Orks - Tumblr Posts

11 years ago

Raaaaawr <3 ;D Orcish by Rigrena, DeviantArt : http://rigrena.deviantart.com/art/Orcish-355929240

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8 months ago
"AU Meeting Cute" Between Jacq Durge And Gortash
"AU Meeting Cute" Between Jacq Durge And Gortash
"AU Meeting Cute" Between Jacq Durge And Gortash
"AU Meeting Cute" Between Jacq Durge And Gortash
"AU Meeting Cute" Between Jacq Durge And Gortash
"AU Meeting Cute" Between Jacq Durge And Gortash
"AU Meeting Cute" Between Jacq Durge And Gortash
"AU Meeting Cute" Between Jacq Durge And Gortash
"AU Meeting Cute" Between Jacq Durge And Gortash
"AU Meeting Cute" Between Jacq Durge And Gortash

"AU meeting cute" between Jacq Durge and Gortash

just an idea about hypothetical first meeting between our beloveds chosen ones🌟

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2 years ago
Ya See, Theres Two Kindsa Gitz In This World. Those With DAKKA And Those That DIG!
Ya See, Theres Two Kindsa Gitz In This World. Those With DAKKA And Those That DIG!
Ya See, Theres Two Kindsa Gitz In This World. Those With DAKKA And Those That DIG!
Ya See, Theres Two Kindsa Gitz In This World. Those With DAKKA And Those That DIG!

Ya see, there’s two kinds’a Gitz in this world. Those with DAKKA and those that DIG!

Keep reading

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6 months ago

I have more lore for my WH40k orks

And I've got to tell someone and so Tumblr will have to do

So you know how orks use Roks ? Spaceships made from hollowed out asteroids...but they can only land once.

Mekboss Tannaruk ead splitaah didn't like this....he wanted to be able to take his favourite spaceship with him everywhere so he had a cunning plan.

"weze juzt got to make it so dat, da rok can lands and takes off again"

He invented

Da Bouncin Basha

It's an ork rok about 10km in Diameter weighing 2.5 trillion tons coverd in armour and bristling with guns (pretty standard so far )....but with a special feature

A gigantic nuclear pogo stick

The giant pogo stick has a hollow divot in the base of the foot from which a nuclear bomb is dispensed and then detonated at point blanc range. The giant springs of the pogo stick absorb the shock and da Bouncin Basha is launched Into the air.

It leaps across the planet, with each mighty bound leaving a crater miles wide and crushing all who oppose it and when Tannaruk wants to move on they simply jump back into space

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8 months ago
Lotta Work To Make This Custom Ork Figure! Really Proud Of It Too!!
Lotta Work To Make This Custom Ork Figure! Really Proud Of It Too!!
Lotta Work To Make This Custom Ork Figure! Really Proud Of It Too!!
Lotta Work To Make This Custom Ork Figure! Really Proud Of It Too!!

Lotta work to make this custom ork figure! Really proud of it too!!

Materials used below:

-sullie action figure from mirrorverse toy line(super cheap can be found at dollar stores or Ross)

-apoxie sculpt

- greenstuff clay

-acrylic paint(too many to list rn)

-super glue

- plastic parts from broken printer

- receipt rolls

- toy car parts

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7 months ago

Warhammer 40k reincarnates in Star Wars.

the primarchs and their legions are clone troopers.

the aldari are night sisters.

the orks get to stay orks.

the imperial guard are planetary security forces.

custodes are jedi temple guards.

necrons are tactical droids.

and i kinda wanna make the sisters of battle jedi for some reason.

and that is all i have got, any suggestions are welcome.

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9 months ago



So I'm really unfamiliar with this type of speech. Orks? Warhammer? Trans inclusive ork?

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11 months ago
Some More Stuff Of My Oc ,
Some More Stuff Of My Oc ,
Some More Stuff Of My Oc ,

Some more stuff of my oc ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔ,

although for some reason I can't get him took the like the same person twice in a row...

But I'm getting better(ゝз╹)

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