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Billy would definitely be talking mad shit about (almost) all gods to JL. Wherever it is ancient, old, or new drama, and by now picking up habits from those gods and being opinionated himself about the whole situations to mainly Aquaman's -bc poseidon- and Wonder Woman's -bc most female gods- dismay.
The whole thing would've gone to a head when Marvel again says shit about poseidon for almost sinking all of Japan again -honestly Japan's natural disasters are crazy common, like did some old Japanese emperor piss on the tridon he found bc he thought it would've been funny or something?- and Aguaman snaps at Marvel about why he never says shit about for example Zeus bc he probably deserves most shit-talking from a human. Marvel wheeze laughs like, "Dude, he's sponsoring me. The one time I talked shit about him, I had to sacrifice a chicken and two goats for him to give me my powers back. Do you know how expensive those get?"
So anyway, Superman would've gotten salty that he got mind controlled by a space catapillar during that time because Marvel couldn't keep his opinions to himself.
Fanfiction commentary and recommendations: Lex Luthor´s ascend from supervillainy to fatherhood Part III (chapters 11 to 15)
Here´s the Original story by (milkywxy) [@halfagone]
Aaaand here we go with Part III. As usual, here the previous parts:
Part I
Part II
Part IV
Part V
Part VI
Part VII
if anyone knows how to embed a link, so that I can clean up the posts: that would be absolutely fantastic! Also if somehow knows how to center something that would also be great. I haven´t yet found a good tutorial. But maybe I´m just having too many expectations, who knows?
I am around chapter 65 of this story now. And oh boy. The story has certainly picked up and by god, the drama is real! So many things are happening! I will still try not to reference future events in the comments though.
I intend to make these as confusing and enticing as possible. So that you read the fic! Cause it´s great! It has me in a chokehold. My projects are screaming for attention but I just can´t focus on them right now when this story is just right here? Help
So here we are. At chapter 11. About to find out just how the heck Danny winded up in the DC universe.
And it begins with a megalomaniac Lex trying to builid a machine to another dimension for resources, money and power. Go figure, huh? This did not stray too much from how I´d initially thought it would happen to be honest.
Danny´s reaction though? It´s a bit different than you would expect. I´d have expected him to see the machines, the evil minions, the supervillain get up (because honestly? Even if he wasn´t one this man would look like a classical supervillain. It´s the face lines, the crisp suits, the colours, THE MINIMALISM. Minimalism is hell my people) and go 'No thank you' before phasing out the walls and going his own way. But no.
The 'portal to another dimension' does what it should: make a hole in reality and into the infinite realms. Though it very quickly explodes just like Lex villain act after making Danny his son. Oh, all the lost money - boo hoo, Lex. You lost money, you gained a child. I think the child is worth more, but you´ll find out yourself I guess.
Anyways. Danny just fell through the portal, realizes he´s stuck in this dimension and, predicatably, begins to panic while Lex looks at the hero-coded child and just goes 'NDA´s for all of you and a new being to focus my attention on for me'
After that it´s a game of 'catch me up' between the soon-to-be father and son. It´s fun to find out what kind of differences the two universes have! And how Danny´s power compares to the heroes of this universe. Also: they somehow share pop-culture? They have some of the same actors and movies and comics and that´s just funny to me. X-Men and Marvel being a dimensional constant xD
Another focus is just how fucked up Danny´s life is as the father to be realizes that this is a child. A powerful child. That he may or may not be able to use in the future. A weapon. And oh, i must say: you did not think this through, my man. You really, really did NOT and it´s so funny to see it from this perspective.
So: Lex gains a child, Danny gains an … authority figure? A person responsible for his stay? It´s npot yet a parent at least. And I´d love to find out just how their relationship became to actually be what it is at the current time. Probably drama, snark and just both of them, apparently, being nerds if their conversation about x-men was anything to go by.
Back in the present day and Danny meets the Young Justice.
The previous kidnapping attempts are still ongoing, which is the sole reason this meeting has even happened. .
Apparently Danny stood up to his would be kidnapper and verbally ripped him a new one until the heroes arrived to the rescue. This boy is a gremlin, I tell you.
On a similar note: Danny really has no self preservation instincts. I mean. He´s basically already dead so I´m not surprised, but still! People are gonna worry!
As Danny watches Kon and Tim 'discussing' about their habits of (not) cheating at games and who can do it better Danny talks with Cassie about the sexual tension between the two - Which. Yes. PLEASE just get them into a small room together. A super-and-tim-proof room so that they can´t just gaslight-gatekeep-girlboss their ways out of there.
The chapter ends with Danny 'suggesting' several bird-themed hero names for our favourite red robin and choosing just the WEIRDEST birds!
Of course the rest of the team joins and suggests 'improvements' to his superhero costume and it just get´s better from there. It includes this conversation:
“Oh, honey…” Cassie murmured, hand on her chest with a fake, sad smile on her face. Danny took the bait, though. “You look like a discolored egg.” That caused the YJ crew, minus Tim of course, to start cackling like crazy. Meanwhile, Tim just patted his head with an affronted look on the bottom half of his face.
So yeah. I think it´s safe to say that they´re friends now xD
And now! The fabulous! Long awaited! VISIT! IN! GOTHAM! *cue fireworks*
We begin with seeing the creature known as the batman in his natural habitat: in his nest. Trying to corall his brood into good behaviour.
Though what does constitute good behaviour for this species? In this case: polite behaviour, (non visible) snooping, keeping the visitor away from the vital areas of their territory. This seems to be especially important as the visitor hails from the family of a known aggressor, though they have not been able to find their true heritage yet.
Anyways. Bruce does as Bruce does and tells his children to snoop, don´t question too soon and be careful of hiding their vigilante side of life.
And his children do what they do best: be menaces.
On the other side we have a (former?) supervillain worrying about their ward going to the most dangerous city in america for a weekend. An understandable fear, to be sure. Said teen doesn´t worry at all though, even as he is being warned about clowns. And really, they should know better than to tempt fate. It´s gonna end badly, i just KNOW.
In the following discussion about the ethics of murder, clown intelligence and the moral value of both sides as well as a certain clone Danny can give enough of a distraction to flee the car and go to the airport. It was, as some of us would say, a pro move. I´m proud of him *sniff*
Pretty sure that Lex is proud of him too!
Danny is welcomed into the manor by Alfred, Cass and Tim - I expected it to start with a little tussle, but no! It starts with a piggy back ride, a tour and quiet conversation. It´s adorable :3
Another conversation about a certain vampire is being had - Cass and Tim are not amused by this man and I think they want to have a Word. Sadly, he´s quite far away but I have no doubt in my mind that they´ll find a way to get to him. And when they do? He´ll wish to never have crossed his godson. Or his girlfriend and her family. Or all of these other people - 'WHY ARE THERE SO MANY - HELP'.
Also: rich people get compared to cats and … in this case? I can honstly kind of see it. But now i have the picture of Lex and Vlad with cat ears and tails stuck in my head. In classic anime fashion. With the little bell collars and it just worse the longer i write this - someone give me brain bleach please.
*cough* Anyways
While this happens Damian is not amused by the visitor because it interrupts his (night) life and said person´s relationship with his sister is 'suspicious'. He is suspicious after all! Very suspicious!
And. He´s right of course. But this reads as a young teenager not being in the center of attention and hating the person responsible for it. I speak from experience.
So while Damian shadows Danny (which also means he´s shadowing Cass and Tim)w e get the absolute joy of him hiding behind bushes and in the rafters while Alfred the cat causes a 'distraction' by being an absolutely traitorous pet. (He just loves Danny. It´s mutual)
Damian decides to get involved in the scene as soon as Titus also wants to show up (he can´t have BOTH of his pets loving Danny! They are HIS pets!!)
So they talk about pets. About Alfred and Titus and Cujo. About what a joy they are and Danny hasn´t been allowed an actual pet due to his parents. Also: Danny now wants to blackmail his father figure into getting a pet. GO DANNY!
And now enter: Duke.
And god I´m feeling a bit sorry for him. His poor, poor eyes - he did not expect just how freaking bright Danny was. And by bright i mean: AH GOD! PLEASE STOP! THE SUN! IT BURNS!
So yeah. Apparently Danny needs a warning label. Poor man now has migraine. Probably? At least that´s what I imagine migraine to feel like. The kind of 'thinking hurts' pain.
It gets better as soon as he gets some sunglasses, but still! I imagine it being a rather unpleasant experience.
As soon as he can see again he uses 'holy batcow!' as an expletive. And while I did not expect that, I WILL implement that into my vocabulary!
We are treated to Danny as being seen by Duke and it seems kind of magical. If the colour wasn´t described as radioactive green. But ectoplasm being what it is, the descriptor just fits i guess.
And after denying being a meta, Danny tries to explain his state of being to current company without saying anything about ghosts or supernatural abilities. And while everything he says is true, it does paint a rather worrying picture about his health statis. As in: If I did not know the truth about his mortality I would worry he´d just fall over dead the next day or something.
And I get it. I also get that it´s kind of the truth. It´s bad, especially when we think of all of the ways his parents have (unknowingly) fucked up his life …
And of course, they worry. but Danny being the sweetheart he is just apologizes for blinding Duke and. It´s just adorable. because this is the reaction. And just?? I love them?
“Really, don’t worry about it. You couldn’t have known that it would hurt me,” Duke said in understanding, bobbing his head. “I didn’t even know that could hurt me. You’re like a human sun, dude. Forget going to space, you’re your own star.” “That’s cheesy,” Danny snickered, “but thanks.” “I think that’s a perfect amount of cheesy,” Tim said encouragingly.
Now we get to see the reaction of Bruce and his eldest sons to the information they have now received. And while yes, they do worry, we also now have more people out for Danny´s parents.
What we also get is the three older men thinking about experimentation and acting talent because they don´t trust Lex as a father figure.
And really, why should they? It´s good that they worry lke this. It´s good that they try and look for the truth (even though it may be tinted in the wrong colour). Because what IF Lex was as they feared? And they believed everything as it seemed at first glance? Then a) they would be very bad detectives and b) … they´d have doomed a teenager for further life in pain and danger.
So yes. While for me, it is entertaining for that sort of behaviour. For them as people? It just means how much they care. That doesn´t change that they´re probably about to fuck up something important. They always forget that communication is important somehow. Even through their inherent need for aquiring information.
The visit goes down the hills as soon as Danny an jason meet though. You´d think the reason is their characters or a fight or something. But no.
It´s just Jason and Dick stumbling into the kitchen playfighting, Jason in a headlock, something lurching in his chest (and doesn´t that sound omnious) and being weirded out because 'what the fuck?'
Danny is just confused.
Shit is about to hit the fan. It ends with a cliff hanger and just. Ooof. I already know what´s gonna happen but the only thing I´ll tell you what I´ve already said: 'Shit´s about to hit the fan'!
So much and so little has happened at the same time and god damn, I just don´t get tired over the writing style.
And with that: I hope you have a wonderful or at least calm day / night!