Causeimweak - Tumblr Posts

AJR new album is great and I wanted to make something in their style to commerate it. And the feelings it provokes in me/reasures that it's okay to have them. Cause man their lyrics really resonate with me and remind me that I'm definetly not the only one dobbering in the middle of the vast deep ocean. - - - - - - - - - - - #ajr #ajrbrothers #ajrart #ajrmusic #art #watercolourpaintings #neotheater #neotheaterart #neaotheateralbum #bloodsea #overwhelming #originalart #feelings #nextupforever #mylegos #karma #100baddays #myfavouritecolourisyou #wowimnotcrazy #red #theclick #burnthehousedown #goodmusic #causeimweak and #whatswrongwiththat #soberup #theentertaimentishere (bij Netherlands)