+c: Sword And Cornett - Tumblr Posts - Page 3
There's this manga called +C: Sword and Cornett, also known as Plus-Si. All I know about it is that it's a Josei and it's about regal politics. I'm gonna review blind and in real time. Anyone who cares, welcome to hell.

A guy who seems like our protagonist is fucking his instructor up in sword training, stopping the blade point end at his throat only to tell him he won.
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His name is Prince Belca and his instructor whines that he fought dirty. Belca coldly responds that it was the instructor who told him to give it everything he had and that if he has a problem, he needs to find himself a replacement. Pissed, the instructor stomps off to do just that, saying he resigns as Belca's teacher. Outside the training area, he loudly gripes about how he treats Belca like royalty and Belca treats him like dirt, even though Belca is just the bastard child of a king and a dancer.
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Belca could hear him.
King Reitz I once saved the entire land while it was covered in darkness. His descendant is Belca's father, the king. The king rules the country with the lords of the Round Table Council. Belca's history teacher says that it's a great honor to inherit the blood of the Hero King and so does everyone else...
Meeting up with some dude, Belca is praised for beating his instructor in combat. Belca says that fancy sword style is useless crap, causing the guy to laugh and ask where he learned those words. Belca says he learned it from him...and the porn books he lent him.
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Belca prefers to be in the infantry because the way Astelion Mercenaries fight is practical which Belca prefers. The mercenary he's talking to says that it's better if no one has to die. He then asks Belca if it isn't the responsibility of royalty to think of ways to avoid war. Belca responds that the future of royalty isn't for him.
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In his future, his Crown Prince brother Hector will be king. After him is the second prince, Orcelito. Belca is basically doomed to be stuck in the castle for the rest of his life. He can't even visit his own father for fear of assassination. That makes Ossan (the mercenary) cry.
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Ossan cheers up and says that since he and Belca both survived the plague, they should both continue living with no regrets. Belca walks away thinking that while they survived the plague, his mom, grandfather and the queen all died from it. Belca doesn't want to die like that. It scares him. While walking, some douche stops him to "congratulate" him on beating his instructor. Belca ignores him as the bitch with him says that it was nice of the noble to talk to him, considering that he was dressed like a bandit. The noble says he owed him that courtesy. Hearing the guards discuss his business out loud too, Belca says that while death scares him, he can't exactly say that he can go on living like this in peace either...
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Prince Orcelito himself leaves his lessons to greet his brother. Belca walks away only for Orcelito to call him out on ditching philosophy class, asking if he's even serious about school. Belca tells him to mind his business. Orcelito counters that he's his brother and he doesn't want to see him get in trouble. He then tells him that Hector is showing up tomorrow to check up on how much they've grown. Belca hasn't seen Hector in years and remembers him being kind to him when he was a kid. Belca says tat he already heard that he was coming back and that he's coming to help with state affairs. Hopefully his presence will give the king some of his health back. That's when Princess Musca shows up. She wants to show Orcelito the new dress she got to show off to her brother Hector. Belca tries to sneak off without starting shit but Orcelito says to show her dress off to Belca too, only for her to grumpily refuse. You see, that's a new dress and she doesn't want a half-blood like him to get it dirty.
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She's definitely a bitch-in-training but I can't get too mad at her. After all, she's just repeating what her punk-ass wet nurse told her (who runs up, begging her not to repeat what she told her). Because of her, Musca says that Belca is a stain on the royal line and that it's a damn shame a bastard like him is in line for the throne.
Then Orcelito slaps Musca, yelling at her to stop it.
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(I would have preferred he hit the nurse but I appreciate the gesture none the less.)
He tells her to apologize to Belca and being the princess is no excuse for using harsh words. She responds by crying and running off, saying that she hates him. Orcelito runs after Belca, apologizing and saying he'll talk to Musca later. Belca tells him not to follow him and that what Musca said is true so he doesn't mind. He then says that Hector is a great man...but he's too kind. That's why he and Orcelito have to look out for him. Orcelito says that they'll look out for him together...but Belca just sees them as pretty words. He points out mentally that Orcelito's retainers raise their guard every time Belca so much as talks to him.
Meanwhile, some bald guy named Lord Lagen bursts into the king's chambers, asking on his condition. When the guards say the king is fine, he then says to let him in. He has news about the crown prince Hector. He also has a lot of hate for the Amontel, whoever they are.
In the Neue Favrille District of the Royal Prefecture, a young man named Eco talks to the waitress Honey about why it's so lively at a restaurant. She answers that it's because Hector is coming back. We can see him ride through the streets on a cool horse:
Honey wouldn't mind being his Princess Bride (despite having told Ego at one point that she liked him...). Then Honey pauses, saying that she thought she saw an Amontel among Hector's ranks. But that's silly! The royal family would have nothing to do with monsters like them. Ego thinks differently though...
Belca watches Hector get welcomed in at the castle gates, Musca and Orcelito being the first to greet him. Hector catches his ass sulking from above the gates and loudly calls out to him, saying hi. He tells his edgelord ass to stop being cool and come down and say hello. Belca mentally protests that he wasn't being cool (he was trying anyway) and heads down as Musca says Hector doesn't need to say hello to him. Hector lifts her up and asks if she and Belca had a fight. Musca begins to give her version of the events before she sees somebody in the ranks and starts screaming bloody murder.
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She points at a man with white hair and red eyes, demanding to know why an Amontel is there in the castle walls. Belca overhears as he tries to push through the crowd. Hector says everything is cool because the Amontel is with him. Orcelita says that although the Amontel in the castle walls are obedient slaves, they should always be bound in chains. Even the guards crawl up his ass, saying that the Amontel are inhuman and regardless of the circumstances, they want an explanation for this. Hector agrees and gives his reasoning for his actions: he wants the Amontel to be recognized as human too. He's going to be bringing this issue up at the next council. Some lords are watching and they are not pleased.
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They say they're telling the king and Hector needs to know how the world works. Some guy tells them to calm down and they should at least listen to what Hector has to say. Lord Lagen tells them to call the elders; it's time for a council.
Meanwhile, Belca is in his bedroom, saying that if anything, Hector has gotten weirder. He's too bothered to just stew in his room so he decides to return his "books" to Ossan (and maybe spar with him) only to hear the mercenaries interrogate Ossan on his intentions with Belca, asking him why he keeps entertaining him. Ossan casually answers there's no war going on and he has some free time. He then asks if anyone has a problem with that and one guy says "yes, there is indeed a big fucking problem with that". You see, if Belca keeps coming over, the nobles can accuse them of planning a rebellion. You can get suspected even if you're innocent, you know? Then we learn the nickname the knights have given Belca: Usurper. Belca leaves as the mercenaries warn Ossan that if something goes wrong with the succession, chilling with Belca won't be funny anymore.
A pissed Belca fumes above the castle walls, yelling at them for being idiots and suspecting him for being a usurper. Do they honestly think he could do something like that by himself? Then his old instructor swings a sword at him, forcing him to dodge before he gets his head lobbed off. The instructor, looking crazed, asks why did he move. Belca asks what the hell he's doing, shouldn't he be resigned? The instructor reveals that because he quit, he was fired from the knights' order and his life is ruined because of Belca. He keeps slashing at Belca while the latter blocks with his own sword sheath, saying that it's fine for him to kill him because if Belca dies, no one will look for the culprit. Belca knows he's serious; if he doesn't fight, he's dead. Belca remembers what Ossan told him about it being best if no one has to die...before Hector dashes in to save him, blocking the blade.
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Belca survives with a face cut to show for it and the guards nervously tell him to leave it to them in the future, taking the instructor to prison. Hector says to let him cool his head and that he'll deal with him later. Belca thanks him, silently bitching himself out because he knows that if it was training, he would have matched the speed easily. In a real life situation, he was too scared to move. Then Hector pats his head, calling him a dummy: he's his big brother first and the crown prince second. Of course he'll help him anytime!
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Oh, and he's only there because he ran away from the argument with the elders so it was really perfect timing. He then asks Belca why is he being so polite with his speech. Belca answers he's the son of a whore so he has to know his place. An annoyed Hector notes that he doesn't need to be so formal with family and says the castle is a bad influence on him, offering to let him study abroad. He can go out, have fun, learn, fuck cute girls...the works! The last part is important because while he was out, Hector found a woman he would like to be his bride.
The woman was an Amontel.
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He asks Belca if he thinks it's impossible. Belca answers that hating the Amontel is the way of the world. Hector agrees but...the world changes. So Hector will face the world head on.
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He says he won't force Belca to agree with him but he encourages him to broaden his horizons by traveling. When he does, tell him how he thinks. A guard runs up for Hector, saying it's time for round 2 against the elders. Hector then asks Belca to see him at the same place again the next rest day. Until then, think about the suggestion on studying abroad...and give him the porn he got from the mercenaries (he has his ways).
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Belca wonders that if he becomes king with Ocelito at his side if the entire country will become surrounded by his kind atmosphere. Then he says if that day comes and he gets to serve beside him, he might not mind life in the castle anymore.
The following week came the day of rest. Hector failed to show up in the agreed meeting spot so Belca goes looking for him. He walks in on his brother collapsed on the floor, the maids calling for a doctor.
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Belca, panicked, asks him what happened. But Hector just scolds him for speaking too formally. The chapter ends on the note that 3 days later, Hector passed away.
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Chapter 2
Belca sums up what happened at the end of the last chapter: it's all just a bad dream.

Hector is dead. His siblings watch his body burned on his pyre with Musca trying to put the fire out, not comprehending what is happening. She manages to catch on fire and Belca moves to dunk her in water to put out the flame, cursing her out and saying if she wants to die too. Her handlers yell at him but Musca is oddly silent, watching as Belca stomps off...
On the balcony, Belca notes that today's funeral was for the relatives; tomorrow, the state's guests will be invited to the funeral rites. Looks like he won't be studying abroad either. Just when he's ruminating on always having to be stuck in the castle, Orcelita swings down from a sheet ladder above him to talk.

He falls on him.
Anyway, Orcelita wanted to thank him for saving Musca today. Belca tells him if he's really grateful then use the damn door from now on. Orcelita counters that he had to come from the above window; his guards told him that if he just wanted to say thanks, they would tell Belca for him. Belca says that's because Orcelita is the crown prince and that with the incident, it'll be unwise if he keeps talking to the next in line in person. Orcelita says that can't be true because they're brothers and they gotta support the country together...but Belca snatches away from him, telling him to leave him alone. He shouts that no one in the castle wants him to be involved in politics. He finishes his short rant telling Orcelita that he was just giving him sweet talk and that being around him irritates him.

Yeah, even Belca thinks that he was being too harsh, saying he was just taking his feelings out on the nearest target. Thankfully (even if Belca doesn't see it that way), Orcelita followed him out, chasing him down to talk it out with him. Belca runs into a weird bunker to hide from him, going into a weird door to hide further only to pause. Orcelita catches up and stops behind him, asking what's the deal with the door and what stinks about it. He does recognize it as an important place for the ancestors, saying that he has to find someone to clean the place for them. Belca wants them to go back to their rooms but Orcelita says it's the duty of the royal family to upkeep the place.
So...they find a body.

Belca recognizes the skin color. It's not "human"; it's an Amontel. He carries Orcelita's fainting ass out of there while not being able to shake off the feeling of being followed. While they're walking, Orcelita discusses how Amontel are supposed to have been created by an "ancient evil" in "man's likeness" but he till can't stand to see them in pain. Belca says that that makes him just like Hector (Eh...). That makes Orcelita walk on his own and say that if he really is like Hector, then he can't let Belca do something so simple with him. Belca tells him it's too late to be acting cool now before they head into a chapel. Belca says it isn't part of the vilia's main grounds and that if they cut through the forest, they can get back to the main house.
Orcelita then brings up that this is the first time the two have talked so much...and that Belca is not using formal speech to talk to him. Belca says it's a habit he started since his last talk with Hector involved the latter telling him it's weird for siblings to speak so politely to each other. All in all, Orcelita prefers to talk to him like this. But Belca is not optimistic about getting to talk to him much anymore, considering Orcelita is the crown prince and all. Orcelita asks why, outside of the fact that other people decided it for them. Belca is eager to dismiss it as more sweet talk but Orcelita is coming off as particularly intense, saying if something can changed then someone should change it. Belca says it can't be changed...but, hypothetically, if it can be, he would like to do something about it too.

He then says if Orcelita wants to investigate why shit is so fucked, it's fine if they do it together. Then they hear someone come inside the chapel, Belca covering Orcelita's mouth to keep him from giving away their position. After all, it's the middle of the night and the guys came in by the hidden passage. They listen in through a window and discover it's two elders, Lord Lagen and Sir Orbus. Orcelita wants to go in and join the conversation only for some other guy to walk in: it's Sir Orbus' son who discusses shipping the "goods" before sneering at the Amontels who are coming over to see Hector's funeral. Sir Orbus placates him by saying the Amontels may be monsters but their young females can be sold at a high price. Listening in, Belca and Orceita begin to suspect the body they saw earlier belonged to the Amontel who was with Hector, killed for "rising above his station". Then they reveal they're poisoning the king, the whole murder forcing them to put off the whole assassination plot a little longer.

Oh, and they totally killed Hector.
Orcelita stomps away too loudly, signaling the elders inside to the brothers' presence. Luckily, they're mistaken for maids or tutors. Unluckily, the elders casually order the guards to get rid of them. Orcelita, being dragged away by Belca, demands to know why he's being taken away; he has every right to question them. Belca points out they weren't supposed to hear that and now they have a target on their heads. Belca wants to hide in the forest but Orcelita points away, angrily shouting that they didn't do anything wrong. When the guards levy their bows and arrows at them, Orcelita turns and faces them, loudly demanding to know why they are trying to kill the crown prince. One trigger happy guard fires his arrow at Orcelita accidentally and Belca moves in, pushing Orcelita away and taking the arrow himself.

Belca is hanging on a cliffside and one of the guards suggests helping him, Orcelita running over to do just that. However, Sir Orcus' son walks over, telling him it doesn't matter if he and Belca are brothers: he can't associate with someone of a lower status. Orcelita screams at him to help him pull up his brother but the son calmly tells him to choose wisely who he wants to side with. Orcelita says he'll do whatever they want if they just help him pull his brother up. The son is pleased...and then Orcelita loses his grip.
Belca plummets to the bottom.

The chapter ends with Ego somehow finding his body, saying that Belca is going to die...
Chapter 3
Orcelita is pissed.

Not only is his brother apparently dead but he's just been told by the elder's son that he's going to be the council's puppet. The son says "Bro, chill...we're just doing what's best for the country.". So Orcelita finally shouts out his name (Kiliko Lagen) and demands to know why he's treating the royal family like this. Kiliko smugly leaves, saying that Orcelita is cranky and needs his rest. Before he can fully exit, Orcelita asks about Belca. Kiliko says they couldn't find him despite looking. Outside the room, Kiliko tells the guard with him he assumes he died due to all the blood found at the landing site, his body clearly having been eaten by beasts. Clearly a massive inconvenience, Kiliko orders the guard to find out if Belca's personal belongings are on the black market or are being sold in antique shops. If he is alive, he needs to be captured immediately before he starts saying shit. Prince Orcelita is not to be let out of his room. Taking out a poison, Kiliko cryptically states that while things didn't work out with Hector, there's a chance Orcelita could still be put under their control.

Meanwhile, our special guy Belca is recuperating under an unfamiliar ceiling in a dirty room somewhere. Belca wakes up thinking that he fell asleep in Ossan's barracks before he remembers what happened. While he's trying to figure out how he's still breathing, Ego comes in with breakfast! It's bear! Beary delicious!

Belca demands to know where he is before he feels a jolt of pain from his bandages. Ego tells him not to move around too much, saying it's a miracle he's still alive. He says the bear, as in the bear he is being served to eat for breakfast right now, cushioned his fall and he should eat it to show proper respect for its sacrifice. Belca is worried about Orcelita but Eco (Now going by Eco because I've apparently misread his name) introduces himself instead, saying he rents the cabin they're staying in during the winter and he works as a scholar and a bard. Eco asks his name, causing Belca to realize that 1) Eco doesn't know who he is and 2) that means he's not back in the palace. Belca tries to ask where he is but both are interrupted by guards knocking on the door, demanding to search the cabin.

They say a rebel, using the name of Prince Belca, has fled to the mountains and he stole treasure from the sacred tombs. Eco tells Belca that they're in the town district of the Royal Tomb's Palace Vila, specifically the mountain outskirts near it. Belca figures the elders haven't found him yet...but they're looking. And they'll use any method they have to make sure the secret he and Orcelita found out stays buried.
The guards burst in...to find an empty room. Eco and Belca are hiding in the storage and the guards begin their search. But on the bright side, Eco thinks this event will make a good song!

Belca points out that the guards are naturally gonna check a fucking closet but Eco tells him to be optimistic. The guards promptly find the closet and open the door...only for an old man to jump in and yell at them, demanding to know why they're breaking into his house. One guard angrily says not to talk to them like that only for the old man to snap at him to fix his damn door. He then goes on a rant about how because of the guards' deer hunt, his livelihood is ruined. The mice are breeding, the sprouts are being eaten up...the guards are too uncomfortable to talk back to him. They leave and tell him to keep an eye out for the felon, with the old man still shouting at them to fix his door.
With the fuzz sent packing, Eco formally introduces the old man to Belca as Gramps. Gramps happily says he just finished winter preparations a bit ago and is heading off to the countryside to stay until spring. He says Belca seems chill so he can stay until his wounds heal. Belca asks if anyone is taking this seriously; he is literally being chased by the king's men. Gramps says them mountain folk are different from lowlanders; they're not as softheaded. When spring comes, summer follows. That's the way things are. Nature is different from humans, who change their choices again and again. That's why they (mountain folk) can't be sure if the people on top knows what's right. And that' exactly why Belca should think for himself and make his own decisions.

Belca says Hector used to say something similar. Gramps smiles and tells him to get better soon so that he can show Hector that lively face of his again.

So Gramps leaves, telling Eco to take care of the cabin. Belca thinks about how Hector took on the council and lost. But it's not just him: Orcelito, Belca, even their father...they can't get out of the cage they were put in. Eco has more bear though! But Belca isn't hungry...ah well. Eco says it can't be helped. Belca is a prince after all.

He knows who he is. And he especially knows he's third in line to the throne. Belca shoves him away, accusing him of actually being up to something while demanding to know who he is. Belca says he's nothing but a nuisance in the castle and he's a wanted criminal now. Not only will the guards kill him, they'll kill Eco too if they find out he was harboring him. Eco denies trying to do anything but Belca ain't hearing it, saying if his only choice is to live or die, he should have died when he fell off the cliff. Eco tells him to calm down, asking if he already did his best to improve his situation. Belca stammers over his words and Eco smiles, saying that he knows he did nothing to begin with. Belca says what does he know...before Eco wraps his hands around his throat and pins him to the bed, saying if he's serious about what he said before he can give him what he wants right now.

He even apologizes for unnecessarily treating his wounds, not wanting to delay his trip to the grave. He also tells him it's useless to resist in his current condition so just let the sweet grip of death take him so he can bury him in the area around the cabin so the guards will never find him. Belca is just going to let himself be killed...before he flashes back to Orcelita, remembers him trying to save him and realizes that his dumbass of a brother will never let himself be a puppet for the elders, which leaves only one fate for him...
He suddenly punches Eco off of him, deciding he's sick of letting people die.
Eco is nursing his sore cheek but laughs, betting on Belca not really wanting to die. He apologizes for trying to strangle him to death in order to illustrate a point and goes off to chop wood. Belca isn't sure if Eco was really trying to kill him but rationalizes that if he wanted to, he would have done so before. He wants to see Orcelito (gonna use that name for him; the manga I got goes back and forth) but he remembers Eco's words: "You did nothing to begin with.".
He gets up, gets dressed, eats his bear and leaves behind a note before exiting the room before Eco comes back in. Eco reads that Belca thinks he's creepy but he did help him out so he owes him. He paid for the clothes he took with some earrings.
The chapter ends with Eco realizing in comical horror that Belca is heading down the mountain in that condition.

Chapter 4
On the Northeast Border Kuklant Suburb Trail, an Amontel is being hunted by bandits. They're thinking of capturing him to sell before an Amontel in the trees shoots an arrow at them. Not knowing how many of the Amontel there are in the forest, the bandits retreat.

The archer Amontel helps up the other Amontel, Shingetsu, and asks him if he returned from the Holy Land. Shingetsu responds that everyone who went to the royal tomb are already dead. The archer cusses him out for this, saying that with Hector dead, the kingdom has no need to accept them now. Shingetsu was hoping that Hector's wish had reached the elders but the archer ain't having that shit. They say that the only choice now is to fight, cursing Hector for dying so soon...
In a spiffy new outfit, Belca makes it to Sana, the gateway between the palace villa and the town district. If he can get past this town, he can get to the entrance to the palace. And if he can make it in there, he can see Orcelito. But first! He has to make it past a large crowd...headed by the guards. The guards are not only collecting tolls but are also doing searches on every person to search for Belca. Things are not looking good for the prince...and then he overhears a man being manhandled and searched, just for not having any money to pay the toll. The guards try to drag him out but he breaks away, saying he has a daughter who needs him. The guards attack him, saying he's with the "rebel". Belca quietly points out that he's just an old man and they have him confused with someone else but a lady tells him it's no use, the soldiers have their eye on him. I mean, he did try to slip past the gate. If Belca has a problem, why doesn't he do something about it himself?

Belca has enough of this shit; Eco's words have gotten through to him and he approaches the guards, saying that the old man isn't a rebel and using his ring (with a real gemstone!) to pay for his toll. They get through, the crowd is astonished, good times for all...then the guard inspects the ring. The relief on it is of the Twin Lions...the emblem of the royal family.

The guards immediately shout at Belca to stop, saying that he's the royal tomb thief they're looking for. Belca, finally using his brain, turns and shouts at them for their impudence. He reveals his true identity: Prince Belca, 3rd Prince of the Noctircus Royal Family. He has returned to Sana to meet Orcelito. He then demands to be escorted to the Palace Villa. The guards are stunned...until one guard reminds the others that the thief is using Prince Belca's name. One of the guards counters that the ring is the proof of succession but the guard counters that with the information that he's a thief; he probably stole it. The guards advance on him, intending to capture him alive to interrogate him further. Belca's cornered, he has no weapons and his body's in bad shape. This could be it for him. Then, gold coins rain from the sky.

Some dude's cart was overturned and he is not happy about it. The crowd swarms over the guards to get it and Belca is dragged away by Eco, his savior. As Eco takes him to his hiding place, Belca recognizes him...as the bear guy.

(Sadly no.)
Meanwhile, Lord Lagen is scolding K-dog for letting Belca's body escape them. They just lost an important pawn because of that. Lagen tells him to let Orbus handle the situation in the Palace Villa. Meanwhile, Orbus' son has another opportunity to make up for his failure...
The guards are searching houses while looking for Belca, breaking into a random brothel, turning the p;ace inside out. One woman overhears who the guards are looking for and is shocked. A guard (in rather fresh way) questions her, but the other courtesans defend her by saying that she's Prince Orcelito's biggest fan and was upset that he went home. The guards eventually leave (with the creepy saying he'll come back as a paying customer)...and that woman is revealed to be Belca himself.

Eco and Belca live to be ambiguously homosexual for another day. Eco thanks the madam, Ricolise, for helping them out. Ricolise says it would suck if the girls couldn't hear Eco's song again. She offers them a room and the boys retire, the guards still looking for them outside. Eco asks Belca what he did and Belca says it's none of his business. Eco is huffy, saying he's saved his life twice (three times if you count saving Belca's life from Eco). But Belca doesn't want him to get any further involved; it could get him killed. Eco asks why and Belca says every person who has gotten close to him has been killed. Eco tells him to chill if he's worried about someone getting hurt on his account; Eco didn't save him out of the kindness of his heart. No, he has an ulterior motive for helping him. Belca nervously tells him he has no money but Eco has no need for that. No...he wants his song.

No, literally. He wants to sing a song about Belca and his story. If Belca gives him his song, he'll do anything for his sake. Eco offers and Belca says that he wants to see Orcelito one more time. Eco has joined Belca's party! Good thing too because Belca doesn't know jack shit about the outside world. That ring he gave away earlier? He estimates that it can pay the toll for ten people...Eco corrects him that it could have paid the toll for 10,000 people.

So unless Eco is around, he's a dead man.
Orcelito is stuck with Fagen's son as his attendant. and he's not happy about this turn of events. He tries to talk to his dad but the chapter ends with K-dog stopping him.
(Bonus) Chapter 5
HOLD IT! First, a brief lecture on the fashion of the era from the omake.
A rich young man with short sleeves is a retainer.
It doesn't matter what a noble wears in their own territories. However, what they wear may signify how loyal they are to the king.
Flags distinguish which house you belong to.
The other omake shows that Eco is so damn lonely, he has waiters write "I love Eco" on his food.

See you later for actual story.
Chapter 6

(Do NOT get the bad ending with him.)
Our boys are out and away from Sana. The sun is rising and they're on their way to Neue Favrille...but screw them, back to Shingetsu. He's being scolded for taking his bow and arrow on his travels, against the wishes of the elders and the shrine maidens, but he says he's just going to follow the whereabouts of his comrades. Of the Amontels who were captured in Sana, half of them are still alive and are being shipped out. The other Amontel with him points out that if they attack the stone capital, the place will respond in kind. If he attacks the kingdom, the Amontel risk being completely wiped out. Naturally, Shingetsu counters that if they remain quiet, do they think the kingdom will leave them alone? See, Shingetsu is not like the elders who are content to just sit in one place and slowly die.

Anyway, at the castle, Musca gets a gift from Prince Orcelito. It's chocolates! She's making a wreath of white clovers for Belca (?!). She may be a brat but she's grateful for him saving her from the bonfire. She's a lady after all: she's obligated to thank someone who saved her life. However, when she's spent all day looking for him, she breaks down crying, demanding to know where he is. Ossan comes upon her and takes her wreath of clovers, saying she's pretty good. Her wet nurse steps in to defend her, saying she'll have him punished before Musca stops her, saying she'll forgive him and giving him the wreath of clovers, saying that since Belca isn't around, he might as well have it. However, he has to pay her back by letting her ride home on his shoulders. The wet nurse is horrified, saying that Ossan is filthy. Musca argues that if Ossan bathes and can put on his own clothes, he's clean enough. Ossan says that Musca caught him when he was on his way to submit his resignation. When she asks for him to explain what that is, he changes the subject, saying that for today, he's in the service of the princess. Then Musca notices a clover on the ground, wondering if it's for the wreath she made for Orcelito earlier. She then asks to be taken to the Government Archives' building, despite mercenaries (re: Ossan) not being allowed in that place. He says he can't take her any further than the entrance.
He drops her off and skedaddles, allowing Musca to run off and meet Orcelito who looks a bit...out of it.

She asks if he's okay but K-Dog says he's tired because of all the preparations for the coronation ceremony he has to undertake soon. He says whatever she wants to talk about has to wait. She gets upset, telling him to move aside and introduces himself as the far lamer name-bearer of Kiliko, Musca runs over to Orcelito and clings to him, saying she's worried about him. Kiliko offers to lend her his subordinates in order to look for whoever she was looking for earlier but she tells him to fuck off with his subordinates and his hard to remember name. Musca says to Orcelito that she can only get help from him, saying that Belca can't help because he's the son of a whore. Orcelito's eyes widen and Musca expects to be hit again...but he just walks past her, leaving with Kiliko who tells her to go back to her room.

Later at the mercenaries' den:

A guy gets a note from his informer bird, the others getting mad at him for it and saying that if the palace found out, he's getting fired. He counters that mercenaries can't do anything if they don't know the situation and reads the note. Apparently, there's a rumor that Prince Belca has appeared in Sana and that Orbus had Prince Hector assassinated. What a rip! A total waste of 10 silvers. Besides, Prince Belca is in his room, right? But Ossan isn't so sure of that...also, they had most of the palace guards replaced so something is definitely going on.
Later on in her room, Musca asks her wet nurse if she though Prince Orcelito was being strange. The wet nurse agrees...after all, it's what the princess said so it's what she must think. Though she accepts Kiliko's explanation that he was just tired from preparing for the ceremony. She then suggests that Musca give him a wreath of herbs to relieve his stress tomorrow. Musca nods and goes to sleep...except she doesn't, still bothered with how Orcelito was acting towards her. She sneaks out...
Meanwhile, Kiliko asks about the progress on Operation: Take Over The Fucking Kingdom. It's going smoothly: Orcelito is being poisoned perfectly, with normal speech eventually set to become off-limits to him. Kiliko may be surrounded by newbies but this mission is important so he doesn't mind. Then a guard catches Musca outside. Kiliko reacts appropriately.

He tells them to take her back to her room. The guard comes out to escort her, amid her protests, and she looks back to see Orcelito looking down at her:

Musca is shaken.
Kiliko goes into Orcelito's room, undressing him while saying Musca is so much like what he was: a person of action. He closes the door from the inside, asking Orcelito for his opinion on it...

Meanwhile, in Kras Ahbo, Eco and Belca were able to sell their sword and dresses for a nice price. And they went shopping! A perfect normal day for a valley girl. But Eco has a cold from being pushed into the sea in by a solider. What the fuck are they talking about? We won't know soon because they spot a slave dealer in the middle of town square. He's selling an Amontel...Eco suggests getting one as an attendant (even though that will significantly cut into the food budget) but Belca coldly replies that he doesn't need such a monster, much to Eco's worry.
Later at the campfire, Eco asks Belca if he hates the Amontel that much. Belca burns his tongue on his roasted meat and asks Eco to repeat him. Eco changes his question to comment on how naturally Belca takes to camping outdoors even though he's a royal. Belca comments that he's very much not okay with it. It's dark, it's cold and there are animals for whatever reason...but he does like the forest for one thing: the people out there don't care about your blood lineage. And he likes the food!
No time to unravel the hypocrisy of that statement because when Eco gets too kiss the homies goodnight with Belca, the latter finds out the former has a fever. Before they can deal with that, Belca notices something watching them. Belca goes over to investigate it even though Eco says it's a bad idea and the two spot an Amontel. Eco suggests just talking to him but Belca draws his sword, advancing on the Amontel, accusing him of hiding with the intent to ambush and kill them. Eco points out the Amontel, who looks rather young, is injured and can barely move so chill the fuck out for just a damn second. Belca shouts back at Eco for defending him, saying he's an Amontel ergo he's the reason his brother is dead.
Even Belca seemed surprised to say that out loud only for the tense moment to be broken up by the sounds of hoofs approaching them, a nobleman arriving to provide them with assistance.

Also, that Amontel? It escaped from his residence. He'll like it back please.
End of chapter.
Chapter 7
The heroic slavemaster has recaptured his Amontel and all is well again. Eco asks if Belca has calmed down from his racist rage and says he has, wanting to leave to get away from the Amontel and the nobleman. But the nobleman stops them, saying he wants to apologize for the trouble his Amontel has caused them. Eco literally jumps on him, saying "It sure is nice to receive something, even if it's from a guy!"

The nobleman says he reminds him of an old friend...only to then immediately recognize him as Eco. Then Eco recognizes him as Dietrich, the son of Arlon. Dietrich corrects him that his name is Dietrich Noah, Earl of Arlon. How does Eco know him? Eco says in the past, he did student work at different estates. He was a stay-in, writing letters, copying books, nerd shit. Dietrich says that Eco would also sneak out to Sana's red light district and join drag contests (because of course he did) and Eco cuts him off, saying he still wants his apology. Since he knows him, Dietrich denies him the apology (funny how that works) but upon finding out he has a fever, he calls for two horses from his men and says that Belca and Eco are going to stay at the mansion. Belca doesn't want to stay just because he's been told this plus there's his feverent racism towards Amontels to take into account with the slaves the guy has...then it begins to snow. In autumn. So he really doesn't have a choice now, does he?
Mr. Grumpy Racist Pants is seen taking a hot bath in the mansion, asking Eco (in the same room with the tub) if it's okay to accept help from a nobleman. Eco says that one, if they refuse, they'll be suspected and two, the Noahs are one of the lesser noble families, so they're probably not involved with Lord Lagen. Deciding to pull the bandaid off the wound, Eco comes right out and asks if Hector was killed because of the Amontel. Belca says it's none of Eco's business but Eco continues, saying that he saw an Amontel among Hector's ranks when he was walking through the city and that he was rumored to be planning on changing the state of the kingdom to give the Amontels more rights. Belca darkly reiterates that it's none of his business. Eco agrees...correctly guessing that he only wanted to do so because he met a cute Amontel girl anyway.
That sets Belca off.

He yells at Eco to shut up, saying that the Amontels are monsters and they don't deserve descriptors like "cute" or "girl" to be applied to them. Eco calmly asks Belca why he feels that way and Belca begins to answer that it's always been like that...and then he remembers what Hector and Gramps both said about times and attitudes changing. The maid comes in to bring in a change of clothes and wash his dirty ones and tell the two that their rooms are ready so when Belca is done scrubbing his ass, they can get to bed.
Later on, Eco suggests that he and Belca can wait for the right time and escape. But Belca says it's impossible to camp out in that weather and even if they did, they would just get caught while they sleep. Telling Eco goodnight, he thinks about the Amontel, saying the way people act towards them has been decided before there were even humans...
Meanwhile, in the woods, Shingetsu catches himself a bandit and begins the interrogation.

The guy is a slaver and Shingetsu is interrogating him to find out where he sold his fellow Amontel. The slaver fearfully shouts that he and his men sold them all in Sana and that they're under the "Chemist"'s control now. Other than that, he doesn't know anything. Shingetsu is about to kill him before another Amontel stops him, saying if he kills him, he has to kill the rest too. Shingetsu instead puts a "curse" on the man: If he tries to go after them, he will get revenge on his children, and his children's children, and make their flesh rot away. The curse of the Red Forest.
Back to Prince Hour! Belca wakes up to discover one, he's alive and two, he still has his Primseed pendant and three, Eco's fever broke. Looking outside, Belca is amazed by the snow like a puppy seeing his first few inches (of snow...pervert.). Dietrich greets him, saying it's noon already (Really Belca...?) and asks if Belca will spar with him before he eats.
Belca still got the moves (in training, at least) and he gives Dietrich a good fight. Dietrich asks about Eco and apologizes for yesterday's incident, saying it must have been frightening to run into an Amontel in the forest. Belca quickly says no it wasn't...and fucks up enough to have to dodge a straight pierce from Dietrich's blade. He returns with renewed force though, saying that he can't forgive Amontel for looking human even though they're clearly not. Dietrich agrees...but says that Amontels are in fact "human imitations" that they can replace humans and the "real" humans can make them do stuff that "real" humans can't. They take a break and Dietrich continues that Amontel do dangerous work that "real" humans cannot like digging in mines and such. Therefore, he can't really hate them. But! He and Belca have to remain ever vigilant and make sure not to mistake them for "real" humans.

Anyway, Dietrich gets called away on a "matter" and leaves Belca alone, saying they'll talk later. Belca thinks that Dietrich reminds him of Hector, just a bit. Belca then thinks that if Hector just thought of the Amontels the way Dietrich does, he would still be alive. He goes back to his and Eco's room to say that Dietrich is a chill dude...only to not see Eco anyway. And his stuff is missing.

At the Royal Tomb's Palace Villa, at the Sana Town District Gate, the Vandemiel's Squad Captain (whoever the fuck that is) is greeted by the guards when he's about to go on a vacation to see his parents. Then he sees something in the distance that looks like a caravan...but something isn't right. He orders the guards to go over and investigate and it turns out that the caravan contained Moruga merchants...Amontel slave traders. The slave traders were taken to a hospital to recover but what's interesting is the fact that they were not attacked for their money. No...their attackers were Amontel.

And their next target are the traders' client...
A carrier pigeon can't get to them; it's already sunset! The Squad Captain will have to rescue that innocent slave owner before the Amontel reach him!
The chapter ends with Belca exploring the Arlon family estate.
Chapter 8
At the Neue-Favrille Palace Gates Square, Musca is being wished good luck on her trip. Where is she going? To a convent near the Schez Villa, where she can make some friends! Musca protests that she's not sick and that she wants to see Orcelito but her wet nurse drags her off into the carriage, saying the Schez air will be good for her health. In the palace, Lord Lagen asks if she's gone; he needs her later as an important diplomatic tool, after all. It turns out Musca is sick: Kiliko had her poisoned with diluted snaked venom which gave her a slight fever. Then Orcelito runs in, straight into Kiliko's arms.

Lord Lagen says "control your ho, man" and Kiliko says in time, Orcelito will be fully under control. Lord Lagen then leaves back to his colony, saying being away for too long makes him uneasy. He also says that while he'll leave Kiliko in charge for now, he better not be disappointed when he comes back.

Sighing, Kiliko tells Orcelito not to surprise him like that next time. He then invites the prince back to his own room so that they can read a book together.
But what of Belca and Eco? Well, Dietrich wakes Eco up while the latter is napping at the desk in the former's office. Dietrich asks Eco to go on a ride with him and Eco calls him crazy, reminding him that his fiancee is supposed to be visiting soon. Then, he asks if he hates the prospect of marriage so much, why doesn't he just leave? Dietrich answers that he knows he has to take over as head of the family but he wants to enjoy the single life just a bit longer.
You're probably wondering "what the fuck does this have to do with the last chapter's cliffhanger?". Well, that moment was a flashback. In the present, Belca is still exploring the grounds and comes out to find a part of the mansion that bridges to a locked small tower thingy. You figure it out.

He wonders if it's a cabin or a storeroom and walks in, bitching about how cold it is. He mentally compares it to the killing room in the royal tomb...but nah, The Earl of Arlon would never do a thing like that! Then he finds a cage with Eco locked up in chains inside.

Dietrich is there too, putting on his best "whoopsie! I've been caught!" face. Belca demands to know what he's doing, saying him and Eco are supposed to be friends. Dietrich just tells him to watch where he's walking; it's cold in there so some areas are iced over. When Belca asks him why is he talking so formally, Dietrich says it makes sense that he's speaking so politely to a prince, after all. He then apologizes to a shocked Belca for making him wear servant clothes (I thought they were his...) and reveals he found out who he was when he had his clothes inspected last night, realizing the materials needed to thread them could only be purchased by royalty. He then says his suspicions were confirmed when he sparred with the prince this morning, saying his stance is that of a knight's but his style is explicitly that of Astelion. The smoking gun is when he reaches over and pulls out Belca's pendant, saying his Primseed is proof and advises that Belca wear it with pride.
He says that Lord Lagen wants him returned safely and Belca will be sent back to Neue-Favrille. Prince Orcelito will definitely be happy (cluing in Belca to the fact that his brother is still alive). Belca then says if he truly thinks he's a prince then let Eco go; he saved his life. Dietrich says he can't do that since he doesn't know what Eco is up to. Belca says there is no proof of him doing something but Dietrich tells him that he sent someone to Sana to investigate and they found out that there is a rumor that someone, a bard in particular, who caused a ruckus there died...yet, a man with a golden ponytail who plays an eleven-stringed koto (a Japanese harp...in a European setting) is right in front of him. Eco says he played a song to escape with the prince but Dietrich counters if he what he told him earlier about Orbus killing Hector is true, why didn't he contact help from the nobles and merchants he's worked for in the past? By not asking for help and making the decision to travel dangerously on foot, Eco looks suspiciously like he's trying to use the prince for his own ends.

Belca tries to tell him the real reason why Eco took him but they are interrupted by a messenger (The Squadron Captain from the last chapter finally reaching them.). Dietrich points out since a messenger and not a carrier pigeon came, it must be important and drags Belca off with him. When Belca asks about Eco, Dietrich tells him not to worry about him: he'll have him sent back to Neue Favrille too. The council of elders will decide what to do with him...

Eco tells Belca to go ahead with Dietrich, reminding him that no matter how powerful people are, it doesn't mean that whatever they are saying is true. People will use their words to influence the thoughts and actions of others.

The important thing is what Belca thinks and not what those people say; he tells him not to forget that even if he's not around.
Outside, the Shingetsu and the Amontels (Album dropping on the 30th) notice the lights out in the mansion but the perimeter is well-guarded: they're being expected. Tenrou (the Amontel with Shingetsu) jokes that Shingetsu's curse didn't work. Shingetsu tells him to drop it and come with him.
Inside, Dietrich thanks the Squadron Captain for warning him about the attack, saying they were able to buffer their defenses because of the information. The Squadron Captain brushes off the praise, saying he was doing what was expected of any person in his position but Dietrich cuts him off by revealing that his horse has been fed and cared for and offers the Captain a room for the night. The Captain offers to assist but Dietrich tells him not to worry about it and leaves.
Belca marches up to Dietrich in the hallway and demands to know what's going on...and the Captain sees him.

Dietrich tells him it's not a big deal, just some wild Amontel wandering outside so the guards are about to hunt them. He tells him not to stress and that he sent a blanket and a heater for Eco so Belca can rest easy.
Inside the room, turns out the guard didn't recognize Belca as the prince. However, he turns out to be the creep captain from a couple of chapters ago and does recognize Belca as "Mariebelle", the courtesan he saw at the brothel who is actually a boy!

Outside, the guards bait and capture one of the Amontels, saying the rest won't abandon a comrade so they can get them too. Inside Belca stews in his room, listening to the hunt. He says if he stays, he'll be sent back to Neue Favrille. This mansion has become a further extension of the castle; he might be more comfortable here but it's still the same as being caged. Going outside his room, he discovers everyone is outside, giving him a rare opportunity to get Eco out of the jail. He thinks about the fact that Dietrich has a point but he can never forgive him for what he did. On the bridge to the jail, however, he catches an Amontel with a sword to a maid's throat, making Belca dash forward to save her...only for the chapter to end with Shingetsu firing an arrow at Belca, deriding him as a fool for falling for their trap.

Chapter 9:
Just a reminder:

Because I am NOT typing it out again.
Anyway, Eco says that even if Dietrich put weird ideas in his head, he hopes his words would keep Belca safe for a while. He knows that Belca might be happier as Dietrich's puppet but...that'll be no fun for a little stinker like Eco. Then he hears a bunch of noise from outside...
But the Captain first! He can't relax in the mansion while the Amontel are attacking so he walks outside the room. Then he sees Belca confront the Amontels outside. When Belca is shot at, he manages to dash down and take the arrow for him, protecting his precious Mariebelle.

Then the captain sees his pendant, finally (actually) recognizing him. Tenrou thinks that, with Belca's fancy clothes, he's the young master of this place so he wants him to take him to where the slaves are. But Shingetsu tells him to wait, saying there's a signal from the bank of the lake and that means Dietrich's men already knows they're there. They do a Pincer attack on them, they're screwed. Tenrou says oh well, they got all the information they need from the maid. They can just take Belca as a hostage instead and get out of Dodge. The Captain tries to protect him but ends up with an arrow through his ankle, courtesy of Shingetsu. Belca tries to protect him but he's outmanned; they give him a choice: come with them or the captain and the maid dies. Despite that throwing a wrench in his "return to Orcelito" plans, Belca agrees, becoming a hostage.

Captain is thrown into the waters and the Amontels board a boat with their new hostage. They tell the maid to send a message: they're return with Belca later, offering his life for their comrades.
Later on, Dietrich gets word that Belca was kidnapped, the Amontels cleverly outmanuevering them by going someplace where they weren't expected to show up and thus taking advantage of the lack of guards there. Dietrich's attendant guy says that it's kind of a good thing that this happened before word was sent back that they have the prince in their custody. Dietrich says the prince must be rescued; he can't miss this chance to get a connection with Lord Lagen!

Shingetsu and Tenrou are greeted back at their meet-up spot by another Amontel, Belca in tow. Then the Captain walks up, having swam after them to save Belca. Then he passes out.

Back at the jail, a maid comes with Eco's blanket and heater (Oh, he was serious about that...). Eco recognizes her as Annette, a maid who's been working in the mansion for years. She's happy to be recognized and gives him his blanket...and his missing poem book, knowing how much he missed it. Eco is so happy...which is a feeling he'll want to hold onto as much as possible because Annette then tells him Belca was kidnapped.

Eco demands to be let out to rescue him but Annette says that's impossible. Dietrich has the keys and if she steals them, she won't just be flogged...she'll be subject to the experiments, just like the Amontel!
Wait, what?
Yeah, that's what Dietrich has been using the Amontels for, shooting them up with drugs and stuff like that. Eco asks if he's working with Lagen on that and Annette confirms it, asking how he knows about that. Instead of answering, he asks Annette to do him another favor...
Meanwhile, Hostage!Belca wakes up against a giant fox in a cave somewhere. Shingetsu greets him, currently dressing the Captain's wounds. Belca tries to push him away, thinking he's attacking him, only for Shingetsu to take out a knife and throw it at him...hitting the rat about to pounce on him. Apparently the rats in this setting are venomous...he then tells Belca that because he's their hostage, they're not gonna hurt him because they need him for the exchange. Until then, he should get some rest. His giant fox doesn't bite. Also, the captain's wound is (somehow) shallow and the shot was just meant to scare Belca. Some herbs have been applied on the wounds so he should be fine in 2 to 3 days. Belca is awed that these monsters are behaving in such a surprisingly rational manner. He still wants to leave...but the Captain has a fever so it's impossible to move him. He sighs and calls the Captain an idiot, asking why he had to pull such a dumb stunt for him...
Outside the cave, an Amontel named Izayoi comes in and is briefed on the situation. Then he finds the pendant the Amontel swiped from Belca, horrified that they KIDNAPPED THE FUCKING PRINCE.
Now, at the Royal Prefecture in Neue Favrille, Kiliko and Lagen's men are trying to locate pages from the Rovisco Documents as well as decipher them. Turns out Lagen's family are called the Guardians of History and this is their main duty. Then they find some controversial literature, including some text explicitly speaking out against the royal family. The missing pages were most likely taken out by someone who is against the crown which also means someone else knows about the secret backroom...

Tenrou stomps back into the cave when we cut back to Belca, demanding to know if the latter is actually the Prince. He then comments if he's Hector's brother, he's his exact opposite. That pisses Belca off and he charges him, screaming that it's the Amontel's fault that Hector is dead because he wanted to treat them as human beings and the elders killed him for it. The other Amontels are shocked to hear this...and so is the Captain who just woke up. Tenrou recovers quickly, glad that they can now do a hostage exchange with the Stone Capital's King. Belca laughs at him, saying there's no way that the kingdom will bargain for a troublemaker like him. Sure, the elders want him but that's only because he knows they killed Hector. The Captain tries to get Belca to stop talking but Belca goes on, saying they wasted their time and that the kingdom wouldn't want to negotiate with a bunch of evil disgusting creatures like them anyway.

The Amontel are about to fuck him up but Shingetsu stops them, wanting to ask Belca a question: did he see it? You know, when the Evil Deity that created the Amontel...did it? They were just minding their own business in the mountains and then the Stone Capital guys came in and started colonizing. Being hunted, treated as slaves, eaten like food...they keep calling the Amontel evil but the way the Amontel are treated is evil in of itself!

So...on the Western Trail at the Florel Town Outpost, Musca is being prepared for her stay. While there, she overhears rumors that Orcelito is indeed acting strangely and some think he has been replaced with someone else. Musca thinks to herself: her mom's dead, her dad's sick, Hector's "gone away" and Belca is missing...she's the only one who can save her older brother. But how is she going to get back to the palace?
Enter Ossan.

It's his last day in Florel and he's about to head to Lobnec Peninsula, having already submitted his resignation. The chapter ends with Musca seeing him...
Chapter 10
So Ossan's on his way off and is about to sell some stuff so he can eat before he leaves...then he finds himself a Musca in his bag.

Ossan asks where's his armor; Musca says it was in the way so she took it out. Anyway, at a dining establishment, Musca says she needs to get back to the palace to help Orcelito. Ossan cheerfully tells her that no, he is not taking her there and getting his fucking head chopped off; after they finish eating, he's taking her back to the inn. Musca takes some medicine with her food (she stole it from her wet nurse) and Ossan wonders when she got sick all of a sudden. Then he sees her "pills"...
But back to Belca who's still reeling from his dressing down by Tenrou. He mentally concedes that yeah, the Amontel have been treated badly but...they're different! It's not other people's fault for treating them like shit when they're clearly so...not like others. The Captain comes over to ask him if he's able to sleep...and Belca freaks out, pointing out that he's been up the whole time and he needs to rest if he wants to heal. Belca then says that he feels guilty for the Captain getting hurt on his account but The Captain counters that it's an honor to sacrifice his body for the sake of someone baring the spirit of the Hero King. Belca tries to argue that he should be saying that stuff to Orcelito and not him but Tenrou interrupts them, saying the jury's still out on what to do with them. He says they still get to live for now so it's feeding time. Belca accuses him of poisoning the food and Tenrou fires back with "You a weak bitch; you die fast..."...before he says that Hector used to talk about him. Belca flips out (surprise surprise) and demands Tenrou tell him about his connection with his brother, wanting to know why he wanted to help the Amontel. Tenrou responds he doesn't have to tell him shit and Belca continues to holler and shout at him...before remembering that he's doing the same thing as yesterday. And he's heading to the same ending. He politely asks for Tenrou to stop and talk...
And we're back to Ossan and Musca, the former having snatched the latter's medicine. Ossan tells her to stop taking it, saying there's poison mixed in with the sugar. Musca says that he's lying but Ossan says the reason she's sick is probably because of the pills. Musca begins to cry, wondering if the maid hates her enough to kill her...and, to make a bad situation worse, the guys in the restaurant start talking about how Prince Hector was killed by Lord Orbus, right within earshot of the two. Ossan tries to take her out so she won't hear but then he overhears that Prince Belca was taken out for learning about it only for another guy to argue that he was just seen in Sana. Ossan remembers the information from the pigeon and thinks that maybe that rumor was true after all...he was right to get out of there while he was able to because that shit is way above his paygrade and none of his damn business. Then Musca stops him, saying she knows Hector was killed by Lord Orbus and that she thought Belca was killed too and that's why he's not at the castle anymore. She wonders if she's next but she's only worried about what will happen to her big brother Orcelito.

She asks if Ossan is a knight of the royal family and, if he is, to please take her to the palace to help Orcelito. Ossan apologizes, saying he doesn't work for the royal family anymore and he's not a knight, he's an Astelion mercenary who works for jewels and money. She offers to pay him with a hyper-fancy jewel, saying that from now on, he's her personal knight.
Back at the cave, the Amontels are arguing over whether or not they can actually use Belca. He's royalty but the castle doesn't want him. He's Prince Hector's brother but he's "Stone Capital made" so he's a whiny cunt. Tenrou brings Belca in to show him how well things are going and Tenrou says there's no use in talking to a trashy brat who constantly looks at you like he's about to bite you. Tenrou keeps roasting Belca as Belca holds the Ku Klux feelings at bay, battling against his preconceived notions for the greater good. Tenrou is pleasantly surprised that Belca can finally keep his mouth shut and points his blade at his throat, daring him to open dialogue again. Belca asks for a favor, namely that the Amontel help him save Eco from Dietrich's clutches. Tenrou ain't buying it, demanding to know why they would imprison a guy who saved the Prince's life and, if he's a Prince, why doesn't he have enough pull with a rich guy to do it himself? Belca says he has no value as a prince so he'll be their hostage, their scapegoat or spy in order to save Eco with any means he has. Also, the Captain is not his servant; when they're done, let him go. The Amontels tell Tenrou not to trust Belca, saying he's just trying to lead them into a trap and Tenrou smugly shares their feelings with the Prince he now has by the collar. Belca then asks what he must do to gain their trust. Shingetsu joins the conversation by saying they'll take his life in exchange for their trust. The Amontels tell him to chill, saying they still need him as a hostage but Shingetsu everything he can do alive he can do as a corpse. Shingetsu asks Belca if that's okay with him and Belca shakily agrees, saying he talked the talk so he'll walk the walk. Shingetsu draws her (she's a woman, apparently; I've always been bad at this) blade, saying on her word she will rescue Eco and release the Captain. She then lifts the blade above his head...and bursts out laughing.

She says that she's never seen someone so stupid before; at the mansion, he had ample opportunity to escape but stayed to protect the Captain and now he's offering his life for him. He's really stupid...but because he's stupid, he's too stupid to lie and therefore, they can trust him. Then an Amontel runs into the cave, yelling that they have company: Dietrich has followed the Amontel scent to the cave and, led by his slave boy, is ready to "rescue" Belca...
Meanwhile, Ossan has Musca dressed up like a commoner to sneak her around. She asks him what his name is ("Ossan" is Japanese slang for "old man"...not sure why they left that untranslated as his actual name or something) and he says he lost his original name a long time ago. Musca says he needs a real one, giving him the name "Seamrog" after the white clovers she gave him. She asks if he doesn't like it but Seamrog says it's the opposite, saying he didn't expect to be given such a beautiful name in his lifetime...

Chapter 11
Another Omake Chapter!
Ladies' fashion time.
When women reach a marriageable age, they grow their hair out and tie it in a ponytail. But more importantly, they conceal their neck. It doesn't matter whether you're rich or poor, no one can see your neck if you're a proper lady. Lady's napes are considered erotic in this society so they must be covered up. People tend to freak out when they travel overseas...

There's a laxative joke next. Skip. Thanks for reading.
Chapter 12
At the Royal Prefecture at Neue Favrille, Kiliko gets the itsy-bitsy news that Musca in Florel and a search party has been sent out for her. Orcelito hears it too...
Two days away from Florel in O Di Juste, Musca is demanding a piggyback ride from Seamrog. He grants it. She's thirsty. He grants it. She doesn't want water, she wants fruit juice. He grants it. She doesn't want to stay in such a dirty inn...

Sick of her shit, he lectures her on what it means to travel in disguise. He says if she wants to reach the royal prefectures without being seen, she has to bear with it for now. If not, she can go by herself. Some guards see them, mistaking them for father and daughter. They approach them about the missing princess but Musca shouts that she doesn't know Seamrog, running off while screaming that she hates him.

So back to Belca and co. A carriage takes The Captain and a disguised as a girl Belca to a fancy inn where they will be staying for the night. Eco is with them (rescued?) and says it's fine to stay there because it's on Dietrich's dime. The Captain offers to get something for Eco and the latter asks him to go out into town to get information...and something to eat. Belca wants to go too but is denied due to being incognito. He still heads out with The Captain who makes him wait behind as Belca huffs about not being able to do anything. Then some guards approach him, looking for the missing princess (identified as a "missing girl".) Then the guards get fresh with him, saying they might bring him in as a kidnapping suspect if he doesn't comply. That's when none other than Musca comes in to save him, asking the guards if they know how to treat a lady.
She runs off with Belca and another guard shouts at the guards to chase them, pointing out that Musca is probably the girl they're looking for. Belca thinks that she reminds him of Musca (actually calling her Musca the 2nd in his head) and jumps off a small cliff to escape. After some thanks are exchanged, Belca discovers that Musca the 2nd is actually Musca the 1st. After the initial shock, they both discover that Seamrog has been captured by the guards because they found out that he's a mercenary and therefore don't believe Musca can be his child (because soldiers of fortune are infertile...). Musca fills in Belca on the whole "knight" situation and Belca decides he will fill in for Seamrog for the time being.

Seamrog thinks to himself that he can take a few of the guards and escape, silently telling the princess that he's sorry but he'll take his leave here. Then Belca throws a bunch of powder at the guards, saying it's a specialized drug and that they won't be able to move for a while. Belca guides Seamrog away back to Musca and the three escape.
Regrouping, Musca introduces Seamrog to the "lady" who helped her...and Seamrog easily identifies him as Belca. Musca reacts appropriately:

The guards surround them and it looks like the jig is up but then the Captain calls out to "Mirabelle", with Eco in tow. He introduces himself to the guards as Orhaldi, the representative of the Earl of Arlon. Who they have surrounded are his maid, his bodyguard and the bodyguard's daughter. Recognizing the shoulder decoration The Captain is wearing, the guards apologize and leave. Eco calls out Belca for getting in more trouble while going out and tells Eco to thank Orhaldi...which is apparently the Captain's actual name. Orhaldi says that it's cool, he's just glad that no one was hurt...and then he finds out Musca is the princess.

Later that night, everybody's chilling in the inn. Belca asks Orhaldi why he didn't just tell him his name before and Orhaldi reveals there's a rule that you can't be the first to introduce yourself in front of royal family. You give your name when it's asked for. Belca then asks Orhaldi his given name since "Orhaldi" is clearly a surname. Orhaldi answers his first name is Linna Dzintars...which Eco overhears and is surprised by. The chapter ends with Musca waking up.
Chapter 13
Belca walks in to talk to Musca about Orcelito. She reacts thusly:

She calls him rude for entering a lady's room without permission and darts off, straight into Seamrog's arms. Drunk, Seamrog complies, karate chopping Belca in the chest. Somehow, he remembers he has a message for Belca before Linna comes in with Eco to investigate the noise. Eco throws a blanket over Musca to calm her down, pointing out that even with the fireplace, it's still cold at night. When Musca asks who he is, Eco answers he's a wandering bard and a traveling scholar. He asks if she wants to join them for tea in the other room so they can talk about why she came to this town and Musca, flustered, agrees.
There, Belca hears Musca's theory that Orcelito was replaced with a double. Eco also shares his suspicions about Kiliko, especially since he's Lord Lagen's son. Belca then fills the others in on what happened at the cliff, letting them know about the conspiracy to capture him. Eco wonders out loud that either Orcelito is locked up somewhere while a double has taken his place or he's already dead. Musca is pissed, again revealing she knows Hector is dead, and orders Seamrog to beat up Eco. Linna tries to assure Musca that Orcelito is safe but Eco isn't so sure. And there's another possibility: since Dietrich was experimenting drugs on different subjects, he had a lot to work with since he was being supplied by Lord Lagen. A notorious drug is one that can destroy a person's mind leaving them as a blank slate. It hasn't been completed but if administered correctly, it can turn a person into a living puppet. Belca remembers the Amontel kid they saw in the forest and how he was a completely different person the next time they saw him. Freaked out, Musca screams that Eco is lying and runs away to her room, saying that she doesn't want to be disturbed. Seamrog calls Eco out for being insensitive in these matters considering Musca was in the room but Eco defends by saying she's not involved in this and there are more important things to worry about than being nice.
Belca goes to see her though, despite her telling him to fuck off. She tells him she hates him and he answers that he's known about that already. He gives her food and heads out after having a bite himself, only for her to stop him. She asks if Orcelito is really dead and breaks down crying, Belca himself admitting he doesn't want it to be true because he still wants to talk to him. Then they hear music from Eco's lute...real mood killer.

Belca tells Musca he doesn't know the whole situation but he knows it doesn't look good so he's heading back to the castle while she's staying behind. She shouts at him, telling him not to act like he's her big brother so, therefore, he has to take her back with him.
Back in the main room, Belca enters and Linna asks him how the princess is doing. He says she feels better after eating and should be quiet now. Eco roasts him for eating half her food (irl sibling behavior; can confirm). Then Seamrog reveals that Eco has already spread a song about Belca's story...most unfortunate. Especially because Eco always makes Belca look too good in his music. Then Seamrog walks out with Belca, remembering the message he had for him. It's from the castle...and Prince Hector himself.

At the castle, Kiliko gets a bird message (tweet!) from Dietrich about his experiments. Apparently, he's sick and he's sending an envoy in his place during the investiture ceremony and he requests that he meets the envoy personally. Kiliko wonders about "Dietrich's" intentions as he walks out, the guards loudly talking about well he's doing despite being adopted. Even the prince likes him! But there's no way he'll be royalty considering he's, you know, not blood related. He thinks "keep talking, bitches" and walks in to see Orcelito get fitted for his clothes for the ceremony. Both are happy to see each other...

Outside in the world, Eco ends the chapter driving a carriage to the castle, Belca wanting to see his brother.
Chapter 14
Here's the sitch (since I am not typing this all out):

Anyway, Musca is mad because she was left behind. She wants to fuck up Eco for it but Seamrog tells her that right now, the only two people who can tell if the Orcelito in the castle is the real him or not is her and Belca so if the both of them get killed at the same time, there would be no one left to tell if he's an imposter. Belca has back-up in Eco and Linna but for the time being, Seamrog and Musca have to wait for further orders. The Investiture Ceremony is a week from now so if they aren't heard from them, that means Belca and them are dead and Seamrog has to get Musca the fuck out of Dodge. Musca doesn't want that to happen because the commoner's son...is her big brother.

Meanwhile, Linna is in the carriage bemoaning the fact that Belca is one of the only two people who can identify Prince Orcelito so he basically has to go directly into the line of fire. Then Belca makes them stop the carriage: there's a food stall.

When Linna goes "bro, what the fuck", he argues that he won't get the chance to eat warm food inside the castle and scurries off. Eco says he's gonna make him a glutton in the song but Belca says that's a good idea; after all, isn't a fun song better than a sad song?
Belca, now far enough away, reveals that he was lying: he was using the food excuse to enter the castle by himself, not wanting to endanger anymore lives on his account. However, Eco catches his ass on the bridge. He asks if Prince Orcelito is locked up, how does he plan on rescuing him? And how does he plan on telling Musca about it? Belca stammers that he was going to wing it so Eco follows up with if Belca really wants to rescue Orcelito, why is he irresponsibly trying to do everything himself? Linna, who was following behind, tells Eco he's being too harsh before Belca acknowledges that Eco has a point but he doesn't want anyone to get involved with him any further. Eco's point is that he can't do anything just by himself, saying he's putting on the whole martyr act just to get sympathy. Eco says he's doing this because he wants to so Belca has no right to try to stop him. Belca gets pissed and orders Eco to take the carriage and take Linna back to Sana...only for Linna to casually reveal he already sent his resignation to Sana. He doesn't have a place to go back to. So he asks to stay with Belca.

Eco then says it's better to stick to the original plan because if the elders see that Belca can get back to the castle on his own, they won't let their guards down. Everybody shakes hands and Belca makes them promise not to die on him, even if it means letting go of something.
At the Neue Favrille castle, at the outer gates, the guys get let in but only Belca (as Mirabelle) and Linna are allowed into the upper stories. Eco stays behind and whispers a last message to Belca: if he wants to stay behind and be a prince, that's fine too (they talk for so long the guards wonder if the "coachman" and the "maid" are dating). Before they separate, Belca admits the real reason Hector died: he fell in love with an Amontel and wanted to make her the crown princess. When Belca (finally) leaves, Eco tells him he'll wait for him till the last second.
Inside, a random lord Ruebelli is griping about Prince Orcelito's weird behavior a week before the Investiture Ceremony before Orcelito walks up, telling him to take care of himself even with the bad weather.
Anyway, at the fifth level of the castle, the Regia Mare Palace, Kiliko is ready to see Linna so it's go time. Using the opportunity, Belca stops crossdressing and switches to full Prince Regalia. He tells off an approaching guard for thinking that he was locked up and that he's ready to talk to Kiliko. The guard darts off and Linna asks Belca why he has the name "usurper". Belca tells him that in the palace, he was a troublemaker and that the noble's children around the place made fun of him for being the son of the king and a lady dancer. Linna then tells Belca not to talk about himself like that and he's here to defend him with his life. Belca says he knows he has his back.

The guard tattles to Kiliko that some guy claiming to be Belca is in the building and he, along with Linna, would like to speak to him in private. Kiliko tells the guard to not let anyone outside of his subordinates near the building. Kiliko walks off with a grin, saying that Dietrich is proving himself more useful than Orbus. Kiliko goes over to meet Belca...and bows, welcoming the Prince back to the castle.

Belca isn't fooled, recognizing Kiliko from the night at the cliff and demanding to know what he did to Orcelito. The chapter ends with Kiliko happily saying that Orcelito is meeting them now, with Orcelito walking in through the doors...

Chapter 15
According to the letter written by "Dietrich", he found Belca, nursed him back to health and secretly sent him back to the castle...and now Belca is looking at the kneeling frame of the man who killed his older brother.

Taking them into another room, Kiliko assures Belca and Linna that Dietrich will be rewarded for his actions. But...he points out how weird it is of him to act carelessly and let such valuable people travel by themselves. Linna defends him by saying that since such "groundless" rumors about Belca and Hector were spreading throughout the kingdom, he thought it would be cool to accompany Belca by himself. Kiliko chuckles at the phrase "groundless rumor"...before asking the standing, glowering Belca if he would like to take a seat. Belca, already pissed by the whole innocent act Kiliko is putting on, instead demands to meet with Orcelito at once. Belca refuses to believe that any method that Kiliko can use to make Orcelito obey him can work...only for Orcelito to walk in, all smiles.

Orcelito says he's glad that Belca is safe but he doesn't need to worry about anything anymore. They can live together in the palace again! Kiliko says that he can arrange things so that Belca can return officially by tomorrow...and Belca wonders how can he act like that after all he's done. Belca demands to know why Orcelito is with Kiliko and Orcelito tells him that Kiliko is assisting him in being the crown prince. He has the lineage and the experience for it, after all. Belca desperately tries to remind Orcelito that Kiliko is the reason their brother is dead but Orcelito cuts him off, saying it's sad that Hector passed away due to illness.

Furious, Belca manhandles Kiliko, demanding to know what he did to his brother. Linna has to pull him off as Kiliko says that, as Belca is clearly tired, for the highness to be taken to the rest chambers in Regia Mare. Orcelito waves goodbye to his wilding brother...only for Belca to collapse on the floor out of nowhere.

While he's knocked out, Linna tells Kiliko that, because of the extent of Belca's injuries, he was given a bunch of powerful drugs that are affecting his temperament. Kiliko buys this excuse even though he points out Dietrich left that out of his report...but he chalks it up to Dietrich's cautiousness. He leaves Belca in Linna's care, saying that the Arlons know more about drugs than the Lagens. Belca "wakes up", having pretended to be knocked out and congratulates Linna on telling such a believable lie. Linna says that the two should stick close together for a bit if they want to get through the next few days...
Later on, Eco wakes up in a room at the Outer Gates, complaining about the noise. He looks outside to see soldiers stepping into the castle walls, wearing Callione uniforms. Remembering that women are permitted among Callione ranks, Eco guesses that they're there to perform the Hand Dance of the Isle of Adine for the Investiture Ceremony. Eco is all randy to see it...only for his roommate to tell him they will not be attending the Investiture Ceremony. Eco falls over, depressed.

In the castle, Belca frets over his real mission: how is he supposed to figure out that Orcelito is the real one? Then a familiar intruder falls on him: Orcelito, from the upper balcony.
Belca shouts at him (this is the second goddamn time he's fallen on him) and Orcelito apologizes, saying he really needed to talk to him. He asks if Linna is asleep and reveals he remembers what happened in Sana...before expressing relief that the boy he is speaking to is the real Belca.

Belca says that's his line and that he came back to make sure Orcelito was the real one. He then asks if Orcelito's deal with Kiliko is a long game or if the elders really did something to him. Orcelito hugs Belca, saying he can't tell him what's going on yet but he's glad he's okay.
Belca is back in his room, fuming that he still doesn't know if Orcelito is an imposter or a puppet. He's sane but is he really that crafty?
The answer is yes but in the worst way possible. Orcelito is completely under Kiliko's control and his reason for confirming Belca's legitimacy was for him and him alone. All they need is Musca and they can be a happy family again. The chapter ends with Orcelito calling Kiliko and himself "accomplices"...meaning that they are definitely working together but Orcelito is not brainwashed.
Chapter 16
Okay, we're trying something different. I will summarize the Omake...and do a quick summary of the chapter itself which apparently I have find on another site. Good? Okay.
Today, we learn about soldiers' uniforms. In the +C world, "soldier" refers a guard with light equipment. In peaceful times, they maintain town security, escort nobles and other stuff. When they're in Neue Favrille, they dress up in a manner suitable for skirmishes. The creator says it was designed as a one piece with puffed sleeves, making it more suitable on women as seen below:

(Why are there no women soldiers? The creator's excuse is because it's a Josei manga. Take it up with him.)
The design is the same across different territories though soldiers tend to put their own touches on it, like family crests and such. And that's it. Hector want Amazon soldiers but he is mocked for it.
In an Omake story, Hector is targeted by the God of Death. The God asks if he has any last words and he says...he wants to be popular with girls. Apparently he heard "last request" and "last words". He torments the God. The end.
Chapter Summary: Orcelito and Kiliko have entered into a deadly alliance to take on the elders of the kingdom and Eco gets to watch girls dance. Good for him.
Chapter 17
Orcelito arrives before the elders, ready to fuck shit up.

Outside, Belca asks Orcelito what he asked the elders at the ceremony and tries to explain that the Amontel are not monsters, that they use technology, medicines and they look after their own. He says even if they are descended from a evil deity, maybe living among "actual" humans for so long has allowed them to adapt in a way that makes them indistinguishable from humans. Orcelito stops him, saying the Amontel are monsters (while obviously thinking the contrary) and says they probably put Belca under a spell while he was at Dietrich's estate. Belca tries to stop him but Orcelito says that after the Investiture Ceremony, he'll send for a skill spell caster (which they apparently have on hand in the castle) to look at Belca. He then leaves to get on with his business...only for Belca to stop him. He asks Orcelito privately (well...whispers anyway) if he has anything planned, knowing this is not like him. Orcelito angrily snatches away from Belca while thinking that he knows that the Amontel are not evil but he rather have them all under supervision instead of them all being rounded up and killed. He's taking the long road with them, hoping their descendants can find freedom where their ancestors couldn't. Outside his mind box, he tells Belca join him or fuck off...and he might as well pick the former because he doesn't have a say in the council. He cryptically finishes by telling Belca that in each of their respective areas, everyone is already making their moves...
He then says that as long as the Amontel don't resist, they can expect to live long happy lives. Belca is disturbed by that last part, thinking nothing has changed. He then goes to Linna to talk about something...
Then we cut back to Orcelito and Kiliko, the latter asking if it's alright to leave Belca alone and let him do what he wants. Orcelito points out that Kiliko was the one who said that Belca has no power to do anything, that he's a mere spare to the throne and that his life in the castle was specifically engineered to have him grow up demoralized, ignorant and lazy. Kiliko says all of that is true but people have an annoying tendency to change...
We cut to Eco finding a hidden library...but screw that, he went to see the dance! Or did he? His guard roommate hits him for not showing up to rehearsal, Eco saying he had to use the toilet. He's then ordered to help put the harnesses on the horses, meeting Belca and Linna while heading over there. Linna had summoned him because Belca wants food from town. In a stage whisper, Linna reveals that they're actually going to report to Musca...and they got another errand to run while they're outside. Belca's not coming, staying behind to convince Orcelito to think about the Amontel. They leave out on the carriage, Belca staying in the castle walls.
Meanwhile, the guards get a strange signal coming from the upper control tower, wondering if that means it's safe to open the gates. Inside, Belca overhears a guy saying the signal means they need to lower the gates, which means the carriage can't leave...
Belca tears ass outside the castle, barely managing to catch up to Eco to warn him of the danger he and Linna are in. It doesn't matter because the guards on the wall shoot out one of the carriage's wheels causing Eco to lose control. Then some guy with two knives drops down, calling himself "an irregular" and cutting the damn harness.

He puts one of his knives to Eco's chest, telling him to stop the carriage. Eco silently refuses and instead takes out a canister of Arlon's poison gas, allowing it to waft into the irregular's face as he jumps on a horse, telling Linna to follow his lead. The irregular attacks anyway, the poison having no apparent effect, and keeps Linna occupied, causing him and Eco to lose each other. Linna shouts to Eco the message: PRince ORcelito is the real one and he must accompany Musca to wherever she wants to go. He tries to tell him about the Amontel...but the carriage tips over.
Eco has to keep riding, not able to confirm Linna's status.

Belca is captured and lectured by Kiliko. Linna fell into the Cassia rivers and, given it's winter, his chances of surviving the freezing waters are not good. Orcelito comes in, asking if Belca was threatened or poisoned but Belca confesses he wanted to warn the Amontel. Kiliko approaches Belca, asking if Linna was a poison user. Poison users tend to be weak in general but Linna can face five guys with a single cane. He confirms Linna is alive but he's having his guards keep an eye on him. Linna has taken full blame for his actions despite Belca protesting that he ordered him to act on his account. Kiliko then calls Orcelito away for his dinner with Lord Taine, saying the Investiture Ceremony is the day after tomorrow so...tick tock. Kiliko tells Belca not to worry and to attend the Investiture Ceremony, ending the chapter with saying it's the only way he can assure Linna's safety...

Chapter 18
Belca bemoans that he should have sent Linna and Eco away first thing in the morning...then more people wouldn't have had to get hurt on his account.

He blames himself for depending too much on Linna. The guards are keeping an eye on his door and the irregular from the last chapter asks the sniper why he didn't shoot the coachman, saying it's not like him. The sniper answers that he doesn't know that.
With Orcelito and Kiliko, Lord Taine thanks them for a wonderful time. Orcelito waves him off and, when he leaves, tells Kiliko it's time to write that letter to Lobnec. Kiliko tells Orcelito that he needs to go over the Amontel concentration camp finances, as you do...before he asks if he's worried about Belca. He answers "No duh" and asks Kiliko about the "poison master" who infiltrated the castle. Kiliko explains that Linna is a former guard captain who Belca rescued from the Amontel back at Dietrich's place. Linna feels indebted to him so he was trying to protect him. Orcelito asks him if he thinks Linna is telling the truth and Kiliko says they haven't confirmed it yet so they sent a message to Dietrich's place but it'll take some time with the birds and all that. But here's the sticky-wicky of it all: Kiliko wants to use Linna as Belca's "shackles". Orcelito doesn't want Linna causing trouble in the palace but Kiliko says that during his interrogation, Linna kept calling for Belca to be protected. The poor boy is down bad. And considering how Linna acts towards him, Belca is warm towards him, almost as if he sees him as an older brother, like how he saw Hector. Then Orcelito says he's concerned about the coachman (Eco), the "crows" (sniper guards) having overheard him talking about a "she" he was supposed to be delivering a message to. Kiliko advises him to focus on the coachman, not Sir Linna or this "she". Orcelito asks why and Kiliko answers by revealing that the "she" is most likely none other than Musca.
Belca, waking up in his tower room, remembers he still has his Cordiola Crystal from the Fox's Cave on him. He uses it to read a random book in the room with him and finds a certain page...
The next morning, Seamrog is awoken by someone banging loudly on the door, asking frantically for a companion they were separated from. He's looking for a man with curly blonde hair...which causes Seamrog to dash off in a panic, recognizing that while the man is dressed as a merchant, he has a knight's stance. He's not looking for a man...he's looking for the princess! He goes to her room and finds her missing.

Anyway, our crossdressing hero Eco is out and complaining about how screwed he and his friends are...but hey! Tragedies make great songs, right? He wonders out loud if he should use Princess Musca...and Musca asks him what he's talking about.

She asks the "random lady" to fix her hair while denying unprompted that she is the missing princess Musca. But she does have something to do at the castle. And she needs her hair fixed because she's going to the castle. Totally not the princess though. Eco, already feeling bad for her, reveals himself to her, blowing her mind.

She freaks out about the "meanie bard" doing that until he tells her that Belca and Linna are in trouble. After hearing the story, she points pretty much the whole thing is his fault but Eco defends that he has his weaknesses and one of them happen to be dancers. Anyway, Musca is all set to rescue them and Eco is coming along. But first! He has to fix her hair...
Linna is being interrogated by a guard, being asked the questions we already got the answers to earlier. Then Kiliko comes in, bringing Belca with him. Belca hugs him, asking if he's hurt and demands him to be released from his chains. Kiliko says he wants to do that but first, he needs to get Princess Musca because she's supposed to be in recovery. Shocked that Kiliko even knows that they're in contact with her, they are promptly released back to the castle so that they can get ready for Investiture Ceremony. Linna and Belca discuss how Eco hasn't been found yet but Belca leaves ahead, despondently telling Linna to forget about it...
In the forest, Izayoi and Shingetsu find tracks leading to the kingdom, knowing Belca and the others are at the castle. They decide it's time to help them because Belca is prone to arrow death and all.
Meanwhile, at Neue Favrille's First Level Cathedral, the elders are all the time is nigh...except that Kiliko has the prince in his pocket so he's widened his power considerably. One of the elders want to eliminate him but another wants him to kneel, saying he should be easier to control than his father...
End of chapter.
Chapter 19
Belca discovers his brother's Hector book has two pages stuck together inside (by...by what). He opens it in front of Linna to reveal ancient writing. Belca can read it because Hector taught it to him when he was younger. It says to the Far West of Azelprade, there's a great waterfall at the edge of the ocean, the story itself being about a crew from a ship from an unknown country beyond it. There's a man named Rovisco who is the captain of the ship with his passengers being murderers and criminals who were exiled from the ship. Some time after they set sail, they lost contact with their country. In the middle of the ocean, they encounter many dangers so they work together to fight them off (presumably learning about how the true treasure is friendship in the process), like giant octopuses and, to mix things up a bit, giant squid. Linna points out that it's weird for a simple story to be written in an ancient language and suggests that it's some kind of record of the past. Belca dismisses the theory, saying it's just a kid's story but then he remembers the whole moral of the story...maybe that's why Hector wanted him to read it? Linna wants to investigate the two other books but Belca stops him, saying there's no need to despite Eco being MIA. Linna asks if he doesn't trust him and Belca...
Is not important because nobles are talking outside his window. They have been told that he's been in the castle all along and all the stories they heard about him embarking on a journey outside the castle were bard's tales all along. Kiliko overhears and is glad that the truth is covered up...only for Lord Lagen to approach him, praising him for taking care of the whole Orcelito and Belca problem. Then he gets up his ass for calling for the Knights of Adine, asking him if he's trying to build up a personal army.

Kiliko, sweating, says he didn't realize he was giving off that impression and only thought the ceremony was a good opportunity to introduce the Callione soldiers to the castle. Lord Lagen accepts this excuse, walking while telling Kiliko to make sure they're well-replaced without the "old-timers" learning about it.
Outside, the guards watch as Musca is led inside the castle walls with Eco guiding her while thinking "what the fuck?". They can't go in through the front gate though because the ceremony is happening. Musca is fine but Eco is being side-eyed, being rather broad-shouldered for a lady and having purple eyes, the latter fitting the description of the man who fell into the river yesterday. He ponders on using Musca as a hostage to get out of the situation but then Seamrog runs up, screaming for the guards to look to the northeast. Then arrows rain down on everyone but Seamrog defends them with super-merc blade skills. The Amontel are attacking...

Seamrog orders the guards to take Musca and the wounded in the castle as the Amontel try not to waste their opportunity in getting another member of the royal family. Eco falls over and gets his cloak pinned to the spot by arrows, the Amontel descending to take him hostage. They say he's a booby prize in face of Musca but Seamrog can't understand a thing they're saying. Eco silently signals to Seamrog that he's gonna be fine and to just let them take him, which Seamrog obeys despite worrying.
Anyway, Orcelito is being inducted as king in the ceremony. Technically, tradition says that he's in fact the Servant of the Hero King but whatever. Things are still awkward between Belca and Linna.
At the Amontel cave, while in the waterway leading in, they ask Eco why he's helping them fight against his own people. Eco answers he just wants to rescue some friends of his who are in the castle and the Amontel did him a favor by kidnapping him before he was revealed in his disguise. So then they're attacked by monsters...

But while Tremors: Origins is happening, the help at the castle are discussing the attack by the Amontel. The maid is scared but the guard assures her that the beasts that lives in the waterway will definitely get them.
Back to Belca and Linna relationship drama. Linna says he's not a child and he knew the risk of allying with Belca. He again asks Belca to trust him. Belca says it's not that he doesn't trust him, it's that to him, Linna is---
Belca then sees a reflection. Eco has escaped the Amontels and left them to the worms. The chapter ends with him off to rescue his prince...