Celestia Mlp - Tumblr Posts
hello chaps, business as usual? I’ve finally finished my Celestia redesign, and this time I referenced statues of the Greek god Apollo, colorful Chiapaneco dresses and parrots. I’ll return next time with Luna, and I’ll be basing her (like twilight) off old Victorian fashion! Toodles!
Just some sketches/unfinished edits
the Metal Sonic one It's almost done btw, I just dunno what exactly to add
Queen of the Day, Queen of Dreams, and Goddess of Love
This was my absolute favorite episode of the two because of how silly they were oh my goodness! I know most of the episodes that involve the two of them in the story are how they both don't understand how the other deals with their life and how they don't get each other(Like how Luna thinks Celestia's job all day is to smile and basically be the favorite while Celestia thinks Luna is being unfair because she gets to sleep most of the day and her only job is to enter ponies dreams)
the ending was cute, because overall both of their jobs is hard in the end. But I genuinely think Luna has it worst, since some ponies still fear her for being Nightmare Moon and how she had to spend 1,000 years of her life on the moon by herself! Yikes
MLP charchters as humanoids
All horse from mlp are mainly elf/humans meanwhile changlings are bug like humaniods that can still change their apparance.
Note these designs are part of an Au so do have headcannons attached.