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Was it just me or did anyone else get chills watching this in the trailer?
Major Endgame spoilers
So I dont necessarily want to completely bash on Endgame, because I think overall it was an amazing movie. But we need to talk about the ending, and I'm finding that I'm no where close to being alone in the fact that I was supremely unsatisfied with the ending of what was supposed to be the culmination of an era that had 22 movies. Especially with how they ended the original six avengers, this was not the ending that we wanted or deserved.
First off Thor and Hulk, these characters were thrown away the entire movie, and were tossed aside as nothing more than comic relief. These two characters have been around since the very beginning of Marvel, and to have them reduced to characters that didnt actually do too much for the plot/could have easily been erased or replaced. The only even small saving grace here is that we will probably see Thor again in guardians of the galaxy's third movie.
Then we have Nat and Clint, and the fact that these two characters are the ones that got the closest to a satisfying ending says something. And I say satisfying loosely because Nat lost her life and Clint lost the person he loved the most in the world outside of his biological family(and even though they aren't related they were family)
Now onto Tony. There was no reason for him to die. The only motive behind his death was that Marvel wanted to hurt the audience. It completely went against his arc because all he wanted to do was settle down and raise a family. The fact that Marvel gave that to him only to rip it away was a major injustice to the character of Tony Stark. Yes, I have some emotional reasons behind this, but who doesn't. Tony Stark has been around since the very very beginning, and is one of the most loved characters in the mcu, to kill him has no purpose other than to hurt the audience. TONY STARK DID NOT DESERVE TO DIE.
Now where do I even start on cap. I've seen a lot of people that are satisfied with his ending and that he deserves to be happy, and I completely agree, but what he did was entirely out of character. This is the same man that said that he couldn't stand by while injustices were done, to say that he left everyone to clean the emotional and physical mess up on their own would is an insult to the name of Steve Rodgers. Not only that but marvel almost completely erased Steve and Buckys relationship. Whether you ship stucky or not you can not deny that they loved each other.
Bucky and Steve have been best friends pretty much since they were born, and for so long they were the only ones the other person had. Marvel decided to ignore this fact and have Steve leave, not only without truly saying goodbye to Bucky, but also not warning him either. Then when we see him back as an old man, not only does Bucky not go to him first, Steve doesn't even look at Bucky. Then he passes the mantle of Cap down to-still someone who will be a great Captain America-someone who he has not known for anywhere near as long, and could not possibly know anywhere near as well. Also Steve gives the shield to bucky in th comics so it would make more sense anyways, and would have erased when he was the winter soldier, officially solidifying him as a hero. I would have been more ok with Steve's ending had they not co.pleatly erased Steve and Buckys friendship.
But even then they still treated Peggy as nothing more than Steve's love interest. Marvel already established that Peggy has a husband and kids. Having g Steve go back to be with her that would erase her life. Peggy founded S.H.I.E.L.D, and did so many amazing things, and created a life for herself. Steve being with her reduces her to nothing more than an blank love interest.
I dont want to completely hate on Endgame because I did think it was a good movie. But considering it was supposed to be our goodbye to these characters that we love so much I am extremely disappointed, and I dont really want to watch endgame again(and I watched infinity war five times).
Endgame wasnt the ending/goodbye that we and the characters that we wanted to deserved. And will cause audiences to leave feeling disappointed and unsatisfied with the end of an era.
Sorry for any typos, I made this quickly