Chaos Space Marines - Tumblr Posts

New Traitor guard, I’m finally dipping my toes into chaos.

Drawing of my custom csm warband, the scions of the deep. Same scheme as my blooded from a bit ago (I just don’t have any other chaos minis yet :c )
I really love the axe, the background is kind of bad but I was in a rush to finish it.

really important death guard doodle i forgot to post

‘Arry Pot’a, the boy who WAAAAAGH’d

Noise marines - commissioned work

Word Bearer chosen - sketchbook

Day 29 - Tarot

by Matt Bradbury
Obliterators are literally the easiest kitbash ever. If you use the stock model you're a pleb with shit models. Like seriously, my first obliterators were made of cobbled together refuse from other csm kits, some of which was basically garbage. These are wips, and not my first, but they're literally so simple

I hate that you have to take them in pairs now but it's whatever.
Look at these dudes. Literally all you need for obliterators is
Some chaos space marine heads, any of them work
Any power fist arms you have lying around
As many spare guns as you wouldn't miss
Greenstuff, and if you want to get fancy a body of some kind, legionary, terminator, centurion, I don't care. Mine are thallax bodies.
Just kinda put the head and hands where they go, make some vague leg structures, and cover everything in guns. Congrats, you have obliterators that are better than the gw model

IRON WITHIN IRON WITHOUT iron warriors conversion (WIP)

This right here is the difference between bravery and stupidity
If you think the Krieger is the stupid one, then you’re wrong. The stupid one is you