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Sunrise can’t even remember their own bullshit or what?

It’s so obvious they never meant for her to be 18. And since they made 2 characters say she was supposedly 18 and some other retconing, why didn’t they make an effort in making her taller and older (not with the face of a child) like with Shippo’s temporary adult look? PEDOPUSHERS!
An emotionless reunion

Yep, not only they didn’t make Shippo react like he naturally would have, they had Moroha shunned again
The Animation Truly Sucks
For real, it’s like a kid’s drawings

And Sango 😩😩😩, looks like Crayon Shin-Chan

Truly pathetic. They obviously saved their budget for their favorite character Pedomaru and his f***ed up family at the end of the episode. Although...

Looks like she got hit with a frying pan
Seriously, Sunrise...
Trashahime: a Sailor Moon RIP-OFF?
Katsuyuki Sumisawa aka Lolisawa recycled a lot of stuff for his dumb what if, and not only from Inuyasha, but also the first anime version of Sailor Moon in which he was involved. I already posted how the idea of the Rainbow Pearls came from the Rainbow Crystals of Sailor Moon: In Sailor Moon, the Silver Crystal was split into the seven Rainbow Crystals so as to seal away Seven Great Yōma. And in episode 34, as Sailor Moon began to cry for her lover Tuxedo Mask who was mortally wounded, her tear made the seven Rainbow Crystals react and merge into one, forming the Silver Crystal itself. In Trashahime, upon learning the death of Toga whom she was fond of, she shed a tear onto the Sacred Jewel which created the seven rainbow pearls. And the fact that he was involved in Episode 34 further proves that this is where he got the idea (then again it doesn’t qualify as an idea).

And it seems it’s not the only thing he recycled.
The idea of the Windmill of Time seems to be from the Space-Time Door which is seen in episode 82 (Sailor Moon R Episode 36), in which Lolisawa was also involved.

And since he was involved in Sailor Moon, he obviously had to know the whole story, therefore Akuru, his pinwheel, and Kirinmaru’s ambition could also be based on Sailor Moon R. As far as I know, it’s Sailor Pluto who guards the Space-Time Door and uses her rod to open the gate to go to the future, but Chibiusa who was chased by villains also holds a key that allows her to go to the Space-Time Door and used it to bring the sailor warriors with her to the future to save it. So technically, Akuru would be like Chibiusa, and Kirinmaru had Sesshomaru as his lackey to hunt for him for the pinwheel which is Chibiusa’s key and Pluto’s rod, just like Wiseman had minions hunt for Chibiusa (although it's because she could be an hindrance to his plan), and is the one traveling to the future to save it but also for whatever vile ambition he has (first it was “he attempts to twist time, swallow the world into the degenerate age and return it to nothingness” but then “By destroying the Grim Comet in the future will prove that I am the strongest. Demons will tremble in fear of me, and humans will worship me!”, it’s so confusing). If anyone who’s very familiar with the first anime version of Sailor Moon and had the guts to watch Trashahime could confirm those similarities, and perhaps if some other stuff were recycled from Sailor Moon...
So far:

The Recycling Cycle continues with

And it ain’t the first time the toad demon was reused (the filler episodes 94-95 of Inuyasha)
Seriously, Sunrise...
So this is how they “designed” Sota’s wife:

They just reused Kagome’s design, and made her brown-haired and her eyes remaining always closed like Tamako of Kyoukai no Rinne (Inuyasha’s subsequent manga series) who is also voiced by Satsuki Yukino.
And her name Moe also was not original. Moe and Mei (her daughter’s name) were also recycled from Maison Ikkoku (Shun Mitaka and Asuna Kujo’s twin daughters).
Real original, Sunrise!
As much as I love Kyoukai no Rinne and Maison Ikkoku, such rehash is so ridiculous. Although there are some characters in all her manga series who look physically similar, Rumiko Takahashi does not rehash like that.

KNY (Kimetsu no Yaiba)’s twitter page is almost gonna reach 2.7M followers, while HNY (Hanyo no Yashahime, aka Trashahime)’s twitter page can hardly go from 170K to 180K followers. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
It wouldn’t have been so pathetic if Sunrise relied on someone original and tried to do something that everyone could really easily accept like they claimed.
As if involving something from outer space wasn’t enough, Shibugarasus, Tsukumo no Gamas and Spider Head Demons appear in the Reiwa Era, having descended from the Grim Comet.
So does that mean that the demons Inuyasha fought before were actually aliens?

As if Sessrin wasn’t enough...

Incest and boys over 18 with girls only 14?!

Myoga still hasn’t show up in Trashahime Season 2. This whole nonsense really must have been too dumb and horrible for the poor flea who then fled, having become too scared to get involved in it again.

And Koga so far appeared only once in a flashback. He's certainly keeping himself away from this abomination cause he felt the danger of being misportrayed like everyone else just like he could feel danger many times in Inuyasha.

The Recycling Cycle continues with

And it’s not even the subtitles that’s wrong, I understand Japanese and that’s what Sunrise made Sota say.
Kagome said the well stopped working after the last time she returned following the Sacred Jewel’s disappearance and remained with her family for 3 years, so “I’m pretty sure my sister mentioned”...
A natural thing to say would be "There was a time when my sister wasn't able to go to the other side".
Sunrise’s stupidity is really...
First Shippo doesn’t even jump into Kagome’s arms and acts cold to Inuyasha, now Kohaku doesn’t even notice them. Not even something like "Inuyasha! Kagome! It's good to see you two again! I'd love to chat but it will have to wait!"
We couldn’t expect a lovely reunion between Inukag and Mirsan
This animated what if is really a joke
Sunrise just confirmed Pedomaru to be a real doofus

Sunrise no Baka had Pedomaru listen to Jaken and seal Inuyasha and Kagome in the black pearl for the absurd belief they would kill Zero and Rin simultaneously, and they just showed that if you just TELL Inuyasha not to attack something because there's an innocent life at stake, he won’t do it.
Sunrise's stupidity is really... they really don’t think things through. They inadvertently made their favorite character a real doofus 🤣🤣🤣
Another emotionless reunion
As expected, no big Inukag and Mirsan reunion, just:
Sango: “Glad to see you’re still alive.” Kagome: “Yeah!” Inuyasha: “We’ll talk later.”
And they won’t even explain why only Shippo tried to look for them cause they can’t actually explain. In fact, how hard was it for him to look for them?
Inuyasha and Kagome: Didn't Hachi tell you that we were facing Sesshomaru and Kirinmaru? Didn't you ask Sesshomaru what happened to us? Miroku, Sango and Shippo: He certainly would have told us and we certainly would have asked him. But Sunrise is just too dumb.
Sesshomaru using Bakusaiga was not the only recycled scene

Inuyasha throwing Kongosoha too (Final Act Episode 20)

Sunrise, Seriously... 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Riku reverts back to being Kirinmaru’s horn.

It further proves Riku was nothing but a walmart Kagura: The sessrin/ritowa shippers who were mocking Sesskagu ought to understand now how Sesskagu shippers feel.
Kirinmaru’s real shock

Oh yeah! Sunrise actually had Pedomaru tell Rin to watch the fight in order to remind Kirinmaru of his daughter. So much for “She was 18″.

The poor flea eventually returns and cries for help certainly cause season 1 was so horrible for him that he had gone hiding from this abomination