Cindy You're...yourself Good To See That - Tumblr Posts

“Their choice to drink, and choose a second name for me which doesn't make me sound like a dusty old nun.”

“ And exactly what I'm imagining! Someone is going to get ruined and it's not going to be my sister. She is probably his eternal punishment or however that shit works in Hell. You know, most of the time a great brawl takes out years of tension. So don't get your wings in a twist -unless you want me to do it-, and grab some popcorn.”

For Cupid:
“Don't you dare to intervene! This is the funniest shit I saw since I hanged a rapist by his dick! I'm going to be the bridesmaid!”

Did she just make up a middle name for her? Yes. Yes she did. “Marriage is supposed to be sacred and I in good conscious can not stand for this! Imagine how horrible things would go when they sobered up!? As the angel of love it is my duty to put a stop to this!”