But Thats Not What This Shits About - Tumblr Posts

Why the fuck is it so hard for able bodied people to get their heads around the fact that specifically physically disabled people are not actually accommodated most of the time?

Whether it be the inaccessibility of a building due to stairs, heavy non auto doors, ramps that are too steep, broken elevators or just non existent elevators, etc the list goes on and on. Or now public spaces that let’s say are otherwise perfectly accessible are now inaccessible to so many people because so many people refuse to wear a fucking mask when it would cause then no harm (maybe just a bit of sweat) to wear one.

The fact that abled people don’t see just how fucked up and inaccessible the world is blows my fucking mind. Just because someone “can” do something or go somewhere doesn’t mean they should have to do that or that it’s safe for them to do so. Like sure I can do stairs but holy shit by the time I’m at the top I’m in so much pain and I feel like I’m gonna pass the fuck out man.

Bottom line, the world is really fucking inaccessible and that needs to be fixed. Physically disabled people’s voices need to be listened to and not talked over by ableds who think they know what’s best for us or who think the world is perfect as it is

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