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This Is Literally One Of The Coolest Moments In The Clone Wars Ever. When She Force Pushes Her Lightsabers

This is literally one of the coolest moments in The Clone Wars ever. When she force pushes her lightsabers away from her and spins in a circle. THANK YOU DAVE FILONI for giving us such an amazing scene.

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4 years ago

Oh my god! Order 66 in the Clone Wars! Hell ... But most of all Rex! My poor baby boy!

Oh My God! Order 66 In The Clone Wars! Hell ... But Most Of All Rex! My Poor Baby Boy!

His hands were shaking and he was crying. He told himself to fight against Sidious' command. He didn't want to hurt Ahsoka. He probably was like a prisoner in his own body fighting against the inhibitor chip. I know the Sith were evil but letting the 501st hunt down their former commander. That's far beyond evil! That's a whole other level!

Oh My God! Order 66 In The Clone Wars! Hell ... But Most Of All Rex! My Poor Baby Boy!

Guys, do you see the hurt in his eyes after the chip is removed? I never ever want to see this look in any clones eyes ever again! I'm crying. How could they do this to the clones, my precious baby boys? I know Star Wars is all about Ani and later Luke, Leia and the gang saving the universe but in all honesty I would rather have the cheesy happy end they all deserve. I just want happiness for those who deserve it. It's just not fair!

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