Age 22 | Like a platypus, I don't do much | Multi-Fandom Crossover Enthusiast
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Demon64 - Horseman Of Procrastination - Tumblr Blog
So... I finished the Ultraman anime on Netlfix the other day. You know, the Ultraman anime about the son of the original Ultraman? Yeah, that one.
Overall, it was a fun show. It being a sbow about someone essentially learning to be a great hero while also trying to live up to expectations set by the ones that came before may get some people to make some comparisons to Invincible. Which isn't unwarranted, I think.
Don't let the similarities be a negative however, since from what little I know of the Ultra Series, this Ultraman anime is still very much Ultraman, just in its own way.
Some plot points may feel a bit odd or rushed, which is kinda expected. It is an adaptation of an Ultraman Manga that probably ran for at least a couple hundred chapters while the anime is probably shorter.
Shinjiro is a good character, a teen trying to figure out his place in the world, eventually taking on the role of Ultraman. The other Ultramen, like Moroboshi, Seiji, Kotaro, and Jack are all interesting in their own ways as well.
After watching this, I am excited to check out Ultraman Rising next at some point.
Fighting through the Temple of Wonder and Pain was harder than the Demi-Fiend thought. The monsters that called this place home were some of the toughest he's come across in a while, but he's made it to the final chamber. The chamber where the final challenge stood. The Champion of Xbeltz'aloc. Caradog McCallister.
Caradog had fought through this temple, defeated all the monsters needed, had chosen to step up and help keep the Gods of Wonder imprisoned. Now the True Demon stood before him. Looking to get his help in taking down the Great Will. First the Demi-Fiend would have to prove himself.
Outside the temple stood Death. He had attempted going in after the Demi-Fiend, only to be stopped by the door slamming shut in front of him. No amount of physical or magical might would let him open the damn thing. It was frustrating for the Pale Rider to say the least. He had no doubt the Demi-Fiend could handle himself against whatever lay inside the temple, but that boy was still young, and even if he has the title of True Demon, he hoped that boy still had some tiny sliver of humanity.
It was a battle to the end. Shockwaves flew as they clashed. The True Demon versus Champion of Xbeltz'aloc. Only one could win. Unfortunately for the Demi-Fiend, despite his triumph, he could not convince Caradog. The man has given up his life outside to keep the Gods of Wonder imprisoned, and unless they are no longer exist, there is little to no chance of the old man leaving. He would allow the Demi-Fiend to leave however.
Stepping outside into the world, the source of light had dimmed, now the stillness of night very apparent. Death had since left. Walking down the steps, the True Demon thought to himself. Thought about where to go next with his plans to take down the Great Will.
So... finished Sonic Prime. Definitely a cartoon. At least that is one way to put it. The story could have been so much better, but the action and animation is top notch. As some people may have put, feels like one season split into three parts. Overall, it's fun and enjoyable but definitely could have used some work.
I don't know if it says something about me or the show that I don't feel like it said all that much or did all that much. Sure, it has a plot and overarching story, but a summary or synopsis feels like something almost unneeded, I guess? I don't know.
It's pretty standard Sonic overall. The Shatterverse is an interesting addition, with the whole idea of there being many versions of his friends but only one Sonic. I do wonder what the logic of the Chaos Council is. Is it something like since Eggman was the next closest to the origin of the shattering of the Paradox Prism that it made the alternates but only in one universe? I think I get the idea behind most of the Shatterverse and do like some of the ideas but wish there could have been a bit more done.
I think overall, I'm pretty neutral to Sonic Prime. Maybe I'm also somewhat disappointed in the show. It's like I said earlier, it's definitely a cartoon. It's not gonna be like the comics, IDW or Archie. It's not gonna be like the Sonic Boom cartoon. It's not gonna be like the games. It's Sonic Prime, to both it's benefit and detriment, I guess.
I might edit this with more thoughts later, or self reblog for an addition? I don't know.
I don't like Monkey Wrench
The show is just not my kind of thing. Also, I don't want to like it. I first heard about it when this fucking hellsite was going through a whole batch of Vivziepop drama and it was practically overflowing in the Helluva Boss tag. People kept making some wild statements and eventually I saw one post that basically said to go watch other shows and it used Monkey Wrench as an example. That did not sit with me. So, I just kinda became a hater for a bit, and guess what?... I'm not gonna flip the script now. I don't care how good people say it is and I don't care if it reminds of you of those Saturday Morning Cartoons you loved so much. I think there's a reason it's not a big thing that everyone talks about, and that is because it's not doing anything special. I watched episode one, it used a plot I've seen with nothing new added. I watched episode two, it tries to create a marketable character, nobody cares because it has no personality. I tried watching the third episode and quit within the first minute.
So... call me a hater if you want. Try convincing me to give it another try if you want. Just know that I don't care about your uninspired blorbos or whatever you want to call them. I'll honestly be surprised if this post gets any reactions at all.
What started out as a standard day for the Blue Burrower had quickly become something of a chaotic day once a new knight from a far off land had made their way to the valley. The Silver Stunner had just walked right into the friendly tournament that King Pridemoor had set up for Shovel Knight, Shield Knight, Black Knight, the Order of No Quarter and others to participate in. It had been a suggestion by Black Knight as a way for them all to blow off some steam and get their muscles up and moving so as to not lose their ability. It was as Queen Knight fought Drill Knight that suddenly, a chair of all things knocked the latter out. How could it knock someone of Drill Knight's stature out, one may ask. You see, it was not just a normal chair, no, it was a steel chair.
"I... AM... Steel Chair Knight! And I come looking for a challenge!" Proclaimed the newcomer.
One after another fell to the Silver Stunner and their chair. All except for the Blue Burrower themself, Shovel Knight. The two would be evenly matched blow for blow, hit for hit, each's advantage being odd and easy. Shovel Knight could dig to evade attacks if they so wished, while Steel Chair Knight could run and jump like no tomorrow.
The match would last for an hour, the two tired by the end. Both would take a stance, ready their weapons, then charge! Running forward, both swung their signature weapons the hardest they could. The shovel and the steel chair barely grazed each other, small sparks flying off, as each weapon would hit the target in the head. Knocked to the sides, both would lay unmoving for a minute, the crowd watching with bated breath. Eventually, the clue-clad warrior would stir first, standing up with a bit of held from their shovel. Walking over to the downed opponent, Shovel Knight offered an open hand, to held the other knight up from the ground.
Steel Chair Knight could almost not believe the kindness being offered, nearly pulling their hand back after reaching out, but take Shovel Knight's hand they did. Now standing with a cheering crowd around them all, the Silver Stunner was stunned themself.
Later in that same day as everyone filed out of the colosseum, the Blue Burrower and Silver Stunner would be talking, chatting about what brought the latter to the valley and why they had interrupted the friendly tournament. The question would lead Steel Chair Knight on a pretty long story. A story to be told another day.
Occasionally, I still think about how some of the Darksiders characters could work in a MOBA like LoL or SMITE. It's sort of a fun thought experiment. A couple posts ago I went over how I guessed the Horsemen could work, now let's try some of the other characters. Considering these are non-playable characters, I'll use what I can from the Darksiders games as a bit of a basis while also taking some inspiration from the move-sets of characters in MOBAs.
First, a slight addendum to a previous post about the topic. Death’s three abilities could be Teleport Slash, his summoning ghouls, and Dust acting as a sort of "scout" similar to Ashe's Hawkshot in League while his Ultimate is his Reaper Form. Fury's three abilities could be a dash, her one Hollowless Wrath attack in Ds3, an ability to pull an enemy towards you while her Ultimate would he her Havoc Form.
SAMAEL: Using his boss fight from Ds2 as a bit of inspiration, he would have lightning and fire as part of his kit. His first ability could be fire related, being something like summoning a pillar of flame in a specific area while his second ability could maybe be a skillshot of throwing a bolt of lightning which has a chance of stunning an enemy. His third ability could be based off of when he summons the huge balls of plasma during his boss fight, the ones Death has to dodge. Finally, his Ultimate could be something like him forming an aura of lightning and fire to boost his attacks. So I guess he's got bits of Aatrox, Brand, and Kennen as inspiration?
URIEL: Using he boss fight from Ds1 as a bit of inspiration, alongside that of Kayle from LoL. She has one ability where she launch a blade of energy at the enemies, another ability where she summons down a sword or two, while another is a dash attack or tempory shield that could grant invulnerability, and her Ultimate is... I don't know at the moment. I'm sorry.
The ARCHON: He could maybe like a weird mix of Kayne and Lux. Abilities based around both his Angelic nature and the Corruption infecting him, with his Ultimate being a huge beam attack from the Rod of Arafel. I'm sorry I can't think of how to go in depth compared to others.
The DESTROYER: His Ultimate is kinda easy. Make it turning into his huge dragon form. His overall move-set could be a bit like Shyvana's? Oh, or maybe his overall move-set could take a tiny bit of inspiration from both Deathwing and Diablo in Heroes of the Storm! That could maybe work?
Anyways! Hope you all enjoyed this! If you got any input, that's cool! I would love to hear from people what ideas they got!

extreme measures pact of punishment be like
If there was one thing unique about this end of the world, it would be the appearance of the many gods and monsters, the many angels and demons. Death figured that someone, somewhere freed them all from the Battleground of the Gods. Either that or there was just something different now when it came to the end of the world.
Wandering the jungles of Earth, Death had come upon an ancient temple, one that he had not seen in many, many years. The Temple of Wonder and Pain.
The door had been opened, which meant two things: someone got in, or something got out. Death was more than willing to investigate by himself when he happened upon someone else inside. Someone who looked human but had the aura of a demon. The Demi-Fiend. What could the Demon of Darkness want with the Temple of Wonder and Pain?
Standing back and watching the Demi-Fiend, the Pale Rider would keep an eye on him. If he had to step in, he would, but for now it did not hurt to watch.
The Demi-Fiend had come to this temple looking for someone. Someone who had power that could help in his war against the Great Will. Humanity needed to gain its power to fight the forces of Order and Chaos, whether it be through their own power or by taking it from the gods and monsters of the world would be up to each individual.
Individuals such as Caradog McCallister. The Champion of the Dead. Caradog acted as protector of Xbeltz'aloc, as warden of the Gods of Wonder. Opening the door to the temple, Demi-Fiend stepped inside, ready for the hell that would come.
Caradog had not had a big challenge in some time, the fights with the Champions of the Gods of Wonder had grown stale, so when he felt a breeze pass through the halls, he knew that someone had found the temple and that got him a bit excited. Just maybe the type of challenge he's been looking for.
NOTES: This was kinda fun to write. I like testing myself, I guess, with writing something short like this. I had the idea sometime after writing up my previous post about how it would be cool to see other crossovers into SMT. Hope you all enjoyed this!
So... lately I sorta, kinda gained some interest in the Shin Megami Tensei series after watching a livestream playthrough of SMT 3 Nocturne. It was fun being there to watch and interact when I could. The playthrough featured the ability to recruit Dante from the Devil May Cry series, so it kinda got me thinking of other crossovers.
First up is the idea of Darksiders crossover: Darksiders' Four Horsemen could arguably fit pretty well, considering SMT has its own version of the Four. Also, it would be pretty cool if we could see how Death, War, Fury, and Strife could work in an RPG setting.
Next up, Hades: Zagreus and company would be so interesting to see crossover. Maybe Zag could be someone like Demi-Fiend, where he's got both human and non-human parts to him and thus is a strange mix.
Curse of the Dead Gods: Imagine someone like the Demi-Fiend or Nahobino just encountering Caradog McCallister. The old guy already has his hands full in the temple, so imagine him making out and finding out the world went to shit or something and just deciding to wander because of that. He could probably be a real interesting optional boss fight.
Overall, I think I had fun with some of these ideas. You think the crossovers could work or nah? Got any other ideas for crossovers?

more hades x dmc to celebrate going on uni break >:))

Imagine if these two bros meet

nimona x arcane crossover doodleeee 💥✍️
CKY... a band that from what I can tell has had plenty of ups and downs. I like this band, my favorite song of theirs being 96 Quite Bitter Beings. It just rocks. Anyways, wanted to talk about an idea I had concerning this song.
An adaptation of Marvel's Inhumans, with the opening credits set to this song.
Considering the Kree experimented on early humans to create the Inhumans, some of the experiments were probably unsuccessful and some not so humane. Imagine a montage in the opening credits to a new adaptation of the Inhumans, where Kree scientists are experimenting on early humans in a bid for super-soldiers in the Kree-Skrull War. Some humans survive, others don't. In the end the project would be shut down and maybe seen as a failure, leaving what surviving Inhumans behind on the Blue Side of the Moon.
What do you guys think? You agree l, disagree, got any ideas? Would love to hear some if any are willing to share.
You know, I oftentimes don't feel the same hype for indie animation that others feel. I get the hype, but don't feel it. Probably doesn't help that usually when I see whatever it is that people are hyping up that I'm left unimpressed.
Does not matter if it's Helluva Boss, Murder Drones, Port by the Sea or even that dumbass cartoon Monkey Wrench. I'm unimpressed.
Nothing wows me, because nothing it does is truly awe-inspiring or whatever. I'm more impressed by indie comics than I am indie animation.
I love animation, but nothing that any of these do is anything I love. Doesn't help that compared to non-indie animation, the plots are just kinda... lacking, I guess? They don't got anything that makes me want to stay, nothing that keeps my attention. Blue Eye Samurai and Arcane also had a hard time keeping my attention but at least I like the characters and the overall story. Nothing about the indie animations does that.
Did some writing for fun of a Darksiders fic! I've had this idea for a while, since it's fun to think about what else beyond Human, Angel, Demon, and Nephilim could exist in the Darksiders universe.
Within Creation there are many species known for their trickery, for it is a constant, whether selfish or selfless. The Fae are one of those known for the former. Less often for personal gain and more for their amusement. For that amusement, many Faeries’ favorite target is Humanity. A fact that the Charred Council has become quite aware of.
Across the cosmos, a call is sounded. Silent to many, loud and clear to the four it beacons! The four it calls? The Horsemen. Fury. Strife. War. Death. Enforcers of the Council, enforcers of Balance.
“Wonder what kind of mission would need all four of us.” states Strife.
“Probably a number of Demons attempting to corrupt parts of Creation.” replies War
“Or maybe some rogue angels looking to “bring Order” once again. For all the good it will do.” adds Fury.
“Maybe you will get your answers if you decide to listen!” roared a voice, coming from one of the stone heads that physically represents the Council.
“Now that we have your attention. There is a group of Faeries that have been a particular nuisance. Going around the universe, tricking many, too many. Now they play with Humanity.” added a second Council voice.
“Find them. And deal with them how you figure best.” Said the third face of the Charred Council.
Given their mission, the Horsemen set out to the realm where Fae will commonly be found. Discovering their targets to be relaxing at a bar within a small town, the Horsemen prepared for an encounter with pompous charlatans.
A brawl would break out, magic and weapons flying and clashing. The Horsemen had the edge over the Fae in magical and physical power. One thing that the Fae did have though is their wits, and with those wits, they could use their words to reason with and boggle the minds of the Horsemen.
“We will leave Humanity alone, stick to ourselves, even return what isn't ours!” proclaimed the Fae groups’ leader, Ikol.
“Really? We’ve been informed of your group in particular. What you say is only as true as you wish to make it.” Death replied “We’ll need something more substantial than just your words.”
“Of course!” Ikol said “A contract. Now let’s get down to business.”
A long discussion was had, tricky wording was used, phrases and terms that threw the Horsemen for a loop were said. And at the end of it all, as the contract was made, Ikol and his compatriots would find it’s not always hard to outwit and trick the most feared beings in Creation.
“Alright, hand over what isn’t yours, and see yourself off.” said Death, going through the motions.
“Yes, and same to you, Horsemen! Farewell! Oh, and you’re invited to the celebration, wear something nice.”
What Ikol had said left the Horsemen baffled, what celebration and why? The brothers figured it was probably the Fae speaking out of fear and wanting to get on their good side. Thinking not much else of it, they set off.
“So, you ever noticed that those losers were eyeing up Fury? Not shaming them or anything, but I don’t think they’d exactly love her bubbly personality.” joked Strife.
“Where is Fury?” inquired War
“What do you mean “Where is Fury?” She and Rampage aren’t alongside us?”
“No. They are not.”
That caused the brothers to stop in their tracks. Their sister isn't with them? Where is she then? She could not have gotten lost, she’s not one to stray or get sidetracked. Deciding to double back, they hoped that Fury had gotten a bit drunk and not noticed her brothers had left. Upon arriving, they would see that they're adversaries had already left, and there would be no Fury in sight either.
NOTES: I did this a loooooooong while ago. It's something I still need to finish fully. I doubt i'll post the full thing anytime soon, gotten look through my drive and see if I got any ideas to hopefully finish it. Anyways, hope you all enjoyed this.
Since it has been on my mind again, I want to talk about maybe another idea that could have been cool to see Riot Forge try out: a game set in ancient Shurima that focuses on the story of the Ascended versus the Void, or how the Darkin would become the Darkin. Or something that does both?
It could maybe something like the Civilization series of games, or maybe something like what I've seen of Marvel's Midnight Suns. Now that I think about, a smaller version of Midnight Suns would probably be a good idea for a game set around the Ascended versus the Void. I have heard that Midnight Suns is like XCOM, a game I have never played, so maybe whoever it was that Riot Forge could have hypothetically gotten for the game could pull off a 2D version of that gameplay.
Kinda wish I had more to say, but the ideas are not popping in my head all that easily. I do think it would be cool to get more of an idea on the Darkin before they were the Darkin, so who knows, maybe Riot themselves will give the idea a try one day.

🥀 Flamenco Morgana 💃 by WANDAKUN

tango Xayah and Rakan that I posted on twitter a million years ago… I still like this one a lot!
So... a while ago I made a small post about Blue Eye Samurai, as well as Daken from Marvel. Mostly as a way to talk about how it would be interesting for the son of Wolverine to be adapted to other mediums and get some recognition.
I know that last time I spoke of this, I talked about the idea of Daken's quest for revenge against his father and the idea of him bonding with Laura/X-23. I think with BES being a story about revenge, I think going with Daken bonding with his sister would be the better option. Oh! The adaptation that features them could be an adaptation of Wolverines, the comic where Logan is dead and people like him and/or connected to him are kidnapped and used by... I honestly forget who and for what purpose, it's been a while since I read Wolverines. I do remember it also featured Sabretooth and Mystique
Or maybe one could just go with his quest for revenge, or maybe have it be the story of a young Akihiro growing up, that anger and resentment at his father building and building, eventually him being trained by Romulus as something of a weapon against Logan.
If anybody else has any ideas, it's cool to share them. I wouldn't mind hearing of those ideas.
So... lately I have been having plenty of some fun playing LoL Wild Rift. It's a fun time... for the most part. Hope you all don't mind me venting a bit about the game. Or I guess more like just speaking my thoughts about some of what I find more annoying about it. In particular, Master Yi.
Master Yi... looks ridiculous, but that's not exactly what I want to talk about. It's about the utter ridiculousness of how much of a challenge he is. The dude is killing machine and so hard to defeat. I, as a player, have only killed him a very small handful of times. In my opinion, he's more annoying to fight than Teemo, fucking Teemo, just because he's got his stupid ass ability that makes him invulnerable.
Occasionally, I have looked at stuff around online, the least helpful being obviously Reddit, for just some help on maybe being able to take down the fucker. All Reddit fucking gives is "CC him" or "Invade his jungle early." You know, stuff that can be really hard to do if shit is just not going your way. Also, don't even think of giving me crap about this, I play this game casually, for fun. I can't have as much fun as I'd like if the cocaine samurai, as I saw someone call him once, is just constantly wreaking havoc on me and/or my teammates.
All this is probably not helped by how often I see Master Yi being played compared to other Junglers. The dude is just so good at clearing his jungle and taking down enemies that I see him very often in matches. Specifically PVP matches, I somewhat surprisingly don't see him in ARAM all that much. Then again, it is ARAM, and in ARAM I rarely get Champions that I play as in PVP.
I guess that’s all. You know, felt good to say this shit. To speak my mind about this stuff. I doubt I'll do more posts like this. Anyways! Hope anybody who reads this has a great day!
So, a while ago I got started on a Hades/Darksiders crossover fanfic. I got two chapters out and then it went on hiatus essentially. Lately, I have been itching to get back to, so I got started on chapter three. Here's the beginning parts of chapter three of Hades Hath No Fury...
"Augh, damn it!" Said Zagreus.
So close, yet still so far. Having lost to the Rider of the Black Horse once again, Zagreus pulled himself out of the House’s pool of Styx water. Cracking his neck and catching up with Megaera and Thanatos, the prince would go for another run through the Underworld. He felt that this time he could defeat Fury, he had succeeded in beating her but she had also succeeded in killing him. Jumping out of the courtyard/balcony window and down to his father’s doorstep, the prince met his first Olympian for this run, Ares.
“Hello, my kin. It has been a while since I last saw you here. Making it to the surface well enough, I presume. ” Ares spoke, his last line almost like a question.
“Not lately. Fury is still in my way.” Zagreus said out loud, more to himself since he presumed Ares could not hear him. What he had not noticed was a small raising of Ares’ eyebrow, as if he was baffled by that battered state of Zagreus’ body.
Closing his eyes and taking a boon, Zagreus felt a surge of Ares’ power flow through him, a lust for battle rolling through quickly before settling. Dashing forward, he struck the shade, a sword of crimson energy quickly appearing before stabbing downward. Doing the same to the other nearby shade, the ever-dying god would be let through to the next room of Tartarus. Forward and up he went, grabbing another boon or two from Artemis, Athena, and Aphrodite.
“Don’t be afraid to give a big shout when you call.” Said Artemis, her voice tinged with… something.
“Sometimes a good defense is the best offense.” Said Athena sagely and emotionless.
“Tell her that Aphrodite sends her regards.” Ominously spoke the Goddess of Love, as if she had a bone to pick with someone.
Zagreus wondered what was up with all of them. They looked after him, may even be a bit more than just family to him, but there was something else. Something for him to wonder more about after his next duel with the Wielder of Scorn.
Stepping inside the “arena,” Zagreus saw Fury stretching before turning around as the door thudded shut. Both once again had a staring contest before charging at each other. Fury jumped with her whip at the ready, lashing out with it as Zagreus dashed, the boon he got from Athena activating and sending the hit right back at the Rider of the Black Horse. The Horsewoman grunted in pain before turning quickly and getting a good lash in at Zagreus as he stood. In pain yet not ready to give up just yet, he started going on the offensive. Back and forth they traded blows, the two ending up with many wounds from the attacks. Zagreus had even called upon Artemis for help, yet all it did was leave the Horsewoman more angry.
Panting and barely holding themselves up, both combatants ran forward, Zagreus dashing at the last second to activate Athena’s boon, only for Fury to dodge backwards as he did so. She aimed to counterattack, only for Zagreus to dash again and cast his boon from Aphrodite, leaving the Nephilim weak for but a second. Long enough for Zagreus to deal the final blow.
... And there we go! Hope you enjoyed this couple paragraphs of what I wrote! I got a couple more things to write for this and then chapter three will be up where I posted the fic. I'll probably self-reblog the post I made that links to the actual fic.
I'm not the biggest fan of this band, I have not listened to everything by them, but I will say I do really like this song. It's a fun, energetic song that is a great time. Don't got much more to say beyond, if you give it a listen, I hope you enjoy.
The Battleground of the Gods. What a way to waste their time when Creation is on the brink of destruction. At least it is a designated battleground that puts little to no collateral in the way. No humans to kill in a bid to destroy those you hate. The Minions are more like a type of godling than anything else, in a way.
Those were Strife's thoughts as he took in the sites and breathed the air of the battleground. He had ended up here some time ago, some time after the Destroyer had made his attack on the Maker's Tree. He suspected his last minute spell had brought him here to what is a essentially a prison for those that the Charred Council could not destroy without unbalancing the universe. So a pocket dimension where you could keep all these Gods and Monsters together for however long was probably the best option anybody could come up with.
Walking forward into the battleground, Strife readied himself and reached for his guns, only to find he had neither on him. Right. He lost them. Having an idea of where Mercy and Redemption ended up, the Rider of the White Horse pulled out his blades and checked for his caltrops, knowing that he may have to go into battle with less power than he would have liked.