Clonetrooperbrainrot - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago
So I Had The Bad Batch Is Over Blues, Started Watching Shortland Street And OH. MY. LORD It's The Perfect
So I Had The Bad Batch Is Over Blues, Started Watching Shortland Street And OH. MY. LORD It's The Perfect
So I Had The Bad Batch Is Over Blues, Started Watching Shortland Street And OH. MY. LORD It's The Perfect
So I Had The Bad Batch Is Over Blues, Started Watching Shortland Street And OH. MY. LORD It's The Perfect
So I Had The Bad Batch Is Over Blues, Started Watching Shortland Street And OH. MY. LORD It's The Perfect
So I Had The Bad Batch Is Over Blues, Started Watching Shortland Street And OH. MY. LORD It's The Perfect
So I Had The Bad Batch Is Over Blues, Started Watching Shortland Street And OH. MY. LORD It's The Perfect
So I Had The Bad Batch Is Over Blues, Started Watching Shortland Street And OH. MY. LORD It's The Perfect
So I Had The Bad Batch Is Over Blues, Started Watching Shortland Street And OH. MY. LORD It's The Perfect
So I Had The Bad Batch Is Over Blues, Started Watching Shortland Street And OH. MY. LORD It's The Perfect

So I had the Bad Batch is over blues, started watching Shortland Street and OH. MY. LORD it's the perfect cure if y'all need something to fill in copy paste men headcanons. Tem plays the perfect man & it's all on YT. You're welcome.

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7 months ago

Omg omg omg long hair Cody 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️

Undercover Cody & Obi-Wan
Undercover Cody & Obi-Wan
Undercover Cody & Obi-Wan

Undercover Cody & Obi-Wan

featuring Long Hair!Cody and Beardless!Obi-Wan

I know they're near unrecognizable, that's the point of being undercover ;D


PLEASE DO NOT REPOST, EDIT, TRANSLATE, OR OTHERWISE USE MY ART. To share, please reblog! Reblogs and comments greatly appreciated!!!

❀ You can see the rest of my art through the Masterpost pinned to the top of my blog!

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7 months ago

Love this! Had to make a 501st version.

There weren't enough squares for everyone, so it goes like this:

It's Rex's account

Given the password by Rex: Denal, Appo & Kix

Guessed the password (after several tries & an anxious Echo telling him not to mess with it): Fives

Given the password by Fives: Jesse, Tup & Echo

Found the password on a napkin Jesse left lying around & gave it to everyone else: Hardcase

Badgers Rex into changing the password for security reasons: Dogma

Love This! Had To Make A 501st Version.

Just something goofy I made while I had a bit of free time on my trip

Just Something Goofy I Made While I Had A Bit Of Free Time On My Trip

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7 months ago

Cody's "would never run off without telling you" 💀 And of course Echo's is perfection. I'd super like him so fast 💙

justanotherdikutsimp - justanotherdi'kutsimp
justanotherdikutsimp - justanotherdi'kutsimp
justanotherdikutsimp - justanotherdi'kutsimp
justanotherdikutsimp - justanotherdi'kutsimp
justanotherdikutsimp - justanotherdi'kutsimp
justanotherdikutsimp - justanotherdi'kutsimp
justanotherdikutsimp - justanotherdi'kutsimp
justanotherdikutsimp - justanotherdi'kutsimp
justanotherdikutsimp - justanotherdi'kutsimp
justanotherdikutsimp - justanotherdi'kutsimp

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7 months ago
Rewatching Rebels & I Noticed The GILFs' AT-TE Has That Padm Pinup On The Wall... I Think This Was Gregor's
Rewatching Rebels & I Noticed The GILFs' AT-TE Has That Padm Pinup On The Wall... I Think This Was Gregor's

Rewatching Rebels & I noticed the GILFs' AT-TE has that Padmé pinup on the wall... I think this was Gregor's doing bc Rex knows too much about Anakin & Padmé and was visibly uncomfortable in that deleted scene when the Batch show off the nose art.

I reckon Wolffe defs appreciates it, but since he's had no contact with the Batch so far, I'm gonna go with Gregor got the poster off Wrecker & it was his idea to put it up. Rex objected, but was overruled because he couldn't be like "that's my friend's wife you got up there" so he didn't have a good enough reason for them not to display it. I hc he kept Anakin's secret even after he "passed".

Rewatching Rebels & I Noticed The GILFs' AT-TE Has That Padm Pinup On The Wall... I Think This Was Gregor's

They also have the 79s logo in the cockpit which is a nice lil detail. I reckon the tallies behind it are how many joopas they've caught

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7 months ago

Echo isn't on this list because everyone knows he is the handsomest of handsoms, the prettiest of all the pretty bois, it wouldn't even be fair to include him because he would out-vote them all no question.

Also Fives being no. 5 on the list is poetic, but incorrect, as a Domino Twin he should be no. 2

And I love that as fandom, we have collectively imagined what Fox looks like and decided that not only is he hot, but hot enough to be in the top 5 apparently

And Jesse's scrunchy face alone should have him up higher. Like if we're talking beardless Clone Wars Kix and not hot scruffy pirate Kix, Jesse definitely ranks higher.

I just really wanted to make a poll okay…

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7 months ago
Do You Love Clones As Much As We Do? Join Our Discord Server!

Do you love clones as much as we do? Join our Discord Server!

The Copy Paste Republic is a 16+ SFW Discord Server centered around the Star Wars clones, specifically The Clone Wars and The Bad Batch! Meet other people who love these shows and characters as much as you do, participate in fun events, share your content and support one another!

What this server offers you:

Everything you need to enjoy TCW and TBB as a community!

An inclusive safe space that's LGBTQ+friendly, has PluralKit and a team of moderators who prioritize your comfort and who are steadily working on improving the community!

A kind and accepting group of members!!

A space to promote your fanworks!

Regular Events like GarticPhone, CAH, Watchparties, Quiz Nights etc.!

A place to gush about your favorite clones. Any and all of them!

A server structure that's easy to navigate!

Pictures of Echo but that's like, an added bonus

Joining Requirements:

Be at least 16 years old. The rest of our requirements for members are private / written in the server rules. This is to prevent people who don't match the joining requirements from falling under the radar and later having to be kicked.

How do I join?

Reblog this post and put "the cavalry has arrived" in your tags to indicate that you want to join the server. A Moderator will then DM you the invite link if you match our joining requirements!

Do You Love Clones As Much As We Do? Join Our Discord Server!

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6 months ago

Daaaayum the boys in black.... 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️

audio seemed fitting

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6 months ago

gorgeous boi 🥹💙

A Fives Portrait To Go With This Portrait

a fives portrait to go with this portrait

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