But I Love This Art So Much - Tumblr Posts

Sometimes the Bishops are difficult to dealt with, sometimes they just don't respect the laws you put in...And it gets so fucking tiresome...
They need to know what consequenses are for, and the Lamb will make sure it hurts bad, The Lamb WILL make it an ever lasting pain that constantly reminds them what they did...
You know what the best part of being the red crowns carrier is? You can bring whoever you want back to life, and kill them again, just to bring them back to life and repeat the process...Sure, it's painful, but not an everlasting pain...so the Lamb decides to get it to a next level...

What would you feel If you were force to eat a brother...over and over again-
While hearing the preparation of his meat-
While seeing his still beating heart on the table?
The Bishops would tell you how they felt the first time, and the second time, and the third time...but they can't...because if they speak up, if they mess up-