Chess - Tumblr Posts

I initially started reading Master and Margarita for the literary value and because it's considered to be a great work of literature, but this cat (Behemoth) is the main reason that I'm still reading this book.

Home Office Freestanding Atlanta Remodeling ideas for a study room with brown walls, a stone fireplace, a standard fireplace, and a large Mediterranean freestanding desk

Game Room Family Room in New York Example of a small trendy enclosed dark wood floor game room design with beige walls and a concealed tv

Guide to chess pieces
IM making a chess fanfiction.... and im doing that thing again were I plan for to long, than my hyperfixation will end
I am so glad theirs an anthro chess fandom tag in ao3 or i woudlve lost my mind
Who want's to hear my chess ramblings know, not me, i gotta right that nwwow
Living Room Loft-Style

Photo of a large living room in a cottage with a light wood floor, beige walls, and no television.

dont tag as ship. Click image for higher quality cause tumblr compresses the heck out of these—
Non-Canon compliant fanfic undercut, 364 words, just some silly stuff
The endless night of sky loomed everywhere; twinkling stars and nebulas were a common occurrence and formed what felt like a painting from the masters.
Ford floated around his dream, his hair answering to the zero-gravity environment as it floated alongside the ends of his jacket.
He walked, or atleast tried to walk (he mostly just did a swim-like motion) to what he found to be a wooden table with two chairs on opposite ends, somehow not tipping over and not answering to the enviorment’s physics.
On the table was a checkered bluely-projected chessboard, with all the chess pieces still on the board despite the no-gravity environment.
Ford looked up and saw his good old muse: Bill Cipher.
He was a golden 2D triangle that had a brick like pattern, a black-top hat, and bow tie; he also had noodle black arms and legs, His singular eye was near the point of his tip had overexaggerated eyelashs and his pupil was cat-like.
Ford floated over to the chess board, with him taking the white pieces and Cipher taking the black ones on the opposite end.
Ford had a secret: he has no idea how to play chess. He knows how the pieces move but he could never be bothered to pick it up as a hobby and learn the tactics or opening principles (plus he knew colleges wouldn’t care since he had an SAT score so high it would break the machines)
“Okay, just…strategy, what about—“ he thought to himself
He ended up doing the worst possible move ever: pawn to F3
Bill just…stared at that move for a while, his eye agape with confusion before he shrugged and moved his king’s pawn to E5.
The young man decided to push his pawn to g4 but bill ended up checkmating him on the next turn with queen to h4
“THAT IS STATISTICALLY THE WORST MOVE YOU CAN PLAY EVER IN THE MULTIVERSE OF CHESS. SERIOUSLY WHAT-WHAT WAS THAT?” Asked Cipher as he looked up to Ford who seemed to grip the ledges of his seat in embarrassment. “…DO YOU UH…DO YOU EVEN KNOW HOW THIS WORKS?”
(welp! Here’s a fanfic for you chess nerds out there)

Susan and Ping-Cho play a game of chess - Marco Polo
Credit to @swamphelminth for the idea, I got inspiration from their chess themed Chuck Skin so enjoy King Byron!
(Creator note: Yes that is brown eyeshadow on a man so if you have a problem, please scroll rather than hate.)

The Chess Tournament
Jason fidgeted nervously as he approached his assigned table. At 5'4", pudgy, and more comfortable in front of a computer screen, he was stepping into unfamiliar territory: his first in-person chess tournament. Online, Jason had racked up an impressive 1800 rating, but this was different—tangible, immediate, with no second chances in a single-elimination bracket.
Sitting at the table across from him was, without a doubt, one of the most athletic guys Jason had ever seen. This wasn’t the image of a typical chess player; the man was lean, muscular, and radiated charisma. He looked like he had just come from a photoshoot rather than a chess tournament, wearing a golden soccer jersey with the number 11 emblazoned on it. He wasn't;t attracted to guys, but even he could admit the guy was attractive. Jason couldn't help but think this guy had wandered into the wrong competition. No way a jock like him could hold his own here.
“Sup, man. Name’s Brody.” The athlete flashed a friendly smile, extending his hand.
“Jason,” he replied, shaking it, the disparity between their grips palpable. "Shall we get started?"
"Sure thing, bro. Looks like you're up first," Brody said, leaning back with a relaxed air.
Jason moved a pawn forward, confident he could end this quickly. The four-move checkmate was a tried and true tactic against beginners. Brody was probably thinking about his next soccer practice, not chess strategy.
But to Jason’s surprise, Brody blocked the move with precision. Maybe it was luck. Or maybe not. As the game unfolded, Jason realized this wasn’t going to be an easy win.
Jason focused intently on the board, calculating his next moves. So absorbed was he in the game, he didn’t notice the subtle changes creeping over his body. His posture straightened as his body stretched upward to 6 feet, muscle replacing fat. His clothes tightened, then shifted to a snug athletic fit, as if sculpted for his new, lean physique. Brown hair lightened into a sun-kissed blonde, cropped into a sporty, effortless cut. His transformation was seamless, unnoticed.
The mental changes followed. Jason’s sharp, calculating mind dulled, as if a fog had rolled in. Why was he thinking so hard? His thoughts drifted, losing their focus on chess strategy. Instead, his mind filled with something simpler, something primal: soccer, the gym, hanging with his bros, and—strangely—admiring his teammates' physiques. His eyes glossed over the board. Who needed this game when there were other, more important things, like team camaraderie and post-practice showers?
“Checkmate,” Brody announced casually, snapping Jason out of his reverie. The horsey and the pointy piece had him trapped.
“Dang, GG bro!” Jason grinned, a playful laugh escaping his lips. “Glad I got to play you, bro!”
Brody’s smile was unwavering, though there was a depth to it Jason couldn’t quite grasp. “Me too, bro. See you at practice later?”
Jason didn’t hesitate. “Hell yeah, bro! Good luck, man.”
Brody's grin widened. "Oh, don't worry. I've got this."
As Jason left the tournament, he felt an unfamiliar surge of pride—not for the chess game, but for being part of something bigger. The Golden Army was his family now, his purpose. And deep down, he already knew a few others who would love to join.

Back at the venue a few hours later, Brody smirked as he hoisted the trophy. The Golden Army had swept yet another event, but that wasn’t the true victory. Securing new members like Jason? That was the real prize. He shot off a message to Captain Richard: Another successful recruitment. Practice is gonna get packed, Cap. Don’t worry—I’ll make sure of it.

Queen to Queen's Level 1, Captain Kirk. From 2-3-2024.

Part of the reason that Chess is so frequently played in Star Trek is because Leonard Nimoy is an avid chess enthusiast and asked the writers to work it into stories whenever possible.
one fun thing about being a teacher in march 2023 is that chess is a literal epidemic among teens. we are starting to have meetings about how we can STOP teenagers from playing too much chess which is like if we were trying to figure out how to stop them from reading for fun. When i was in high school five years ago chess was nerd shit only but now it is transcending every social and language barrier and is absolutely rampant. kids aren’t on their phone texting in class anymore it’s ONLY kids are playing chess on their phones while playing chess in real life. this is still better than tiktok because at least the kids are developing an attention span from this