pinkyhim - Stole my cotton candy heart
Stole my cotton candy heart

Hiatus đź’• RULES

24 posts

Saved Pt.7

Saved pt.7

Cat!Jimin x Brat Bunny!Jungkook x Human!Reader

part 1     part 2      part 3     part 4   part 5    part 6 


Warnings- Swearing, Attempted sexual harassment < -- (please note that it says attempted), mention of drugs <-- not rlly tho



Y/N= Your name L/N= Your last name F/N= Your first name

Authors note- Enjoy part 7 c; Love you all <3 If you’re confused about Taehyung, Taehyung is Y/N’s boss aka Mr.Kim (;  (Just ask if you want to be added to the tag list!)

Summary ~  Y/N comes home one day to find that her apartment has been robbed, scared of it ever happening again she decides to adopt hybrids Jimin and Jungkook


I gulped nervously as I hear a familiar horse voice answer the phone,

"Hello?" Calvin spoke clearly annoyed at whoever was bothering him on his lunch break,

"H-Hello, Is this Calvin?" I say trying to stable my breathing and sound as calm as I could,

"Yes? Who is this?" Calvin responds 

"U-Um this is Y/N-" Calvin cut me off before I could continue my sentence,

"Y/N?" He says the tone of his voice changing instantly,

"Y-Yeah," I say clearing my throat,

"I was wondering when you would call me," He states as I gag at his cocky voice,

"Are you free today?" I ask my voice shaky,

"Why?" He questions,

"I-I was thinking that maybe you and I could go on a d-date?" I say as I hear Calvin chuckle lowly,

"Of course..." He says

"There's this really nice restaurant that I know, I can send you the address?" I ask as I hear him hum,

"See you then." He says as I end the call, sighing loudly and leaning into the leather loveseat in the office break room,

"So?" Seokjin questions as I take in a deep breath

"He said yes," I say texting Calvin the address and time as he responds with a winking face,

"Don't worry Y/N, it's just a date..." Seokjin says as he notices how anxious I am,

"I know.. But I somehow have to convince him to take back his complaint about Jimin,"  I respond worried.

I stand up abruptly

"We should get back to work, don't want Mr. Kim to nag on us," I say trying to brighten up the sour mood,

The rest of the day drags on,

"Y/N, if he does anything funny call me and I'll be there in a heartbeat," Seokjin says as we step out of the large building,

I give him a small smile "Thanks Seokjin, You're the best," I say hugging him,

As I made my way to my car, I felt my blood run cold at the feeling of going on a date with Calvin,

Jimin, Just think of Jimin I thought as I unlocked my car and hurried home.

Opening the door to my apartment I glanced around only to find that Jimin and Jungkook were nowhere to be found.

Shit! Did the shelter people come early?! I thought as I hastily tore off my shoes and sprinted over to Jimin's room first, deciding not to knock, I opened the door only to be met with the slight of Jimin napping on his bed, his soft tail wrapped around his leg,

I calmed down instantly and shut the door gently before turning around only to be met with the sight of a messy-haired Jungkook

"Jesus!" I said as I jump startled,

"You're home..." He spoke his voice hushed as he twiddled with his fingers,

"Y-Yeah," I said my eyes falling to the hardwood floor,

"Y/N, You're not going to let them take Jimin right?" Jungkook uttered as my eyes widened,

"Y-You know?!" I said my voice panicked,

"I heard what the man said that day," Jungkook said now staring straight at me,

I felt nervous not knowing how to respond to the brown-haired hybrid,

"You're not going to let them take Jimin right?" Jungkook spoke his soft timbre sounding more worried than before,

"Of course not!" I said my voice raising unintentionally,

Jungkook nods, his eyes landing on mine as I started to shuffle stiffly,

I was about to speak again until Jungkook turned around on his heels and made his way back to his room,

I stood there for a second to process what just happened until I realized that I still had to go on a date with Calvin,

I looked at the clock as it read 4:45 PM,

I decided to take a quick shower before getting ready,   

I sighed as I stepped out of the shower and made my way to the closet

I slipped on a plain red dress and made my hair look somewhat nice.

I felt uneasy as I looked at the clock and it read 5:54 PM,

As if on cue my phone dinged notifying me that a text came through,

"I'm Here"

I took a deep breath as I put on my short red heels, just as I was about to step out the door, I felt someone grab my wrist,

"Y/N? Where are you going?" I turned around to see a confused Jimin,

"J-Jimin?" I croaked out surprised at his presence,

"Where are you going?" Jimin repeated eyes raking over my body,

I knew that I couldn't tell Jimin that I was going on a date with Calvin so I spat out a "Dinner with a coworker"

Jimin stared at me for what seemed like an eternity, his piercing gaze made my knees tremble,

"Okay," He stated before letting go of my wrist and making his way back to his bedroom,

I felt meek at the thought of Jimin staring at me until a heard a car honk stating that Calvin was getting impatient,

I took a deep breath before grabbing my jacket as I stepped outside my apartment building,

As I stepped outside I felt a chill breeze hit me slightly calming my tense nerves,

I looked at the dark blue car that was parked outside as I walked over to it my heels clicking on the pavement,

I felt my hands shake as I gripped the car door before opening it and stepping in,

I was almost scared to turn my head but I forced myself to put on a fake smile as I greeted Calvin with a "Hello!" I said as he smirked, his obvious gawking made me shift uncomfortably 

"You look....nice," He said as he started driving,

"Thanks," I mumbled before looking over at him, I felt disgusted but I pushed it all down for Jimin's sake,

When we arrived at the restaurant, we went to our table and sat down, I realized that I didn't have an appetite so I ordered a simple salad and a glass of water,

"So, Y/N.." Calvin said as he sipped on his very expensive wine which made me cringe,

Much to my astonishment, the dinner wasn't as horrible as I thought it would be, Calvin seemed to be a decent guy, I hope that it'll be easy to convince him to take back his complaint,

After we both decided to split the check, as we stepped out of the restaurant I glanced at my watch 8:58 PM it read,

I felt a little dizzy as my vision started to get blurry, my breathing started to get labored as I felt Calvin grab me and pin me to his car,

"Gosh, you're such a gullible idiot," He whispered in my ear, I started to panic, trying to push him away but I felt too weak,

My eyelids felt heavy as Calvin spoke again "Do you think I'm an idiot? I know you only went on this date because of that stupid cat," He growled in my ear,

I felt like vomiting as I heard his belt clicking, "Might as well get the most out of this then hmm?" He said arrogantly,

My breathing was heavy I felt like passing out, my limbs felt heavy as my eyelids struggled to stay open,

My vision was so blurry I barely managed to see or feel Calvin's body being shoved off of me,

I couldn't see it clearly but I could hear multiple punches being thrown until I heard a loud crack,

Seconds later I felt arms around me, 

"Y/N?! Are you okay?!" A deep voice asked panicked it seemed so familiar, I opened my eyes slightly,

"Taehyung?" I asked my voice slurred,

"Fuck, Fuck, Fuck" Taehyung repeated as I felt him pick me up,

I wanted to stay awake, but my body betrayed me as I felt my eyelids fall as darkness fell over my vision.

"Y/N? Y/N?" The voice seemed to fade as all I could hear was the soft sound of rainfall,


@ littlewolfieposts   @ forevermoremagcon @ madygswich @ jeonkooksgirl @bubbletaetaesstuff  @iloverubberduckiez-blog  @benedrylcumbersnatch​ @joyful-jimin

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More Posts from Pinkyhim

4 years ago

Saved pt.1

 Cat!Jimin x Brat Bunny!Jungkook x Human!Reader

part 2      part 3      part 4      part 5      part 6     part 7


Warnings- Swearing


Y/N= Your name L/N= Your last name F/N= Your first name

Authors note- This is my first time writing so I apologize if there are any grammar errors and if the story totally sucks - also I suck at using technology, sorry that my tumblr page is complete trash

Summary ~  Y/N comes home one day to find that her apartment has been robbed, scared of it ever happening again she decides to adopt hybrids Jimin and Jungkook 


“What the fuck?!?!” 

I walk in to find my apartment completely trashed, broken dishes everywhere, and my books and papers scattered on the ground, it looked like a hurricane had just hit.

Just my luck I thought as I went inside my room to find my belongings everywhere and my bed a complete mess

I knew exactly why this had happened, it was because I had nothing to protect my apartment, it was actually quite common for people who didn’t own any hybrids to be robbed.

Hybrids... they were considered to be pets and if you didn’t have a owner and you were too old you were killed. I had actually been against owning a hybrid, mostly because I could barely take care of myself much less a hybrid. But this wasn’t the first time I was robbed, so I decided to put my foot down.

I had spent my weekend fixing up my home and on monday at work I decided to ask one of my coworkers about owning a hybrid

I worked at a pretty well known company so I wasn’t exactly broke to say the least, but I spent most of my free days either working at home or lazing away.

“You? L/N F/N, actually want to adopt a hybrid?!” My coworker Kim Seokjin said as he pretended to be super surprised 

“Yes?” I said rolling my eyes as he pretended to wipe a fake tear

“And I thought you would know about that stuff considering you own three hybrids” I say 

“Well, you’re right but, why are you all aboard the adopting hybrid train now? When I asked you about it before you totally blew me off” 

“I was robbed Jin” I said as he gasped

“Seriously?! Are you okay?” Seokjin asks concerned


“Oh, I see so you want to adopt a hybrid to protect you” Seokjin says

“Gee, I wonder where you got that conclusion from” I say sarcastically 

Seokjin rolls his eyes “Well there are shops where you can buy a hybrid like I did, but they are pretty expensive” He says “How expensive?” I ask

“The cheapest you can get one is about... 500,000″  I nearly choked on my iced tea “500,000 dollars?!” I say and Seokjin nods “But of course there are shelters that you can go to and I heard that they are a lot cheaper.” I nod and thank Seokjin.


On my way home I decide to go to the shelter 500,000? Are the hybrids made of gold or something? I grip the steering wheel as I pull into the parking lot for a shelter called Hope For Paws, it was a pretty old place as the color from the sign has faded, I consider going to the shop that Seokjin told me about but I mentally hit myself as I remember the price

I step inside the doors and instantly I am hit with a foul smell, I almost choked but I didn’t want to be rude, so I walked up to the lady at the counter 

“Do you have an appointment?” she asked not looking away from her computer 

“U-um I don’t” I say as she glanced at me

“Are you planning to adopt?” She asks and I nod

“Take a seat” She said and I sat down 

I looked around the room it was painted with a dark blue and there were pictures on the wall of happy people with hybrids

This might not be so bad.. I was broken from my train of thoughts when a lady told me to follow her 

“You’re planning to adopt?” She asked smiling brightly 

“Uh, Yes” I say quietly as she nods “Do you have any preferences?” She asks

“No” I say as she nods again opening the door to a room “Please take a seat” She said as I sit down, she leaves the room only to appear a couple minutes later with two hybrids with her

One of them was a cat hybrid with fluffy blond hair and a the other was a bunny hybrid with dark brown hair

“Y/N this is Jungkook” She says and she points at the bunny hybrid 

“And this is Jimin” She says pointing to the cat and she hands me a clipboard with all their information on it I skim over all of the information “I’ll leave you guys alone for a couple of minutes” The lady says as she leaves the room

The second she leaves the room the cat hybrid, Jimin runs up to me and hugs me rubbing his head on my neck

“Are you going to adopt us?” Jimin asks

I don’t say anything yet as Jimin drags the bunny hybrid Jungkook over to me “This is Jungkook, He’s a bit shy” Jimin says ruffling the other boys hair as Jungkook was sending me glares tf? he already doesn’t like me 

A couple minutes later the lady pulls me out of the room 

“Have you decided yet?” She asks as I nod

“I’ll adopt them” I say rubbing the back of my neck

“Awesome!” She says as I follow her back to the waiting room

“Just fill out these papers and i’ll bring them out in a few” She said disappearing behind the doors

I finish the papers as the lady comes out with Jimin and Jungkook, Jimin smiles brightly when he saw me and runs over to me 

“Are you our new owner?” Jimin asks smiling at me as I nod

We leave the shelter as the car ride home was silent

I unlock my apartment door and walk in as Jimin and Jungkook follow closely when they walk in they were blasted by your sweet scent 

"You guys might have to share a bed for now” I say shyly as the boys nod I show them their room. 

“U-um so tomorrow we can go to the mall to buy you guys things after work” I say to them

“Work?” Jimin asks and i nod

“I leave for work at nine and come back at three” I say to Jimin as I hear Jungkook growl since when did bunnies growl? 

“Well, you guys should go to bed” I say as I awkwardly leave

I plop down on my bed and sigh What a day I decided to take a nice warm shower and change into some loose shorts and a big t-shirt I layed down on my bed as my eyes fluttered shut

I woke up at about 12 AM as I smacked my lips together I need some water I dragged my feet to my fridge and I got a bottle of water when I turned around I saw Jimin 

“Can I sleep with you tonight? Jungkook keeps kicking me”

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4 years ago


Hello :) You want to make a request? Please read the rules first,

No underage readers/main characters everyone I write about is 18+

I don’t write non-con

No bodily fluids (no coprophilia or watersports)

No blood play

No Necrophilia

I only write for BTS 

If I am uncomfortable with your request I will not write it and I will send you a link to these rules

Please do not spam me if I don’t answer your request the second you send it in.

If you have any questions please ask :)

4 years ago

Saved pt.5

Cat!Jimin x Brat Bunny!Jungkook x Human!Reader

part 1      part 2     part 3       part 4     part 6      part 7


Warnings- Swearing



Y/N= Your name L/N= Your last name F/N= Your first name

Authors note- Part 5 is finally out! Sorry for the long wait guys i’ve been quite busy with summer school, I also apologize that each part is pretty short >  -  < Sorry for any grammar errors (Just ask if you want to be added to the tag list!)

Summary ~  Y/N comes home one day to find that her apartment has been robbed, scared of it ever happening again she decides to adopt hybrids Jimin and Jungkook


These past few days have been an absolute mess. Taehyung has been looking over my shoulder and correcting every mistake. I don't want to seem unappreciative or anything, but it's been getting on my nerves. I can't say anything because he's my boss, I can't risk getting fired, especially since he gave me that free pass after missing four days in a month.

"Y/N, do you want to grab a drink or something?" My co-worker Seokjin asks as I step outside the building 

"Eh, I'm not sure Jin, I don't want to leave Jungkook and Jimin alone for too long," I say as he sighs 

"It's fine, Y/N," Seokjin says as he steps inside his car, "See you tomorrow!" He says, with a bright smile I wave goodbye to him as he drives out of the parking lot

Recently, Jimin has been teasing the hell out of me. Since that shameful incident that happened at the mall. I'm honestly not sure if I can survive any more of his constant teasing.

I sigh as I unlock the door to my apartment to see Jimin sitting on the couch watching some cheesy romance movie, I assumed that Jungkook was sitting in his room doing whatever.

Jimin's head shot up right away as he heard the door open.

"Y/N! You're home!" He says running up to hug me

I guess, in the end, it was all worth it, acknowledging that I now have two adorable hybrids living with me now.

"Mhm, Do you know what Jungkook is doing?" I ask, carding my hands through his fluffy ears as he purrs loudly, fluttering my whole body as his tail wraps around me.

"I think he's sleeping right now," He mumbles, stroking his head on my neck as he usually does. At first, I thought that it was pretty odd of him. When I asked Seokjin, he said that he was scenting me or something like that.

"Oh," Is all I say as he wraps his arms tighter around me.

I finally manage to squeeze myself out as I take my shoes off and take off my coat as I make my way to my room to change into something more comfortable.

I didn't notice the body that laid on my bed curled into the sheets with my fuzzy blankets draped around them.

I started to take off that annoying tight pencil skirt as I let out a sigh of relief as I put on some gray shorts.

I was in the middle of pulling my shirt over my head as I heard shuffling in the direction of my bed as I halted my movement. I couldn't see anything as my top was blocking my view.

Holy shit, somebody is sleeping on my bed. I panicked, not knowing who the hell was there.

I was going to make a run out of my room not considering the shirt that was currently blocking my whole view

"Shit!" I yelled out as I walked on my dreaded pencil skirt and slipped, hitting the wood floor with a loud bang.

I heard a pair of feet shuffling to my room.

"Y/N? Are you okay?" Jimin asked swinging the door open

I felt his eyes burning holes into my body as my face blushed a crimson color.

"C-Can you please help me get this off" I mumbled barely over a whisper.

I wanted to jump into a hole and never come out as Jimin helped pull me up before taking my shirt off as I only had on a bra with a pair of shorts.

I felt tiny as I watched Jimin's eyes rake over my body as he licked his lips that were suddenly very dry

After what seemed like forever, I shoved Jimin out of the room as I let out a shaky breath before putting on my sailor moon t-shirt.

I heard soft snores as I turned my head so fast I swore my neck might of broke.

I grabbed whatever was closest to me, which was a very creepy stone lamb. I always wanted to get rid of but never could since it was a gift from Seokjin.

I slowly walked over to my bed on my tiptoes, careful not to make a sound to wake up whoever was currently on my bed.

I gently pulled the blanket off the soft sleeping body as I saw a messy-haired Jungkook, with his floppy brown and white ears that twitched every so often.

I let out a breath that I didn't even know I was holding as I set down the stone lamb onto my nightstand before sneaking out of the room, not wanting to wake him up from his peaceful slumber.

He looks quite sweet when he is sleeping, complete 180 from his usual demeanor.

I made my way to the kitchen as I saw Jimin just sitting there as his bright yellow eyes followed my every move. 

I opened my phone and took a seat on the tiny island across from Jimin. I mindlessly scrolled through my phone as I felt Jimin's eyes trained on me like I was his prey.

"Sorry, you had to see that," I said as Jimin didn't respond.

I was about to speak, but Jimin straight up left the kitchen as I heard his door shut gently.

I sighed as I just decided to sleep it off.

I was about to plop onto my bed, but I remembered that Jungkook was sleeping there.

I groaned before grabbing my pillow with a blanket and making my way to the couch. Last time I woke up Jungkook, it was not pretty. It surprised me when I heard foul words come out of his mouth. I would rather not encounter that again for the rest of my life.

When I woke up, Jimin was his usual cheery self as I made breakfast.

"Can you get Jungkook?" I ask as Jimin nods before stalking off to the hallway

I placed both of their plates on the table as I heard a knock from the door.

Who is here this early? I wondered as I washed my hands before making my way to the door when I opened it, I saw a familiar flat annoying ugly face, but this time he was with a man in a suit.

"Calvin?" I asked my eyes going wide as I saw the disgusting smirk that was on his face.

"Miss L/N," The man next to Calvin said as my mouth formed a tiny frown.

"That's me," I said crossing my arms

"I was informed that one of your hybrids attacked Mr. Brown five days ago. Is this correct?" He asks as my eyes go wide

"Excuse me?" I ask confused

"Please answer the question Miss L/N," He says 

"Jimin was not attacking him. He barely laid a finger on him," I replied.

"We have a witness who saw your hybrid attacking Mr. Brown," The man replies, handing me a clipboard.

"What is this?" I ask my eyes scanning over the paper 

"Miss L/N, We expect you to return Jimin in a week or less if you don't we will have to take him by force." The man said

What did he just say?


@ littlewolfieposts   @ forevermoremagcon @ madygswich @ jeonkooksgirl @bubbletaetaesstuff  @iloverubberduckiez-blog​

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4 years ago

Do you know any new ish bts writers? Like mafia BTS or something like that?

@hope-with-a-pinch-of-suga has a rlly good mafia fic đź‘Ť

4 years ago

Moonlight Tears (m)

Hybrid Tiger!Taehyung x Reader


Warnings - Smut, Tiny Angst, Fluff, Swearing, Oral (f receiving), No protection ( wrap it up people ), Y/N is a virgin, kind of pwp, this is total shit btw, Taehyung is so adorable in this it makes me uwu

Author’s Note - I decided to take a little break from Saved to make this short story hope you guys like it <3 literally took me a day to write this lmao (also this is my first smut ><)

Summary - Y/N always played by the rules, but what happens when one day she finds a mystery man inside her home?



You internally sighed at the thought of moving out of my cozy one-bedroom apartment, but the bills were just too high. You stared at the beige colored walls as you ran your fingers through your hair, the soft sound of rainfall calming me to an extent, Sadly your thoughts were ruined by the sound of pounding on my door, you groaned as you sat up rubbing your eyes, you could hear soft thuds of your feet hitting the hardwood floor as you wandered over to the dark oakwood door before opening it only to be met with the face of your drenched best friend.

"Jungkook?" You asked as Jungkook lead himself into your small abode, "Sorry, Y/N I just needed some shelter from the rain," Jungkook spoke as he tugged his shoes off, the cold rainwater was dripping off of him. On a normal day, you would of happily let him in no questions asked, but today you were in a sour mood, your landlord just raised the apartment bill due to "maintenance problems" or something along the lines of that.

Deciding not to be rude for the sake of friendship you offered him some tea as you grabbed a towel, "It's raining pretty hard isn't it?" you said as you placed the cup of tea down and handed him the towel, "Yeah.." Jungkook spoke as he put the towel around his neck, normally things wouldn't have been as awkward as it was, but only a couple weeks ago you foolishly decided to declare your feeling for him only to be rejected, after that Jungkook started distancing himself from you, you couldn't blame him, it was your own fault for believing that you might actually have had a chance with someone like him.

Both of you sat there in excruciating silence until Jungkook spoke again in a hushed voice "I'm dating Mina now," He said as your eyes widened "W-What?" you asked, uncertain if you really wanted to hear the answer, Jungkook waited for a moment before repeating himself

"I'm dating Mina,"

Jungkook honestly wasn't sure how he expected you to react but he was surprised when you smiled and said "That's great! I'm happy for you two," Jungkook was relieved when he heard that but at the same time confused, before Jungkook could ponder on the thought any longer you spoke "It looks like the rain died down, You should hurry before it gets any worse," Jungkook nodded as he threw on his leather jacket that you oh so loved, before giving you a small "Thank you," And hurrying out, When you heard the door shut you completely broke down. You didn't know why, but you felt as if your heart was shattered into a million pieces and you wished for somebody to fix it, for somebody to hold you and say that everything would be alright.

The next day you woke up with a pounding headache and bloodshot eyes, you dreaded going to classes but you forced yourself to put on some decent looking clothes. When you stepped inside the lecture hall your eyes landed on Jungkook and Mina sitting in the front, holding hands and all. You tore your eyes away from the sight as you dragged your feet to the far back corner hoping that you could sleep without your professor knowing.

The classes were a drag as usual and right after your last class, you hurried on home to catch a nice nap before your usual shift at the cafe, snuggling yourself into the warm covers you fell into a deep sleep.

You were woken up by the sound of your alarm telling you that you needed to head off to work, shoving on your shoes you walked over to the small cafe that you worked at, tugging on your uniform you hoped that today would be an easy day, Sadly your prayers weren't answered as all the customers seemed extremely picky today, having sent back five drinks. You sighed as you stared at the clock hoping that it would just hit the number 12 so you could leave. Thankfully this time you lucked out as your coworker came in an hour early.

When you arrived back at your apartment you were met with the sight of a naked man standing in your hallway,

"Holy Shit!" You swore bringing your hands up to cover your view as the man stared at you curiously, head tilting as you grabbed your phone ready to dial the police, the man didn't seem to like that as he grabbed your phone before smashing it onto the ground, Your eyes went as wide as dinner plates as you stared at the man, he was tall, golden skin, if the circumstances were different you might have said that he was handsome, something caught your eye, two fluffy ears poking on the top of his head, they were a beautiful orange with charcoal black stripes, your mouth gaped as you saw the tail that calmly swished behind him,

"Y/N" He spoke his voice was deep and smooth, "H-How do you know my name?!" You asked panicked as the man rolled his eyes "It's on your name tag" He spoke, as you calmed a little bit, He started to take multiple steps toward you as you backed away before hitting the door with a soft thud, The man had you cornered as he took a deep breath inhaling your scent before sticking his head in the crook of your neck inhaling deeply, You gasped at the sudden contact but you were frozen in place, "Mate," He whined deeply before you pushed him away to which he grumbled, "W-Who are you?" you asked as you stared into his soft brown eyes that seemed to hold the entire universe, "My name is Taehyung" He spoke calmly, his eyes raking over you as if you were his prey, "Why a-are you here?" You asked, your eyes falling to his naked body before blushing red like a tomato and looking away, Taehyung smirked at your reaction before speaking "You called for me Y/N," He said, his statement confusing you, "What?" You asked him as he let out a huff at your confusion, "Last night, you called for me to come." He said, "B-But I never called you," You spoke, "I could smell you," He growled before continuing "I could smell your need for me, little mate," He snarled, you were confused at all the information that was hitting you, There was an extremely handsome guy who was standing naked in your hallway, He had a tail and an extra pair of ears, and to top it all off he claimed that you were his mate or something, You were not sure what to do, half of you wanted to call the police and the other half wanted something else, something you couldn't put your finger on.

Then you figured it out, you wanted him. Even if you had just met him you trusted him with your whole life, it felt like you had known him forever. As if he could sense your arousal brewing up he stepped towards you again before placing his lips onto yours, your eyes went wide at the sudden action, but nonetheless, you wanted more.

You whimpered into his mouth as he took the chance to sneak his wet tongue inside, you felt like you were on cloud nine as his tongue hungrily danced with yours, he grabbed you by the ass as he picked you up, you wrapped your legs around his waist as his thick member poked into your clothed core making you mewl, swinging open the door to your room he gently laid you on your bed before he broke the kiss, you panted as he started to gently tug on your clothes "C-Can I?" He asked, his face completely flushed a light shade of pink as you nodded blushing, he smiled softly as he started to pull off your clothing until you were left in nothing but your undergarments, suddenly feeling self-conscious under his gaze, you tried to curl yourself up until he stopped you "God, your so beautiful, my beautiful mate," He purred as he unclipped your bra, gently pulling it off as his face as in the crook of your neck, softly sucking love bites into your skin as you gasped in pleasure, your hands coming up and attaching themselves into his soft locks your fingertips brushing over his soft ears as he purred loudly, rutting his hips against your clothed core, his soft lips moved from your neck onto your soft breasts, attaching his mouth onto them sucking gently as you cried in pleasure, Taehyung started to move down until he was met with your clothed core, He inhaled deeply before rocking his hips against your mattress, "You smell so good," He moans out before hooking a finger and dragging your panties off, member twitching at the sight of your naked figure, "Ah look your honeypots all soaked, is this all for me?" He asks running a finger along your folds as you let out a soft whine blushing at his words, "Answer me mate," He says before lightly smacking your clit, "A-Ah Yes yes, it's for you" You breath out as he licks a stripe along your drenched folds, "T-Taehyung" You whine as he slowly starts to suck onto your clit, You gasp loudly as you feel him slowly push two fingers into your core before moving, He hummed sending vibrations onto your clit making you let out a high-pitched whimper, "W-Wait T-Taehyung I-I'm gonna-" He cut you off by replacing his fingers with his wet tongue making you moaned out as your release hit you like a truck, your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you cried out Taehyung's name, not wanting to overstimulate you Taehyung pulled his tongue out of your dripping core before moving up and kissing you intensely, you squeaked as you felt him rub his hot member against your folds, "A-Ah wait, Taehyung" You said grabbing his arm as looked up at you, "I-It's my first time," You murmed shyly as he smiled and said "Don't worry kitten i'll be gentle" You smiled as you pulled him in for another kiss, this time it was more sweet and it was filled with love, you choked out a cry and you felt Taehyung push his long member inside you, the pain making tears fall form your eyes, Taehyung halted his movements when he was fully inside you giving you some time to adjust, as he placed light kisses onto your neck, after a while the pain started to fade as all you felt now was desire, "Move" You whispered to Taehyung as he started to rock his hips, "S-Shit you're so tight," Taehyung grunted as his member pumped inside you, soon his thrusts started to get faster as you let moans fall from your mouth, Taehyung's thrusts started to get sloppy as he neared his high cum gathering up inside his balls as he whined loudly, "A-Ah Y/N I'm going to cum soon" He spoke as he hands traveled down to your clit rubbing tight circles making your back arch in pleasure, soon you felt your high approaching you very quickly, "T-Taehyung I-I'm going to-" You were cut off by your orgasm as you screamed out in pleasure hands tightly gripping your sheets as you started to see stars, Taehyung started thrusting even faster inside your very sensitive core making you wail in absolute pleasure, Taehyung gave a couple more thrusts before pulling out and spilling his seed onto your stomach letting out a deep whine, Taehyung fell to your side breathing heavy, You felt Taehyung's hand intertwine with yours as he whispered into your ear "I love you Y/N, my mate" You smiled at the statement sleep tugging at your eyes before you muttered out a "I love you too"


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