Cigarrete - Tumblr Posts - Page 2
aRT-DuMP FiLe 101
MooD: YaWee 😁
aRTiST(?): Me! (Rowney)
MeSSaGe To THe VieWeR(S): aNoTHeR oNe To CRoSS-ouT oN MY PeRSoNaL "THiNGS To DRaW" LiST. 😀📃 Re-DRaW VeRSioN!! 🖐️
HeRe'S ouR BaRoQue WoRKS FouNDeR/LeaDeR "MR. 0" oR "SiR CRoCoDiLe" oN THe aNiMe "oNe PieCe" ☠️⛵🏝️🗃️.
YeaH. i DiD aTTeMPTeD To DRaW HiM (CRoCoDiLe) LaST 5 YeaRS WHeN i WaS BeGiNNiNG To DRaW LeWD STuFF aND... DiDN'T ReaLLY LiKe HoW iT TuRNeD ouT FoR BeiNG a NoViCe PieCe.. 😫 uNTiL NoW... i DoN'T LiKe HoW iT TuRNeD ouT FoR FoRCiNG MYSeLF oN THe BaRa GeNRe aGaiN. 😥
aNYWaYS!! MR. 0 / SiR CRoCoDiLe eVeRYoNe! 🍌🐊 PeaCe (🐟) ouT!!! 😜
Mick Jones , backstage at Notre Dame Hall , Leicester Place , Westminster , London , 6th July , 1979 .
©️ Virginia Turbett/Redferns
Marlboro-man was taken
Giving that smoke the 'White Glove Treatment!!" Great exhale from a very sexy Arab man!!!!
This is Oliver Jackson-Cohen! He is an English actor who I have listed over for many years now! He is a VERY SEXY SMOKER! He also has a hairy chest! What I would do for just one day with him!!!!
Falk Smoker Profane Brazil
Now this guy is someone to write home about?
That is only after we are completely satisfied, pleasing each other in every way possible! The things I would let him do to me!
Morning red
A bit unusual to see a mostly full pack of smokes in the street. #stuffinthestreet #photo #cigarrete (at Mehlville, Missouri)
Adrienne Shelly in Trust (1990)