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Sniperscout. The crowd applause.

The Adventures of TinTin 2011 | dir. Steven Spielbergwho
Summary: Abducted by smugglers, Patton finds himself stuck in a cell with one of the most famous and bloodthirsty kind of deathworlders out there, a Human.
Author: @delimeful
The Clapping Lawyer
[The following skit is one I wrote for my drama class for 6-7 year-olds, and is a puppet show.]
The Clapping Lawyer
Andrew: There once was a lawyer…
Kian: He went to lawyer school, and was super smart…
Vitaly: However, he did something others found weird… He’d clap a lot…
Andrew: They were mostly happy claps…
Kian: Some were sarcastic claps…
Vitaly: He somehow even did angry claps…
Andrew: You’re skipping the beginning!
Kian: Oh, yeah! There it is now!
Vitaly: Back when the lawyer didn’t have arms!
*Flashback sign; time-warp noise*
The Lawyer: I love being a lawyer, but, something feels off…
Kian: Yes, despite how much he loved truth and justice, something was still missing…
The Lawyer: What’s that glorious noise?
Vitaly: Oh, that’s called clapping! You need arms to clap, though.
The Lawyer: Where can I get these “arms?”
Andrew: I know a guy who sells Black Market arms; come with me!
Kian: Oh, hey, guys! How can I help you?
The Lawyer: Two arms, please!
Kian: Here they are! Now, you take good care of them!
Vitaly: Why do they call this the Black Market, anyway?
Kian: Oh, just because it’s the colour black; nothing sinister here!
Andrew: And, that’s when things changed…
Vitaly: He loved his arms so much, and was so happy with them, that he started clapping at random times and places.
Kian: Why does he keep clapping? It’s so weird…
Andrew: Yeah. He clapped during our lawyer test; it was super distracting…
The Lawyer: You DO have the right to an attorney! Ah-HA! Take that, test! *claps*
Vitaly: He also has started clapping during court…
The Lawyer: *slow clap* OBJECTION!
Kian: Mr. Lawyer, your clapping is annoying!
The Lawyer: I’m just trying to spread joy through clapping… I’m just so excited and thankful for these arms…
Vitaly: It was then that they realized what an actual encouragement the clapping had been…
Andrew: He’d clap and cheer at their sports events…
Kian: He clapped and cried at Billy Bob Thorton’s wedding…
Vitaly: He clapped and encouraged them when they got accepted into Hogwarts…
The Lawyer: I clap because I care about you all!
Kian: That’s when we realized, also, that we were so busy being worried about looking cool and being accepted, that we shunned our friend, just because he was quirky…
Andrew: We’re so sorry we were rude… you’re not a total weirdo, like we thought…
Vitaly: I’m sorry I gossiped about you… to basically everyone…
The Lawyer: It’s alright, you guys! I forgive you! GROUP HUG!
Everyone: THE END!