. He had hours until he needed to get ready, so maybe a nap with your ruined possessions wouldn’t hurt? He’d shove them into the washer when he’s up again.

“I’m just saying, when’s the last time you went out,” your boss, Jin, asked as he helped with inventory today. You were currently unpacking boxes of new vinyls to put up and he was logging them into the system. You resisted the urge to roll your eyes at him. You didn’t feel a tie to him as a boss any more than as a friend because frankly you both knew you didn’t really need this job. Your parents paid for schooling along with living expenses so the only reason you ever applied to the bookstore was for something to do over the summer. Jin likes to think you enjoyed his company so much you never left. It was just easier to afford to spoil Jungkook when you had a source of income on your own no matter how small.

Still, your boss lacked a sense of professionalism at times and it was partly because of the fact you had become friends. Jin was a few years older than you, he was a businessman. He owned tons of little properties here and there and this store was one of them. It specialized in book and music sales, which were slowly coming back with the newer generation wanting to have something vintage so they say. And today was inventory that’s why you’d rushed over to the store as soon as possible. Jin went on, “Let’s get some drinks, talk about the lack of fucks you give—or have, discuss your bunny boy, and who knows maybe we’ll both get lucky and find someone to take home.”

“First of all, don’t call Jungkook bunny boy,” this time you did roll your eyes, “Second, are you crazy? I can’t bring someone home, what would Jungkook think?”

You thought back to what he’d asked you last night. If you had any lovers and it made you cringe. You were going to respect Jungkook’s presence and when the time came to find someone you could only hope they had your bunny’s personality and—well, everything else. Obviously Jungkook was attractive, hell he’s been catcalled on the streets more than you, but you also know how previous owners had treated him. And even if you’d never hurt him like that you weren’t sure how he’d feel over his former owner-turned roommate and your attraction toward him. It’s better to just avoid the topic entirely.

“First of all, I like bunnies so I don’t see the problem in it,” Jin rolled his eyes back as he grabbed the box cutter and slashed through another box of vinyls, “Second, fine. Don’t bring anyone over but you can easily go to someone else’s place. Please Y/n! Just a couple of drinks, you know I don’t have friends.”

“Fine! Fine!” You gave in, “But I’m gonna stay on the clock.”

“Of course you are.”

“Jungkook!” He turned instantly as his mentor, Hoseok, called out to him, “Are you feeling okay? You seem a bit off today.”

He nodded his head scared he’d get in trouble. In truth he wasn’t feeling okay. He was hot and sweaty and he couldn’t think of anything but you. Maybe this morning was a mistake. If he hadn’t done what he did he probably wouldn’t be feeling so damn hot right now. He can’t remember the last time he had symptoms of a heat that wasn’t taken care of immediately. That was the only thing the bastards at the facility were good for, maintain heat cycles for breeding just to grow their industry.

“Just hot,” he murmured as he continued to outline a cleaner sketch of his with the light table. He’s been so happy you found this apprenticeship for him. Hoseok already told him once he gets his license he’ll have a spot in this shop! He’d be able to cover rent so you went end your lease and maybe buy you something nice for thanks. Haha wouldn’t it be funny if he bought you bunny ears to match with his own? You’d be like his own pretty little doe, would you be as eager as one?

“Yeah you don’t look so good,” Hoseok laughed as he sat across from him eyeing the sketch, “Take it easy today, okay?”

A little later in the day Jungkook was ready to call it. Usually if you were free you’d come and pick him up or else he’d ride the bus. Just as he was finishing up he’d received a text.

you: hey I’ll be home a little late today, lmk if u need me to send any $ for dinner :)

Sigh, an afternoon without you in the worst of moments.

You did end up going for drinks with Jin. You forgot how fun it was to hang out with him so you got carried away in his presence. You didn’t drink really but you both snacked and honestly it had been enough. You were completely unaware of the way Jungkook couldn’t seem to keep in one spot. His member stiffening under his clothes but he kept pushing that thought away. If you were to get home any second he wouldn’t want you to catch him in the act anymore. After washing your things he’d felt unbelievably guilty and he imagined the look of horror on your face if you’d actually seen it.

Instead he paced back and forth in the house waiting for you to come home. Maybe just being with you would be enough, for now. He’s scared that if he told you it was his heat you’d send him off to some heat hotel. Since moving in with you he hasn’t thought of any other woman and he’d like to remain celibate unless you were the change.

What he didn’t expect as he paced by the door was for his ears to catch onto the numerous voices upon your arrival.

‘I had fun tonight, even for an old man you can still be fun I guess’ your voice was clear as day from the other side of the door and it had his foot thumping. He just didn’t like what you were saying. Who were you talking to? What fun did you have?

‘Shut up, it’s not my fault you’re barely at the drinking age,’ the man had spoken with a laugh that only filled Jungkook up with possessiveness. Who the hell was that and why was he talking to you like that? ‘Plus, you’re the one who wanted to call it a ni—‘

The door swung open, Jungkook standing directly behind you, hand sneaking around your waist flat against your stomach as he drew you back into him. You smiled back at him unaware of the darkness in his eyes as he stared at your boss, “Jungkook this is—“

He didn’t even let you finish as he dragged you inside and slamming the door in Jin’s face. Your jaw dropped and as you went to go open it Jungkook held you in his arms nuzzling his face into your neck and sniffing. You smelled disgusting. Like another man, he always worked so hard to keep you from smelling like any other hybrid and Yoongi that he was not going to let you come home smelling like that stranger. A stranger he had noticed who was unbelievably handsome with no tail and no pointed ears in his hair, maybe that was your type. An ordinary, all genetically human male. The thought made him growl against your neck.

Jin just laughed, “Right!” He shouted through the door as you fought to get to it, “I’ll just see you tomorrow! It was nice to finally meet you Jungkook!”

Finally? His ears perked up as he listened in on descending footsteps before glaring over at you. Had you been lying to him? Had you been letting him believe he was the most important in your life? That this whole time your heart had belonged elsewhere and he’d been stupidly waiting for the day you’d see him as something other than a fucking rabbit who needs to be taken care of?

“What is your problem!” You shoved back just enough for him to move and he was glaring at you, “That’s my boss! You didn’t have to be so rude.”

He only huffed picking up your fallen jacket and trudging along into your bedroom without another word. You followed after him, a little angry but also, horrifyingly a little turned on. You knew he was big but wow, to just pick you up like that and drag you back? And the sound he’d made when he pulled you into him? And the dark look in his eyes that had your thighs clenching a little? You’d never seen him act like this, you’d only heard about his behavioral problems but he’d been sweet to you since you’d understood each other better. This wasn’t like when you first met him and he was rude because he wanted nothing to do with you. No, this had everything to do to you and as you followed him and found him digging around your things and dropping them onto your bed in a fit of rage you couldn’t lie and say this wasn’t making you a little hor—

No! Stop! This is Jungkook. Your poor old hybrid who’d been through so much that you couldn’t imagine ever hurting him! Maybe Jin was getting to your head too. Maybe you should just find someone to fu— “Hey!” You shouted watching him dig into your hamper and pull out an old t-shirt, “What are you doing?”

“What I should have done in the beginning,” he said pulling his shirt off. Your eyes nearly bulged, had you seriously never seen this man without a shirt? The small peak of abdomen you’d caught when you first saw him was nothing compared to the full thing. Taut muscles adorning his front with a muscular back covered in body art. Small scars here and there that you surprisingly just wanted to kiss and— “Get on the bed.”

And you were moving without thought jumping into the middle of the nest he’d made around you until he was standing in front of you, lip pulled between his teeth and unzipping the front of his jeans. That’s what had your eyes nearly bulging out of their sockets, “W-wait! What is going on?”

You moved to get up but he simply crawled onto the bed nearing you, “I’m going to show what happens to bad little does who come home smelling like other men.”

When his words processed through your head it was almost instant. The sudden realization of all the articles explaining how high maintenance rabbit hybrids are and why. Bad little doe? Did he just— you looked back to him, his dark eyes shamelessly eyeing you up and down under him almost ready to eat you up and you finally understood, “Jungkook, I-is this… are you going through your heat?”

You pushed him back ready to hop off the bed, “Fuck I’m so sorry. Oh fuck okay what do we do? Do I get you medicine? Do you want me to take you somewhere? Is there anyone you can call for help?”

He shut you up with a light shove making your fall back onto the bed and he was hovering over you now, “You do not own me anymore so you don’t get to choose what I do.”

“I wasn’t, I—“ a light gasp slipped from your lips. He was warm, soft lips meeting yours with tender yet eagerly as your gasp allowed him to deepen the kiss before you could process.

“Wanna know what I think?” Jungkook pulls a away hesitantly, his nose able to pick up the scent of arousal from you which had him salivating, “I think you’re only seeing me as a pet still. Not a man.”

“Jungkook,” you start, “You’re not thinking straight okay? I just want to help you.”

“You want to help me?” Jungkook chuckled dryly beginning to scent your neck again in comfort, “Then tell me how you feel. I can smell how eager you are. You want this too.”

His broad chest rises and falls rapidly, his pupils so dilated that his irises are almost black. “I want you,” he hisses, and kisses just under your jaw, ears perking up when you make a strange whimper low in your throat and still.

“Tell me to stop and I will,” he sighed into you as his hands unable to stop themselves began roaming down the sides of your body tugging at your clothes. He was more undressed than you were, burning hot to the touch and it scared you. Mostly because the pool in your legs was getting bigger. Your silence made him even more curious, tempted to see if and when you’d tell him to stop, possibly kick him out. You were panting now as a soft hand slips under your shirt, palming your skin until here found the edge of your bra. Should you be allowing this? Maybe he’d regret it all once his heat dies down. Maybe you should just go get him medicine. With innocent rounded eyes he looked into yours as he let his hand slip under your bra finding a nipple and pinching lightly but enough to make you yelp.

“Are you sure?” You ask surprising yourself by bucking under him. “You’re a big bunny, I’m sure we can find you a doe hybrid that can he—.”

Jungkook shoves off the bed, hand covering his face as his ears curl down over his face almost like a shield, “Fuck, I was stupid to think you’d want me too. Can’t you see how crazy I am about you? Just the thought of you and another man drives me fucking insane. Don’t you get that? No other woman has had me so shaken up before.”

You were sitting up, fixing your shirt and bra in the process cheeks flushed red as you pressed your thigh together, “Jungkook I—listen…” you took a deep breath deciding to be honest, “I like you, a lot, a-and I don’t want us to do something you’ll regret with your heat wears off.”

Jungkook’s growling grows louder before he exhales carefully, “I don’t like you Y/n, I love you. You are the only person to ever show much such tenderness and love. I tried to tell myself I was in over my own head but I want to be with you. That’s why I wanted those papers signed. I wanted you to see me as an equal that you could love.”

“But I would’ve loved you no matter what,” you told him, sitting on your knees now, hands on his bare shoulders looking down at the tattoos. He turned back to you, breath hitching at your touch that had his body reacting more than he would’ve liked, “Please.” His eyes shut relishing in your touch not understanding what he was begging for, “I need you so bad.”

And you gave in. Your lips crashing over his and he was quick to twist back to face you tugging off your shirt until it fell into the nest he created around you in a fit of anger. You gasped as he kissed down your neck, drool pooling on your skin trailing down to your bra. He quickly unclamped it, your pheromones blocking his senses telling him he just needed to be inside you. Still, he wanted to be good for you too. He lifted you up enough to turn you onto your stomach, tugging on your shorts and yanking them down your legs. You squealed when he took your underwear too adding it to the pile around you. His eyes nearly rolled back at the sight of your naked body so submissive under him. He couldn’t help but rut against your behind, the roughness of the jean catching you off guard.

He gripped your hips as he began to kiss along your vertebre shimmying himself down, scenting you and letting your arousal lead him to where you needed him most. The hands on your hips lifted them up enough to have your back arch with your pretty ass up and in his face.

With no time to tease he was quick to press his face into your heat surprising you and you can’t help but rut back onto Jungkook’s sloppy tongue as he lapped at you wetness. It’s good, so good that you start whimpering, squeezing your eyes shut and gasping when globs of Jungkook’s spit slide down your thighs as you fucked yourself back onto his tongue, “Kook.”

His nails were digging into the flesh of your ass, thrusting his face into your heat, the only thing in his mind as you wriggled your hips against him, yespleasemoremoremore.

Jungkook opens you wider, drooling as much as you and all around is that scent, your unbelievably delicious scent of lavender and arousal that he had to think about day and night since he came to you.

Abruptly the bunny backs off, though not before licking one last time, slow and lingering, and pressing his hand firmly between your shaking thighs before hand is gone, and when you move to chase that impending high Jungkook grabs at the softness of your thighs and pulls them even further apart.

Before you could react he drops down to press close along your back in reply to your submission, nuzzling into your neck, his body curved perfectly along yours.

“Look at what a good doe you are,” Jungkook mumbles against your skin as he licks a stripe up the back of your neck, “Are you ready bunny? Ready for me to fill you up, make you all big and round with my kits?”

Fuck. Shit. Uh oh. Your head shoots up as you look over to your nightstand. Did you have condoms? Fuck, no you didn’t. You were ready to tell him that you don’t have protection but as your head turned in time for his lips to capture yours in a needy kiss you had a thought. Jungkook wants to breed. No, needs to breed. It’s quite literally in his DNA to breed and yet here you were stressing over a condom. You could tell him to pull out but the way he made out with you and began a slow grind of his cock along your butt you highly doubted that’d satisfy him. Maybe on a regular day it would but definitely not while he was in heat.

Then he growls again, unhappy with your lack of response so you do what you could and try and snake an arm behind you to grab his cock. You couldn’t get pregnant but you were on birth control and hopefully with a trip to the pharmacy tomorrow you’ll be fine. “I can’t wait anymore baby,” he moaned becoming much more aggressive humping you, “Please, can I f-fuck you.”

“Kook!” You nodded eagerly feeling the need to be filled by his thick cock. Maybe in the future you could wrap your lips around his fat tip, “Fuck me bunny.”

And with that he was lining himself in, teasing your entrance gathering slick to lube his member and you feel the tip of his cock catch on slit and then, without further warning, plunge into you. The bunny has stopped pressing his nose into your neck, and his fingers dig bruises on your hips as he drives into you, fucking you nearly in half with the force of each thrust. He looked strong, but feeling that strength like this is far different than any man you’d slept with in the past.

He wasn’t doing any better. His past heat partner were all hybrids or those trashy owners of his. Though he was able to breed and cum to his heart’s content he’d never felt such pleasure. Such warmth and tightness from your walls. He let a hand slip under you, grasping at your tits groping them and rolling the nipples in his fingertips. He was a groaning mess, drool slipping from the sides of his mouth and his teeth and gums ache.

His heavy body covers yours while keeping down, pinned, stuttering out nonsense in bliss, “P-pl—Y/n—s-so good to me…”

In any other situation you’d probably be grossed out at the sight, at the sounds but you were delirious with the sensation of his cock, long but fat where you want it to be, thick enough that it burns in the best way. Each time Jungkook pulls out only to slam back in, the sound is loud and slick. 

Once, he pulls out all the way and rubs the outer layer of your clit watching a whispered please,a slip from your lips and he groans before fucking back into you, but not before you feel how much his cock is leaking. Holy shit he was ready to burst. His actions from this morning doing nothing to subdue the need to fill you up.

Every thrust pushes you forward a little, and you claw at the sheets arching your back in helpless pleasure, lifting your hips to meet his harsh thrusts while the hand on your tits continues its assault. With your hips now fucking back onto him it gives him enough leverage to sneak his free hand under you back to your clit letting you do the work now.

You can’t even be surprised when the feeling of teeth press into your neck like they’d done so many times before but this time it was different. It was hungrier.

“I’m gonna fill you up so good,” He groans, nibbling on your neck revealing the ache in his gums, and the next second his rhythm falters he’s letting go, pumping you full of sticky heat. And you tightened your stomach and your cunt, forcing yourself not to cum with him. You can’t. Not without protection. The bunny hybrid shudders over you, but he doesn’t pull out, doesn’t move away, and then his hand is sliding into your core whilst his cock slips out trying to plug up your hole but it was useless. It was dribbling out and he was rubbing your clit to chase your release. With a final wiggle of your hips you were unable to hold back anymore, releasing on his hand with a loud whine slipping from your lips.

Your eyes widen at the sudden feel against your thigh as he turned you over again, his cock is hardening again and without another word he’s plunging inside you, stretching you wide even as cum oozes out from your spent cunt. He’s smiling mischievously impaling you on the entirety of his cock as you shudder while he captures yours lips in his for a moment before whispering into your mouth, “Need to make sure you’re full” he coos, and starts moving again, “Please love, just tonight. Please.”

You nod, too fucked out to care as Jungkook keeps you on an endless edge, a wave of pleasure that leaves you feeling raw and trembling, more so each time he buries his cock deep and cums, filling you again and again. 

With the slip of his cock out of your overstimulated hole you release, panting out of breath as you just lay there taking it all in.

Something soft brushes against you. One of Jungkook’s ears, drooping down as he leans over you nosing at your jaw and chin, “I’m sorry Y/n, I’m so sorry.”

And his high was calm for now, now all he felt was guilt. This isn’t how he wanted it to go. He didn’t want to be so rough and eager and hungry. He wanted to be soft with you and loving and tender. He failed. He acted on impulse from seeing you with Jin and he failed to keep his composure. A stupid bunny. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

But you were kissing the tip of hide nose, running your fingers through his hair and guiding him to sit up, “Shhh, it’s okay Bun. Why don’t you help me get cleaned up?”

When you tried to leave the nest he was yanking you back, shaking his head nervously. No please don’t leave him. He’s sorry. He promises not to be so rough. Please just stay.

With a bite of your lips you let him hug you, hearing light sniffles and you were grabbing one of the shirts off the pile, using it to clean yourself, trying to clean him up to.

“Please don’t leave me, I’m sorry,” he cried trying to scent you, “I promise I won’t behave like this again, pl—“

Your lips were on his, kissing him so carefully and he hated how it made his cock twitch threatening to come to life yet again. And he hated that you noticed because your brows furrowed, “I won’t leave you. But we need to get protection if we’re going to handle your heat.”

No! “B-b-but, but I wan breed y—“ he stopped. The look in your eye telling him to stop. His ears droop over his face in shame but he nods, “Okay.”

“Come here, why don’t we get cleaned and we can go to the store together?” You asked cautiously shimmying toward the edge of the bed with him following suit. It made you giggle how now it seemed he was the submissive one, clinging to your hand praying you don’t disappear and chasing you into the shower.

Everything was going to be okay. He was going to be okay because you loved him and he loved you. That was all he’d ever wanted.


Hey y’all it’s been a minute huh

anyways first time writing a hybrid fic and I had absolutely no idea what I was doing so bare with me

I’ll add a word count later :p

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4 years ago

Saved pt.4

Cat!Jimin x Brat Bunny!Jungkook x Human!Reader

part 1      part 2   part 3      part 5     part 6       part 7


Warnings- Swearing


Bit of drama/angst

Y/N= Your name L/N= Your last name F/N= Your first name

Authors note- Part 4 is out yay <3 Thank you guys for all the support. Sorry for any grammar errors

Summary ~  Y/N comes home one day to find that her apartment has been robbed, scared of it ever happening again she decides to adopt hybrids Jimin and Jungkook


“Get your filthy hands off her” Jimin said as he pushed Calvin to the ground

“What the fuck?! Don’t touch me you dirty cat” Calvin said as he stood back up

Jungkook stood up sending glares at Calvin

What the heck is happening right now?! I thought as I was froze on the spot but I was broken from it as I heard Calvin’s voice

“I’m going to call my lawyer and get you and your little bunny friend sent back to whatever hole you came from” Calvin said in a mocking tone

I glanced over at Jungkook and Jimin and it looked like they were about to pounce on him

Just when I thought I would get a break, this Calvin guy comes in and messes everything up, time to put my acting skills to the test

I put a hand on Calvin’s shoulder as he looked at me

“I’m sorry for how they are acting” I said putting on a fake smile

“I just got them so they are a little on edge right now” I let out a fake laugh as Jimin and Jungkook’s faces were pure shock

Calvin scoffed “Hmph, well you’re lucky i’m such a nice guy” 

I was two seconds away from smacking that smirk off his stupid flat face. But the other guy that came with him finished putting the furniture in Jungkook’s room and said that they were leaving

“Well, have a great rest of your day!” I said slamming the door as they stepped outside

I let out a huge sigh 

“What a fucking day” 

I plopped on the couch as Jimin and Jungkook stared at me with huge eyes I wasn’t very sure if they were mad at me or not because they just stood there

“I’m sorry guys..” I said rubbing my forehead

“I-If I knew that was going to happen I wouldn’t of even ordered from that stupid furniture place.”

Jimin seemed to be happy with that because he ran over to me and gave me a great big hug as he rubbed his face on my neck

Jungkook scoffed as he left the living room I heard him mutter something under his breath but all I could make out was “stupid......girl”

I sighed 

“Oh wait, I was supposed to go to the mall with you guys today!” I said looking over at the clock

4 o’clock it’s still early!

“Really?” Jimin said I could barely make it out though because his face was in my neck

“Mhm” I say getting up as Jimin moves away a little disappointed that he couldn’t cuddle with you more but he didn’t really mind

Jungkook emerged from his room ready to go

I smiled a little bit as I unlocked the door and made my way to my car as Jungkook and Jimin followed close behind me

When I arrived at the hybrid mall Jimin was radiating off his excitement

Geez, I wish I was this excited every time I went shopping  

As we entered the mall I was surprised at how crowded it was today 

“Stay close to me I don’t want you to get lost” I say and they both nod

We walked around some stores a bit as Jimin and Jungkook picked out some things

Gosh it’s been forever since i’ve been here I thought as I suddenly remembered that last time I came here there was this amazing candy shop

“Wait guys, there's this great shop that I want to show you” I said as theirs faces were painted with curiosity

I lead the way as I remember and I couldn’t hide my smile thinking of all the yummy candies and treats

When I went into store that was supposed to be filled with yummy candies and treats I was met with something different

“Y/N? I didn’t know you were into this stuff” Jimin says smirking

My face flushed a bright pink as I stared in the store in front of me

Sweet Desires 

Instead of candys there was toys for hybrids and humans, and not the innocent kind

“Y/N...So this is your favorite store” Jimin said in a teasing tone

“NO!” I basically screamed pulling them out of the store as I sat down onto a bench putting my face in my hands

God damn it now they think i’m some sort of sex freak! I thought as I heard Jimin laughing

I peeked through my hands as I saw Jimin bellowing with laughter I glanced over at Jungkook who had a light blush on his face 

“T-This was a misunderstanding!” I say to them as Jimin continues laughing as I groan loudly

“Is that what you also like to do Y/N?” Jimin says smacking his thigh

“SHUT UP!” I say as Jungkook starts laughing 

I swear these two are going to be the death of me


@ littlewolfieposts   @ forevermoremagcon @ madygswich @ jeonkooksgirl @bubbletaetaesstuff​

Tags :
4 years ago

Saved pt.7

Cat!Jimin x Brat Bunny!Jungkook x Human!Reader

part 1     part 2      part 3     part 4   part 5    part 6 


Warnings- Swearing, Attempted sexual harassment < -- (please note that it says attempted), mention of drugs <-- not rlly tho



Y/N= Your name L/N= Your last name F/N= Your first name

Authors note- Enjoy part 7 c; Love you all <3 If you’re confused about Taehyung, Taehyung is Y/N’s boss aka Mr.Kim (;  (Just ask if you want to be added to the tag list!)

Summary ~  Y/N comes home one day to find that her apartment has been robbed, scared of it ever happening again she decides to adopt hybrids Jimin and Jungkook


I gulped nervously as I hear a familiar horse voice answer the phone,

"Hello?" Calvin spoke clearly annoyed at whoever was bothering him on his lunch break,

"H-Hello, Is this Calvin?" I say trying to stable my breathing and sound as calm as I could,

"Yes? Who is this?" Calvin responds 

"U-Um this is Y/N-" Calvin cut me off before I could continue my sentence,

"Y/N?" He says the tone of his voice changing instantly,

"Y-Yeah," I say clearing my throat,

"I was wondering when you would call me," He states as I gag at his cocky voice,

"Are you free today?" I ask my voice shaky,

"Why?" He questions,

"I-I was thinking that maybe you and I could go on a d-date?" I say as I hear Calvin chuckle lowly,

"Of course..." He says

"There's this really nice restaurant that I know, I can send you the address?" I ask as I hear him hum,

"See you then." He says as I end the call, sighing loudly and leaning into the leather loveseat in the office break room,

"So?" Seokjin questions as I take in a deep breath

"He said yes," I say texting Calvin the address and time as he responds with a winking face,

"Don't worry Y/N, it's just a date..." Seokjin says as he notices how anxious I am,

"I know.. But I somehow have to convince him to take back his complaint about Jimin,"  I respond worried.

I stand up abruptly

"We should get back to work, don't want Mr. Kim to nag on us," I say trying to brighten up the sour mood,

The rest of the day drags on,

"Y/N, if he does anything funny call me and I'll be there in a heartbeat," Seokjin says as we step out of the large building,

I give him a small smile "Thanks Seokjin, You're the best," I say hugging him,

As I made my way to my car, I felt my blood run cold at the feeling of going on a date with Calvin,

Jimin, Just think of Jimin I thought as I unlocked my car and hurried home.

Opening the door to my apartment I glanced around only to find that Jimin and Jungkook were nowhere to be found.

Shit! Did the shelter people come early?! I thought as I hastily tore off my shoes and sprinted over to Jimin's room first, deciding not to knock, I opened the door only to be met with the slight of Jimin napping on his bed, his soft tail wrapped around his leg,

I calmed down instantly and shut the door gently before turning around only to be met with the sight of a messy-haired Jungkook

"Jesus!" I said as I jump startled,

"You're home..." He spoke his voice hushed as he twiddled with his fingers,

"Y-Yeah," I said my eyes falling to the hardwood floor,

"Y/N, You're not going to let them take Jimin right?" Jungkook uttered as my eyes widened,

"Y-You know?!" I said my voice panicked,

"I heard what the man said that day," Jungkook said now staring straight at me,

I felt nervous not knowing how to respond to the brown-haired hybrid,

"You're not going to let them take Jimin right?" Jungkook spoke his soft timbre sounding more worried than before,

"Of course not!" I said my voice raising unintentionally,

Jungkook nods, his eyes landing on mine as I started to shuffle stiffly,

I was about to speak again until Jungkook turned around on his heels and made his way back to his room,

I stood there for a second to process what just happened until I realized that I still had to go on a date with Calvin,

I looked at the clock as it read 4:45 PM,

I decided to take a quick shower before getting ready,   

I sighed as I stepped out of the shower and made my way to the closet

I slipped on a plain red dress and made my hair look somewhat nice.

I felt uneasy as I looked at the clock and it read 5:54 PM,

As if on cue my phone dinged notifying me that a text came through,

"I'm Here"

I took a deep breath as I put on my short red heels, just as I was about to step out the door, I felt someone grab my wrist,

"Y/N? Where are you going?" I turned around to see a confused Jimin,

"J-Jimin?" I croaked out surprised at his presence,

"Where are you going?" Jimin repeated eyes raking over my body,

I knew that I couldn't tell Jimin that I was going on a date with Calvin so I spat out a "Dinner with a coworker"

Jimin stared at me for what seemed like an eternity, his piercing gaze made my knees tremble,

"Okay," He stated before letting go of my wrist and making his way back to his bedroom,

I felt meek at the thought of Jimin staring at me until a heard a car honk stating that Calvin was getting impatient,

I took a deep breath before grabbing my jacket as I stepped outside my apartment building,

As I stepped outside I felt a chill breeze hit me slightly calming my tense nerves,

I looked at the dark blue car that was parked outside as I walked over to it my heels clicking on the pavement,

I felt my hands shake as I gripped the car door before opening it and stepping in,

I was almost scared to turn my head but I forced myself to put on a fake smile as I greeted Calvin with a "Hello!" I said as he smirked, his obvious gawking made me shift uncomfortably 

"You look....nice," He said as he started driving,

"Thanks," I mumbled before looking over at him, I felt disgusted but I pushed it all down for Jimin's sake,

When we arrived at the restaurant, we went to our table and sat down, I realized that I didn't have an appetite so I ordered a simple salad and a glass of water,

"So, Y/N.." Calvin said as he sipped on his very expensive wine which made me cringe,

Much to my astonishment, the dinner wasn't as horrible as I thought it would be, Calvin seemed to be a decent guy, I hope that it'll be easy to convince him to take back his complaint,

After we both decided to split the check, as we stepped out of the restaurant I glanced at my watch 8:58 PM it read,

I felt a little dizzy as my vision started to get blurry, my breathing started to get labored as I felt Calvin grab me and pin me to his car,

"Gosh, you're such a gullible idiot," He whispered in my ear, I started to panic, trying to push him away but I felt too weak,

My eyelids felt heavy as Calvin spoke again "Do you think I'm an idiot? I know you only went on this date because of that stupid cat," He growled in my ear,

I felt like vomiting as I heard his belt clicking, "Might as well get the most out of this then hmm?" He said arrogantly,

My breathing was heavy I felt like passing out, my limbs felt heavy as my eyelids struggled to stay open,

My vision was so blurry I barely managed to see or feel Calvin's body being shoved off of me,

I couldn't see it clearly but I could hear multiple punches being thrown until I heard a loud crack,

Seconds later I felt arms around me, 

"Y/N?! Are you okay?!" A deep voice asked panicked it seemed so familiar, I opened my eyes slightly,

"Taehyung?" I asked my voice slurred,

"Fuck, Fuck, Fuck" Taehyung repeated as I felt him pick me up,

I wanted to stay awake, but my body betrayed me as I felt my eyelids fall as darkness fell over my vision.

"Y/N? Y/N?" The voice seemed to fade as all I could hear was the soft sound of rainfall,


@ littlewolfieposts   @ forevermoremagcon @ madygswich @ jeonkooksgirl @bubbletaetaesstuff  @iloverubberduckiez-blog  @benedrylcumbersnatch​ @joyful-jimin

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