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Not only covid19 affecting our lives but Trashahime affecting the Inuyasha characters’ lives made those two years terrible. If covid19 were to vanish and Trashahime were to get cancelled quickly, I’D BE SOOOOOO HAPPY

Yashahime or rather Trashahime is trash compared to Inuyasha. Sunrise no Baka made Rin sleep with Sesshomaru before she even became 17 while Inuyasha waited for his wife Kagome to be old enough, and they trashed the original protagonists by making Sesshomaru and his daughters more important than our most beloved couple and their daughter who is just used as a comedic relief. Not even Dragon Ball and Naruto made the children of another character more important than the children of the protagonist. Additionally, it’s full of plot holes, various stories recycled and ripoffs (mostly Sailor Moon). And the main characters have no big motivation at all, and the other major characters (Hisui and Kohaku) don’t play much. In other words, unlike Rumiko Takahashi who’s a genius, Katsuyuki Sumisawa is an amateur, ripping off ideas and incapable of being original, doing anything consistent and giving character development, which is why Trashahime, is nothing but a lame fanfic and therefore should not be considered canon. IT MUST STOP, IT MUST BE CANCELLED, ENOUGH TRASHING THE ORIGINAL MAIN CHARACTERS. If something can be done to have it cancelled, please help.
Most Popular Inuyasha Character
Sesshomaru is the most popular character? Yeah, as if. Have you forgotten the results of the NHK's Ultimate Rumiko Takahashi Poll?

Sumisawa, the amateur, however ignored who fans mostly preferred and still made his dumb and incoherent spinoff with Sesshomaru being more important than the protagonist and best character Inuyasha, to fulfill his own lolicon fantasy, all the while trashing the poor half-demon (perhaps also because he was a sore loser, lol).

Never make a supporting character more important than the protagonist in a spinoff. If you want a spinoff for a character you love, don’t even involve the protagonist.

That time series is a lie because in episode 15 (worst episode in the entire Inuyasha franchise), Riku stated that it began 18 years ago and Kaede said it’s been one month after the root head incident (Sango and Miroku’s children looked exactly like in episode 1). And yet it was the Reiwa era which began in 2019 when Towa traveled back to the Feudal era. WTF 😕 Sunrise is all about inconsistencies. They just can’t do anything right 🤡 Unless it actually starts in 2000 just as the anime version started that year, Kagome returns to the feudal era in 2004, and Towa returns to the Feudal era in 2022 And even if there was an explanation for the years, it can’t be denied that Sunrise made Rin pregnant about 3 years after the root incident, and she wasn’t even 14 by then therefore was pregnant before she was even 17 🤢

Kagome faiting because of Sunrise's lame fanfic that is supposedly the "official" continuation of Inuyasha

Nothing stops anyone from making their own headcanons/fanfics

Sunrise sure caused a lot of damage with their lame animated fanfic.
Most fans are upset by how they depicted the characters, especially Inuyasha and Kagome sealed in the black pearl and separated from their daughter who was treated as comedic relief, and Sesshomaru and Rin becoming a couple in a way that additionally tries to make lolicon acceptable, and consequently it divided the fandom. It was the anime producer Suwa Michihiko who unreasonably demanded a continuation, which was an unreasonable request indeed as after 12 years of various headcanons and fanfics following Inuyasha’s conclusion with the unlikely chance to get a sequel as Takahashi tended to just start a new manga once she concludes one and never made a sequel to any of her other works, it could hardly meet everyone’s general expectations.
And Sumisawa and the Sunrise staff themselves did not try to think of something that everyone would be ok with like they claimed. Supposedly, it had to be Sesshomaru’s daughter as the main character because if Inuyasha and Kagome’s child was the main character, it would be hard to upstage her parents and they would steal the protagonism everytime they appear. Well, that’s an invalid excuse, because Inuyasha and Kagome were removed nonetheless (sealed in a black pearl), and it could have been Moroha as the main character struggling to free/save her parents. They in fact knew that the relationship between Sesshomaru and Rin was perceived differently by fans so how on earth would everyone be ok with what they made?
It’s obvious that they simply took the liberty to write something of their own vision, not really taking into consideration the fandom. They seriously should have come up with something that could have most unlikely had any controversies.
The linked magazines below reveal it all: - - -

It was definitely possible for Moroha to be the main character. Sumisawa’s excuse for Sesshomaru’s daughter being the main character because if Inuyasha and Kagome’s child was the main character, it would be hard to upstage her parents and they would steal the protagonism everytime they appear, was truly invalid.

“However, since 「Inuyasha」 is a work that was beautifully completed, I think 「Yashahime」 can be considered as a "what if" made by Sunrise, so I will proceed to continue to produce the manga based on the edition compliance policy of the anime like for example the settings.”

“One of the Possible Futures” that’s more like it, since not everyone envisioned the characters’ future to be like that in Trashahime and we do not have to accept it as the “official” future and are free to make our own headcanons/fanfics of the future Most satisfying comments, many were upset by them, what a beautiful day 😄

First, “Yashahime is canon” this, “Sessrin is canon” that Then, they whine wanting Trashahime to be “the only future” this “the official future” that Why does it have to be? Inuyasha originally ended for good in 2008 and Rumiko Takahashi never planned a sequel, as she tends to just move to another manga, leaving the fans to make their own headcanons/fanfictions/fanarts of how it would continue.

It was the anime producer Suwa Michihiko who, about 10 years after it ended, unreasonably demanded a continuation and rather than trying to come up with something that most fans would most likely be ok with like they claimed, the Sunrise staff took the liberty of writing something that would fit their own biases, not really taking into consideration the fandom. Which is why it’s technically Sunrise’s own vision of the future.
What’s the big deal if it’s “one of the possible futures”? They got one future animated that they liked, isn’t that satisfying enough for them?
And is that supposed to mean that we have to accept it and drop or modify the various futures we’ve been imagining for 12 years?

Even if Rumiko Takahashi was involved anyhow and were to say anything like she approves Trashahime as how Inuyasha continues, you don’t seriously imagine her demanding everyone to consider Trashahime and Sessrin as canon, do you? And if she was actually that kind of person, well it’s not correct for an author who works to please readers to impose something that is not to the liking of those who loved her original work and it also wouldn’t be smart because she’d lose the support and respect of many of her fans.
Whoever likes Trashahime can like it all they want and think of it as how the original story continues if it suits their tastes, but not everyone envisioned the future that way thus we do not have to accept Trashahime as how Inuyasha “officially” continues and drop or modify our headcanons/fanfictions/fanarts and whoever we are shipping, and no one should ever force us to.
If anyone acts as if they control the fandom and try to shove Trashahime and Sessrin down our throats, well food for thought: in order for something to work as being how the story follows, it ought to be consistent (how the characters would naturally flow, not contradicting origins and past events…), and with all the plot holes it features (with this one being proof enough that the Sunrise staff are complete boneheads:, that which ought to be called simply a poorly written animated fanfic could hardly work as the “official” continuation of Inuyasha.
Trashahime’s Very First Plot Hole
I felt like rewatching “Inuyasha Since Then” (the only good episode of Trashahime since it was actually made by Takahashi), and I noticed something that in fact was not in the manga version:

As you can see, Sunrise was dumb from the very beginning, by adding something unnecessary and inconsistent. They can’t even remember what they did in their own anime version.

lol, many Trashahime lovers are not pleased with the manga version by Takashi Shiina mainly because of the main characters’ changed personalities, and they complain saying it’s not canon despite having had the approval of Sunrise and Takahashi How funny coming out of the mouths of people who are completely fine with making the original characters completely out of character in a poorly written animated fanfiction and claim it had the approval of Takahashi Ironically, this is how most of us have been feeling since the anime version came out and butchered all the original characters, but we couldn’t expect those idiots to actually come to understand us, could we?

To make a spinoff that not only promotes lolicon, but also trashes Inuyasha who on top of being the hero was voted most popular character in NHK's Ultimate Rumiko Takahashi Poll and makes Sesshomaru more important than him is a NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO

So here’s what Sunrise came up with: Rin cursed by Zero to die. In other words: they’re making Rin die AGAIN... WHAT A LAZY REHASH! Sunrise not only made her a child bride despite knowing that her relationship with Sesshomaru was perceived in various ways, but they had her remain a helpless dependent girl and just set her in another damsel in distress situation instead of giving her some development. Seriously, it wouldn’t kill anyone to try being original and write Rin to be more than just a death-inviting plot device (and it wouldn’t kill her either). I couldn’t expect everyone to not stick to “canon” and not follow Sunrise’s lame cue, but I hope that some people headcanon Rin as an independent woman with more personality and a purpose and not just worshiping “Sesshomaru-sama”. Here’s one idea I got of what she could become:

And the way Jaken says it... not natural at all. It’s simply obvious that pressure is getting to Sunrise as they incoherently (and unsuccessfully) try to make her age appropriate.
Can’t even make Pedomaru act logically
Not only Zero’s curse on Rin and Jaken believing Inuyasha and Kagome could be a problem were stupid. The idea of Zero cursing Rin while Sesshomaru dealt with the grim comet, I mean:

Couldn’t even come up with something logical like Pedomaru taking Rin some place else to hide her as well and Zero nonetheless locates her and overcomes some barrier that was put around her
The writing really sucks
The only explanation for Trashahime

On top of Sesshomaru making Rin his child bride, so many things don’t make any sense such as: - Toga carrying Tessaiga and Tenseiga 600 years ago and throwing a Meido Zangetsuha with Tessaiga 500 years ago (despite the facts that Tessaiga was forged to protect his human bride Izayoi about 200 years ago and Tenseiga was cast off Tessaiga to contain Meido Zangetsuha). - The Higurashi family not being very emotional upon seeing Moroha and not asking her about her parents. - Towa not asking Homura why he tried to kill her and her sister. - Sango knew Sesshomaru had children, so how come her brother didn’t know until 14 years later? - Sesshomaru hiding his children but not Rin despite Zero having clearly said that she wanted to see his “entire” family in agony. ... There’s only one explanation for all this nonsense: Kagome is having a long silly nightmare.
Of course, that doesn’t make Moroha’s birth impossible.
Get a load of this, folks:

So now they’re going to remind theirs viewers of a character's age every single week with a random line of dialogue?

The pedoshow is definitely desperate to hammer home the retcon.
And for real, who would actually buy that? I mean come one, GET REAL:

Face it, Sunrise, you fucked up by being sick biased amateurs, and all you can do is just cancel this nonsense. Only one way for everything to actually make sense is this:

lol, a controversy section was added in Trashahime’s wiki page as it should be but it’s constantly being removed despite telling the truth I bet Sunrise don't want it on there either Bad for PR

So their “Rin was 18” bullshit wasn’t enough and they’ll try anything to justify their sick sessrin portrayal even if it means justifying pedophilia, huh?

Seriously Sunrise... And in a show aimed toward a young audience, above all 😩😩😩

From South Park: The Return of Covid, Covid and Space Jam 2 are not the only calamities that happened. And it gave an ending that should be used in Trashahime: