Cat Things - Tumblr Posts
My cat has a special, softer meow for when her claw/s stuck. I also know to help her if shes just pulling at a spot/her step doesn't finish. Half the time she bites me afterward. Girl, i'm trying to help you.
My parents visited my sister M. Her cat Viniger was not sure about the new people in her apartment.

More reasons I want to be a cat
therapist: so, how have you been coping with your anxiety lately?
Me, nervously: Well… I’ve been trying to treat myself like a nervous cat…
therapist, stifling a goodnatured laugh: Oh? can you explain that to me?
Me: Well… if you have a nervous cat, the first thing you do is make sure their environment is safe and remove stressors… and you make sure they have enough food and water and places to hide… and you provide some enrichment in case they need to work out energy…
Therapist: And how are you applying that to yourself?
Me: Um. If I feel anxious, I’ll see if I need to back out of any sites or conversations, enforce my boundaries… check my environment for flashing lights or painful noises… make sure I’m hydrated and have eaten… and work on a hobby
Therapist: those are all excellent things! You’re a nervous cat and you need care and kindness!

Pick Your Choice

Everyday when I wake up and open my door, Sylvester is at my door staring at me like this lol
Mom accidentally locked Mittens outside in the [basement] window last night because she didn't check and Mittens got caught in the sprinklers (2-8 am, on and off)
In retaliation, Mittens has invited another grasshopper into the house. Mom moved before it could jump on her, but Sox and Mittens are now playing with it in front of the bathroom

Bunch of kitties ♥ I’ll probably make a set of stickers with thoses (•v• )/ Stickers available here !
Cat sees long time human friend after a long time