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One of my favorite songs by Klayton. Yes, Klayton. Celldweller is the name of the project. Other projects he has are Scandroid, Circle of Dust, and FreqGen.
This is a song that tells the story of man who is obsessed with a woman who only exists in a virtual reality. Going to the YouTube video, that top comment, made by someone going by twinfyre, explains this song better than I can.
The female vocals being provided by Fluffy Starr, who I would guess hasn’t done much since I can’t find much information on anything she has done. Her parts in the song aren’t big, but they work perfectly for what the song itself is going for.
Still thinking on this occasionally, and sometimes I wonder what kind of soundtrack could work for this hypothetical movie.
My first thoughts are getting Klayton (Celldweller, FreqGen, Scandroid, Circle of Dust) or Blue Stahli to be the composer. I think the electro-rock sound fits the X-Men as a whole, and those two's styles make me think their work could make a good soundtrack for this group of New X-Men. And let us not forget, when Killer Instinct could not get Mick Gordon for the soundtrack, it got Klayton! He did some really awesome character themes, my favorite being what he did for Rash. Enter the Battletoad is so freaking awesome!
Or, maybe they could get Metro Boomin, the guy who did the soundtrack for Across the Spider-Verse. I love most of what he has done. Annihilate is such a good track!
You know what would be pretty cool? An X-Men animated movie in a style similar to the Spider-Verse movies. Just instead of the usual X-Men characters, make it about the younger mutants Like say this group:

They all got varying powers and abilities, and you kinda gotta admit, the visuals some people could do with these could be awesome.
While X-23 is a top contender for lead, I say make the lead of this theoretical movie Prodigy. That's the guy with the bug-eye looking goggles for those that don't know. He can telepathically copy any skill from anyone. As an example, say he's playing basketball, he can copy the basketball skills of the person he's playing against.
Mostly anybody of this group could be the main character. I only say mostly anybody, because while I love Rockslide, I think he works best as a secondary or supporting character.
We don't need more multiverse movies, so it being set in a singular universe works. Have the usual X-Men characters act as mentors, they've seen enough that they could pass down that knowledge to students and help them.
If anybody wants to add some ideas, that's cool.