Charity Zine - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

I’m in another YGO zine! I’m so happy to be participate :D

For This Heart & Soulcontributor Spotlight, We Pendulum Summon Firbet Makes!

For this Heart & Soul contributor spotlight, we Pendulum Summon … Firbet Makes!

Two more days before pre-orders open on March 14th!

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3 years ago
Finally My Preview For @aygozineproductions Heart & Soul Zine. Took A While To Finish But Im Really Happy

Finally my preview for @aygozineproduction‘s Heart & Soul Zine. Took a while to finish but I’m really happy with how it came out. Everyone worked really hard on this zine so I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.

The proceeds are going to Trevor Project in support our LGBTQ+ community. You can a PDF copy now on gumroad for $10+ so check it out!

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3 years ago
My Finished Piece For @aygozineproductions Heart And Soul Zine!

My finished piece for @aygozineproduction‘s Heart and Soul Zine!

Thank you everyone who went to check it out! There were so many talented artists and writers posting their work right now and I’m super proud of being showcased alongside them.

Went a bit crazy when colouring when finishing this piece, but really it fit’s yuya I think. It was really hard trying to pick out cards to focus on as Yuya uses so many signature cards because of his whole pendulum summoning.

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3 years ago
A Preview Of The Illustration I Made For@projsakuraygos Yuga Fruit Blend Tea, In Support Of The Charity

​A preview of the illustration I made for @projsakuraygo’s Yuga Fruit Blend Tea, in support of the charity RAINN. Make sure to check out the zine!!!!

Everyone’s done such an amazing job on the artwork for the tins!!!! Plus as a tea drinker, all the teas sound really good! Keep a watch out for when they go live

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3 years ago
My Illustration The @projsakuraygo Zines AdagioYuga Tea Blend. Its A Blend Of Mango Melange And White

My illustration the @projsakuraygo zine’s adagio Yuga tea blend. It’s a blend of mango melange and white peach, accented with orange peels (The exact kinda tea I’d drink).

Go check out all the tins!, everyone's done an amazing job and 5% of the sales go to the charity RAINN. You’ll get tea, a cool tin for cards, and you’re helping a charity!!!

Link to the Yuga Tea Blend

Link to all the Yu-Gi-Oh! Blends (there’s alot)

Make sure to check out the zine

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3 years ago

Yaaaaaay! The ygo cookbook zine I contributed to is finally available!!! Please check it out, there’s some amazing art and recipes in there :DDD

Pre-Orders For The Yu-Gi-Oh! Cookbook Zine Are Now Open!!
Pre-Orders For The Yu-Gi-Oh! Cookbook Zine Are Now Open!!
Pre-Orders For The Yu-Gi-Oh! Cookbook Zine Are Now Open!!
Pre-Orders For The Yu-Gi-Oh! Cookbook Zine Are Now Open!!
Pre-Orders For The Yu-Gi-Oh! Cookbook Zine Are Now Open!!
Pre-Orders For The Yu-Gi-Oh! Cookbook Zine Are Now Open!!
Pre-Orders For The Yu-Gi-Oh! Cookbook Zine Are Now Open!!

Pre-Orders for the Yu-Gi-Oh! Cookbook Zine are now open!!

From today until October 10th, don’t miss out on this zine full of art, writing and delicious recipes related to all of the Yu-Gi-Oh! series!

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions!!  Order below:

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3 years ago
A Preview Of The Piece I Finished For The @ygocookbookzine Of Sushiko Maki And Romin Kirishima. I Worked

A preview of the piece I finished for the @ygocookbookzine of Sushiko Maki and Romin Kirishima. I worked with @the-kings-of-games (writer) and Whim (cook) as a little sushi team, they where great ( ̄∇ ̄人 ̄∇ ̄人 ̄∇ ̄).

Everyone’s worked so hard for some amazing outcomes, so I hope you’ll check it out!! You can preorder it here

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3 years ago

Might have forgotten to reblog this, but I’m very excited!!!

Welcome Firbet Makes, One Of Our Sticker Artists, And Also Our Cover Artist!

Welcome Firbet Makes, one of our Sticker Artists, and also our Cover Artist!

Check out Firbet Makes’ work on tumblr, twitter, and instagram!

(About ASPEC JOURNAL | Twitter)

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3 years ago

Hey look it’s me again :D

Introducing Page Artist @firbetmakes!

Introducing Page Artist @firbetmakes!

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3 years ago
Tiny Preview For My Piece In @ygoholidayzine. I Had A Lot Of Fun Making Something For The Sevens Crew!

Tiny preview for my piece in @ygoholidayzine. I had  a lot of fun making something for the sevens crew! It’s been another amazing zine I’ve loved being a part of, so if you’re interested have a look!

>> Check out the preorder bundles right here <<

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3 years ago

Yes! The preorder bundles are now up for preorder. Such an amazing zine to work on with everyone. It’s been so cool to see everything that’s been made. Please take a look (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))

Santa Claws Has Brought Gifts! It's Pre-orders For A Tie That Binds!Order HERE!
Santa Claws Has Brought Gifts! It's Pre-orders For A Tie That Binds!Order HERE!
Santa Claws Has Brought Gifts! It's Pre-orders For A Tie That Binds!Order HERE!
Santa Claws Has Brought Gifts! It's Pre-orders For A Tie That Binds!Order HERE!
Santa Claws Has Brought Gifts! It's Pre-orders For A Tie That Binds!Order HERE!

Santa Claws has brought gifts! It's pre-orders for A Tie that Binds! Order HERE!

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3 years ago
Merry Christmas Everyone!

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Here’s my finished double page spread for @ygoholidayzine to celebrate​. It’s based off of stew nights I had with my friends when we got snowed in.

We used to spend the whole day making the stew and talking in the kitchen. Really cozy memories that I now associate with winter :0.

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3 years ago

Finally it’s here!!! I’m so proud to have worked on this this zine. My first cover art ever, I’m so hounered to have it be this zine ゚*。(・∀・)゚* Everyone’s work is amazing, so please check it out!

 ASPEC JOURNAL: History And Mythology
 ASPEC JOURNAL: History And Mythology
 ASPEC JOURNAL: History And Mythology
 ASPEC JOURNAL: History And Mythology
 ASPEC JOURNAL: History And Mythology
 ASPEC JOURNAL: History And Mythology
 ASPEC JOURNAL: History And Mythology
 ASPEC JOURNAL: History And Mythology

❃❃❃ ASPEC JOURNAL: History And Mythology  ❃❃❃

Open For Preorders!

ASPEC JOURNAL is a charity LGBT+ art and literature zine, created by asexual/aromantic people and dedicated to the aspec community.

This issue contains 40 pages of content, exploring the history of asexuality and aromanticism throughout human history. Featuring; ancient Sumerian aspecs, real-life figures like J.M. Barrie and Florence Nightingale, Disney princesses re-imagined as aspec icons, this issue of ASPEC JOURNAL wants to celebrate the history, lore, and future of the aspec community.

Preorders will be open January 1st - March 12th.

Check us out here!

Preorder bonus: if we reach 150 orders, a brand new ‘aspec princesses’ sticker sheet is unlocked!

All profits will be donated to the National Center For Transgender Equality, a USA-based nonprofit activist organization dedicated to policy advocacy and media activism.

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3 years ago
The Illustrated Cover I Drew Up For @aspecjournal That Im So Proud Of! Its Up For Preorders Right Now

The illustrated cover I drew up for @aspecjournal​ that I’m so proud of! It’s up for preorders right now till March 10th :D

It took so long to get all the colours right as I wanted to get as many aspec colours as I could into the piece. purple for ace // green for aro // yellow and blue for aroace // and black and white for aspec. Plus some red to represent the bonds of fate’s connection (being broken).

I illustrated Fenrir and his two sons Sköll and Hati from norse mythology. Fenrir has always hit something within me, with the theme of destroying the world to be released from bonds forced upon you, and having two children with no reference to another parent.

I’ve always enjoyed reinterpreting monsters and villains stories into something positive, so it should be no surprise I read into his themes with a bit of a cathartic aspec lens.

Cover text version ▼


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3 years ago
My Illustrated Sticker I Drew For @aspecjournal. Its Up For Preorders Right Now Till March 10th :D

My illustrated sticker I drew for @aspecjournal​. It’s up for preorders right now till March 10th :D

I went really out of my comfort zone with neon colours (and in a cmyk palette no less). This piece depicts Fafnir bottled away in the middle of their hoard, just having a comfy night in.

I really wanted to represent repulsed apsecs who just want to be left in their own space without connection. Sometimes people just want to be left alone a while (or forever) to relax.

Reinterpreting Fafnir’s story into something with a positive theme was petty fun.

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2 years ago
Just Got My Copy Of The @ygocookbookzine I Controbuted To A While Ago. Its Amazing!!

Just got my copy of the @ygocookbookzine I controbuted to a while ago. It’s amazing!!

I’m so proud of how my piece was printed. I can’t wait to cook ALL of these recipes (`・ω・´) b

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2 years ago
Yay! I Can Post My Finished Illustration For @ygocookbookzine. I Made Alongside @the-kings-of-games (writer)

Yay! I can post my finished illustration for @ygocookbookzine. I made alongside @the-kings-of-games (writer) and Whim on twitter (cook), they where both great to work with ^-^.

I illustraed this piece last year, but I’m still proud of how it came out looking. I was working with some really bold colours and effects, mainly all the highlights I added.

The left over sales for the zine are now up, so you can still grab a copy if you missed out on one!

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2 years ago
Free Him? [Yes] / No

Free Him? [Yes] / No

Did I tell you guys I’m contributing to an lgbtqia+ fairytale zine? Because I am!! Also I’m pretty late, but here we go :0 Wait does Fenrir’s mythology count? Idk but that’s what I did!

I’ve got a pretty strong emotional connection to Fenrir, so I had to draw him ;)

Happy Tell A Fairytale Day! ✨🌈

To celebrate we’ve created some posts so that everyone can share their favourite fairytales!

Feel free to add on your own using the template or reblog one of our pre-made posts which can be found on the #Tell A Fairytale Day tag on our account!

Happy Tell A Fairytale Day!

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1 year ago

It’s time for some dragons!!!! ( ๑>ᴗ<๑ )

Dragon's Den Contributor Spotlight — Firbet Makes

Dragon's Den Contributor Spotlight Firbet Makes

Red-Eyes, Blue-Eyes, Chaos, creation — what might @firbetmakesr have in store for us? | IG

MERCH ARTIST — INTRODUCTION: "Heya, my name's Firbet! I'm a bright and colorful multimedia artist, who loves Yugioh and dragons an unhealthy amount. From Felgard to Powertool I love them all! I'm so excited to represent the strongest creatures (not) on this earth! Hope you're all pumped for the zine!! (ง •̀w•́)ง"

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1 year ago

Check it out!!! The preorder’s live!!!

HEAR THE DRAGONS ROAR — Pre-orders for Dragon's Den is now open from June 14th to July 15th!!

HEAR THE DRAGONS ROAR Pre-orders For Dragon's Den Is Now Open From June 14th To July 15th!!


Don’t miss out on our amazing collection of fics, art, and merch, all dragons, all Yu-Gi-Oh!! Check out our bundles below!

All of our physicals bundles will be included with the stretch goal items if reached (to come). Any questions, please contact us though DMs or via email (

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