Chopped - Tumblr Posts

Ryan Lory. Saw this young chef on #Chopped and I couldn’t stop looking at those impressive forearms. So, yeah, muscle first, foodie second. Either way, he’s tasty, don’t you think? Follow him on Instagram at @chefrylo88
Scott Conant is the BBEG.

My older child and their friends have stumbled upon something momentous.
Upon further discussion with my kid:
Alton Brown - Bard
Geoffrey Zakarian - Healer (Hello Kitty band-aids for all)
Guy Fieri - some troll that you encounter engaged in a nefarious activity, but once you get him to stop he joins your party and he’s kind of annoying but mostly okay and very useful.
Alex Guarnaschelli needs to be involved in this somehow.
Further ideas, anyone?
It's an effective stop tactic, I'll give it that. I mean, were you un/lucky enough to be on the voice chat when I was informing @sam-is-my-safe-word of the butt-fingering trendsetter of the rugby world, John Hopoate? Or was it just Kasey and Mr Kasey who were treated to that one? Because I fricken told you guys it was gay porn all the way down, didn't I? Didn't I?!
(I jest on the subject, but none of the butt-fingering was consensual and that's fucked up. In an ideal world, Hopoate and his copycats would've been done for sexual assault. Always ask before inserting anything into your teammates' orifices, whether mid-match or in the locker room. And for goodness sake, lubricate.)
what if on chopped one of the contestants like shoved his hands down his pants and touched his butthole and the camera caught it and he continued cooking and the judges disqualified him immediately