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organizing thoughts + setting microgoals (ya know productive people things)

Hello friends!

Happy 2024!!

Organizing Thoughts + Setting Microgoals (ya Know Productive People Things)

It seems like my winter break has just flown by and tomorrow my universityā€™s spring semester starts. I havenā€™t had as much time to work on my story as I would have liked, but I do feel rested after this break, which is always a good thing! į•±__į•± Despite not a lot of visible progress in my original story, there have been a few things I have been thinking about and attempting to iron out in my brain which I can update you on this week.


Before I get anywhere else and make real progress in the plot of my story, I have come to the conclusion that I need to spend some time on worldbuilding. I knew the funky little magic world and my funky little fantasy story is taking place in needed some serious work before I started writing anything, but itā€™s come to my attention that it needs that work now, before I continue to develop anything else. Whichā€¦ sucks.

Not that I am not going to enjoy creating my own fictional world but it's going to take A LOT of work before I see real progress and I am going to have to complete that work in very small increments because I have other Important Thingsā„¢ I need to be doing. Like school. Ugh!

I am very notoriously bad with time management (which is something Iā€™m working on in therapy actually - shout out once again to my therapist who is literally a God-send), so I think my goal for next week will be to create an outline/schedule/list for what I need to get done in the realm of world-building so that I can organize my thoughts a little better and have something tangible to work on. Iā€™ll share it here next week if I have managed to make progress on it. One of the big things I know will absolutely be making it on that list first thing, however, is developing my magic system.

Magic System

As I have mentioned briefly in a previous post, janky magic systems with little-no rules are a huge pet peeve of mine when it comes to fantasy fiction (unless it makes sense within the story, which is rare). So, I know that crafting my own magic system will take me some time because I want it to make sense, be clear, and have outline rules and limitations.Ā 

Another thing that's important to me is that any magic system I create/include in my story, is in accordance with my own personal religious beliefs. NOW HEAR ME OUT IN THE ENTIRETY BEFORE Yā€™ALL GO JUDGING ME, OKAY?! I am a Christian, so nothing aligning with demons, Satan, or the occult will be happening in my story (on the side of ā€œGoodā€ that is). It may seem like a small or silly thing to some but itā€™s 100% a priority to me. However, I want to write a fantasy novel that is accessible to ALL, not just my fellow Christians, and one that doesnā€™t feel preachy or anything of that nature. Iā€™m not trying to push my beliefs onto my readers. I just donā€™t want to compromise them in my writing.Ā 

This is an interesting article on writing magic systems into Christian fantasy that I have been looking over the past few days if any of y'all are interested in what my magic system may look like.Ā 


I also donā€™t want to accidentally write any story of -isms or -phobias into my novel and I know a surprising amount of magical beings and tropes fall into the ā€œdeveloped from a racial stereotypeā€ category (just look up J.K. Rowling, goblins, and Jewish stereotypes if you donā€™t believe me). So, I wanted to create my own magical beings without the baggage. If, in the following posts, yā€™all see anything that could be rude or prejudice developing as I continue to grow my story please just let me know. Itā€™s never my intention to cause harm. As I said, I want my story to be accessible for ALL. į•±__į•±Ā 


Thatā€™s pretty much it! Thatā€™s what Iā€™ve been turning over in my head and working on in the past few weeks while in the midst of family and friends and the chaos of the holiday season. I hope to get something more substantial to give to yā€™all next week, but for now Iā€™ll let you go. For my fellow students returning to school, good luck in this new semester! į•±__į•±Ā 

And always remember, dot your jā€™s and cross your tā€™s!

Ā ~Clementine J. Quincey šŸŖ·

PS. I also finally taught myself how to crochet something and spent 3 days working on a flower garland for the canopy above my bed. It is quite cute and I feel very accomplished!!

Organizing Thoughts + Setting Microgoals (ya Know Productive People Things)

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