thinthle - Thinthle

Main art blog of a 27 year old animation student who deeply loves making Art. I'm in various fandoms that probably won't fit in this description so don't be afraid to ask/interact about anything. I post art, edits and other related stuff. If you read till this far thanks a lot and feel free to stick around.

202 posts

AJR New Album Is Great And I Wanted To Make Something In Their Style To Commerate It. And The Feelings

AJR New Album Is Great And I Wanted To Make Something In Their Style To Commerate It. And The Feelings

AJR new album is great and I wanted to make something in their style to commerate it. And the feelings it provokes in me/reasures that it's okay to have them. Cause man their lyrics really resonate with me and remind me that I'm definetly not the only one dobbering in the middle of the vast deep ocean. - - - - - - - - - - - #ajr #ajrbrothers #ajrart #ajrmusic #art #watercolourpaintings #neotheater #neotheaterart #neaotheateralbum #bloodsea #overwhelming #originalart #feelings #nextupforever #mylegos #karma #100baddays #myfavouritecolourisyou #wowimnotcrazy #red #theclick #burnthehousedown #goodmusic #causeimweak and #whatswrongwiththat #soberup #theentertaimentishere (bij Netherlands)

  • qveenpoppy
    qveenpoppy liked this · 5 years ago

More Posts from Thinthle

5 years ago
An Absolute Wonderfull Colabaration With @eli Bless Their Soul For The Patience They Had With Me. The

An absolute wonderfull colabaration with @eli bless their soul for the patience they had with me. The theme we chose was 🌤️🌄sunrise🌇🌅and sundown🌆🌃. The first is their colouring (and my lineart) The second one is the other way around. If you're wondering who the people are on the pictures btw it's Dan and Phil. Defenitly check out their great stuff for a laugh, a cry and general hysterics 🙏. - - - - - - - - - - #danandphil #danandphilart #drawings #collab #sunset #sunrise #sunny #sunbeam #artcollabaration #fun #rooftop

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6 years ago

It’s Only Logical - Chapter 20

First Chapter             Previous Chapter

Pairings: Logicality/Prinxiety

Warnings: Passing mention of death, otherwise it’s all fluff to rot your teeth.

Chapter Twenty: Mothers, Meetings, and Roses

Virgil was idly wiping down the counters during the afternoon lull when his phone went off. He frowned as he saw an unfamiliar number, and nearly ignored it, but at the last second he answered it on a whim. “Hello?”

“Hello! Is this Virgil Mason, by any chance?” A woman’s friendly voice asked.

“That depends on who’s asking. If you think he owes you money, or have a warrant out for him, he’s dead,” he answered easily, leaning a hip against the counter as he lifted a metal carafe, turning to fill it with more coffee.

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6 years ago
Since The Response Too My Last Orginal Art Was Pretty Postive. Here's Some More Veopses/veopsen (whatever
Since The Response Too My Last Orginal Art Was Pretty Postive. Here's Some More Veopses/veopsen (whatever
Since The Response Too My Last Orginal Art Was Pretty Postive. Here's Some More Veopses/veopsen (whatever
Since The Response Too My Last Orginal Art Was Pretty Postive. Here's Some More Veopses/veopsen (whatever

Since the response too my last orginal art was pretty postive. Here's some more veopses/veopsen (whatever the plural? Meervoud is). Here's them in a swamp.

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5 years ago
I'm Trying To Overcome The Fear That All My Ideas Will Be Stolen When I Post Them Online. Gotta Build

I'm trying to overcome the fear that all my ideas will be stolen when I post them online. Gotta build up an audience somehow and those people need to see something otherwise what did they come for. So here's my demon he's made out of the gates of hell. His wings are bend pipes/wires/material of the fence. Don't have a good name for m yet. And this isn't his regular colour scheme either. Hope you enjoy this replenshiment of art anyway/anyhow any day?

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6 years ago
Simsala Grimm AU With Emile Picani As Doc And Remy/Sleep As Croggy (could Be Wrong With The Names Here
Simsala Grimm AU With Emile Picani As Doc And Remy/Sleep As Croggy (could Be Wrong With The Names Here
Simsala Grimm AU With Emile Picani As Doc And Remy/Sleep As Croggy (could Be Wrong With The Names Here

Simsala Grimm AU with Emile Picani as Doc and Remy/Sleep as croggy (could be wrong with the names here my memory of the show is not that fresh).

Once upon a time the sides got stuck in a nightmare lured there by the dark sides with what they most desired. 

Team Remile leaps to the rescue but realises they’ve been deceived. The sides they knew and loved nowhere to be found. Dreams and nightmares have existed in different realms each containing their own plane of existence of reality. The Multiverse expanding with each new headcanon, theory, fanfic and plenty of AU’s accompanied by unique and different art styles from Fanders all over the world. 

Now their quest really begins can they get their sides back to their world before Thomas wakes up and forgets them. Emile: Traveling through fairy tales sounds fun right ?

Lets see if my taglist will finally work again also feel free to send them questions in my ask box to progress the story or just get to know more about them.

@thelogicalloganipus @romanpizza @helloprincey @hellomusicalnerdhere @lacteouslesters @lucifer-in-my-head @warnadudenexttime @angstyteenv @airakorainies @gay-space-rain @dorothyannewise @andlipstickboys @bunny222 @creepyfloof @the-queen-of-fandoms @healinghufflepuff @thatsmsmactoyou @futuristicinfluencernerd @delarpix @pailettehazel @aloa2u @lazycb @squirescreen @thecollectorofdarkness @panfilet @lucho-arts @dootdoodley @monstrous-madison @delphox-lover @skip-the-potato @escapedoodland @mangomonkeyboy @thatsweaterchick @twoframesstudios @awesomesilvercat @goldenfoxination @callmetrash1 @ebeanie @tj-the-nonbinary-alien @the-paper-head @pipiana-chan @galaxxibeast @official-alien-pancakes @10cloverfield @fux-nixi @imaginatekate @theaestheticworld @invisible-bunny @blacknwhiteblog @harrisonburg44 @sachikoaiyuki @so-fucking-proud @thatrandomfangirl28 @gigi-is-drawing @skythehooman @thatonelegobrickuhate @turtledog-loves-her-anime @artsy-6321 @crazybutcalm2 @thatonerandomromanian @drbblud

@cremafied @blackholebunny @s-t-s-g @craftymelongirl @jennijam07 @randomslasher @tragicillustrator @infinitesimal-heart @oli-smiles-sometimes @elkius @kingsketchdoodle @themightylotad @angelic-ace @turtley-gay @all-these-things-that-ive-dun @lucho-arts @rayray2425 @shinsyl @akwardly-magical @shyrenthedawndragon @mint-bees @meplushyou @demigosh @moriarrtty @necro-nova @lilis-doodle-dome @internally-screeming @kobaltski @breloomings @peachy-pattoncake @ethanhanbury @romanasanders @purpsart @mimiloverfox @ec-sanderssides @finnlinnaj @jojoztar @swerve-art @2queer2deer @could-always-be-gayer-2@featuredfander @morallogic @fangirltothefullest @novaedream @cattonsanders @notafeeling @parano--vigilant @logically-asexual @colorful-unknown @the-sanders-sides @the-sanders-snides @sidespart @charmingsides @imtoobiforyou @ifitsbritishimprobablyafan @fandergecko @pantton-sandacers @sugarglider9603 @misplaced-my-notes @meyonto @thomassandersownsmysoul @moxieties @ellistruggle @sander-sides-fangirl-with-pma @sanders-sides-fantasy @voidsides @cnv99 @paperghastly @im-basically-logan @caffibun @shesavampirequeen @tiny-mudkip @flatlinesunrelenting @blue-stopsigns @sanders-sides-thuri @aharleigh2 @pumpkinofspace @menaciingly @justisaisfine @notalwaysthevillian @fantasyinsanity @notallpotatoesarefrenchfries @officialwaterfairy @sunshine-in-a-petal @galaxy-warping @toastraccoon @finiteframe3 @quietgamesart @quietlypondering @why-did-the-jax-fall-over  @the-pastel-peach @prettyinaccurate @phhiih @blombla-art @unknownsandersfan @purplepatton @angsty-hoodie @angst-patton @violetvirgil @basementtreasure @nightcatssketchbook @rocithefangirl @lowkeyvirgilobsessed @sanders-trash @deceitful-deception @akuryoudraws

@panic-at-the-everywhere-lol @chatterghosts @jewelsafecorner @demonlucy-chan @sinningbutwithstyle @sandy-sides @thought-u-said-dragon-queen @reba-andthesides @menacefh @simplypatton @pipapatton @agayfairy @pastel-patton123 @rose-gold-roman @lollingtothemax @smedenn @altruistic-skittles @peachy-pattoncake @minnie-monnie @melchann @goodjobmiranda @sidespart @never-logical @luarpice @strangerthings-and-phan  @thatsthat24@sparkedawg @allthemetalsoftherainbow @kirsten-the-freak @the-darkness-art @aliferous-ly   @pattson @jughead-is-canonically-aroace @saphirestrike @redundant-statements-for-400  @proudhufflepuffgeek @birdybabybird @quinintheclouds   @yourpalmogar @all-my-fandoms-are-killing-me @dementeddracon  @thatgaydemigodnerd @sanderdrabbles  @countessmissyshort @anxiousravenclaw @creativenostalgiastuff  @koalaaquabear @deep-ocean-blues  @heythereprincey @devastate-my-space  @inalandofmythandtimeofmagic @ffsas-side-account @urtrashthemes  @the-incedible-sulk  @savingshae @somepostontheinternet @grey-lysander @reba-andthesides @rose-gold-romantic @thatonenerdtm  @septifanderplier  @dementeddracon
























































































































































































































































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