Chris Until Dawn - Tumblr Posts

7 years ago

ok, but imagine a Supernatural/Until Dawn crossover

It would totally work, since both shows/games perception of wendigos is pretty much the same!

- season 2/3 Sam and Dean hear about something happening on Blackwood Mountain/ get a call for help from flamethrower guy, but they think that there's only one wendigo

Ok, But Imagine A Supernatural/Until Dawn Crossover

- they get split up - Sammy follows Beths ghost to the cliff, he goes down, finds all of Beths stuff

- he also has a near run in with Emily later (who hides, cause she thinks he's the psycho)

- then later he finds Jess (what irony!) and meets Matt, saves him from the Wendigo that wants to meathook him

- Meanwhile Dean is searching Sammy, investigates the old Hospital, meets Mike, shares personal (badass) history, helps him amputate his fingers

Ok, But Imagine A Supernatural/Until Dawn Crossover
Ok, But Imagine A Supernatural/Until Dawn Crossover

- they find their way through the tunnels, meets (female) Sam

- they find Psycho/Josh with Chris and Ashley, secure Josh and Sam explains that he is sick

-Dean, Chris and Mike bring him to the shack, Dean reigns Mike in, but trusts him enough (as a temporary partner) to keep an eye on Josh

- then Emily runs in, lots of anxiety/shock, almost collapses and Mike half-carries her to the others, leaves Josh alone in the process

- Emily tells Dean about the guy in the caves, Dean deduces that it's flamethrowerguy and Sammy


I haven't thoght it out further. If anyone has an idea, how this could end, please continue!

Ok, But Imagine A Supernatural/Until Dawn Crossover

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8 years ago
Until Dawn Doodles I Had Done When I Was Bored. Its Nice Seeing Peoples Choices And What Parts Of The
Until Dawn Doodles I Had Done When I Was Bored. Its Nice Seeing Peoples Choices And What Parts Of The

Until Dawn doodles I had done when I was bored. It’s nice seeing people’s choices and what parts of the story they uncover.

Though sometimes it’s annoying when someone plays the game just to moan and bitch about the characters and choices.

Enjoy Wendigo Josh and SupernaturalAU Sam and Chris.

Please respect artists! I put hard work and personal time into my work- reblog, don't repost, give proper credit if reposting somewhere else, and report anyone you see posting this without credit please! And don't remove the source!

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9 years ago
I Love Ashely !!!! I Want A Ps4 So Bad Just So I Can Play Until Dawn .

I love Ashely !!!! I want a ps4 so bad just so i can play until dawn .

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