Chris Resident Evil - Tumblr Posts
Chris Redfield pre-relationship headcanons
Content: GN reader, as usual
Warnings: Alcohol consumption
Notes: Not a request either. Wrote this to comfort myself, I got some shocking news earlier.

Meeting Chris is either the easiest or hardest things to do, depending on how you meet him
Meeting Chris at a bar would most likely just end in a one night stand
Meeting Chris on the job though would result in that sweet, sweet, slow burn
Obviously he'd care for you, on a co-worker level at first
Just a few "hey"s and waves here and there
Everybody knew Chris, he was the BSAA's "golden boy"
He didn't know your name until Jill talked about you and he was like "omg?"
He'd see you at partiest that a coworker of yours would've invited you both to
Chris would most likely approach you first, and you two would share some jokes about how someone was drunkenly dancing, get some drinks together, then call it a night
This would go on for a few more parties, which were usually spaced out. The ones involving alcohol are usually on someones birthday
After, your "hey"s and waves in the hallways turn to him seeking you out and offering you coffee or water, only after asking how you were
During the coffee/water breaks he'd ask some surface-level personal stuff, and he'd reveal some surface-level personal stuff. But he'd mainly ask about you though
It was a pretty slow lead into a friendship. After the fourth or fifth coffee/water break, he wrote his number on a napkin and left it for you
Once he gets your number, he's gonna text you whenever he gets off work
This would be the fastest part of your friendship - now you both can talk freely without the pressure of a work environment around you
You'd bond more over shared interests, make some inside jokes, talk about other personal stuff behind the safety of a screen, send each other memes, etc.
Unrelated but he definitely does not have his read reciepts on
It's not too long before he asks to come over for the first time, or to have you come over to his place
Regardless of where you went, you'd share sodas and snacks while you watch some movies or shows, commenting on it here and there
Between episodes or commercial breaks, you both would talk about whatever, ranging to personal stuff to things you gotta deal with at work
The times you'd spend with him outside of work is when you'd both start slowly revealing things about your past, so he's really getting to know you on a deeper level
But mostly its all smiles and laughter with this man
You told this man you liked flowers once, and he passed by a flower stand on the way to work, and bought a bouquet for you
Mans played it off as a joke smh
He's gonna start giving you and himself tbh mixed signals
He wouldn't realize his feelings for you until he attended a party you weren't invited to (the host didn't know about you, he's a personal friend of Chris') and a girl there started flirting with him
At first he was flirting with her as well, but a certain lighting made her seem like you, or maybe he was just drunk.
So, gently he lets her down, and then stumbles out of the party to call you
You were in pajamas, munching on some chips and watching 90 day fiance, when your phone rang. Sighing, you picked it up and answered without looking at the screen.
"Hello?" You'd said, annoyed that someone dared interrupt your show.
"Hey, s-orry, bad time?" Chris slurred.
"Chris?" You'd perked up.
"Yeah. Hey- can I come over?"
"Are you drunk?" You squinted at your TV, now no longer paying attention to the show.
"Ye- yeah. A little. Please answer my question, (Y-"
"Yes, yeah." You'd stood up, nodding your head vigorously. "I'll come pick you up."
"You don't have to, I can, I can get Leon to-"
"No, knowing him he's also drunk. And also probably banging someone rght now." You were gathering your things. "I'm leaving right now. Send me your location."
"Okay. Um, can we get pizza?"
"if a place is open. I'll see you in a bit, Chris, okay?"
"Okay. I love you~." Chris slurred before hanging up and sending you his location.
You stared at the screen in shock for a second before snapping back to it and driving to where he was.
Resident Evil Masterlist
Started: 3/5/23
Last Updated: 3/8/23
Requests: Open
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Chris Redfield
Pre-Relationship HC's Relationship HC's
Leon Kennedy
Nothing here yet!
Note: I had a masterlist months ago, but I thought I fell out of resident evil for good. I was wrong. As I get into it more and re-familiarize myself with characters, I'll add more.
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What I will write: Fluff, NSFW, SFW, poly, mlm, wlw, gender neutral, etc.
What I wont write: Pedophilia, suicide, extreme kinks, more than four characters in something (it just becomes too much), being drugged, drugging someone else, homophobia, or racism.
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Here is my Grand Masterlist, where all of my fandoms are listed.
Be sure to include: Gender of reader (I do female, male and gender neutral), plot, character(s) you want (no more than four per ask), and what you specifically want (fluff, angst, smut, etc.)
Thank you, and request away if you’d like <3
Chris Redfield relationship HC's
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Content: Chris Redfield x GN!Reader
Warnings: None
Notes: All SFW
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Okay, we're pivoting off of this
After picking up Chris and some pizza, you two went back to your place
Chris had tried to drukenly confess to you while pizza was hanging out of his mouth, and in an effort to save his dignity, you gave him water and your bed, then told him to go to sleep.
He held onto your waist as he laid down, trying to beg you to stay. He looked like a kicked puppy, and he needed you. Giving in, you promised to stay if he actually went to bed and didn't try anything.
Chris fell asleep as soon as you settled down, and you followed suit.
In the morning, he was powering through a hangover while trying to confess his love to you
Understanding that last night wasn't just him drunkenly rambling to get into your pants, he found himself overjoyed when you confessed at having mutual affections
Chris is a very respectful boyfriend. He doesn't push you to do anything you don't want to do. He lets you decide the speed of the relationship, since I feel like he could go for anything.
Chris loves to kiss your cheeks, your lips, your hands, your forehead, everything. Once you start initiating kisses, it's game over for you lol
But he's really good at giving hugs and cuddles. He's like a big bear, and a fucking heater. You may need a fan on once you start cuddling.
He's very proud to be with you. He'll brag about you subtly to his friends, will want you to meet Claire, and at work he'll do subtle couple things to make a big show of your relationship.
Of course, its all in good fun. If you're not a fan of PDA, he wont do the work stuff and will respect your boundaries.
Very sweet guy, would give you the whole universe if he could. He also likes to surprise you with nice dates sometimes, especially if he's been away for a while
Speaking of, if he's away on a mission without you, he likes to surprise you when he comes home. He always comes home a day earlier than he says, and he manages to surprise you every single time. Always envelops you in a big bear hug and showers you in kisses.
If you've been away without him, he always waits for you with flowers, and is holding the biggest "welcome home!" banner there. He still holds you in a bear hug and showers you with kisses. It's cause he missed you and was afraid you were gonna die
He's a big goof that just loves you so much :3
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Here is my Masterlist in case you want to request, or look for more of your favorite character!
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My opinion on Resident Evil: Death Island
— spoilers below the cut —
I watched Resident Evil: Death Island last night. I WANTED to like it so much, because I loved Vendetta a LOT. But a lot of the characters felt ooc.
Chris just sat there and took everything like a bitch. This is the same man who has punched BOULDERS and thrown himself into the fray multiple times. He has taken worse and still gotten back up to fight.
Claire’s personality is kinda hard to fuck up in the first place. I’m sorry but imo, she’s bland. She was fine in the movie.
Rebecca did nothing wrong, I just wish she was on screen more.
Leon was kinda still cool too, I liked his quips better than I did in Vendetta, but he felt more sluggish to me this time. Normally he’s agile. But I was glad to see him finally take down Maria.
Jill’s been through a lot, but I don’t remember her being that edgy and having…that many edgy lines. I liked her quips though too, and I thought it was fucking awesome that she kept getting paired with Leon and going off on her own.
Dylan the villain is probably my favorite villain so far. I liked how charismatic he was, his own quips, his story, the reasons behind his revolver and cane, but I didn’t like that he fused himself with the monster at the end. Everybody seems to fucking do that.
The animation was much clunkier than Vendetta, but I didn’t mind it because imo it made the movie a little better. But the facial expressions could’ve used more expressiveness.
A lot of the movie cuts were unnecessary too. Why split up Rebecca’s part like that? Just give her a longer part of the movie to have her witness the team dying, and then show how she got in and found the others. Just cutting away and then having Jill find her in the sewers seemed lazy as fuck to me.
This movie should have been longer than an hour and a half. Maybe then the pacing and cuts would’ve been better placed, and we would have gotten more from other characters (i.e. what Chris thought of the situation, his orders, Claire’s thoughts, a chance to expand Claire, Rebecca’s interactions with the others, etc.)
If you liked it then thats fine, I’m just stating my opinions here.
i recognized the audio immediately and it fits them perfectly 🥰🥰🥰
(Meant to be silly not something harmful!/gen
Burber is what makes it funny Xb)
where is this from. BC I NEED IT

Chris Redfield when he finds out you've been eating his banana ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )

i um… um i- i when- uhhhh mf um my uhhhhh

🍉 kind of weather 💕
Hybrid Owner! Chris Redfield X Hybrid! User
Today was the day.
Chris had finally found enough time to adopt you from his local shelter. He’d been doing his research on hybrids for months and he’s been excited to bring you to his home.
You sat next to him with an adorable smile on your face as Chris sat in the driver’s seat of his car. He looked over at you with a soft grin and reached over to pet your head.
“You’re so pretty, such a beautiful thing!” He muttered to himself as he watched your happy expressions.