Camu's Reblogs - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

of course Jinzha would tell Macaque to behave in his lunch note-

Reborn for Revenge Incorrect Quotes #1 ☆

Reborn For Revenge Incorrect Quotes #1

Xiaozhen: Can you please just apologize to Jinzha for purposefully pressing his buttons?

Macaque: Fine, but I have to warn you that this may make me a nicer, better person, and that is not who you feel in love with.

Reborn For Revenge Incorrect Quotes #1

Macaque: Hey, do you know anyone who can teach me to play the trumpet?

Jinzha: Why?

Macaque: I want to wander around playing it to annoy Xiaozhen.

Jinzha: Technically, you don’t actually need to know how to play the trumpet well for that.

Macaque: Jinzha, you have opened my eyes.

Reborn For Revenge Incorrect Quotes #1

Macaque: Uh, I think I got your lunch. *Holds up a note that reads: ‘I am very proud of you. Love, Jinzha’

Xiaozhen: Oh yeah. I didn’t think this was for me. *Holds up a note that reads: ‘Be good. For the love of God, Please be good.’*

Reborn For Revenge Incorrect Quotes #1

Xiaozhen: Two years ago, I married my best friend.

Xiaozhen: Macaque is still mad about it, but me and Jinzha were drunk and thought it was funny.

Reborn For Revenge Incorrect Quotes #1

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5 months ago

Heart behind the lie # Magic System

Sooo, I think I never truly explained the magic system I use in HBL? Even if I mention some notions here and there in the story there are a lot of things that I don't breach.

Since there will be talks of magic in the coming chapters, I thought it was cool to share my system. It's a bit of a mess tbh 😅 and this is gonna be a long post but you got everything more or less takled here.

What is magic? 💫

Magic is the energy within oneself. It is not a life force, the body sustain itself. Magic is an energy we don’t use on a daily basis. It flows in the body similarly to blood and, very much like it, resplendish itself naturally once it's used. There are a lot of theories concerning the origins of this energy. The most common and approved states that magic is a waste of energy coming from the soul.

Every living beings has this energy, but the quantity and quality is unique to each individual.

By using this energy, it is possible to alterate the world and oneself. The use of magic is made through spells.

How to use magic? 💫

It is through spells that someone can use their magical energy.

To cast a spell you need three things : magical energy, a method of shaping and a method of casting. It is only be combining those three things that spells can exists.

Method of shaping :

Shaping magic is giving a shape to the raw magical energy existing within you through a type of visualization. There are two common methods of shaping :

🫀Through the heart : it is the use of feelings, the enhancement of a wish through emotions that will give shape to the magical energy.

Example : if you want to cast a destructive fire spell you will think of the feeling of fire. Of heat, burning, ashes, and you will fuel the spell with your own destructive emotions, like rage.

🧠Through the mind : it is the use of images, a clear mental representation of a wish that will give shape to the magical energy.

Example : if you want to cast a time spell you will have to clearly imagine what you want to do in a succession of mental images.

These two methods exist on a spectrum. Strictly speaking, you will always use a bit of your heart and a bit of your mind to cast a spell BUT, usually, depending on yourself and the type of magic you're casting you will lean heavily towards one side.

Some type of magic can have more affinity with one method of shaping. For example, Elemental Magic is more compatible with the heart due to its nature. It does not mean you cannot cast Elemental Magic with your mind but it will be harder.

Both methods has their own flaws and avantages. Shaping through the heart is usually faster and your spell will be stronger, fueled by your emotions, yet it will also be harder to control. Shaping through the mind will allow you a huge degree of precision and control, but it will be slower to cast and, in terms of destructive powers, generally weaker.

Method of casting :

Casting magic is the release of your magical energy after the shaping, once your magic is casted it is called a spell. Now, if you cast your magic without shaping it beforehand then you will only release raw unshaped magical energy, the most it can do is push around the objects around you.

There are two commons methods of casting and an unconventional third only used for the crafting of artifacts :

🗣️ Incantation : it is the the method of imbuing your magic in your voice and releasing it with words (formulas, poems, orders, songs ect...).

🤌Conjuration : it is the method of imbuing your magic in a part of your body and releasing it with a gesture or a motion (hand signs, flick of wrist, flick of tail, snap, blink, blow ect...)

Both those methods has their own flaws and advantages depending on the situation. Conjuration are more often used in battles whereas incantations is prefered when the caster is incapacited (nowadays, incantations tends to be less used and the art of incantations is losing charm).

The last method of casting is used to create artifacts :

🛠️ Incarnation : it is the method of imbuing your magic in an external object to fuel it. For example, to use his lantern Macaque only had to give it raw magical energy, the lantern has seals inside that will transform the energy in the wanted spell.

It is only by combining shaping and casting that a spell can be born.

By analogy, you can consider that casting a spell is like doing an action. Shaping can be then considered thoughts and casting motions. You can only act if you think of an action beforehand, except in particular situations that triggers one of your instincts. But if you only think without doing any motions, then you're doing nothing.

Strictly speaking, this knowledge is enough for someone to cast any spells. Everything below is research on the nature of magic and its phenomenons.

Magical laws 💫

Magic as a whole has natural laws, no matter the type and the caster, that can only be broken by external means. Those laws are natural phenomenon characteristic to magic.

🤝 Magical loyalty : the law that states that magic cannot be controlled by anyone else but its master/caster (for example, when Wukong make a clone, no one but him can control that clone).

❤️ Magical affinity : the law that states that you're naturally more inclined towards some types of magic because of your personality and the state of your magical energy. For example, spells that require a large amount of magical energy will be more easily mastered by people with a large quantity of magical energy (like Wukong). Your personal likes, dislikes and fears will also heavily influence what you can and cannot do. Because shaping magic require your heart and your mind, if you have strong negative emotions towards a type of magic you will not be able to use it (people afraid of fire are unable to cast fire spells because their fear block the shaping).

🖤 Magical corruption/ or harmonization : The more you use a specific type of magic, the more your magical energy will tune with this type. It will become easier to use this specific type, but harder to use any other types. This phenomenon explain why most of the mages in LMK often use one/two types of magic (Red Son mainly use fire and sometimes transportation, Macaque mainly use shadows and sometimes transformation ect...). People who loathe this phenomenon call it corruption, while people who likes it call it harmonization.

💑 Magical compatibility : the law that state that some types of magic are naturally more compatible with others, and vice versa (for example, it is very hard to dual cast a water spell and a fire spell, the two spells naturally negate each other).

All those laws can be broken by external means, but the more powerful a caster is, the harder it is to break the natural laws of his magic.

Organization of Magics 💫

The different sorts of magics are divided in three levels :

1) Type (sources) : origins

2) Sub-type : derivation of a type

3) Sub-use : derivation os a sub-type

For example, Elemental Magic is a type, Fire Magic is a sub-type of Elemental Magic, Light Magic is a sub-use of Fire Magic.

It is commonly agreed that dividing magic more than three times is unnecessary and overcomplicate the understanding of magic.

Magics are commonly seen in two different ways. Those ways are nothing but an attempt at classifying and arranging the vast variety of spells in a common system.

🌳 Magical Tree (scientific name : magical arborescence) : The old-school phylosophy that organize the different sort of magics like a tree in which each type is a branch, each sub-type a sub-branch, each sub-use a twig and each spell a leaf.

Heart Behind The Lie # Magic System

This old-fashioned phylosophy was adopted in ancient times. But the more studies on the subject were created, the more scholars noticed that magic was not as clearly divided as they thought. In fact, a lot of spells and sub-uses shared common traits with different types ( For example, the magical tree isolate Shadow Magic from Transportation Magic, despite the shadow portal spell sharing a lot of common traits with Transportation Magic). As such, scholars adopted a new way of seeing magic that allowed for fusions.

🕸️Magical Web (scientific name : magical aranescence) : The modern phylosophy that organize magics as a spiderweb in which types are different webs that can intertwine with each other to create new magics.

A more big outlook of the web formed by all spells and magics mentioned/used in HBL and LMK :

Heart Behind The Lie # Magic System

(to make the web more readable, I did not include spells in it, contrary to the tree).

The magical web is nowadays closer to the real nature of magic than the magical tree.

Zoom on LMK/HBL magics and spells 💫

🏞️ Elemental Magic :

Elemental Magic is defined as the control of nature itself.

Shadow Magic is also closely linked to Elemental Magic as a fusion between different types.

In LMK the most known characters using Elemental Magic are : Red Son (fire), Mei (fire) PIF (wind), Macaque (shadows), LBD (ice).

MK and Wukong also uses a specific wind spell called "cloud call" to summon their clouds.

Heart Behind The Lie # Magic System

🪵Wood : control of wood

🔥Fire : control of fire

Common Spells :

Fireball - (used by Red Son)

Sub - uses :

🌞 Light


Common Spells :

Cloud Call- projection of voice or gestures in the wind to reach the clouds (used by MK, Wukong)

🌎 Earth : control of earth

⚔️Metal : control of metal

🌊 Water : control of water

Sub-uses :


Common Spells :

Frost- ice recovering an environnement (used by LBD)

Spikes- launching of ice spikes (used by LBD)

👥 Transformation Magic :

Transformation Magic is defined as the magic changing one appearances/nature to create something new.

Known characters using it : MK, Wukong, Macaque, Scorpion Queen

Heart Behind The Lie # Magic System

There is four known sub-types :

✨Illusions : covering object/person with a layer of magic to gives the illusion of change.

Common spell :

Glamors -illusions on a person (used by both monkeys to hide their scars),

Mirage-illusions on an environnement (used by Scorpion Queen in LMK to cover her castle)

💫 Reformation : bending the shape of an object/person without completely changing its appearances.

Common Spells :

Shrink- shortening the size of an object/person (used by MK and Wukong)

⭐Metamorphosis : changing the appearances of an object/person without changing its nature.

Common Spells :

72 transformations (used by MK, Macaque and Wukong)

Hair clones (used by MK and Wukong)

🌟Transmutation : changing one appearances and nature completely, creating a brand new person/object

Common Spells :

Mecha/Recreation (used by MK and Wukong)

🌃 Shadow Magic :

Shadow Magic is defined as the control of shadows.

Known character using it : Macaque

Heart Behind The Lie # Magic System

Common Spells :

Shadow manipulation

Shadow portal

Shadow clone

One aspect of shadow magic that is characteristic to it is the shadow realm.

The shadow realm is another dimension where all existing shadows collide together. You can enter the shadow realm by diving in a shadow or through a shadow portal. Shadows are more or less heavy depending on where they are from. The lightest shadows are from the earthly realm while the heaviest are from outer space.

Of course, the heavier a shadow is, the harder it is to control.

The shadow realm is divided in four level of depth each made with shadows of different weight. The more you dive in the shadow realm, the more the shadows are heavy and the more you will be pressured by their weight.

Heart Behind The Lie # Magic System

Sometimes, lingering thoughts can swam in shadows, fragments of minds coming from the shadows' owners. Alone, those fragments cannot influence you. But considering that the shadow realm is a collection of all shadows, the fragments of minds also collide with each other, creating a sort of fragmented, chaotic hive-mind. This hive-mind can corrupt you with parasites thoughts that are not your own. The more you dive in the shadow realm, the more you are corrupted by the hive-mind.

No one came out of sound mind from the Abyssal Waters.

When you jump in a shadow, if you stay on the surface, you are in a safe space called "the poodle" that is not the shadow realm yet. That's why Macaque can stay on the surface of Wukong's shadow, but if he chose to dive in Wukong's shadow, he will enter the shadow realm Abyssal Waters.

👣 Transportation Magic :

Transportation Magic is defined as the control of space.

Known character using it : Tang, Red Son, Macaque

Heart Behind The Lie # Magic System

There is two known sub-types :

⭕Portal : creation of a passage to glue two different spaces together, reducing a thousands step to one.

Common spell :

Gate/transportation seal - (used by Red Son)

Shadow portal - (used by Macaque)

🚶Teleportation : the moving of bodies at high speed (used by Tang).

⌚Time Magic :

Time Magic is defined as the control of time.

Heart Behind The Lie # Magic System

There are two known sub-types :

🏞️ Zonal time : the control of time over an environnement

Common spells :

Zonal regression- turning back time over a specific zone

Zonal paralysis - the stopping of time over a specific zone

Zonal acceleration- the acceleration of time over a specific zone

👤 Corporal time : the control of time over a body/object

Common Spells :

Corporal regression-turning back time on a body/object

Corporal paralysis-the stopping of time over a body/object

Corporal acceleration-the acceleration of time over a body/object

Sub-use :

🩹 Healing Magic

Common Spells :



🧠 Spirit Magic

Spirit Magic is defined as the control of someone's spirit.

Known character using it : Mei (manifestation), LBD (possession)

Heart Behind The Lie # Magic System

There are tow sub-types :

Manifestation : a very specific sub-type that enable someone to make their inner-spirit appear (for example, Mei and her spirit dragon).

Mind : the control over one's mind.

Common Spells :



❄️ LBD Magic

LBD has the most variety of spells in the entire cast of LMK. She use Ice, oblivion, possession and necromancy.

Heart Behind The Lie # Magic System

Oblivion : Spell that eradicate one existence from the world's memories.

Possession : Spell that break one's mind to better control it

Necromancy : Spell that break one's soul and creates a living-dead with it

Ice : the control of ice

So here is most of the magic system, I think I talked about mostly everything. Of course, some notions, like necromancy, will be further developed in the story in itself.

Hope it wasn't too tedious, I don't even know if it's understable 😅.

Thanks for reading until there!

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5 months ago

Shadwpeach. headcanon. cuz im crashing out.

Wukong and Macaque knew each other BEFORE the brotherhood. Maybe they met because Wukong was interested in Macaque's ears, or in another way... I'm still not sure abt that part...

i remember hearing about how after Wukong came back from training with Shifu Subodhi, he found out a demon was tormenting the monkeys at ffm and he beat the shit out of it. but i ALSO heard (not completely sure this is true) that he tried to train the monkeys to defend themselves, so that smth like that wouldn't happen again. What if Macaque was, at first, really bad at fighting? Like, didn't understand it at all. I know macaque is also called the six eared macaque, which is an all-knowing being, but that is also all i know about him... I don't know if he learned all these things or if he was just born knowing it. So uh. sorry if this is inaccurate </3

So, lets say, wukong and macaque pick up dancing from observing human behavior,, what if wukong uses that to teach macaque how to fight? how to be quick on your feet, how to plan your movements? with this in mind,, what if they danced at that same shore that tree they always sat at was by? dancing to music or even just the sound of the waves crashing.

After the brotherhood was established, maybe they would spend most of their time there. Dancing, or eating. This is where it gets romantic chat im soz. What if they used dancing as a way to be romantic without actually being romantic? Whether it be from not knowing they can do that, or from being too chicken to make a move on each other. Dancing was their way of relaxing with each other, their way of letting go. It was how they really saw each other.

Now, to after season 5, when they don't hate each other as much. What if wukong catches macaque dancing and swaying to the sound of the waves? What if he joins him? Seeing each other again, like that. Relaxed. Able to let go for a moment. Able to breathe for a moment. What if it gets them talking? What if, now, when they look at each other, its not a look of hatred and disgust and guilt, but a look of longing? the same looks they'd give each other during and before the brotherhood.

"Dance with me, Macaque!" to "Dance with me, Macaque.."

do u guys see the vision or am i just crazy

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5 months ago

macaque being swarmed with monkeys while he sleeps is the funniest + cutest thing that's happened in canon and i love it

(he really is their big brother or sth i swear)

vignirek - currently a monkie enthusiast

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5 months ago
Day 1:Dragon

Day 1:Dragon

A dragon fruit filled hand pie with a hand made cutout of Mei’s dragon plushie.

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5 months ago

i leave for like a week and i just get. i dont even know what to say about the new updates other than goddamnit this comic is so beautiful im screaming shouting punching pillows and biting walls i am so unwell but in a good way why are you so good at writing dialogue and portraying these silly monkeys im gonna eat you

also i hope youre doing well and drinking enough water and eating n sleeping enough<3


I was- honestly so worried about the directioj I wanted to go. I was a littlw worried I would had a lot of backlash or people hated it, (about MK quittimg being Wukong successor)

I'm glad people understood my thoughts behind it. Can't wait to show you the rest of the story!

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5 months ago
Sending This As An Ask As Well Because This Is Very Fucking Important.

Sending this as an ask as well because this is very fucking important.

I also tagged you in a reblog. Do with that as you wish.

TwT brother I am just trying to survive and pay for college/necessities and these fuckass apps be selling my data or harvesting my art for AI XD

I’ve opt’d out, beware you have to do it on PC, mobile claims “ohhh there’s no options dw ;;;;)”

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5 months ago

i mean this in the gentlest way possible: you need to eat vegetables. you need to become comfortable with doing so. i do not care if you are a picky eater because of autism (hi, i used to be this person!), you need to find at least some vegetables you can eat. find a different way to prepare them. chances are you would like a vegetable you hate if you prepared it in a stew or roasted it with seasoning or included it as an ingredient in a recipe. just. please start eating better. potatoes and corn are not sufficient vegetables for a healthy diet.

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5 months ago

Uni's magical Mario Galaxy adventure..

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5 months ago

btw I know ppl on this site go on abt mutuals but if you are someone that shows up in my notes regularly who I don't follow, I do notice and I am fond of you and if you reblog something from me I do think "YES I have pleased the follower with good taste"

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5 months ago
Sending Love To The Moots

Sending love to the moots💗

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5 months ago




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5 months ago

How to turn off AI Training of your content on Web and Mobile:

On a Web Browser:

How To Turn Off AI Training Of Your Content On Web And Mobile:

I had some trouble finding this option. My first instinct was to click the settings button on the left, but that's where it is!

First, you'll click the name of your blog on the left sidebar to bring it up on your browser.

How To Turn Off AI Training Of Your Content On Web And Mobile:

Then click "Blog settings" on the right sidebar once your blog is brought up. That's where they're hiding it.

How To Turn Off AI Training Of Your Content On Web And Mobile:

Click "Prevent Third-Party Sharing" under the Visibility section, and bam! You're done.

On Mobile:

How To Turn Off AI Training Of Your Content On Web And Mobile:

Thankfully it's much easier on mobile. Just click the Gear icon on your blog's page, to go to settings.

How To Turn Off AI Training Of Your Content On Web And Mobile:
How To Turn Off AI Training Of Your Content On Web And Mobile:

Scroll all the way down until you see Visibility, then toggle the Prevent third-party sharing option for your blog!!

If you disable this setting on mobile, it automatically synced it to my web browser settings, too. ...But if you use both Web and Mobile, I would still highly recommend double checking that it actually turned off on both!!

Check that it's turned off on your side blogs too! And check your settings every now and then anyway to ensure that it's staying turned off, because if my memory serves right, some other websites will pull some shenanigans on things like this and opt you back in without telling you!

Leave Feedback on New Features at Tumblr Support Here!! Let Staff know however we can that having our content fed to AI at their whim is unacceptable.

And if you have the option to poison your art with Nightshade or Glaze, keep it up!!

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5 months ago

Repeat after me: I draw so good. Not everything needs to be a banger. I'm not a content machine I'm a person who makes art and art takes time. Inspiration comes in waves and when it recedes that's when I should let myself rest

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5 months ago

Today's LMK screenshot was brought to you hy- Wukong angst, edit audios, ships, tomatoe soup, my goldfish memory, procrastination, Uno reverse card, a dog, PSAT, and my camera storage

Thank you:)

Guess the season and reblog with the episode's name and or number for bonus points!!!

BUT THATS NOT ALL- recite the famous quote from this episode for EXTRA EXTRA POINTS and my

I know the LMK fandom will know what I'm talking about because yall preach it religiously or something-

Today's LMK Screenshot Was Brought To You Hy- Wukong Angst, Edit Audios, Ships, Tomatoe Soup, My Goldfish

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5 months ago
It Is Done (enough)!
It Is Done (enough)!

It is done (enough)!

I would hype it up more but this is really really simple. It randomly generates a set of symbols, colors, and a word, and then the expected thing to do with those is you draw some sort of character based off the result you get. So it's just an art challenge toy thingy.

There are also some practical features like you can lock parts of the result in place to rerandomize the rest, or hide parts of the generation you don't care about (like if you want to pick your own colors or hate the words being there)

You can try it out over on!

It should run in browser, but there's also a downloadable version for Windows if you want to use it offline. (No mac/linux versions for now, because I don't have appropriate computers to test those on and I...don't want to deal with mac's developer accounts or whatever their problem is...)

Here's something I made from one of the results I got for the sake of example:

It Is Done (enough)!

(It's a bit of a rushed drawing sorry I just wanted to get the actual generator out there)

I hope everyone has fun with it :]

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5 months ago

the concept and idea of “you can always start trying to be a better person” is extremely important to me both in media and irl and i continue to be deeply deeply disturbed by the trend on this site pushing that these ideas in media are bad writing or even morally reprehensible

because theyd rather someone stay terrible or just straight up die than become a better person 

from a compassionate point of view it’s deeply distressing and from a pragmatic point of view it’s outright frustrating

it’s fucked up. 

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