Chains - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago
He's Been In Worse Situations Before And Escaped... The Only Question Is What They Might Do To Him Before

He's been in worse situations before and escaped... the only question is what they might do to him before he gets his chance!

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5 years ago
Ryuji And The Palace Of Submission

Ryuji and the palace of submission

Part 4

“Hey there you”

Ryuji woke up to see someone staring down at him. It was himself but different. He sat up

“What the... where am I?” Ryuji spoke

“You’re in your mind dummy” The Ryuji copy gave him a little shove. Ryuji took a moment to look at this copy cat.

It was a version of Ryuji, however he had a chain around his neck and was completely stripped of all clothing. Not to mention he seemed more relaxed and almost more ...submissive?

“Well if I am in my mind, then who the hell are you?”

“Well I am you, at least what you are becoming. A slave version of you who is loyal to his master. Not a person, but rather a tool, a servant, a pet”

Ryuji growled “That ain’t me, who the hell are you trying to be me?!?!?!?!”

He looked at Ryuji innocently “Ah what’s the matter did you forget what you did earlier?” The other Ryuji pulls out a remote and presses a button. It brings a down a small screen and a video begins playing. It shows Ryuji after part 1 of the expirement.

“*Please sir if there is anything I could do to help you please let me know*”

The OR (short for other Ryuji) looked over at Ryuji and smiled “You made a promise to our master, Ryuji. You wouldn’t want to go back to that machine, do you?”

“It was just because I was desperate, and that dude ain’t my master.”

“And yet you followed his commands. You agreed to take part in the other part of the expirement. You used the bed that he gave you. Hell, you were on your knees for all this!”

Ryuji just sat there silently

“Listen whether you like it or not, whoever that is is our master from now on and you have to obey him, understood?”

“And if I don’t?”

“The machine is still up in running. I think they would be willing to make you use it again”

He sat in silence for a moment

“Fine” Ryuji said “I will obey my ‘master’ until I leave this fucking hell hole”

OR clapped his hands together “Great, now it’s about time you woke up someone is trying to break in.”

“Wait what?”

Ryuji shot up from his bed and saw that a couple of researchers had opened the door. He saw one of the researchers holding a ray gun.

“Now then hold nice and still while I use this mind control gun on you.” The researcher said

Ryuji tried to run out of the room, but saw a researcher blocking the door. He went and tried to avoid them, but when the one barely scraped by his head, he knew he was cornered.

Ryuji had just given in when a man came bursting through the door. He knocked both the researchers out and came over to Ryuji. Ryuji looked up to him with envy in his eyes.

“You ok kid?” The man said

“Yes sir I am fine” Ryuji said

“Good those researchers could have taken you out Ryuji”

“Wait how do you know my name?”

The man looked over and removed his hood, he was revealed to be Akira.


“It’s ok Ryuji I am just glad that you are safe”

Suddenly Ryuji embraced Akira and began laying his hands and face against Akira’s chest

“Please Akira, I need to repay you for all I’ve done to you so I make this request.”

He looks up at Akira

“Please, Can I be your slave?”

He looks down at Ryuji and smiles while crossing his fingers. “Of course Ryuji”

The researchers watching though the camera, looked at each other, smiled, and wrote down “Expirement success” underneath the progress report sheet.

Akira looked at Ryuji and held up his hand in a balled fist “Now you must understand some things about our agreement”

“Of course Akira” Ryuji smiled

He held up a finger “1. You must only address me as Master unless I say otherwise”

“Of course Master!”

He held up another finger “2. No matter the circumstances, you must obey my commands”

“Yes master!”

“Now heel” Ryuji got down on his knees and placed hands on his thighs

“What now master?”

He shot a red ray at Ryuji which he barely noticed

“3. You must not be of any high level intelligence you do not know about reading math science or anything of the sort”

“What are those master?”

“You must’nt learn of them ok”

“Yes master”

“And 4. Only you can know of these commands. Or of our meeting here. If anyone is to know about this, you shall be punished”

“I won’t say a word master”

“Good now I will head over to Cafe Leblanc. There will be some men to give you your chains and drop you off there soon, understood?”

“Of course Master.”

“Now just sit here and wait for them to arrive”

Ryuji sat patiently as Akira walked out of the room.


Once he was out of range of Ryuji, Douglas tapped on his neck and the voice changer and face disguiser turned off. He stretched a bit and talked to the researchers.

“Are you sure he will think it is his friend” one of the researchers asked

“I mean, we got a infocus close up of him. I doubt we missed any details in the disguise.” Douglas said

“Well we will know when the delivery drivers go and ask him about his ‘master’”

“Are you absolutely sure you want Akira to own him.?” The other researcher asked

“Well it’s the best chance we have got.” Douglas said

“Alright we will go ahead with it. The delivery drivers will be in there any minute.”

And so Ryuji was put in a chain that attached his neck to a long chain. And was sent off to Cafe Leblanc

To be continued

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Collared Is The Only Way To Go

Collared is the only way to go ❤️⛓️

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3 years ago
Obsessed With Being Toxic To Everyone But U :*

obsessed with being toxic to everyone but u :*

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1 year ago
Biggers Thankers To Oddy For The Tag!!!! @fandomandangstlover
Biggers Thankers To Oddy For The Tag!!!! @fandomandangstlover
Biggers Thankers To Oddy For The Tag!!!! @fandomandangstlover

biggers thankers to oddy for the tag!!!! @fandomandangstlover

Ain't know much bout the rest, but a'hr surely love these results of mine :smuugs:

taggin a bunch of peiople that pops up in my tags that i probably not know and know of!!! @remaking-machine @darnelldraws @jevthejester @tekomerc @ratcate @hrtpizza @xakumi @camellia-salazar @nerfspy @medic-from-team-defense-fort-2 superb!!!!!!!!!

PICREW + QUIZ TAG GAME — [ original post ]

i found this really cool challenge on here and i wanted to share it with you (with an extra suprise)


1. take the quiz,

2. do the picrew,

3. take this quiz aswel,

4. reblog this post with your results and tag whoever u think would enjoy this challenge too!


PICREW + QUIZ TAG GAME [ Original Post ]
PICREW + QUIZ TAG GAME [ Original Post ]
PICREW + QUIZ TAG GAME [ Original Post ]

the first quiz is one 90 procent accurate lol🤞and i tried to make it look like gyaru make up but it just looks like i have white circles under my eyes! and the second quiz is not totally wrong but i don’t really enjoy attention irl and i never heard i was narcissistic before but i do think i’m an attention seeker online, also i never had a lover T^T

SOME OF MY LOVELY MOOTS. — @coquetteky @bluehwale-main @ari-shipping-stuff @sweatyjeans @sunoo-bby @rieuvie @leo-seonghwa @girls4cheol and whoever feels inclined to do it too!!

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6 months ago
Cat Vampire Goth Girl!!!!

Cat Vampire Goth Girl!!!!💜🖤💜🤟🏻😆🤟🏻

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