She/Her • Writer • Autistic • Bi Pride • AO3: SummerBummin • Currently Obsessed with Batfam, ATLA, Pokemon, & Mythology
321 posts
Chendy- Cookie Trouble
Chendy- Cookie Trouble
For day 3 of @ftlgbtales "when we take different paths" w/w week!
Prompt: hands
Word count: 1.2 k
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Fairy Tail
Rating: General audiences, Chelia says shit like once
Relationships: Wendy x Chelia
Characters: Wendy Marvell, Chelia Blendy, Carla
Series: Summer's Stories- When We Take Different Paths
Prompt: hands
Summary: the sky sisters bake float cookies together and things get out of hand ;)
"Ugh, I'm so messy." Wendy wrinkled her nose as she pouted down at her flour coated hands. She side eyed her partner. "And you're even messier."
Chelia grinned in response. Not only had she gotten cookie ingredients all up her arms and front but she had somehow gotten it on her nose as well. If Carla had been here she would've had a heart attack, luckily the Exceed was out running an errand.
"We gotta get down and dirty, Wendy!" She gestured to her flour covered self. "Yukino's float cookies aren't gonna make themselves!"
The dragon slayer simply huffed and went back to whisking the cookie batter. Chelia was right. They needed to make these float cookies or Wendy and the other dragons slayers would be horking up their lunch.
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Fairy Tail's Spriggan 12 named by me

(Going left to right, from bottom to top)
•First we got sand dude with the Einstein hair. Only named Einstein bc of the hair, is not very smert
•Next up is Zeref is my Senpai, who looks like an emo version of Lyon with a ponytail
•And the Big Kahuna, Zeref himself. Looking regal and adorable as fuck (I know he's a mass murderer but he has such a baby face)
•Our newest female antagonist with a crush on Lucy, my grumpy green sprout
•Then the thirsty Lesbian that messes with time so she can cut other girls' clothes off
•Mister only there for back from the dead character angst
•Dramatic dragon slayer that dies before he can do anything other than strike poses and make dramatic hand guestures
•Robot Mechanic who makes zero sense and needs to take a chill pill.
•Big foreheaded assassin who won't look at Lucy's exposed boobs (the only one who hasn't tbh)
•Red haired woman who is definetly not Erza's mother
•Villain that is apparently not Keys from tartaros but is exactly like him
•Old man that is somehow Zervis' love child
•And my personal favorite, blond orgasm jesus
Link to my review of the ft final season trailer here
Fairy Tail Disbanded
A newspaper sits on a bar top. The title printed in thick black letters. Fairy Tail Disbanded.
Letters blur into pictures and notes, all connected by strings.
Lucy is crumbled on the floor in front of the board.
She just wants her friends to come back.
Abandoned on a side table, Aquarius broken key comes into focus and Lucy's hunched form blurs in the background.
The scene fades away to Natsu and Happy sitting around a campfire.
Natsu turns his head to say something "Hey guys do you-" then stops.
Because his team isn't there.
He clenches his fists, knuckles turning alarmingly white as he stares into the campfire.
"I will get stronger."
He had to get stronger.
His was no longer a quest to find his missing father, but to avenge him.
The fire roars higher and when it goes back down it's Erza we see, staring at herself in the mirror.
She lifts up the piece of hair that always covers her eye.
An image flashes of her being tortured back in Tartaros. Kyoka's face and that awful creature.
She lets the lock of scarlet hair fall back into its original place.
The mirror ripples and reveals Gray in the shower.
The water streaming down his bent head, and flowing over his arm, and down his torso.
A puff of white steam comes out his mouth but he's still shivering
Why is it so cold?
It's almost like he can't feel anything. Numb to the world.
His gut clenches as he feels that darkness creep up his skin, itching at his face.
The final gift from his father, a parasite.
He twists the shower knob, with the red letter H, on full blast.
The image cuts to darkness before lighting up again a moment later.
Spotlights turn on and we see Wendy and Chelia, side by side behind a red show curtain.
Chelia smiles at her and Wendy smiles back, but her eyes don't hold it.
Chelia turns away and Wendy's smile curls downwards, her hand clutching her new Lamia Scale emblem.
The scene frizzles and cuts for a second and you see a Fairy Tail mark, then it goes back to the snake woman.
The snake woman warps into a cross, the sleeve of a Magic Council uniform.
Levy is seated in a chair, quill in hand as she fills out the council papers on her desk.
Gajeel is standing by her side, munching on an iron rod, his shadow over her.
Suddenly the pen stills.
Levy is staring at a picture in a glass frame. A group picture of fairy tail.
Gajeel stops eating, setting down the chunk of metal he's been gnawing on. Appetite lost.
"We'll get it back, right?" Levy's voice shakes, her eyes still glued to the picture.
Gajeel places his hand over hers. "Y-yeah."
The view pans up, from a wooden ceiling to a gray sky, then back down and we see Juvia sitting in the rain on a bench, water plastering her bangs to her forehead.
Water flows down her face in a never ending river.
Is she crying? Or is it just the rain?
Her hands are in her lap, the signature teru teru doll sagging between her limp fingers
She's all alone again,
and this time she doesn't have an umbrella
Water sloshes, from clear to brown.
A waiter sets the drink in front of the brunette.
Cana is hunched over in her stool, for once not looking lively.
She picks up the drink, bringing it to her lips
then sets it down again.
Cana closes her eyes. It's just not the same.
Eyes open, one with a lightning shaped scar.
Laxus stares off into the distance, his fur coat rustling in the wind.
A cough builds in his throat and he chokes it down, but not without being noticed.
Freed is behind him, in view over his shoulder.
Evergreen and Bixlow are even further back, just dots and lines.
Freed looks at the man with concern, he keeps his mouth closed, but Laxus hears the unspoken words.
His companion's worry is practically radiating from him.
He sighs, pushing back his blonde hair, in that awful new hairstyle no one likes.
Where is that old geezer?
Thunder booms, soon followed by a crack of lightning, so bright it could burn your retinas.
Makarov is sitting in the hull of a ship, floor rocking with the tide, devastation written on his face.
He looks up at an invisible something. "Tell me, First. Was it worth it?"
For a split second you swear you see a small girl standing next to him, with curly hair so long it almost hits the floor.
She looks down at her bare feet.
"No. It wasn't."
A/N: I feel like in the manga everyone moved on too quickly, bc yay we're happy and together again! They were separated for a whole year. There should be some drawback and pain from that. I feel like Mashima did a good job with Lucy, but what about everyone else? Both Natsu and Gray lost their dad's again, Laxus is kinda dying, and Erza was tortured for gods sake. So I made this angsty thing. It's a mash up of headcanons, a oneshot fic, and a video script. At first I imagined this as a kick ass montage but I could never make it myself so I wrote this. If anyone wants to try and make a video edit or an animation of this, please do so!
Canajane- Flirt

Cana x Mira aesthetic for day 5 of @ftlgbtales "when we take different paths" w/w week! Prompt: flirt
I can see these girls getting flirty at a bar and then making out bc they would.
They're so gay, so sapphic, if one of them stepped on me I'd thank them
Dedicated to @dreamingoffairys her aesthetics are so great and she helped me learn how to make them! LOVE YOU EVER!!
Request: NaLu, Exercise/Workout
Title: A Far-Too Personal Trainer Prompt: Exercise/Workout Fandom: Fairy TailRelationships: Natsu/Lucy with some Sting/Rogue on the side. Also Sting and Lucy brotp. Characters: Natsu Dragneel, Lucy Heartfilia, Sting Eucliffe, Rogue Cheney, and Levy McGardenSummary: Lucy signs up for a personal trainer and she doesn’t expect to get someone like Natsu Dragneel. (Nalu personal trainer au).
Lucy was really starting to hate her personal trainer. He was a rude, boundary crossing, asshole who wouldn’t give her a refund.
When she had first met Natsu, he had grabbed her and lifted her up off the ground as a way to tell how much she weighed and told her she was a little top heavy. Lucy had responded by telling him that he was a little bitch.
Strike two was when Natsu broke into her house, eaten all her chocolate ice cream, and then proceeded to tell her how unhealthy it was. Hypocrite much?
After that Lucy had tried to fire him and demanded a refund, but Natsu had already spent it all. How did a man with no self control become so toned?
The injustice of it all made Lucy want to stomp her feet and tell him to buzz off.
But she needed to lose weight and her murderous thoughts towards Natsu were just extra motivation. Once she got more physically fit she could kill him and all her problems would be solved.
At least that’s what Lucy told herself as she ran down the forest trail. The narrow path had been cut through the trees by people years ago, the ground flattened from all the joggers who had run down it. Beams of light filtered through the autumn leaves overheard, creating patterns on her skin. The whole place was perfect for nature enthusiasts and photographers alike, but Lucy was too winded to appreciate her surroundings.
Her shins ached and her sides cramped up, each heavy breath more labored than the last. Lucy was so drenched in sweat that her cute outfit didn’t even matter. She looked like hell. No, not looked like; She was hell.
“Come on Lucy!” Natsu called a few paces ahead of her, he turned around and started running backwards. Show off. “Only 5 more miles.”
“FIVE MILES?!” Lucy exclaimed and immediately regretted it from the way her body barked in protest.
Natsu only grinned in response and Lucy looked at the sky and prayed to whatever god was up there that he’d trip on a tree root and fall.
The jogging path sloped upwards and Lucy cursed. “I did not sign up for this shit!”
“Actually you did, and there are no refunds because I already spent it all on cat food.” Natsu reminded her.
If Lucy had the strength she would’ve tackled him off the forest trail. Now all she could do was imagine it. That daydream kept her going.
After what seemed like an eternity, they finally made it down the jogging path and back to the gym.
Levy greeted them with a welcome back from her spot at the front desk, the stack of paper in front of her so thick they almost couldn’t see the bluenette behind it.
Lucy barely managed a smile at the petite secretary. She went straight for the black padded stools, her vision tunneling at the prospect of being able to get off her aching feet.
She practically fell into the seat, her body collapsing underneath her.
“Did you have a good run?”
Lucy glared daggers at her cousin as he took a seat next to her. Sting was filing his nails, not a care in the world. “Remind me how you talked me into this?”
“Because we both wanted to lose weight and return to the blonde bombshells we were before college and ramen happened.” Sting responded, not even looking up from his work.
He kept seesawing the file across his fingers until his nails were perfectly shaped crescent moons; complimenting his sparkly nail polish. As extra as ever.
“Now I want ramen.” She banged her head on the counter. “Ugh, college.” She banged her head on the counter again, groaning miserably.
“Hey, you told me to remind you. If it’s any consolation I actually like my trainer.”
“Because you have hot, dark, and mysterious ponytail guy.” Lucy accused, looking past her cousin and into the window that showed the weights room.
Rogue was lifting weights, his hair pulled back in his signature ponytail. Lucy’s own scalp throbbed at the tight ponytail it was still in.
Sting sighed dreamily as Rogue curled his arms up and down, his muscles looking like they’d been sculpted into stone, even his sweat seemed to glisten.
“That’s not the reason, it’s just a benefit. I came here to work off all the weight I gained at Arby’s.” He shuddered. “Challenging Minerva to an eating contest was a mistake.”
“Speaking of Minerva, after all that shit she ate how does her figure still look perfect?” Lucy asked, frustrated with the unfairness.
“I KNOW RIGHT?! Is she doing some secret demon magic behind my back?”
“I’m down for demon magic if it’ll get me away from that guy.” She jabbed a thumb back at Natsu who was laughing with the other trainers as he waited in line to refill his hello kitty water bottle. It was official, Lucy had a man child for a fitness trainer.
“Natsu-san still won’t give you a refund?” Sting asked, trying to clamp down on a smile. He couldn’t help but be amused by his cousin’s recent misfortune.
People had ironically nicknamed her Lucky Lucy in high school because of her bad luck tendency. She always had something go wrong on every picture day, every first day of school, and every try-out. It was so depressing it was funny.
“He used my money to buy cat food. Cat food.”
“Well it ain’t your money anymore.” Natsu came up behind her. Lucy shrieked and fell off her stool.
“Hey Natsu-san.” Sting greeted cheerfully, not at all concerned about his cousin’s new seating arrangement on the floor.
“Hey Sting.“ He reached out his closed hand for a fist bump which the blond man gladly returned. “How’s your training going?”
Sting snickered. “Better than Lucy’s I’m guessing.”
Lucy raised her hand above the counter and gave him the finger.
“Yeah,” Natsu nodded his agreement. “She isn’t going to get anywhere is she keeps being lazy.”
“I can hear you!”
“That’s a habit she hadn’t been able to kick yet. At least she stopped biting her nails.” Her cousin raised his own perfect nails into view for emphasis.
“Does she still suck on her thumb?” Natsu asked.
Lucy stood up. “I’m leaving!”
“See you tomorrow! 7 am sharp!” Natsu called after her, waving goodbye.
“Bye cuz!” Sting blew a kiss after her. Lucy didn’t even pretend to catch it like she’d usually do, grabbing her bag and marching out the door.
Rude. Both of them.
A/N: Thanks for the request @superdomo360 It made my day! This prompt was really fun, I might even want to extend this or make a pt2 ;) I’m posting it as it is now because I didn’t want you to have to wait too long. If I do end up extending it I’ll make sure to @ you. The extra Stingue I added in was inspired by @kkumri ’s comic where rogue is sting’s personal trainer, go check them out!Thanks again for the lovely request superdomo! And to anyone else who’d like to make a request please do so!
Sildarts- Your New Daddy
For day 3 of @ftlgbtales "when we take different paths" m/m week!
Prompt: this is not what it looks like
Word count: almost 3 k
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Fairy Tail
Rating: M for Mature, has sexual themes
Relationships: Silver x Guildarts as well as some Lucana and Gratsu on the side bc I'm nice like that
Characters: Silver Fullbuster, Gray Fullbuster, Guildarts Clive, Cana Alberona, Lucy Heartfilia, Natsu Dragneel, Erza Scarlet, Makarov Dreyar, and Jason
Series: Summer's Stories- When We Take Different Paths
Summary: Guildarts and Silver get walked in on by their children. Horrified, Gray and Cana decide to try and break them up.
"Welcome back." Silver greeted his lover at the door, pressing a kiss to his grizzly cheek.
"It's good to be back." Gildarts purred in his ear, arms going around Silver's already naked top half. The man's shirt was probably discarded somewhere in the house, maybe even out in the street knowing the Fullbuster boys' habit.
The ice devil chuckled, his chest rumbling with the motion, his hands wandering down to Gildarts' belt.
Then the door creaked open and sunlight flooded in. Both men froze, heads snapping towards the sound.
In the doorway stood Gray and Cana, their children, gaping at them.
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